When the new update came about i had a go with a few cars and instantly saw the GTlm was by far the king of the track, don't get me wrong i have witnessed other makes mixing it with the leading pack of GTlm's, one that springs to mind was Zabeu in the Ford GT, we all know there's exceptional drivers out there who can take another make of car and run with those GTlm's. I could jump in my GTlm and if able to stay on track mix it with some of those GTlm driver's, not all, Fak_Evil is not your usual GTlm driver.......BUT where's the fun especially when racing at a designated GTP race time, any other time and yes maybe you will come across mainly GTLm's, but at the 00-15-30-45 times you will find GTP'ers besides our friends from other groups racing in Vette's, GTR's, Amuse, Viper, Ford gt, Evo's besides other non tuned cars, is it that demoralizing on the ego to jump in a slightly/greatly inferior car and swap places/paint with those guys. Im sure most people have been in at least one race where they lead/won but was way in front, where's the fun in that, you see more posts here with people swapping tales of near misses, close racing than you do of people who win by dominating a race........i think what Timo's done is a good idea, ban the GTlm, jump in another car and have a closer racing experience...maybe.