Introduce Yourself! New Member Introductions Thread — Come Say Hello!

  • Thread starter Jordan
  • Hello, new here to the forum. Name is Eden, and my in game name FullSweatTryhard on all major platforms
  • I found this forum through google search
  • I’m from Ontario Canada
  • Been playing raving games since TDU on PC in the early 90’s
  • My sim set-up is a G923 with gearbox with PSVR2 support
  • Other games I enjoy are sport games, PGA2K23, Flight Sims like Warthunder IL-2 Sturmovik, and most AAA games on steam or PS5
  • I’m most looking forward to getting help with running and learning about the fine intricacies of the game
Welcome man, I like your avatar. It is really cool!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi everybody! Despite being an avid Gran Turismo fan, it wasn't until now that I decided to make an account right here because one never stops learning and improving ones driving skills, also to report glitches and bugs, lol.

-I found GTPlanet by following the news of the comunity on the YouTube channel.

-I'm from México

-I started playing Racing games ever since I could get my hands and feet on the steering wheel and pedals from the Arcade machine of SEGA Out-Run, around when I was 8 years old give or take.

-I drive on a steering wheel set-up of a Logitech G29 Driving Force with its respective shifter on a Playseat Challenge compact seat.

-I do enjoy other racing games like the Need For Speed series, GRID Legends, Project Cars 3, etc.

Also I do like other generes like "The Gran Turismo of Fighter Jets": Ace Combat series, many Mobile Suit Gundam Games, The Battlefield series, World Of Tanks, World Of Warships, War Thunder and Grand Thief Auto V/Online, etc.

-I do hope to contribute to the comunity in possitive ways, giving opinions and tips if nesesary or sharing experiences around.
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Hi everybody! Despite being an avid Gran Turismo fan, it wasn't until now that I decided to make an account right here because one never stops learning snd improving ones driving skills, also to report glitches and bugs, lol.

-I found GTPlanet by following the news of the comunity on the YouTube channel.

-I'm from México

-I started playing Racing games ever since I could get my hands and feet on the steering wheel and pedals from the Arcade machine of SEGA Out-Run, around when I was 8 years old give or take.

-I drive on a steering wheel set-up of a Logitech G29 Driving Force with its respective shifter on a Playseat Challenge compact seat.

-I do enjoy other racing games like the Need For Speed series, GRID Legends, Project Cars 3, etc.

Also I do like other generes like "The Gran Turismo of Fighter Jets": Ace Combat series, many Mobile Suit Gundam Games, The Battlefield series, World Of Tanks, World Of Warships, War Thunder and Grand Thief Auto V/Online, etc.

-I do hope to contribute to the comunity in possitive ways, giving opinions and tips if nesesary or sharing experiences around.
Awesome, I visited Mexico twice in my entire lifetime, it was so great there and the scenery was real and gorgeous to look at.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hey guys. I found this site searching for engine swaps and then got into suspension tuning.

  • native chicagoan, currently in korea
  • started with gt1 on ps1 lol
  • controller 😔
  • 2k, gta
  • tuning setup 🙏
Hey guys. I found this site searching for engine swaps and then got into suspension tuning.

  • native chicagoan, currently in korea
  • started with gt1 on ps1 lol
  • controller 😔
  • 2k, gta
  • tuning setup 🙏
Welcome mate! I'm glad you found us and GTplanet. I'm Chris if you want to know my name.
Hi. I found GT Planet searching the net looking for Gran Turismo car information.

I'm from Texas. I started playing racing games around the time Playstation 2 was in production. I I've always used a controller. I used to have a wheel (Logitech wheel Combo) but currently I am playing with controller on GT 7. I plan on getting a wheel soon not sure which one yet. The other games I play are Need for Speed, Roleplay games like Metal Gear Solid The Phantom Pain. I here to learn tuning tricks and tips and stay up to date on car addition and suggest new cars.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hello Jordan ,

-Very interesting
-Probably when I was tall enough to reach the controllers of an arcade machine and the world was in 8 bit.
-I had one for my ps2 and 3 but I'm considering to buy one for my ps5 now.
-Call of duty,fortnite zero built because its kind of fun playing,mud-and snowrunner and vr games.
-Getting information,tricks and tips
Hello Jordan ,

-Very interesting
-Probably when I was tall enough to reach the controllers of an arcade machine and the world was in 8 bit.
-I had one for my ps2 and 3 but I'm considering to buy one for my ps5 now.
-Call of duty,fortnite zero built because its kind of fun playing,mud-and snowrunner and vr games.
-Getting information,tricks and tips
Jordan and Famine are awesome, they keep this site under control, it is a big one with many threads to choose and post from. Welcome man, I'm Chris.
Jordan and Famine are awesome, they keep this site under control, it is a big one with many threads to choose and post from. Welcome man, I'm Chris.

