• Thread starter red7
No i would not do that to be honest. I would get a wheel, you can get good wheels for very little money nowadays.

I have a friend who plays on a 15inch computer and he´s very quick in the F1 so i guess it works alright ;)

I've been playing on my 15 inch MacBook Pro. I see no difference in time from my 22 inch TV that I usually play on. I've gained time with a new steering wheel. So I'd say get the steering wheel.

Edit: Well that was fun. Tried my first official Prototype and GT challenge race and I start from the pits to be nice. I'm slowly working through GT traffic respectfully and next thing you know this guy plows straight into the back of me for no reason.
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I've been playing on my 15 inch MacBook Pro. I see no difference in time from my 22 inch TV that I usually play on. I've gained time with a new steering wheel. So I'd say get the steering wheel.

Edit: Well that was fun. Tried my first official Prototype and GT challenge race and I start from the pits to be nice. I'm slowly working through GT traffic respectfully and next thing you know this guy plows straight into the back of me for no reason.

How do u start from the pits? Do you just not go to the grid?
How do u start from the pits? Do you just not go to the grid?

Correct. Then it will say that you missed the start. Then it will let you start from there after the race has started. Keeps you out of the first lap stuff. But then you have more traffic to work through. It's a gamble.
It usually pays off I find, particularly if your going for SR on tracks that are particularly notorious for turn 1 piles.
I just did the DP's at 9pm est and it was packed. Think there was 23 DP's and 5 Mustangs. It was my first DP race and it went not so good. Spun out coming out of the bus stop about 10 min in and got t-boned by a Mustang. I don't know how he didn't see me as I past him coming out of the esses. I still finished 9th with a 9 min pit stop for repairs.:lol:

I'm going to do the 11pm est DP race. Hope it is official. I'm just going to run a comfortable pace and try to stay out of trouble.
Are you up for another one Plate? Mtb and me are going for the 1AM EST race!

Well, it was a good race for me except the lost connection. Lost connection just a handful of laps into the race. Had to completely log out and in to get back in. Ran a flawless race from there. Zero incidents and if not for the connection issue could have finished third by my lap average.

Really love the mixed class racing. Adds a whole other dimension to the race. Really got to calculate overtaking the slower class.

Looks like I'll be getting the Vette, Ford GT, and LMP cars. It's only money right?:lol: Dang you iRacing. Why do you have to be so good.:banghead: Oh ya, cause we spend so much money on it.:dopey::lol:
Well, it was a good race for me except the lost connection. Lost connection just a handful of laps into the race. Had to completely log out and in to get back in. Ran a flawless race from there. Zero incidents and if not for the connection issue could have finished third by my lap average.

Really love the mixed class racing. Adds a whole other dimension to the race. Really got to calculate overtaking the slower class.

Looks like I'll be getting the Vette, Ford GT, and LMP cars. It's only money right?:lol: Dang you iRacing. Why do you have to be so good.:banghead: Oh ya, cause we spend so much money on it.:dopey::lol:

Lol!! You'll absolutely love the LMP car!! It's an absolute blast to drive arround traffic!
Was set out to be a good race dor me tolo but I too got DC'd on lap 4 and by the time I got back was already 5 laps down, 0 incidents till I got up to another slower DP, don't know if he got nervous or what but he braked about 100 feet too early and with me runing right on his gearbox it was impossible for me to avoid him. 7 minutes repair later and 8 laps down it was all about SR and salvaging whatever I could till the penultimate lap and after just gaining a possition where I had a brainfart and lost it after the busstop! From dead last(23rd) to 6th on the first 2 laps, down to dead last again to finish 10th... Overall it was a lot of fun!
Well, it was a good race for me except the lost connection. Lost connection just a handful of laps into the race. Had to completely log out and in to get back in. Ran a flawless race from there. Zero incidents and if not for the connection issue could have finished third by my lap average.

Really love the mixed class racing. Adds a whole other dimension to the race. Really got to calculate overtaking the slower class.

Looks like I'll be getting the Vette, Ford GT, and LMP cars. It's only money right?:lol: Dang you iRacing. Why do you have to be so good.:banghead: Oh ya, cause we spend so much money on it.:dopey::lol:

I agree :) It never really gets boring on track whether you are a faster or slower car.
It´s really an art aswell to pass people at the right moment all the time :)

Copy only that part between youtube tags and it should work Shinya.

T5-6-8 you missed the apex, last turn you could enter a little bit wider. Apart from that, looks good!

Yep, that worked. Thanks mate

Yeah T5 I hit the Apex but was carrying too much speed. Braking is so tricky for T5. 6 and 8 I agree that I could have been closer to the apex.

Sort of disheartening that people can run 1:47.9's :(
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Couple questions

1) when you do a warm up before a race, are those the same tires you use for the race? like if I do a hard warm up lap will I start the race with worn tires, or do I get a fresh set when I grid?

2) what is a good steering lock? I just have mine set to the default, I believe it's 240 or 360 for default.
Not sure on the first one, something I myself have been curious of. I kinda wish there was a live tyre thing instead of the one that only updates in the pits.

As for steering lock I have mine at 900. It automatically adjusts to each car, Star Mazdas are a little over 360 and MX5s are just shy of 900.
The lap looks good Shhiny, some room for improvement yeah but I'd say it's a pretty fast pace. How some guys go bellow the 48's is beyond me!
And its also a guide rather than a rule. Slower cars just need to e predictable and maintain a line, its down to the faster car to pass cleanly.
I had that come up after the pits (someone wrecked and I clipped someone and it messed my steering up). So I knew I was a lap down, and if I see someone coming up fast I let them pass.

The flag was up the whole time for the last 6 laps and there was nobody behind me (well not close anyway). I kept looking at the flag going "WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN" lol.

thanks for the responses
It starts to show when they are aprox within 10 seconds of you, it can be a faster classed car or it can be someone on your own class lapping you. I any situation it means make room you're about to be lapped.
in the Prototype Challenge the blue flag pop up if someone will lap you and is ~ 1 second behind you.

if you use F3!!, you will know always whats going on. ;)
Yeah, I ALWAYS drive with Relative (F3) timing up in my black box. Just makes you so much more aware of what is going on around you. Particularly in multi-class racing. In Multi-class just make sure you hold your line if you're a GT car, prototypes will always get past you.

If you're in a standard race (same cars), getting out of the way or backing off a little makes it MUCH easier for the leaders and is greatly appreciated by most. 👍
Yes, the Relative timing thing is incredibly useful, that paired with the spotter makes life SO much easier.
I only use f3 when coming out of the pits, I find it distracting to use when driving. F3 does not show where on the track the car is, so it makes more sense to just look in the virtual mirror.
I use it all the time. I use it to see if I am gaining on the car infront, to see if there are accidents on the track, to see if I should let the person behind go infront. Its incredibly useful.

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