International Event - Suzuka Expert 750 pp 00-15-30-45

  • Thread starter maxzibit
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hi there:)

RPM, i'm sorry to say that but " do something, i don't know why....but do it please:nervous:"

my problem is always start quicker with your GTR, no problem...ok
but are you aware that you are pretty slow on S part and everyone gtlm guy behind you must use breake a lot to not pushing u, and the driver behind this guy must do same etc after beeing lucky and escape problems on first corner, another one comin'...usually worst,sorry:embarrassed:uch

GTP members must thanks you , like that impossible to escape on first lap...good work mate:tup:

ok, tell me what do you think please..

I am aware that the GTR starts very fast.

I am aware that the GTR is slow around the first corners.

I am aware the faster cars behind me have to be pateint.

...but I don't understand what you want me to do?
Apologies to Synwraith... that race was hectic!

No worries mate, the racing was fantastic between you, Stotty and myself. The bump you gave me wasn't dramatic and we all carried on, but on the last lap the bump I got at Spoon from SHURIK_2NR[RU] and his orange Viper was savage, bye bye victory. Having said that, he did immediately PM me and ask if it was him, I said yes, and he apologised. Happens to all of us, I have lost count of how many apologies I have sent this week.

Sinsemila, absolutely perfect gentlemanly driving, you're a paragon of good manners on track. Very quick in the GT06, could have made a move on me at turn 1 or 130R on about 4/5 laps but always erred on the side of respect and caution. Thank you genuinely for clean racing at its best.

Hugo, I saw you enter a couple of races but what happened? I never saw you in the race :( Was really looking forward to learning from one of the best.

If I could just get haripin -> spoon 1 sorted out I could really scare those GTLMs...

Great racing also by Bollocks and Drama_kyd. Cheers folks, I'm out for tonight.


I am aware that the GTR starts very fast.

I am aware that the GTR is slow around the first corners.

I am aware the faster cars behind me have to be pateint.

...but I don't understand what you want me to do?

Actually I remember having to work really REALLY hard to catch you the other day, and GTLMs are fast enough to pass ANYTHING. I would say there is absolutely no need to change anything you are doing. It's up to us to get around or underneath you....if we can catch you!

All the best
Maz (Synwraith)
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I am aware that the GTR starts very fast.

I am aware that the GTR is slow around the first corners.

I am aware the faster cars behind me have to be pateint.

...but I don't understand what you want me to do?

Drive something else :sly:

I think people just get frustrated is all. Gotta admit I don't like racing against the GTR but I would never get on at someone for their choice of car, within reason. I think what everyone has to remember is that, until private rooms or PD decide to give us a few one make only races, there is always going to be an inconsistency in performance in different areas of he track.

Your goal as a player is to learn how to pimp the cars that are slower than you, through the sections they are slower and to hold them up by driving a tight defensive line, through the areas they're faster. I usually kick the crap out of 4wd's in general on Suzuka 750 but a good driver can get the drop. More power to you if you can pull it off.

I have to admit the cars that annoy me the most right now are the lm specs. It's too easy to find a setup that outperforms my stock GT to the point of uncatchable but I'm pretty sure the average amuse and viper drivers feel the same way about me as the lm specs seem to feel about the GTR -namely that I'm slower through the twisty bits but can pull away at a rapid set of knots on the straights.
:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: MORE GTR hating.

First off: Why are you complaining about having to drive slowly because someone infront of you is slow... Pick your spot and overtake them.

Second: The GTLM will beat anything anyway. So if you cant overtake at the first S's then wait and overtake somewhere else.

Third: The GTR WILL keep up with the other cars. Maybe not a GTLM because they beat anything, but people drive Ford GT's, Tuned Z06's, Mines GTR's, Tuned Vipers and when I drive my GTR I can keep up with them.

I can get my GTR up to the front of the pack and compete with other cars. Maybe if you think the GTR is to slow with your GTLM then get out your GTLM and race something else....

Im pretty bored with people complaining about the GTR.... Rant over 👍

I am aware that the GTR starts very fast.

I am aware that the GTR is slow around the first corners.