Hello Chris,
Thanks for the warm welcome,I'm still working my way through this site and probably gonna make mistakes ,for instance posting things in te wrong treads but eventually after a wile I will work it out I hope 😉
Hello Chris,
Thanks for the warm welcome,I'm still working my way through this site and probably gonna make mistakes ,for instance posting things in te wrong treads but eventually after a wile I will work it out I hope 😉
Well, you'll get used to the site, just take your time finding certain threads you like and post there ontopic as best as you can!
Hello everyone,

Found GTPlanet via facebook post discussing where to find GT7 leagues, I tried to join one a while back but they were based in Europe and I on the west coast of US makes for a difficult alignment to race together.

Washington State, USA

I've always been a car guy, I was probably turning wrenches before I was walking. Been playing Gran Turismo since the first, although I'm only now getting into the full sim rig and whatnot.

Currently using my Logitech Pro and loving it.

I would love to find a league that I can participate in to further hone my racing and actually talk to people who appreciate the joy of sim racing.
Hello everyone,

Found GTPlanet via facebook post discussing where to find GT7 leagues, I tried to join one a while back but they were based in Europe and I on the west coast of US makes for a difficult alignment to race together.

Washington State, USA

I've always been a car guy, I was probably turning wrenches before I was walking. Been playing Gran Turismo since the first, although I'm only now getting into the full sim rig and whatnot.

Currently using my Logitech Pro and loving it.

I would love to find a league that I can participate in to further hone my racing and actually talk to people who appreciate the joy of sim racing.
I'm glad you love your Logitech Pro, I'm hoping to own one in several years when I get older and more experienced in Sport Mode. I'm Chris. I found out about GTplanet via Twitter and Facebook like you. I'm glad I did the extra work and research to find this site or I would have missed a lot of friends and useful information.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

I found GTPlanet by Googling questions about Gran Turismo strategies
I live in Texas, USA
I started with GT7 last Winter when I got it as a Xmas present. I've raced BMW and Nissan sports sedans for 25 years but decided to quit because of the cost and how little seat time I was getting. I can get as much seat time in an afternoon of GT7 as I would in a weekend at the track (assuming the car stays healthy).
I use a Logitech steering wheel and pedal set.
Mostly board games
Getting answers to questions regarding car set-ups and strategies. If anybody is curious as to how to get into physical car racing, I'm happy to give advice and make suggestions.
I found GTPlanet by Googling questions about Gran Turismo strategies
I live in Texas, USA
I started with GT7 last Winter when I got it as a Xmas present. I've raced BMW and Nissan sports sedans for 25 years but decided to quit because of the cost and how little seat time I was getting. I can get as much seat time in an afternoon of GT7 as I would in a weekend at the track (assuming the car stays healthy).
I use a Logitech steering wheel and pedal set.
Mostly board games
Getting answers to questions regarding car set-ups and strategies. If anybody is curious as to how to get into physical car racing, I'm happy to give advice and make suggestions.
Welcome, one of my cousins lives in Austin, Texas. I hope you enjoy your stay here and find many friends to hang out with, :)

My name is Chris. I got gt7 has my 32nd birthday present, it was a month late though. I ordered a copy at Amazon for about $60.
Welcome, one of my cousins lives in Austin, Texas. I hope you enjoy your stay here and find many friends to hang out with, :)

My name is Chris. I got gt7 has my 32nd birthday present, it was a month late though. I ordered a copy at Amazon for about $60.
Hello, Chris
Austin is a great town and of course COTA is there. I wish they would add COTA to GT7. I drove it a couple times but you really need a car with a lot of top end. Otherwise, those straights just go on forever. Not to mention the track layout looks like they gave a kid a shot of espresso and a crayon. Maybe if I could drive some laps in a GT3 car on Gran Turismo it would start to make sense.
Otherwise the only track I've driven that's on Gran Turismo is the Nordschliefe at Nurburgring. My son and I did some laps in an Audi TT and I was happy to get off the track in one piece. I'm still trying to learn the layout. I met a guy there in a BMW who said he crashed on his 50th lap because he got over-confident. Nice to be able to drive it in GT7 without having to worrying about wadding up the car into a ball of sheet metal.
Hi folks, my PS5 profile name is Gyridian. I came across GT Planet, while researching engine swaps. I haven't done any yet, since the availability of duplicating a car is really limited and I'm worried it'll mess it up. The concern (especially after the last update) is taking a car at its peak PP and have to cripple it like a three legged horse to qualify.

