- 280
- Tacoma, Wa
- Harvey253Birdman/DRIFT-ARTZ_ARROW
stickin to the iphone 4s till the 5's upgrade comes out
stickin to the iphone 4s till the 5's upgrade comes out
Submergedshmogt, if you know the cost of Apple's ecosystem, then you shouldn't be complaining so much about the cost of the whole thing as you already fully know how they work and why they do it.
So complaining bitterly that they're "overpriced" and give poor value for money, when you've already brought a whole load of equipment off the company itself is kinda ridiculous. If you thought it was poor value in the first place, one must question why you continue to buy things from the company.
You say the software and that you know how things work with Apple's product is a good value, but then contradict it with the money expenditure. You can't have it cheap, user-friendly and good quality. Can only have two out of the three.
bmxmitchI dont get why people need the new iPhone5 so badly?
I'm sure my iPhone4 runs 2 more years without any big problems. They are made to last longer, why should I replace it year over year then?
Just because it's cool, because it's new?
Ohh, uhm ,it seems like the new phone isnt made to use any longer than a year. the aluminium body will look like kitchenfoil in a few month of using...
Spike125Just bought a Galaxy S3 and I'm very happy with it.
But if not, I'm sure I would be also a victim of the Apple-mania.
I have also a Iphone 4 and I couldn't decide which one is better, the Apple or the Samsung.
shmogtOh man that's me right now. Both those phones are top phones out there but I think the S3 just beats it since it has a lot more features. How do you find battery life on it, I have heard people say its so awful an others say its spectacular?
shmogtOh man that's me right now. Both those phones are top phones out there but I think the S3 just beats it since it has a lot more features. How do you find battery life on it, I have heard people say its so awful an others say its spectacular?
harveybirdmore features? imo iphones are about their wide variety of customization, after you jailbreak ofc ^^
nealcropperThis. My iPhone 4 is jailbroken and there is absolutely no way I'm getting another phone until this one is completely defunct. My phone does everything I need it to, and more.
harveybirdphone in pocket switch silent button on/off and next track. clik home button, unlock phone
swipe screen down, open camera
luv dis ****
look up LS in cydia, absolutely the best lockscreen, weather date time with hd pictures
bosspaper - changing wallpaper . i use 1500 hd pictures ^^ just some cool things
Simple MattForecast is also a good LS feature
Gridlock is also cool
nealcropperI'm not liking that gridlock one, but that forecast one is awesome!
harveybirddont have a big pic like yu guiz :/
but this is my lockscreen, nothing to touch slide or poke
How do you unlock it then? Forgive my ignorance.
harveybirddouble click home button ^^
from cydia, allows for hotkeys/shortcuts to open applications run cmds etc
Thats cool, but I like my Steve Jobs apple logo. Lol
Joey DThe 4G LTE is worth the upgrade alone if you're coming from a 4 or 4S. I'm always on LTE and it's awesome how fast it always is.
As far as features just about every smart phone has the same features now days. I've played around with an S3 and I don't see what the big deal is about it. It works exactly the same as an iPhone, just with a slightly different look.
nealcropperThe 4G would be worth it, IF I ever used 3G, which I don't. Everywere I go nowadays there is a wifi connection on offer. Not to mention that every time I actually properly use my phones Internet, I'm in my house, which has a 60 meg connection. Ain't no mobile connection can match that.