Is there any point to that car wash?

  • Thread starter Mattv81
Here are some shots of dirty cars and how they looked after the car wash. Both cars were already dirty from running a B-spec endurance or two and these photos were taken early in Lap 1 at the practice track.

I was reminded of this thread when I saw a Veyron with the same tiger stripes during an online race last night.

I must of missed these pictures. The red paint may have made it harder for those who couldn't notice the dirt in my pictures. This exactly what my GT-R looks like when I start a race. I would like to know how many miles you have done on your GT-R?:)
I must of missed these pictures. The red paint may have made it harder for those who couldn't notice the dirt in my pictures. This exactly what my GT-R looks like when I start a race. I would like to know how many miles you have done on your GT-R?:)
Ha ha... the dirt on yours was obvious to me, but I know what to look for since I have a LOT of darker cars. :)

My GT-R has 775 miles - I haven't driven it since taking the photos & giving it a wash.
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Got it. The car wash does turn the screen brighter.:dopey:


It's a very, very slight difference, but you can see a bit of a dirty stripe behind the window/side scoop.
I must of missed these pictures. The red paint may have made it harder for those who couldn't notice the dirt in my pictures. This exactly what my GT-R looks like when I start a race. I would like to know how many miles you have done on your GT-R?:)

These pictures were taken from a slightly different angle and it could simply be the lighting and reflection differences between these two shots. I could easily match the 'shadow' effect by taking pictures of two perfectly clean cars and comparing them side by side.
You're lying thats done with photoshjop i checked. Lame ass fanboy!👎

true! I dont know how u checked, but whole image by default is brighter with more intence colours. example, look at the autumn ring logo, on top darker, beyond brighter. nice try.. cant belive people still doing that.
true! I dont know how u checked, but whole image by default is brighter with more intence colours. example, look at the autumn ring logo, on top darker, beyond brighter. nice try.. cant belive people still doing that.

It has not been edited.

I may have got the angle slightly wrong when taking the 2nd picture. It has definitely not been edited in anyway.
true! I dont know how u checked, but whole image by default is brighter with more intence colours. example, look at the autumn ring logo, on top darker, beyond brighter. nice try.. cant belive people still doing that.

No, just no.

For the visually impaired, here are NISMO_GTR_'s photo's side by side:


Look at the colors of the sky, building and road, and tell me again which is "brighter with more intence colours". :dunce:

And no, I haven't edited anything in photoshop. Just overlaid the two images and cut one layer in half.
Guys, let's not start a witch hunt here. I wasn't trying to accuse NISMO_GTR_ of any kind of purposeful manipulation. But my point was, the differences in color and saturation are not JUST limited to the car and this could be simple matter of a different angle or different speed setting in photo mode.

What I WAS trying to suggest is this photo is not proof that dirt stays with the car from race to race.
Guys, let's not start a witch hunt here. I wasn't trying to accuse NISMO_GTR_ of any kind of purposeful manipulation. But my point was, the differences in color and saturation are not JUST limited to the car and this could be simple matter of a different angle or different speed setting in photo mode.

What I WAS trying to suggest is this photo is not proof that dirt stays with the car from race to race.

With all due respect, I don't think the differences you're perceiving are substantial enough to cause the contrast difference in the reflections. This is easily verifiable if you have image editing software (increase saturation and brightness in the "dirty" image and the paint will still show lower a contrast despite everything else being more saturation and higher contrast).

Honestly, it seems like people are trying to explain this away because they want to complain that PD screwed up. 👎
Here, I brightened, saturated, and added contrast to the "dirty" image. I then overlayed and sized the cars, and cut it into chunks. You can see on the strips of the "dirty" image that the sky, building, and signs are higher contast and more saturated than the "clean" image. You can also see that the paint of the "dirty" car still has lower contrast and lower saturation.

Look at the strips of the firestone sign and the concrete barrier. Now look at the car. See the difference?

Screwed up? Well, perhaps. But unlike these images, it should be blatantly clear by now, that the disc which PD delivered to world in November contained a game that was in many ways incomplete and still in development. There were many features that were missing or incomplete. Some of them have been patched in. Others, we're still waiting for.

I'm fully convinced that that by design, dirt WAS meant to accumulate on the cars. Otherwise what's the point of even having that car wash. But at some point, for reasons unknown, the dirt accumulation, along with many other features simply did NOT make the November cut. I'm assuming one day, this will be patched in and and cars will start to accumulate dust and grime. We we won't need to sit here and debate two pictures side by side to see if maybe one looks slightly different than the other.

But as of right now, I remain unconvinced.
I'm assuming one day, this will be patched in and and cars will start to accumulate dust and grime. We we won't need to sit here and debate two pictures side by side to see if maybe one looks slightly different than the other.

But as of right now, I remain unconvinced.

Why do you assume it would be implemented as a realistic accumulation of dust and grime? It could be something as simple as reducing the reflectivity layer on the car, making the finish appear gradually more matte and dull (which is what NISMO_GTR_'s photos suggest to me).

