The war on ISIS.

  • Thread starter mister dog
Heard about this from someone who knows people over there. Mosuls the biggest one gone, small towns have also fallen. Really hoping this doesn't turn into something much worse...
I read that military & police in Mosul pretty much ran, surrendering the airport & governor's office.
Thing is the brits and yanks already said they weren't going to resend troops, as the Iraqi forces were quote 'perfectly capable of defending themselves', so i suppose ISIS will have free play to take over the country...
Thing is the brits and yanks already said they weren't going to resend troops, as the Iraqi forces were quote 'perfectly capable of defending themselves', so i suppose ISIS will have free play to take over the country...

I'm not sure why we should, it's not America's role to police the world outside their own borders any more than it's ours (UK's) to "follow the dossier" as they did last time. There are organisations with much more expertise and experience in these areas.
I'm not sure why we should, it's not America's role to police the world outside their own borders any more than it's ours (UK's) to "follow the dossier" as they did last time. There are organisations with much more expertise and experience in these areas.
If they would have stayed out of Iraq in the first place and not open pandora's box.... but that's another discussion ;)
Brits and Yanks have been making a royal mess of the middle east for a long, long time.

But now we have fracking and can produce oil and gas from your kitchen sink, who needs Arab oil?

I say we give the Russ and the Chinese their turn at arming and exploiting Arab lands, or better yet, let them fight it out amongst themselves. Since they are still patriarchs and we are now LGBT cultists, Muslims are our natural enemies and we'd be much better off if they fought and killed each off for a few hundred years.
Since they are still patriarchs and we are now LGBT cultists, Muslims are our natural enemies and we'd be much better off if they fought and killed each off for a few hundred years.

I think we can all agree in condemning extremists, whether they have religious motives or not, but that statement of yours actually makes you out as one too i hope you realize that.
@mister dog, don't leave out the bit that makes the whole message important.
I posted this on Jalopnik last night and I'll see how it goes over here:


Ah damn if it was sarcastic my apologies @Dotini
He was sarcastic only in that what he said was totally politically incorrect. That doesn't mean his observation of fundamental differences are particularly wrong. Sadly, I know exactly what he means and I find it hilariously accurate.
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Why are we helping the Muslims in this case? It really doesn't matter if we help them or not, they will still resent us and treat us as the enemy. So we help them and then they get overthrown by someone else! Boy that worked! Is Egypt better off today?
I somehow find it ironic that a jihadist group's acronym is the name of an ancient Egyptian god - I don't think jihadists take to kindly to polytheistic pagans.
Let them sort it out themselves and don't waiste the 8 o'clock news on it. It's an instable, barbaric and intollerant region. With that a culture and religion that are far from civilized and one which justifies violence. Mix that with highly explosive extremists and you can have quite a party.

Well that almost can be said for the whole middle-east.
Let them sort it out themselves and don't waiste the 8 o'clock news on it. It's an instable, barbaric and intollerant region. With that a culture and religion that are far from civilized and one which justifies violence. Mix that with highly explosive extremists and you can have quite a party.

Well that almost can be said for the whole middle-east.
That's the problem with the "it's far from our beds, they can do whatever" mentality. This instability, especially it it ends up affecting the entire region ultimately has a negative influence on the whole world. It will make for an even bigger breading ground of extremists with new generations to follow, that despise our way of living and they will try and commit attacks in the west whenever they get the chance just to prove that point + it will also affect oil prices. And those are only the negative effects for us westerners, not mentioning the millions of people that could suffer under this over there.

Just recently one of those ISIS affiliated jihadists that fought in Syria took his Kalashnikov and shot 4 people in the head in downtown Brussels. They only caught him when he got off the bus from Amsterdam as they were checking for drugs... A sign of what could follow if this keeps on escalating.
No matter how many times that the "millions of people" are helped, it somehow turns out to not doing anything. If there is less of a dependence on their oil, there is less need to be policing every single move made in the region.
That's the problem with the "it's far from our beds, they can do whatever" mentality. This instability, especially it it ends up affecting the entire region ultimately has a negative influence on the whole world. It will make for an even bigger breading ground of extremists with new generations to follow, that despise our way of living and they will try and commit attacks in the west whenever they get the chance just to prove that point + it will also affect oil prices. And those are only the negative effects for us westerners, not mentioning the millions of people that could suffer under this over there.

Just recently one of those ISIS affiliated jihadists that fought in Syria took his Kalashnikov and shot 4 people in the head in downtown Brussels. They only caught him when he got off the bus from Amsterdam as they were checking for drugs... A sign of what could follow if this keeps on escalating.
There's an easy solution for these problems - step one, deport all the radicals, step two, close off the borders.

By the way, no matter what's going on in Ukraine, I'll always rather buy my oil from Russia than the Middle East.
There's an easy solution for these problems - step one, deport all the radicals, step two, close off the borders.
Easier said than done ;)

No matter how many times that the "millions of people" are helped, it somehow turns out to not doing anything.
When was the last time we went over there 'to help' if not because there was something we could loot? I don't think invading Iraq was to help the Iraqi people eh...:lol:
Just recently one of those ISIS affiliated jihadists that fought in Syria took his Kalashnikov and shot 4 people in the head in downtown Brussels. They only caught him when he got off the bus from Amsterdam as they were checking for drugs... A sign of what could follow if this keeps on escalating.
No, the killing is only allowed outside western Europe and USA :rolleyes:

I don't remember either Al Assad or Hussein treating to kill western civilians, but then they make a mess of things, riddle up extremist who inevitably end up bringing the fight to the western world.

Western people do not bring control to the region, extremist and terrorists cells do not operate under a hierarchy leadership, and military control make matters worse. I don't understand where the stupid idea of policing them bring them control come from, there is a clear cultural divide that westerners clearly do not respect which is what generates the whole conflict.
We can easily survive without their oil. The will to really develop stuff on a natural base is just not there with the multinationals (greed). That's our problem.

How you want to solve it? It's a waiste of efforts and lives to intervein and it's just not worth it.

Cut all the trades and have very strict border control arround it?
I say we give the Russ and the Chinese their turn at arming and exploiting Arab lands, or better yet, let them fight it out amongst themselves. Since they are still patriarchs and we are now LGBT cultists, Muslims are our natural enemies and we'd be much better off if they fought and killed each off for a few hundred years.

America will fight them with hashtags!

As a european, Im glad that there was no tumblr around in 1944 or that ******** of website would have doomed us.
Easier said than done ;)
Norway is already cracking down on immigrant criminals. They don't care if they get labeled as racist or not, national security is more important to them than false allegations of discrimination. As it should be in any country (Sweden still seems to be lagging behind in this issue :rolleyes:).
Norway is already cracking down on immigrant criminals. They don't care if they get labeled as racist or not, national security is more important to them than false allegations of discrimination.
Yeah, go racism! :rolleyes:

Because Breivik was totally an outsider and he didn't came up with those ideas by himself.

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