I started to think that the only reason why people around the world (especially western) complain about Women or LGBT rights in Arab and Muslim countries is not because they actually care about people in middle east or human rights there but to use it as an excuse to hate Muslims and Arabs.
The problem becomes worse for me when I realised that people who often complain about middle east don't really have much knowledge about it apart from several news of wars and that's it. They don't understand our culture, they don't understand our religion or believes. In the same way, I struggle to talk with communities outside my counrry because they tend to have different culture and believes. What's accepted and not. I mean people actually believe that the word God is different from Allah?
I hear people keep telling us that we should die because we are evil and want to kill the rest of the world. The hypocrisy is that they are the ones who wants us to die and suffer for being different. If you want to show how you're actually better and perfect then go and be nicer rather than go aggressive. That's proves nothing to us but that the world is aggressive haters who wants us to die.
If people are truly cares about us middle easterns and care about women & Gay rights here then they should have known that we have other problems too. Economy problems, politics from both sides that doesn't really do justice well, immigrants from Egypt and Jordan taking over our jobs, governments that keep screwing us citizens more and more, environmental issues and so on.
In fact if people TRULY CARE about human rights then why I don't often hear about the awful condition labour workers from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Philippines...etc that have to do deal with? Working hard, dealing with abusive leaders and extremely hot weather? Those who had to leave their home country?
Women rights shouldn't be the main thing to be complaining about here since its pretty much became much better than it was over 100 years ago. House wife's are a thing of the past. Same with extreme clothing unless you live in Saudi Arabia of course but then that's only what? One country out of 20+ countries in West Asia and north Africa? Why complaint about something that no one in middle east really have problems with anymore when you a legitimate problem that's still big to this very day?
If one thing I have learned from my entire life, it's that there's as much problem over here as the rest of the world. I'm sorry but there's still discrimination against certain race, religion and sexuality around the world. There's no such thing as a country that's %100 perfect.
If anything, I will be much safer to live as a Muslim bisexual in Saudi Arabia than an Arab bisexual than San Francisco. People outside will never understand me right and will never realise I have a different moral levels, family relations and so on...
I'm sorry for my hateful post but I was a bit too pissed off. I kinda wanna go off topic and talk about my opinions towards other culture (no hate but just an opinion) but it's not the right time for me to do it.