I am aware the faster cars behind me have to be pateint. it's quasi impossible pass you without push u if you don't do mistakes (and your drift style don't help:sly:) and then with your fast speed it's very hard to pass again ifi the guy followin you don't do perfect corner before straight....if not ahave to wait another lap...that's it mate????

do what you want dude but if were me i'll do something to not beeing the one who block faster guy by way not very fairplay...:indiff:

i think it's easy to go this way,saying "what do you want me to do" inocently:sly:

also if i wanted could do same by puting r1 tyres and same like you take all the road on corners and use my power on straigth to not been overtake...but for me it's shamy so will never go this way..
if you don't agree my point of view, apologizes and please forget this post...
next time if no solution i know what i will do:sly:

...but I don't understand what you want me to do?

:crazy: arf
:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead: MORE GTR hating.

First off: Why are you complaining about having to drive slowly because someone infront of you is slow... Pick your spot and overtake them.

Second: The GTLM will beat anything anyway. So if you cant overtake at the first S's then wait and overtake somewhere else.

Third: The GTR WILL keep up with the other cars. Maybe not a GTLM because they beat anything, but people drive Ford GT's, Tuned Z06's, Mines GTR's, Tuned Vipers and when I drive my GTR I can keep up with them.

I can get my GTR up to the front of the pack and compete with other cars. Maybe if you think the GTR is to slow with your GTLM then get out your GTLM and race something else....

Im pretty bored with people complaining about the GTR.... Rant over 👍

and me i'm bored do evreything i can for be fairplay with guy who are not...i start understanding what doctorben really feels....💡
ok mate no prob do it again ....but don't be surprise if we had contact cause now if i see a open door i will go there and it will hapen what will hapen .... :indiff:

and don't worry, i'm not crying just want to explain you something thatmany guys considerate regular...let me laught
and wasn't for my own benefit because i however finish by overtake, but think about all drivers
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and me i'm bored do evreything i can for be fairplay with guy who are not...i start understant what doctoben feels really....💡
ok mate no prob do it again ....but don't be surprise if we had contact cause now if i see a open door i will go there and it will hapen what will hapen .... :indiff:

It's possible to pass cleanly in the esses, but it's not easy. Both racers need to be aware of what's happening so neither drifts into the other and sends them off track. I commonly see racers going for the inside pass on Dunlop, and then drifting wide into the car they are trying to pass, sending them off.

If you see an opening, by all means go for it, but do everything you can to avoid contact. If you make an ill advised attempt, and send someone off, do the decent thing and pull over and let them have the position back (yes, and maybe 7 other cars too, if it's early). This will do far more for your reputation than winning yet another race in an overpowered car.
But why is there need for contact.... If you have such a good car as you make out to have and the GTR is SOOO bad, then you should be able to pass easy right?

Just wait. Have some respect for other drivers who may not be as good as others. The GTR can be driven fast enough to compete with the other cars, and deserves to be driven in 750.

If you dont think so Im sure GTP_Bollocks would like to prove to you that its fast enough (VERY quick GTR racer).
I understand you Jack. Dont smash your head up to bad.

Rules of the Suz 750pp makes anny car go. I prefer one make races BUT I respect the choice of other drivers when this is the setting of the event.

It's not a big bag of monney for those making 1st is it?
:lol: Marchbrown, Im not dont worry.

Just annoys me with the amount of GTR hating on this site. Then when you get people not liking a car + egos = CRAZY DRIVNG :lol:
But why is there need for contact.... If you have such a good car as you make out to have and the GTR is SOOO bad, then you should be able to pass easy right?

Just wait. Have some respect for other drivers who may not be as good as others. The GTR can be driven fast enough to compete with the other cars, and deserves to be driven in 750.

If you dont think so Im sure GTP_Bollocks would like to prove to you that its fast enough (VERY quick GTR racer).

no please i'm scared ...houuuu let impress me....

no prob the faster guy ever seen with a gtr is HTX976(jp) we speak and he know i'm faster ....he race but when he see that make me loose too much time , he let me pass and try to follow me ...ask him or ask all TEW members you know, how beeing on race, unfair is not the guy who think first....and i exactely know how to pass without contact but many guys don't want so they do like if you wasn't here...i don't have to justify myself...good ones know my way to do,so what jalous think....i dont care...
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I think the GTR is one of the best cars on the game, that probably why i always choose the drive it..

