Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
I never said it was the whole planet. I could talk about how since I'm white nobody thinks twice about me in France even though I'm a foreigner who doesn't speak the language very well. That's a pretty distinct privilege of being white, I can go basically anywhere in western Europe and people don't look twice at me in public even though I'm just as foreign as someone from Syria and don't speak any language other than English or an intermediate level of French.

And yeah they are horrible generalizations. It's horrible that basically anywhere you go in the western world, resumes with non-white names on them get less attention. It's horrible that non-white people don't get the benefit of the doubt, have harder times getting jobs, have a harder time getting loans. It's horrible that non-white people are expected to speak on behalf of their entire race. White privilege doesn't mean you'll be wealthy and happy. It means that where you end up in life doesn't have to do with your race. I know my mediocre GPA is because I'm a mediocre student, not because I don't speak "proper". I know if I don't get a job offer it's because my resume isn't good enough, not that my name is foreign.
Minority speaking here. I don't see this in 2015 Britain.

My suggestion wasn't racist. I talked about a specific act of violence perpetrated by non-white muslims. I'm not suggesting anything, all I'm saying is that we don't give the benefit of the doubt to people who aren't white in the same way. I personally think the attack was motivated by people taking offense to the cartoonists, which to me is a pretty mentally ill way of responding to cartoons. The point is that a white guy flew a passenger jet into a mountain and we talked about depression, mental health, and airline security policies. We distanced the individual from the action.
This is what humans do, we seek patterns in everything including behaviour. And, like it or not these patterns include ethnicity.

Two scenarios:

Socially withdrawn kid goes into a school and shoots his classmates then himself in America.
Man blows up a train in Munich.

What are the first images that come into your head of the likely perpetrators of each.
Disturbed individuals. Why, what were you thinking of?

Rhetorical question. Everybody knows what you were thinking. We all figured out your game weeks ago.
You're blinded by hate to the point of parody. Stop and think about it:

If I tell you South Asians are linked to Obesity and Diabetes, and Favism to Greeks and those born in the Mediterranean would you agree it's a good idea to profile patients according to these findings?
Hmmm so I posted this article in another thread as an example of what I perceive is a global hardening of attitudes against Muslims. It covered the story of Tahera Ahmad's experience on a United Airlines flight and led to the flight attendant being banned from UA flights. However something didn't quite add up, so I looked a little deeper....

This was a post on a message board to do with flying. The poster also made subsequent posts in the thread:

"I was actually on this flight on Friday evening from ORD to DCA. I have been a reader of this forum for a long time but seeing this all over the news made me sign up so I could tell you what really happened here and hopefully stop this liar in her tracks. I was sitting close enough to her to hear everything that was said. The flight attendant came up to the lady (I believe she even took her order first in the entire cabin as she was seated in the bulkhead 7d) and took her order. She ordered a coke zero and a hot green tea with a Splenda. The flight attendant handed her a full diet coke with a cup on top and then told her that the green tea would take a few minutes and she would get it to her ASAP. The lady said very rudely and condescending to the FA that she ordered a coke zero and basically pushed the soda back to the flight attendant. The FA said she was sorry and attempted to find a coke zero for her (which she did not have many of) and told her that she could only give her a portion of the can not the full can. This is when the lady in question started to freak out and told the FA "What do you think I will use this as a weapon?! Why can't I have the whole can? I think you are discriminating against me. I need your name...." The lady just kept yelling to her "I need your name... I am being discriminated against." This is when a few passengers told her to calm down and one guy told her to "shut her mouth and she is being ridiculous over a can of coke". No one ever said anything anti-Muslim to her at all. She was the one who started screaming discrimination when she did not get what she wanted. The FA asked her numerous times if she would like anything else when the lady just basically pushed her away with a hand in her face. The lady then got onto her phone with her credit card and paid for the internet so she could start spinning this story on social media and she was never in tears. This person is a liar plain and simple and is just pulling the discrimination card."

On an article following up the story I also found this comment:

"Don't believe this woman. My wife and I were on this flight. She was very rude and because she couldn't get a whole can of pop she flipped out and started pulling the discrimination card. Pathetic. I have since tried to contact the media and not one has gotten back to me to hear my side of the story. Just goes to show many media only care about controversy instead of factual information.."

