- 31,745
- Buckwheat City
- Dennisch
Your opinion is yours. You have the right to say whatever you like, as did I.
Unless it is about Mohammed. Then the gloves come off.
Your opinion is yours. You have the right to say whatever you like, as did I.
aadil717Any other Muslim I know would totally oppose the idea of mocking the Prophet.
Maybe most Christians don't feel the need to object and protest, but as a Muslim - the Prophet is really the role model for Muslims and ridiculing him is pretty much ridiculing a majority of the teachings and beliefs in Islam.
If people mock Islam or the Prophet; I feel that I at least should give my opinion on the matter as they've opposed mine for a start.
FamineDid you see the Jyllands-Posten images? One of them was a bit... dodgy but the others were just pictures of a guy. So was the South Park depiction - it was literally Muhammed just standing there. Much like this piece of 13th Century Islamic art (feel free not to click if you are a Muslim - though it was drawn by a Muslim and met with Islamic approval of the day).
But the question is why you'd hold non-Muslims to this standard that, though it doesn't technically exist, only really applies within Islam.
Should I be protested against by Jews for every bacon sandwich I eat? It's their standard, not mine. So why should a non-Muslim, Danish newspaper be targetted by terror threats for publishing things that don't adhere to a standard that isn't theirs?
DennischUnless it is about Mohammed. Then the gloves come off.
Do I not have the right to my own opinion? Just because I'm opposing a view doesn't mean I'm going to act in a violent manner (as you're suggesting about the gloves).
I'm guessing in a more civilised western world that most Christians aren't that stupid to cause issues like we see in the Middle East.
AzuremenBut you seem to think that because some people will take the gloves off, everyone else should respect their arbitrary opinion?
That is like telling me I shouldn't say "Praise Allah!" sarcastically because someone might be so offended that they assault; that I'm somehow at fault for having my own opinion to the degree that I shouldn't have expressed it.
Even if you take the stance that it's wrong for Muslims to make fun of or depict images of Muhammed (neither of which is actually the case), why do non-Muslims need to adhere to it when they don't adhere to any other part of the religion?
Your reasoning is lame to say the least. Black people are offended by the 'N' word but if you're from a different ethnic background does that mean its ok for you to use the word? No! Its prohibited to depict images or insult influential leaders in Islam and if you are in adherence to a different creed or religion you must respect that by not stepping on their turf and keeping within acceptable boundaries. Discussing, debating and challenging something academically in a civilised manner is fine but insulting, ridiculing and dragging it through the mud isn't.
Honestly, I don't think I could disagree more with you. The only reason people are offended by words is because they choose to be offended by certain words. Randomly saying the N word isn't any more offensive than any other word, it is how people choose to use it. And even then, it is the other party choosing to be offended by it because some since of being wronged.
If I want to mock the fact a religion is based on a guy riding a magical beast through the air to land at a special, magic rock, I think I'm fine.
If person A calls person X a 🤬, X would be offended by the offensive nature of the content and not because he 'chose to be offended'. You wouldn't mock your own beliefs because you'd be offending and wronging yourself , so why mock the viewpoint of others? Jedirage, what do you expect when innocent Muslims are being butchered in iraq and Afghanistan by bloodthirsty NATO troops? Theyre human and have feelings just like everyone else. And these 'radicals' you speak of are simply resisting occupation, is that such a crime?
Its one thing to be offended, its another thing to scream bloody murder and massacre people who had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the issue at hand.
SpeedonatorDoesnt matter to whom? 1.6 billion Muslims? How can you insinuate its ok to insult Muslims but not black people? Theyre all human beings are they not?! The N word is disgusting as ridiculing someones belief, its not one or the other.
If person A calls person X a 🤬, X would be offended by the offensive nature of the content and not because he 'chose to be offended'. You wouldn't mock your own beliefs because you'd be offending and wronging yourself , so why mock the viewpoint of others? Jedirage, what do you expect when innocent Muslims are being butchered in iraq and Afghanistan by bloodthirsty NATO troops? Theyre human and have feelings just like everyone else. And these 'radicals' you speak of are simply resisting occupation, is that such a crime?
Please cut the mumbo jumbo, you've dodged my original point like a bunch of weasley politicians.
Its prohibited to depict images or insult influential leaders in Islam
Well me opposing the view is hardly on the same level as a Danish newspaper being targeted by terror threats etc.
Doesnt matter to whom? 1.6 billion Muslims? How can you insinuate its ok to insult Muslims but not black people? Theyre all human beings are they not?! The N word is disgusting as ridiculing someones belief, its not one or the other.
So, that's the kind of views moderate/peaceful muslims have? "I oppose their views and will not personally be violent against them, but if they get physically attacked by radicals then I can understand the viewpoint of the radicals".
I'm not surprised really because I've seen this reasoning time and time again.
aadil717This is the same principle here; I'm not going to force my islamic opinion on you, but as you know there are a minority everywhere and in this case they act upon incidents like this with violence etc.
And yes I know as is Jesus, but I'm guessing in a more civilised western world that most Christians aren't that stupid to cause issues like we see in the Middle East.
Do I not have the right to my own opinion? Just because I'm opposing a view doesn't mean I'm going to act in a violent manner (as you're suggesting about the gloves).
FamineIt kind of is - particularly as you've said you find it understandable and would join in (peaceful) protests against such publications in your own country.
FamineSo why are non-Muslims to be held to this rule for Muslims? Why do you think it's acceptable to hold non-Muslims to rules that apply to Muslims? Why are Jews not protesting that I eat bacon if I'm to be held to standards of religions I don't adhere to - would that be acceptable too? It's a Sikh rule for Sikhs to cover their hair - would you accept Sikhs protesting against you for not covering your hair or attacking the offices of fashion magazines for showing models with uncovered hair?
If it was to ever happen here, I'd take part in a peaceful protest to let publishers and the newspapers know that we disagree (like the uni fees protests) and maybe they would then respect our opinions and choose not to do it again - an apology - which I highly doubt would ever happen would be even better, but it would be good if they acknowledged and then respected my islamic beliefs too.
FamineBut you're still not answering the questions.
Why do you believe images of Muhammed are innately wrong, despite not being forbidden and despite centuries of Islamic art depicting Muhammed?
Why must non-Muslims be held to this (non-existant) Islamic standard?
Why, if that is the case, are you not required to adhere to Sikh standards - like covering your hair - or the standards of any other belief set on the planet?
I said I believe it's wrong to make cartoons of him for the sole purpose of ridiculing him, and it'd just be better if he wasn't drawn at all to prevent things like this from happening. That's why I believe it's wrong.
Also drawings, especially of his face wouldn't really go well as most do not even know what he looks like. So then drawing him inaccurately is pointless and using words as a medium rather than images would work better.
FamineAnd the second two questions? The important ones?
Most of the Jyllands-Posten images were just of Muhammed. No ridicule. The (second) South Park appearance was just of Muhammed. No ridicule.
I answered those two questions at the end of the fourth post above this, I believe.