Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
...Can you read? Did you go to school, do you have memory?...You don't need to search it, you should already know it...
....The bible is written by humans...The koran is written by humans...History is written by humans....Whoeps, what is true, and what isn't?...Do you trust me or your self? Nazi war? you must know that, white power?

Yes i confuse you.
I need you to use your brain to think what this topic is.
To think instead of reading what you might think.
Humans are emotional.
One moment you're a racist, and suddenly you're not, and vice versa.
it just takes one event to change it..

Bloody hell, can we have a nurse to Aisle 4, please?

This is an off topic forum piece.
But this is GT-planet.
You want this kind of topic?
leave and go to a forum that handles this kind of thing.
This website and forum is all about race and drive games.
Don't mess up a nice thing with these topics.

It's @Jordan who decides what forums are open here, personally I think this is a very good Off-Topic space. If you don't like the site then don't visit, that goes for us all ;)
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Bloody hell, can we have a nurse to Aisle 4, please?

It's @Jordan who decides what forums are open here, personally I think this is a very good Off-Topic space. If you don't like the site then don't visit, that goes for us all ;)

I wrote, that it would be my last post, i'm human.
You're right, i checked, it is designed for this kind of talk.
Then i checked the start of the topic, it's already an old topic.
why did i respond then?
I was angry for some posts that said "bomb them"

I always think that people can understand, hate is bad.Stop it.
There are times i accept that this will never happen.
and there are times like today, that i get angry about people that are hatefull against
something they aren't.
And then i realise, i'm doing the same to those people.
I guess you understand that i'm dissapointed.
If i see it in myself, why can't they see it in themself?
But that's my problem.
@dddsprayshop.... that's better, your three Red Bulls, four coffees and the run-for-the-bus have worn off now :)

Read through the topic, it's been pretty active (not in a sexual sense, naturally) from the outset (not that kind of out). Some interesting stuff, and some astonishingly hard-headed* bigotry.

*Okay, I meant that one
Going back in history, the white people are the worst kind, murder and slavery, lots of wars.
And it all started in Europe.
I'm afraid you need to go back a lot further than that - and think a lot bigger.

The Taipang Rebellion - a Chinese civil war in the 19th century - saw up to 100 million people die, more than WW1 and WW2 combined even if you include disease outbreaks and Pacific Theatre war. Deadliest genocide of the 20th Century? Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge, killing 3m - just about as many as the Jews exterminated by the Holocaust.

But the daddy of all murdering warmongers is Genghis Khan. He might only have racked up 30 million kills during the Mongol Empire's expansion in the 13th century, but there were only 450m people on the planet at the time - he killed one in fifteen humans alive - the Roman Empire managed a paltry one in 200 by comparison.

And not a white guy in sight.
But the daddy of all murdering warmongers is Genghis Khan. He might only have racked up 30 million kills during the Mongol Empire's expansion in the 13th century, but there were only 450m people on the planet at the time - he killed one in fifteen humans alive - the Roman Empire managed a paltry one in 200 by comparison.

I wonder.. if he called himself a prophet instead of a punishment sent by God what world we would be living in today.
Oddly, Khan isn't the deadliest man who ever lived - and while his activites supposedly lead to a reduction in the global mean temperature, that honour falls on a man who has changed the planet's atmosphere in much more significant ways, not once but twice.

His name is Thomas Midgley and his claim to fame is that he invented the use of tetra-ethyl lead as an anti-knock agent in petrol. Well, one of two claims to fame - he also invented CFCs for refrigerants.
Oddly, Khan isn't the deadliest man who ever lived - and while his activites supposedly lead to a reduction in the global mean temperature, that honour falls on a man who has changed the planet's atmosphere in much more significant ways, not once but twice.

His name is Thomas Midgley and his claim to fame is that he invented the use of tetra-ethyl lead as an anti-knock agent in petrol. Well, one of two claims to fame - he also invented CFCs for refrigerants.

I'm not seeing numbers for deaths from leaded gasoline. Is the thinking that it tops the 60 million upper estimate for Stalin?
I'm not seeing numbers for deaths from leaded gasoline. Is the thinking that it tops the 60 million upper estimate for Stalin?
No-one really knows. Aside from the more obvious deaths through TEL exposure, it's currently thought that leaded petrol may be responsible (through neurotoxicity) for a significant proportion of violent crime, particularly in cities - in most cities where leaded petrol has been banned, violent crime has fallen by 50% or more in the following 15-20 years (having risen after its introduction and risen with relation to the increase in vehicle numbers)...
I don't know where'd they get this from (maybe they believe the fantasy number of "over 60 millions" by the writer Solzhenitsyn), but I have another data.
The confirmed number of death penalties by NKVD is about 0,7 million. You may also plus the victims of famine in Ukraine (1932-33) - 6-8 millions, even though it's questionable to be Stalin's fault. But it still does not make 60 millions. Not even close.

