Not elitist by any means. 'Featurist', yes, maybe. After all, isn't that what we are discussing? A less expensive game with a FAR greater feature list that answers most of the persistent requests from GTS fans. And it has Spa... 'nuff said!
The whole idea of restricting the debate to GTS vs F7 is ludicrous. Too many other legitimate titles out there.
This is because Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo are seen as the two "big dogs" in the "simcade" racing game genre - mass market games that also come closest to something approximating a "simulation" of real driving (or at least, simulating PART of the driving experience). Those other games you mentioned are obviously closer to a true simulation, but they are also niche products within an already-niche genre.
Both games also broadly try to deliver similar experiences for their respective platforms, so if you're looking for that kind of experience, it makes sense to ask about the choice.
It helps to read previous replies...
And, I'm not evangelizing PC2. I have (as my sig says) GTS, PC2 and AC. So, for starters, decently qualified to comment. Simply trying to point out that a debate between the two best sellers on two different console platforms doesn't equate to a debate between the two 'best' racing games.
Personally, I don't hold much with any of these externally imposed 'sim' 'simcade' 'arcade' labels. They are ALL 'racing 'games, and that is about
it. You can hoon and smash your way around in PC2 as easily as you can in F7 or GTS. You don't have to mess with tuning or tire pressures in PC2 if you don't want to. You can turn off penalties, damage, ratings etc., and set online rooms up for as much mayhem as F7 ever dishes out! From all accounts (I've never tried it nor ever intend to!) PC2 is far better on a pad than at launch. Plenty of fast drivers on the leaderboards using pads.
So, in the end, what's the difference? For me, at least, I feel PC2 deserves inclusion in the debate despite sales. And, while not evangelizing, it does help to point out that the majority of GTS's complaints are answered in it. Don't get me wrong, you want a laundry list of PC2's shortcomings, try the PC2 forum here that I have posted. None of them are perfect.
But, by all means... carry on! If we want a debate between the F-150 and the Corolla as to best car in the world, this appears to be the thread for it!