I had a situation earlier this evening when i was racing Synwraith and GTP_Stotty, they would reel me in through the esses and in Sector 1, and then I would pull away in Sector 2,

Common sense really, It's all about being patient and choosing your spot to overtake
no please i'm scared ...houuuu let impress me....

no prob the faster guy ever seen with a gtr is HTX976(jp) we speak and he know i'm faster ....he race but when he see that make me loose too much time , he let me pass and try to follow me ...ask him or ask all TEW members you know, how beeing on race, unfair is not the guy who think first....and i exactely know how to pass without contact but many guys don't want so they do like if you wasn't here...i don't have to justify myself...good ones know my way to do,so what jalous think....i dont care...

Well if you dont want to prove your point then dont bother posting **** in the thread. The GTR is a fast enough car to compete, but according to you its to slow.

If your guna drive dirty and punt people of the track because of their car choice / ablitiy then I think you should nicely **** off 👍
Can people stop driving GTLM's on this event please!!! They are too slow through the esses and hold my elise up. :rolleyes:

Whooops, sorry guys, just joined the race using my F40, thought the elise was last car i used.
Calm down matter what car your in you will always those infront and those behind. The infront...ies will either make you work to pass them, give you space to pass them or move over when it's convenient for them to allow you to pass, same as those behind...ies will either wait for an opportunity to pass, pressure you to make a mistake then pass, or barge you the fook out the way. I like to think i can bide my time to pass when behind or allow you to pass at my convenience when infront
how many times did you beat fast gtlm driver with your elisetoo funny:dopey::dopey:

and jack ok if you want i'm a punter.. go see rudi's video and then could open your mouth .loooooooooooooool
i say 1 word JALOUS:sly:
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how many times did you beat fast gtlm driver with your elisetoo funny:dopey::dopey:

and ok i you want i'm a punter...loooooooooooooool
i say 1 word JALOUS:sly:

I didn't say you wouldn't beat me, i just pointed out that GTLM's are slower through the esses than my elise, so therefore they shouldn't be used (using your logic)

EDIT: i notice you edited your post before i could reply.

Thank god for the back button on my browser here is what you said:

how many times did you beat fast gtlm driver with your elise....if you want to see if i'm to slow for you ...come on let's race 10 will loose8 for sure....too funny

and ok i you want i'm a punter...loooooooooooooool
i say i word JALOUS
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Hugo, I saw you enter a couple of races but what happened? I never saw you in the race :( Was really looking forward to learning from one of the best.

Hi Maz, just wasn't that lucky today. Tried the Elise for the first time, but in the process of improving the setup and getting to know the car I was faced with punters, lots of lag and force feedback problems. I also lost my concentration because of that and started to make errors. So I either retired a race or I was running in the background...

In the end I got my setup sorted and had some great races battling with all the LM's. Only by that time you were already gone.. Will catch you soon again ;)

Btw, I noticed you have your Vette going pretty well, since you finished second once in a very strong field. Keep it up 👍
you understant what you want...lool
it's not gtr judgement ...just a particulare case in the start of race....i love seeing htx driving his gtr.....then every body use the car he wants but not the problem at all ...are you all childs for no understanding ???

i take the leed to block others....and gtlm blocking elise is quit rare cause very slow to start and the gtlm go far before elise get back.....after it's the race ...and no prob to wait behind slower guy, i did 10000000times so thx i know i have too wait...ok no matter i let u between gtp members ....but
did you really think i'm a noob.....:sly:
I didn't say you wouldn't beat me, i just pointed out that GTLM's are slower through the esses than my elise, so therefore they shouldn't be used (using your logic)

EDIT: i notice you edited your post before i could reply.

Thank god for the back button on my browser here is what you said:

how many times did you beat fast gtlm driver with your elise....if you want to see if i'm to slow for you ...come on let's race 10 will loose8 for sure....too funny

and ok i you want i'm a punter...loooooooooooooool
i say i word JALOUS

Q I ?????????????:scared::scared::scared::scared:
Thanos your posts are unreadable! learn english or don't bother even typing that jibberish :rolleyes:
Sorry was starting to trun dyslexic raednig taht grabage!

even worse with a few Holstens in the bloodstream :P
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