Islam - What's your view on it?

  • Thread starter SalmanBH
Over in Leicester (A little out of the city centre), where I am at the moment. There seems to be quite a demand for indochinese cuisines here! That being said, if you want an amazing burger go to Creamz in Whitechapel... Best.burger.ever.
Is it Halal? Lol
"Put all your trust in God, and lean not onto your own understanding."
This is for people like me, who actually do put our trust in God.

Another way of looking at it is that this is for people who don't think, people who don't question things, people who are puppets, people who need to be told what to do, people who make no contribution, provide no leadership and are merely passengers on this planet. People whose evolution might just as well have stopped with the mollusk.

It reminds me of that meaningless gibberish - "the peace of god which passeth all understanding" which is trotted out to explain scriptural gibberish and inconsistencies.
By "radical", he means "all".

How in the living heck can you draw that conclusion? He, the MP, is absolutely right, and didn't mince words about it. The very definition of Jihad is holy war, which means ISIS is basically waging a religious, and a secular, war against the world right now where Al-Queida (pardon my spelling) was fifteen years ago.

Let me put it another way, if Usama Ben-Laden (if he would be alive today) suddenly turned as moderate as any muslim that you see walking down the streets (heck put his living address in Australia), which would more likely get to him first if ISIS were to come knocking down your country's door, death by natural causes or a beheading by ISIS since he was declared as "not Muslim enough"?

The MP wasn't really saying go after every muslim on the street. What he was really saying was to pay real close attention to your surroundings and report radical muslims when you see it.
The MP wasn't really saying go after every muslim on the street. What he was really saying was to pay real close attention to your surroundings and report radical muslims when you see it.

Much of what you said made some sense but I have to disagree with this. Reclaim Australia is pretty hard-line, from what I read.
How in the living heck can you draw that conclusion? He, the MP, is absolutely right, and didn't mince words about it.
Because, as TenEightyOne points out, Reclaim Australia are hardliners - and the MP in question comes from the far-right faction of the conservative side of politics. It's not the first time he has made comments like these, either.
Because, as TenEightyOne points out, Reclaim Australia are hardliners - and the MP in question comes from the far-right faction of the conservative side of politics. It's not the first time he has made comments like these, either.
So disqualify anything he had to say about radical Islam just because of what side of the aisle he is from? I respect you as a person, but sometimes all lack of common sense goes right out the window here at GTP as a whole. Look, I get the fact that he is a far-right politician, but even a blind squirrel can find a nut once in a while (as they say here). The evidence is pretty convincing that the massacre that is happening over in ISIS controlled lands is not motivated by a monetary or political points of view, but rather a religious one. The absolute way they execute "criminals" falls under the strictest interpretation of the Qu'ran. Also, according to Anjem Choudary, these 13 things that us average Americans (and I'm sure you as well) will not get to enjoy when Sharia is the law of the land in your respective countries (some or all may apply):

Insulting the prophet Mohamed.

In other words, the things that us people who come from Western society enjoy would be gone if Sharia is imposed as the law of the land world wide.

Source (if you care to read the twitter post for yourself):
So disqualify anything he had to say about radical Islam just because of what side of the aisle he is from?
No, I disqualify him because it's not the first time hehas done it. And also because he's a hypocrite - he is vehemently opposed to sharia law, but would happily see the Bible introduced into school curriculum in place of ethics classes. It's very hard to oppose one religious law when you support another.
No, I disqualify him because it's not the first time hehas done it.
If your argument amounts to "Oh great, this guy again :rolleyes:", you are part of the problem in my view. Responses like yours can have the effect of augmenting a fraught situation to ensure that it presents as precisely the undesired situation you'd purport to want to avoid. Do you want ordinary Muslims to feel that they are more hated than they actually are? It appears so.
Responses like yours can have the effect of augmenting a fraught situation to ensure that it presents as precisely the undesired situation you'd purport to want to avoid.
So, your solution is to pay attention to somebody whose hatred is well-documented and who has nothing new to say? What can we possibly learn from this man?
So, your solution is to pay attention to somebody whose hatred is well-documented and who has nothing new to say? What can we possibly learn from this man?
"Pay attention to"? Where did you pull that from? I'm suggesting you should play the ball (words), not the man, and also suggesting that being needlessly alarmist can have negative consequences for innocent people.

