Is Special Stage Route 11 in GT5?

  • Thread starter ploopsy
looks like tree lights to me. But the cars in that pic are turning the wrong way for it to be SSR5. That and, if you WATCH the video you know the cars came off a straight. Clearly people have taking pics of two different corners. The one with the SLR could be SSR5 since they're turning right. The Standard car video, however shows them turning left through a chicane, which is wrong for SSR5. Also, the straight that the Bentley is one isn't right for SSR5, either. That there looks like SSR11. will see that it is a car, not a tree. Very nice spot Silent Drifter. It's SSR5 and the CLK is just taking a typically wide AI line.


Right, and the cars are just coming out of the guard rail, right? It's a small chicane. This corner and the one the SLR is entering are different. They turn in opposite directions. And the amount of trees on this corner doesn't match up to the one the SLR is entering, either. They're two completely different corners and could be two different tracks.
Following Silent Drifter comment, it seems pretty clear that what we call the chicane is actually a right/left/right chicane.

The SLR coming out of the tunnel is preparing for a right turn, just like the LMPs in the Standard cars video.

I tried to find similarities between the two pics from the two videos :



All these pics look like SSR5 to me...
Right, you found "similarities" that don't really exsist. Great job. I don't know what you mean by "Tunnel Exit, but none of those photos show a tunnel...or a tunnel exit. and the first one doesn't show an overpass.

Look August 18th is going to be here before you know it, and then we'll know which track this is. I just know SSR5 will have to have gone through it's first major update EVER to look like that. SSR11 seems more likely, at least for the Standard Cars video. But Then again, it could also be a new track. who knows. I'm going to wait until either August or November to find out
But those cars are turning left-right after a straight. If there is another turn there, it's another left.

Can you really not see the Lister Storm coming around the right turn in this picture? :dunce:


SSR5 has a right, left, right "chicane" and that's exactly what is imaged here. Made another pic to illustrate what we're saying, just cos I love this image analysis stuff:


SSR5 screencap:


Right, left, right!
I've been looking at this thread for ages but I think Fido is right.. It took me a while to visualise it.

Looking at Fido's post...

If you see the right of the green oval on the top picture, there is a guard rail with a guard rail behind it. That's a 90 degrees bend which is the first apex of the right-left-right chicane. The SLR therefore is up against the guard rail which is behind the CLK GTR. The SLR is aiming for this apex, and the CLK GTR has probably on it, but taking a wide line. This means the CLK GTR would have emerged from the tunnel before this right-left-right, passing the overpass on the top picture.

The SLR on the 2nd picture is yet to go under it. The second SLR (the one leading) in the second picture is also taking a wide line similar to the CLK GTR, going wide of the 90 degrees right apex which can be seen in the bottom right of the second picture.

It's SSR5 for me.

EDIT: Real_tron is correct and shows my reasoning in pictures. :P

If that's not a straight, then why the heck is the point of the guard rails there?

Because that's the guard rail which can be seen on the left of Fido's second picture which carries on after the exit of the tunnel - probably until the 'wide' part of the track turns right.
SSR5 has always been lit in a blue light, and SSR11 has been the orange lights. And for some reason, that straight seems too long for it to be SSR5. I mean, usually, you turn onto the straight and there's the Pit lane and grandstands. I just see buildings there.

Also, I watched the Standard Car clip again, and it's too short to determine anything. The Camaro in back starts basically from the tree line, and it's hard to tell if it's coming from a turn or a straight. The tress scream SSR11, but only PD knows for sure what track they used.
These images shows SSR5.

To Polyphony Digital,

We want SSR11 back.

Yours faithfully,

^ I like the "vrum vrum!!", nice touch :D

The pitlane does go below the road, well remembered.
No. there's just not a real good definitive picture that ABSOLUTELY confirms it's SSR5 or SSR11. I mean, like Famine and I have said, SSR5 has never gone through such a major change before. The film clip is too short to tell anything. The Trees obscure the view of the "corner" that everyone says is there, so it's hard to say for sure if there is another right turn there. And SSR11 is the only track in previous games with the lit trees. That said, you guys have made a good argument for SSR5. But, the thing is. Until we actually race the track ourselves, we probably won't know for sure if it is SSR5, SSR11 or a completely new track.
Hmmm. That twisty portion does match up with SSR5, even if the trees are still SSR11-like.

My point about the SLR and the tunnel is that, if it's the back stretch leading up to the right-left-right chicane at the tailend of SSR5... then the track has been modified, because that tunnel is far too long, and the rise after it far too high, to correspond with SSR5. And as we've seen an SSR5 map, we know the layout hasn't changed. I still think the SLR is driving on either a new version of SSR11, or a completely new night track in the same location.

We'll find out soon!
That track in those pictures is also a LOT darker than SSR5 has been in the past couple games. SSR11 has always been the pitch black track. SSR5 has always been raced at just before dawn or just after dusk. But with Day/night transitions, SSR5 could get a lot darker this time. Like Slip said: "We'll find out soon."
Yeah, with day/night transitions, we can't use the old method of just checking the area's lighting. I guess I could take that one step further and assume this means day/night transitions on every track... but that's going a bit far just off these pictures.

Besides... I'm not sure how I'll feel about the SSR tracks running in the day. That just doesn't seem right! :lol:
it'd certainly be interesting to run them in the daylight. There will be tracks that will be fine when night falls, but there will be those that will suck at night. Like Sarthe which doesn't have any lights down the Mulsane straight. or heading into Indianapolis.
It must be SSR115!! A brand new combination!!!

No, seriously it is SSR5, but hopefully we get 11 as well. 👍
Man I would love to run the special stage tracks in the day, rain or shine. I really truly hope all tracks have day/night. Certainly not gonna hold my breath but god that would be good, especially if it's dynamic. Need to go and post in the weather thread to gush a bit :P
*shrug* All Slip and I are saying is that there are a lot of elements from both SSR5 and SSR11 in those pictures, and nothing at all is as clear as everyone says. I mean what if SSR5 is completely different than what's in that pic? What if it's a combination track? What if it has NOTHING to do with the SSR tracks all together? I mean, All we're seeing is a small portion of a track. I mean, if I could see a full lap, then, yes, I could make an argument one way or another. So, in the end, with a new game coming out and not a lot revealed, it could be anything. I mean, a couple tracks we've only seen in promos. (Stelvio Pass and Toscana Road) so, it's not hard to think that PD put another new track in that clip without revealing exactly what it is.

Also, Looking at the Standard car pic, it doesn't even make sense to be SSR5. Coming up from a tunnel into the chicane? What? And from the standard cars video those GT cars are VERY close to the LMPs, suggesting that either the race just started or the GT cars just got lapped. Granted, this doesn't make any sense if it's SSR11, either. I would actually assume, now, that this is a new track.
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