Remember that these are random accounts, and as such could be made up, although one seems to use a real name. It's interesting that they are on different sites yet tell the same story.

This update on her facebook (which was subsequently deleted) sounded suspicious, as I couldn't imagine pilots talking about their "white privilege". United Airlines disputed her claim that they didn't reach out to her

Searching further also led me to this video:

Now whatever you may think of Ms Ahmad (her links to radical Imams are enough of a turn off for me) if her events of the flight are true then it's inexcusable. However we need to be sure rash decisions aren't made the moment someone screams "Islamophobia" since it's an unfortunate truth the public are rapidly losing patience with Muslims (see all the comments in these articles) and stories such as this could serve to drown out more serious discrimination claims in future.

This story smelled fishy to me from the beginning. Hopefully someone pops up with some video evidence to tell us what the whole story is. It's incredulous to me to think that a flight attendant would risk their career over a can of diet coke.
If I tell you South Asians are linked to Obesity and Diabetes, and Favism to Greeks and those born in the Mediterranean would you agree it's a good idea to profile patients according to these findings?
Profiling patients to better target their health care is completely ethical. But it doesn't justify profiling people to try and eradicate crime. Once again, you provide anecdotal evidence for an unrelated subject to try and entrap people into compromising their principle. It's called a straw man argument, and it's a logical fallacy.

The irony is that if you think profiling people on crime is acceptable, you would probably get targeted as likely to commit a hate crime.
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The irony is that if you think profiling people on crime is acceptable, you would probably get targeted as likely to commit a hate crime.
Let me think about it....YES!

I am stopped and searched far more frequently because I'm half black. Please check my post history to view my thoughts on this. You've got it in your head that "hate crimes" are the worlds worst offence, so much so that you're seemingly ignoring the fact that someone has more than likely made up a racial discrimination story to attract attention to "Islamophobia", and this has resulted in an airline having to ban a flight attendant from flying with them to avoid a PR nightmare.
You've got it in your head that "hate crimes" are the worlds worst offence

I must have missed that.

Since Lutz's political demise the party has concentrated on the less hateful parts of its agenda in a method that's similar to the success of UKIP and France's Front National. Some of their aims are undeniably sensible (but not unique). Still, this vote is meaningless as the election returns a single mayor, not a spread of power. It doesn't surprise me to find that Dresden proportionally has twice as many strong-right voters as Britain does, the city has a speckled history as far as extremism on both wings goes.
It's not meant to show power, rather the level of discontent. To poll 10% even after the mess of the Hitler similarities is pretty significant.
I dont care much about it, my sister is Muslim she converted, im christian though. She took me to there mossc and they were all nice people. They were serving really good food for free and they treated you like family. Even me looking all redneck, cowboy boots, camo hat, shirt with the selves cut off they still treated me great. Every now and then ill go with my sis to there dinners.
You're not "one of them" since there is no "us and them". If anything you're one of us since you're a human, an American-Muslim human. Same as Ms Ahmad. :)
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Ahmed is a Muslim who lives in Sweden, he called brother Rachid's show to say that he supports ISIS and that he is in a religious duty in Sweden to spread Islam. This view is the authentic Muslim view based on Muslim's sacred texts, some Muslims might reject it but that does not mean it is not found in the main stream Islam based on the Quran and the Hadith.

Ahmed is a Muslim who lives in Sweden, he called brother Rachid's show to say that he supports ISIS and that he is in a religious duty in Sweden to spread Islam. This view is the authentic Muslim view based on Muslim's sacred texts, some Muslims might reject it but that does not mean it is not found in the main stream Islam based on the Quran and the Hadith.

After our last Prophet, (Muhammad)It's been our duty as Muslims to spread Islam. But what ISIS is doing is the exact opposite. Ahmed on the other hand is doing what we've been supposed to do in the first place.
Ahmed is a Muslim...he is in a religious duty in Sweden to spread Islam. This view is the authentic Muslim view based on Muslim's sacred texts, some Muslims might reject it but that does not mean it is not found in the main stream Islam based on the Quran and the Hadith.

And that's unique how? Do you know anything about any other religions?