So, was there something that he did/said during the protest that we should genuinely take heed of, or are you just keen to fill the every day Muslim with greater fear and paranoia?
I don't know - can you read an entire thread rather than one or two posts? I have made it pretty clear that the person in question has made these comments before.
I don't know about the rest of y'all, but you are acting like someone who would rather make us do our homework for you. Nothing what this MP said was wrong. Wrong venue? You bet ya. But the fact that you would point out some "Bigirotry" in what he is saying because he said it in the past instead shows consistency in what he is saying. This man knows who the true enemy is, and it isn't the moderate muslims. It is the radicals, and that should be something that is picked up by, quite frankly, the rest of the world.

EDIT: By the way, you still haven't answered my question.

Insulting the prophet Mohamed Mr Jeebus

I misunderstand, I think. I presume you're talking about Christianity? Not all of those are forbidden... I highlighted all the things in your post that are forbidden in Judaism/Christianity or that fundamentalist representatives of those religions have actively campaigned against. I hope we're all a little clearer now.

I don't see any bigotry in the quoted article. Can you point it out for us?

If Hitler said he supported the Volkswagen then it would still be a statement by a mad bigot - you'd be able to read in context that he wished to raise more money to perpetuate a Nazi agenda, however little context was apparent in his words on the day. Nobody looks back and says "Eeh, that Mr. Hitler, he had the interests of the economically-minded short-distance motorist at heart".

The same is true of any speaker representing the interests of fundamentalists like Reclaim Australia.
I misunderstand, I think. I presume you're talking about Christianity? Not all of those are forbidden... I highlighted all the things in your post that are forbidden in Judaism/Christianity or that fundamentalist representatives of those religions have actively campaigned against. I hope we're all a little clearer now.
Yes, Christians and Jews actively campaigned against some of what you said, but we won't actually kill you today to stop you from doing these things because we know that our God will sort out their issues.

Muslims, on the EXTREME other hand, teach to execute you for doing ALL of those things that are on the list, and more (such as killing your daughter/sister if they date someone that is not a muslim, something that is a epidemic, and under reported, here in America. The documentary 'Honor Girls' highlights some of what Muslim women go through every day, give it a watch.)
Yes, Christians and Jews actively campaigned against some of what you said, but we won't actually kill you today to stop you from doing these things because we know that our God will sort out their issues.

Some would like to kill for their beliefs, it's called extremism, you get it in any group/collective.

Muslims, on the EXTREME other hand, teach to execute you for doing ALL of those things that are on the list, and more (such as killing your daughter/sister if they date someone that is not a muslim, something that is a epidemic, and under reported, here in America.

Perhaps under-reported means "doesn't happen as often as the right would like to think"? Overall you seem to understand extremism but then you say things like

The documentary 'Honor Girls' highlights some of what Muslim women go through every day, give it a watch.)

Yes, those things happen. Vile behaviour isn't the preserve of Muslims, we know for a fact that the greatest abuse/slavery scandals of recent times occurred in Christian establishments, for example.

I know lots and lots and lots of Muslim women, how would you explain the fact that they haven't been through the things that you seem to think are standard Muslim fayre?
Yes, Christians and Jews actively campaigned against some of what you said, but we won't actually kill you today to stop you from doing these things because we know that our God will sort out their issues.

Muslims, on the EXTREME other hand, teach to execute you for doing ALL of those things that are on the list, and more (such as killing your daughter/sister if they date someone that is not a muslim, something that is a epidemic, and under reported, here in America. The documentary 'Honor Girls' highlights some of what Muslim women go through every day, give it a watch.)

A difference between Islam and Judaism/Christianity is that Moslems have yet to learn to ignore the teachings in their books.

When was the last time you heard of a Jew or Christian killing someone for working on the "sabbath"? Yet the "old testament" makes it quite plain that this is one of God's requirements. I'd say it's very close to 100% of Jews and Christians who regard this and other parts of their books as being completely nuts, so they ignore them.

Sadly, even though maybe 90% of Muslims ignore much of the Quran, that still leaves a large number of people who behave like dangerous nutcases. If 10% of Jews and Christians were to desire to execute sabbath workers, America and Europe would be far more dangerous than they are today

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