Have you ever worked or been to a university with affirmative action? What it means is that white people end up being the only ones taken at face value because people don't assume you got in on a policy. Anyone non white has to prove they belong, with white people it's just assumed.
White privilege isn't overt like the examples you've given. It's about me walking into a store with a backpack on and nobody giving me any trouble. It's about never having to worry about how I learned speak and my dialect of English being considered uneducated or "ghetto". It's about how since my first name is Joel, my resume will automatically be given more attention. It's about how
Anywhere I go I'll get the benefit of the doubt. White kids who get caught with a bit of pot get a slap on the wrist. Black kids go to jail. What I do doesn't reflect on my race, if I'm late for work my co workers don't attribute it to being white. If I do something rude, have poor hygiene, or dress poorly, it doesn't get attributed to my race. Nobody assumes when I go into a restaurant that I can't pay, and in Canada/America they don't assume I'll leave a bad tip.
A few months ago a white guy flew a plane into a mountain and killed a hundred people. Media talked about his depression, and the discussion was about mental health. When a white guy shoots up a school in America or an island full of young people in Norway it's about mental health. When muslims shoot cartoonists and police in Paris it's about "them" attacking free speech, about their culture, about the violence of Islam. We didn't talk about mental health when that happened.