Or just simply look at the population dynamics:
Can you believe that Stalin's regime exterminated 40% of the country's population (148,656,000 in 1926, before the "big terror"), but it reached the 209 million mark by 1959 even though we've also lost 27 million lives in the WWII?
I don't know where'd they get this from (maybe they believe the fantasy number of "over 60 millions" by the writer Solzhenitsyn), but I have another data.
The confirmed number of death penalties by NKVD is about 0,7 million. You may also plus the victims of famine in Ukraine (1932-33) - 6-8 millions, even though it's questionable to be Stalin's fault. But it still does not make 60 millions. Not even close.

Or just simply look at the population dynamics:
Can you believe that Stalin's regime exterminated 40% of the country's population (148,656,000 in 1926, before the "big terror"), but it reached the 209 million mark by 1959 even though we've also lost 27 million lives in the WWII?

The link says 15-60, that's a big range. All depends on exactly what you assign blame for.

Me, reading some of the posts here.
The link says 15-60, that's a big range. All depends on exactly what you assign blame for.
Actually, it says:
The exact number of victims may never be known and remains a matter of debate among historians. The published results vary depending on the time when the estimate was made, on the criteria and methods used for the estimates, and sources available for estimates. Some historians attempt to make separate estimates for different periods of the Soviet history. For example, the number of victims under Joseph Stalin's regime vary from 642,980 to 61 million.[5][20][21][22][23][24]
During that period the Collegia of OGPU, NKVD Troikas,Special Council of the NKVD, Courts and Military Courts indicted 3,777,380 individuals, including 642,980 who received the death penalty, 2,369,220 with sentences of up to 25 years, and 765,180 exiled or deported. At the time of the report, it further stated, there were 467,946 people in the labor camps and prisons convicted for counter-revolutionary crimes and 62,462 former prisoners in exile.
But what can be blamed for to count 60 millions?.. WWII casualties? It's Hitler to blame for it, not Stalin.
But what can be blamed for to count 60 millions?.. WWII casualties? It's Hitler to blame for it, not Stalin.

I think that the highest estimates assign blame for some WWII casualties due to the, at times, careless use of troops.
But what can be blamed for to count 60 millions?.. WWII casualties? It's Hitler to blame for it, not Stalin.

And the Japanese, and the Russians, and the Americans, Australians, British, if you want to go to the big total.

Additionally your citations only point to another citation section on a publicly editable mobile wiki ;)

The figures therein get you to a score of about 6 million for Stalin if you use the minimums, I think anyone who's read Gulag Archipelago would easily believe that many more died in Stalin's prisons than were recorded to have done.

This wiki makes the figure nearer 10 million incidentally, also based on estimates with a good few dead links.
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What are you talking about? What does that have to do with someone calling me short-sighted despite never posting my opinion here?

Sorry, you said you lived in an Islamic country, you also implied that you lived in a country near a US naval base, I was intrigued as to the country, that was all :D
Navy* base. Is that your issue?

No issue, I was simply interested, as I stated, in which country you lived in; you described it as an "Islamic country" (your spelling) and as having a "US Navy base" (your correction). I was interested in which country you lived in.

I didn't ask for social security numbers or photographs of your winkle*.

*Let's chat first
Did my edit-in satisfy your curiosity?

No, I wasn't alerted.

EDIT: No, you messed up the tagging, I don't think GTP works the way you think it does.

I didn't figure that you lived in Bahrain because I thought your profile pic was a service station in the UK that I sometimes pass. Most people think of Bahrain as something more stunning than that ;)

At least you answered the question after some autistic push-pull.
No, I wasn't alerted.

EDIT: No, you messed up the tagging, I don't think GTP works the way you think it does.

I didn't figure that you lived in Bahrain because I thought your profile pic was a service station in the UK that I sometimes pass. Most people think of Bahrain as something more stunning than that ;)

At least you answered the question after some autistic push-pull.
It is, but given it's a "racing" and my name, the image goes along better. Also I thought BHR would give it away easy :/

Anyway, do you mind answering my question now? Why you would agree with @LeMansAid ?
It is, but given it's a "racing" and my name, the image goes along better. Also I thought BHR would give it away easy :/

Anyway, do you mind answering my question now? Why you would agree with @LeMansAid ?

Bloody hell, can't remember, brb... (while I figure out why BHR is a clue?)

EDIT: Ah, I agree with @LeMansAid on his joke about your short-sightedness which (in my opinion only) referred your extremely homophobic/Freudian comments in the Homosexualisticity thread.
Bloody hell, can't remember, brb... (while I figure out why BHR is a clue?)

EDIT: Ah, I agree with @LeMansAid on his joke about your short-sightedness which (in my opinion only) referred your extremely homophobic/Freudian comments in the Homosexualisticity thread.
Don't you think the two of you could've said that in that thread, not here? You're free to jump to any conclusions though. If my thoughts there, and my reaction here makes you think I'm a jihadist, go ahead.