My first sim was Test Drive on an Amiga 500. What really got me hooked though, was the first Need for Speed. I played NR2003 for quite a while (I really liked the detailed setup options) and enjoyed racing in a league.

I have finished the championship campaign, the base car collecting books and designed a few liveries. The game is beautiful, but I feel like I'm running out of reasons to play. Typically I finish the weekly races, shop all the used cars I already own and contemplate buying legendary cars for multi millions, that'll never see a track.

I only tried one session of multiplayer and after being bounced around like a ping pong ball, just quit out. Obviously a session with some very aggressive players. I have to research how to increase my driver rating. I think maybe not even qualifying, gain one spot and then ride out the race, all the while trying to avoid Mad Max? I'll check the forums, certainly there is a thread about it.

Currently using a dual sense joystick, but I do have a Logitech G29 (my Nephew is borrowing at the time). i don't have my large TV setup yet, so the driving frame and wheel isn't a priority.

Great site BTW!
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

My name is Cj and I played GT1 - GT3 and stopped at 4 cause I didnt like the stiff chase cam. And I switched to XBOX. Watching YT Videos of GT7 gameplay piqued my interest. So I bought a PS5, GT7 and a G923 setup.

1.I found GT Planet while trying to browse solutions to my concern with update 1.50, and the resulting LACK OF FFB Torque. The G923 used to have PLENTY of torque for me, but after the update, now its just a handful of cars that still have the Torque effect. The rest feel like level 2. This wasnt a problem before the update and now I might have to buy a new wheel with a higher nM rating and sell my BASICALLY BRAND NEW G923 bundle w/shifter.
2. USA
3. 1998
4. YES. Logi G923 since April this year.
5. Resident Evil, Final Fantasy, Skyrim, Forza,
Hogwarts Legacy, DB Xenoverse.
6. Connecting with people to find a solution to my issue.
Hello, Chris
Austin is a great town and of course COTA is there. I wish they would add COTA to GT7. I drove it a couple times but you really need a car with a lot of top end. Otherwise, those straights just go on forever. Not to mention the track layout looks like they gave a kid a shot of espresso and a crayon. Maybe if I could drive some laps in a GT3 car on Gran Turismo it would start to make sense.
Otherwise the only track I've driven that's on Gran Turismo is the Nordschliefe at Nurburgring. My son and I did some laps in an Audi TT and I was happy to get off the track in one piece. I'm still trying to learn the layout. I met a guy there in a BMW who said he crashed on his 50th lap because he got over-confident. Nice to be able to drive it in GT7 without having to worrying about wadding up the car into a ball of sheet metal.
Well, enjoy your stay mate, you will find a lot of great people and threads on here, it is a huge website welcome to people of all ages.
  • How did you find GTPlanet? Search engine to look for a forum for the game I'm playing
  • Where are you from? Guam, but reside in Utah.
  • When did you start playing racing games? Age 29
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use? No
  • What other games do you enjoy? Forza Motorsport series, Yakuza series
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community? learning how to be a better player for the Gran Turismo series, learn more key tips
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Found trough a friend
With 12
Controller only
Mostly racing games
Hi all,

Thanks for letting me join. I am a newbie to sim racing, while have some track day experience with my Prosche 997. Bought a set of Fanatec GT3 RS Wheels plus CSL Elite pedals (and shifter), over 8yr ago... but then life changed and moved to a condo with no room to set them up.

Kept them all these years, and now that I have my own office, would like to set them up. Need some help. While I have my own office, it's also not huge, I have a bike for workout and weights also in here taking up room. What's min setup?