If people are unconvinced because it doesn't look like the car just drove through a salt flat or went mudding, that level of dirt may never be implemented and it may be a very long wait. (Not that I wouldn't like to see, I just don't see it ever happening).
Why do you assume it would be implemented as a realistic accumulation of dust and grime?

Why? To be blunt because what we have now is crap. Useless. Ridiculous. I can't believe THIS is what PD intended. Either they're working on it. Or they're not working on it. But there's no way that's what they set out to do. Dirt and grime CLEARLY accumulate on a car during a race. We can see it happening. This is what it should look like when you look at the car in your garage after a race. This is what it should like like when you take it into GT Auto. And this is what it should look like when you begin a new race without washing it. Whether it was time or technical restraints that prevented them from doing it properly when the game was released is open for debate. But I can't see how anybody can believe that it's working as they intended or wanted.
I'm 100% sure there is "dirt" or scuffs etc on cars in GT5. I came across them after hitting a few walls messing around in practice mode, and then noticed them again later on when I did the Indy 500 endurance race.

For the Indy race, I was using an X2010, and doing some oldschool GT rubber bands + Dualshock gimmicks for easy/faster completion. Having the X2010 slightly pointed to the right, to ensure a stable path throughout the race, it would grind against the walls nonstop. After just a few minutes, you can see the paint on the car has slightly changed. I saw white scuff marks on the top, and side of the X2010. They were easily noticeable.

After the race, I took it to GT Auto for a car wash, and they came right out. Try this yourself, it shouldn't be too hard. I even got the white scuff marks on my Honda Odyssey while drifting around with it, and hitting walls at max speed.
Why? To be blunt because what we have now is crap. Useless. Ridiculous. I can't believe THIS is what PD intended. Either they're working on it. Or they're not working on it. But there's no way that's what they set out to do. Dirt and grime CLEARLY accumulate on a car during a race. We can see it happening. This is what it should look like when you look at the car in your garage after a race. This is what it should like like when you take it into GT Auto. And this is what it should look like when you begin a new race without washing it. Whether it was time or technical restraints that prevented them from doing it properly when the game was released is open for debate. But I can't see how anybody can believe that it's working as they intended or wanted.

I think this is a subjective view though because it assumes everyone wants their cars to get dirty quickly and realistically. Some people may not want to deal with their car getting dirty and needing to wash them constantly. That may be more realistic than some players would want (like carrying over damage from race to race).

It seems to be implemented a lot like damage...partially. Enough to give players something but not so much that people that don't want it would complain about it.

Personally I don't see a lot of value in partially implementing something like that and I wouldn't mind additional maintainence on cars, but I'm also aware that not everyone shares that view. People complain about having damage, bumpy cockpit views, etc. Many people want realism, but many don't. Just speculation on my part but this may just be the downside of PD trying to please everyone.
Here are two more pictures. I also should have used the word dust to describe them.



If you guys still think that I am using photoshop or whatever. I have added the pictures to "share with friends". This should prove that the pictures have been taken directly from my game.

Also on a side note, I think the pattern of "dust" is random when ever you start a race, photo travel etc.Why I believe this is because I have never seen the car look like that before.
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This whole car wash thing is a scam! Its just a money making exercise for PD!

Every time one of us suckers goes and gets a car wash that does Nothing, PD gets $50!!!

Here are two more pictures. I also should have used the word dust to describe them.



If you guys still think that I am using photoshop or whatever. I have added the pictures to "share with friends". This should prove that the pictures have been taken directly from my game.

Also on a side note, I think the pattern of "dust" is random when ever you start a race, photo travel etc.Why I believe this is because I have never seen the car look like that before.

I got the same result as you after I got my car in the sand. Maybe I got a different game than everyone else.
That car wash is just pointless.


Everyone here claiming it increases handling and improves aerodynamics and adds a bajillion horsepower blah, blah, blah, is full of it.

Half the time, those car wash dudes are wiping their sponges in mid-air, not even touching the car. It does not add or increase anything. Period.
This whole car wash thing is a scam! Its just a money making exercise for PD!

Every time one of us suckers goes and gets a car wash that does Nothing, PD gets $50!!!



Anyhow we should have the option to try other car washes, the polish guys near me do a far better job and only charge £5
Here are two more pictures. I also should have used the word dust to describe them.

If you guys still think that I am using photoshop or whatever. I have added the pictures to "share with friends". This should prove that the pictures have been taken directly from my game.

Also on a side note, I think the pattern of "dust" is random when ever you start a race, photo travel etc.Why I believe this is because I have never seen the car look like that before.

OK, this is the FIRST decent evidence I've seen to suggest dirt does in fact stay on the car. I'm going to do some more testing. I've never been able to duplicate this effect. Thanks! 👍
Not sure if this has been posted in the nine pages of drivel before this one,

It slightly increases the resale value of cars that can be sold.

That's the only thing it does. The photoshop images on these last pages prove that it doesn't do anything in terms of actual cleaning - except for a few people who don't understand the concept of 'placebo'.

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