Exactly, just do a search on HDMI cable reviews or check the better AV sites. They all show the same thing: below a length of about 10 metres there is NO difference in quality between any HDMI cable (e.g. a 2 metre 100 euro cable has no benefit over a 10 euro cable of the same length).
The same is not true if you start to increase distance however, so you still may need a better cable if you need to cover a larger distance.
Still, for 99% of the users, any cable will do.
It's an 8 foot cable, and don't worry, i didn't pay the full £150 rrp, i got mine for £30 including shipping across the pond.
The reason to buy this cable is, well it's not a myth what they claim, just maybe some of the tech isn't needed for such a short cable, but the thing is, this thing is future proof. When the next technology arrives this cable will still have enough bandwith to cope. To put things into perspective i had a crappy £10 cable and i think that had just under 3 GB/S bandwith, then i moved up to a fully gold plated £30 cable. Can't remember the bandwidth of that one, then the Monster 1000, with 14.9 GB/S bandwidth.
Now i read a few reviews, and some technical explanations of some people who don't even have the cable, but claim it's a waste of money. They told all this technical jargon about how any decent gold plated cable has more than enough bandwidth to cope and how because the signal is digital not analogue then there is no loss of data. Well some of that technically might be true, but these are only the basics.
Let me tell you, there was a deffinate improvement from my decent quality fully gold plated cable. Anyone that says there won't be a difference probably doesnt own one. Bear in mind this i noticed with only an 8 footer as well, for long wall installations the difference will be even more noticeable.
Don't get me wrong it wasn't a night and day improvement, the sharpness improved ever so slightly, and there seemed less ghosting and blurring of edges. Where you notice it the most, is in contrast and saturation, the blacks were much, much deeper, and the colours more vivid. It was very noticeable. To be honest, it probably makes as dramatic an improvement as going from a Samsung television to a Pioneer.
So for anyone who doesn't belive in the Monster cable myth, well let me tell you, if you can pick one up of Ebay for about £30 or infact i saw a website the other day doing it for about the same price. It's the top of the range M1000, and believe me you will be kissing my feet. Especially if you have a top of the range TV or monitor and you want to get the best out of what you paid for. Is it worth £150, maybe, not sure wether i would have paid it, but for longer cables, most definately so, or if you want the absolute best in picture quality, believe me people it's not a myth.