1. I have both Desktop and Xbox One X, would either work or the wheel is only PC?
2. Are these wheels/pedals compatible with latest PC/Xbox games? or they're obsolete?
3. I have a large desk that can accommodate 2-3 monitors (only have 1 now), but mounting the steering wheel maybe difficult as it's glass top, plus it has a drawer underneath... so not sure how tight I could mount the steering wheel to the desk?!
4. I have a regular desk chair, it won't work for sim racing, but is there's a way to make it stop moving during driving?
5. Do I need a sim rig with seat/stand, or just a stand? It needs to be compact, or fold for storage... or should I first try my desk setup?
6. For high quality sim racing (iRacing, etc...) what GPU is recommended? I have a GTX 1070 now, and eventually might wanna get 2-3 monitors.

Any other pointers would be greatly appreciated!


PS. Located in Canada, but can order/pickup stuff in US.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

Hi! Long time lurker, first time poster.
  • Think I found this place when I got GT5 for Christmas and started looking around for tips.
  • United States (New Jersey).
  • Since about 2002/2003-ish (3 or 4 y/o) when my dad got the Xbox bundle w/ Sega GT & JSRF.
  • Controller.
  • Like to play platformers, sandbox, and action games, and been trying to get into RPGs.
  • Sharing my liveries and gelling with other players.
I'm new to this forum
(How lucky I was to find it a long time ago, although I have now registered it)

I am a regular Assetto Corsa player although I also love Automobilsita 2 although I currently prefer the first
I play both offline
I have a Thrustmaster TS XW steering wheel

I think this forum is great for all of us who enjoy playing these simulators.
The 2007 season mod is great, it drives great

I hope you can answer any questions I have, although I'm sure you can.
By the way, I'm now enjoying watching F1 races from the early 2000s.

Hello from another long-time lurker. I may have an older account for which I lost the login data. Definitely a first-time poster.

I don't know where I heard about GTPlanet, but it was a very long time ago. I think Forza wasn't out then; if I remember correctly, Gran Turismo was exclusively covered, so it was maybe some 20 years ago. Yes, I may be considered old.

I'm from the port city of Rijeka, Croatia. You may have heard of Croatia; Rijeka, probably not.

Gran Turismo was my first racing game. I'm lying—Micro Machines on Amiga was probably my first racing game, but let's call Gran Turismo 1 my first racing driving simulator. Shortly after acquiring a PlayStation, Gran Turismo 2 was released, so I didn't spend too much time with the original. I was in love, but as a poor highschooler, I didn't buy a PS2, so I practically completely skipped the 3rd iteration of the game. However, I then spent countless hours with Gran Turismo 4 using an emulator. I also almost skipped 5 and played 6 for a long time. The most fun was racing against a small group of Croatian GT fans from the GT Surgeons forum.

At the time of GT5/6, I bought my first wheel, a Logitech G25. I still have it, but it doesn't work with PS5, so I treated myself to a T300RS GT (I'm less poor now, but still stingy). I'm pleased with it, but I don't remeber G25 as much different. Maybe it was long time ago as I didn't play any racing games for several years until I received a PS5 as a gift this year and bought GT7. I skipped GT Sport and PS4 altogether. I really enjoy GT7, although I only manage to play 5 or 6 hours per week. I'm not fast; if I win silver on TTs, I'm happy.

Another addiction of mine is the Civilization series, GTA, but also a lot of small indie games.

I'm probably not going to post much, as you can see how long and tedious this can get. I just wanted to say hi since I spend more time on the forum now.
I'm glad you love your Logitech Pro, I'm hoping to own one in several years when I get older and more experienced in Sport Mode. I'm Chris. I found out about GTplanet via Twitter and Facebook like you. I'm glad I did the extra work and research to find this site or I would have missed a lot of friends and useful information.
Do you have a wheel already? After getting the DD wheel I do wish I had just started with it, I know it's spendy but it just doesn't compare to the basic wheels.
Welcome to a special thread just for new members! :D

This is the best place to make your first post and get comfortable using the site. Here are a few questions we like to ask everyone...
  • How did you find GTPlanet?
  • Where are you from?
  • When did you start playing racing games?
  • Do you play with a steering wheel? If so, what kind do you use?
  • What other games do you enjoy?
  • What are you most looking forward to doing in the community?
As always, let us know if you need any help finding your way around the site or using your account. Welcome to GTPlanet!

1. Heard about it on gaming focused websites

2. Poland🇵🇱🦅

3. 6ish years old

4. Nope

5. All kinds of really

6. Discussing constructive criticism that could be given to contemporary racing games and proposing feasible improvements and alternatives.

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