Oh boy, i'm gonna get flamed...(1st, i'm not english or american, so my grammar can be wrong)
Let's be honest.

I don't believe in those religions, i believe there is something, but i will finish with that at the end of my story.
Christian, Islam, Bhoedism, Hindoisme, Jewisme, Jehova, Scientology, etc. etc. etc.
Where are these gods? Who wrote the rules?

Topic starts with Islam, aha, islam, hate, terrorisme, Womens abuse.
NO!!! those words are the topics that rule in the media, those actions are applied by the extreme islam.
Are there, in our view, also normal people in the islam? Yes there are.💡
Let's turn it around, lets start way back.
Jesus? Did he perform miracles? The bible says so.
Okay, lets take steps forward, midieval Witches, who was scared? My guess, there were christians also that time.
What did they do? Throw them in the water, if they drown, they're innocent. Lots of dead witches!!
But jesus performed magic, witches did too? What do the 10 commandments say? Do not kill? hmmm.
The crusades, wow, christians murder and conquer in the name of ????.
What did happen in history in the name of god? Good things, but also lots of bad things.Remember school?
Islam, Abuse of women....here we go...Christian priests, Abuse of children.

Now some of you will say: "NOT ALL PRIESTS"

Then also say: "Not all of islam" Be honest, don't be a politician.

Do you know what the old christians did to their women? Go back into history.

Do you know what happens in lots of families that is on police record but not always in the media?
Going back in history, the white people are the worst kind, murder and slavery, lots of wars.
And it all started in Europe.Whell, according to school history books.Could be a lie, don't know, wasn't there when it happened.
War, slavery, murder was all over the world, only it took a long time before europe accepted the world was not flat.So what do we really know?
My religion: I'm raised christian, or in my language "Rooms Katholiek"
The word Rome is in my religion. who killed Jesus? O yes, the the great great great grandfathers of the roman christians.
At 14 i guessed: God does not listen, too much misery in the world, we are being punished, not saved.
I believe that there is something, but not the stuff we made up.
The koran is written by humans
The bible is written by humans
Hindoeism is remembered, not written ( i don't really know myself)
It all happened thousends of years ago.
all other gods dissapeard and a few appeard.
The vikings had lots of gods
The greek had lots of gods
The romans had lots of gods
The egyptians had lots of gods
etc. etc. etc.
Where are those gods??? Left in a spaceship, because humans made a mess of it?
If you don't want to get the truth? Stop reading now.
Humans are the worst thing on this planet.
Humans kill this planet.
Humans are the worst virus that ever walked this planet.
Humans infect this planet and also eachother.
Humans kill humans and animals.
I think, that our DNA was dumped on this planet by Aliens, far far away, to get rid of this virus.
And i thought of that long before the movie "prometheus".
Stop pointing fingers, look into a mirror and think about you and what you are.
Are you a good person? or do you also want to kill a person when he did something to you, your family or your country?
Religion is not the problem, Humans are the problem.