Israel - Palestine discussion thread

@LMSCorvetteGT2 Do ou think that what I suggested a good state solution is 5 lines of words? And do you think I don't know there are muslims living in Israel (Israeli citizens) or that the West Bank has its own problems and political views? That Hamas and Fatah have been negociating? I've been there. You really think I'm dumb. You must be a genius. Tell us your solution then...or write a book.

ILast time you've acused me of something and waving the AUP, you made me lose 1h to make an "history" on my posts and your posts as well.

BTW, I don't have any twitter acc. The only social media I use is the FB and it's not to keep up with the news or searching for information. If you think everything I post is BS and you don't believe anything I say, ignore it.

ps: Yellow paper isn't a worldwide concept you know. And I'm still waiting for an example where I've said that everything anyone posts as source is a pro-western / pro-israel yellow paper type of thing.

According to you and other people in this thread, if a person is on the side of the palestinian people who's being killed everyday even in refugee camps (fact) it's because they're biased and their supporting Hamas

I'm on the side that has been crushed to the ground. If you think that keeping an "imparcial" position is to say that both sides are equally victims, it's OK. If you had the chance to go to Gaza or to TelAviv I'd love to see your answer: I don't care, I'll be equally threatned either way.

I don't give a goose if you think I'm biased. I'm not here to pass an image of an "intelectual". I'm giving my oppinion. It happens to be different from yours. So you start a name calling game that I won't enter.
So if you're fine with the killing, why are you whining so much about it?
His position over the past 4 pages (reinforced in the post immediately above mine) seems to be that he's upset that Hamas hasn't done a good enough job at killing people when it comes to "doing things that provoke Israel to carelessly level entire blocks."
Wonder how all those that actually support these bombing campaigns would feel like, if they would be trapped in Gaza with their families at this moment...
The only people I'm aware of that support the bombing campaigns are some Israelis. As for getting them to know what it feels like... well, Hamas have launched 2,500 rockets at them this month so I guess they've got an idea. Ask the folk in Ashkelon perhaps, who are fishing Qassam and Grad rockets out of their gardens?
I guess they will have grilled tomatoes for dinner tonight ;)
Oddly, a Thai migrant worker was killed last week while working in a greenhouse in Ashkelon by a rocket fired by Hamas. Hope he wasn't picking the tomatoes.
Oddly, a Thai migrant worker was killed last week while working in a greenhouse in Ashkelon by a rocket fired by Hamas. Hope he wasn't picking the tomatoes.
What else would he have done in a Israeli greenhouse mid summer? :lol:
Poor dude though.
Are they not preserving a decent way of life though? Governments are a necessary evil one once said, I don't agree with what Israel does but it could easily beat the alternative(unfortunately).

CNN has been recently linked here as a source so I followed a few of their stories around. I'm curious if the tunnels are being destroyed and what will happen after(I'm not buying that as the reason for attacks), and here are a few Journalists perspectives on Hamas.


journalist Jeffrey Goldberg at The Atlantic posits
The goal of Hamas—the actual, overarching goal—is to terrorize the Jews of Israel, through mass murder, into abandoning their country," Goldberg wrote. "If generations of Palestinians have to be sacrificed to that goal, well, Hamas believes such sacrifices are theologically justified

Michael Oren
Hamas knows it can't destroy Israel with its rockets or tunnels, but it can create a legal and international situation where Israel can no longer legitimately defend itself," he said.
Reports of civilian casualties in Gaza -- without the context of rockets being fired at Israel -- play into Hamas' media strategy


What is the consensus on brutal dictators vs. the terrorist type entities that pop up after the west takes governments down? I am looking at Saddam and Iraq's current state, same for Libya, Syria, and possibly what will happen in Iran. Well, there was Greece as well I suppose, and didn't someone give Arafat a Nobel Prize?

Perhaps there are professional thugs and then some disorganized wanna be's playing house.
@LMSCorvetteGT2 Do ou think that what I suggested a good state solution is 5 lines of words? And do you think I don't know there are muslims living in Israel (Israeli citizens) or that the West Bank has its own problems and political views? That Hamas and Fatah have been negociating? I've been there. You really think I'm dumb. You must be a genius. Tell us your solution then...or write a book.

I don't know you tell me you went with a limited explanation when you shouldn't have. So I'm judging it based on the narrow context given, if you didn't want me to do that or anyone for that matter then give more. This is obviously a complex situation so when I ask what do you think is best I don't want a snippet that can be split up in just a matter of second.

Yes I do think some of what you said it utterly inane for some one claimed to have this grandiose world view and humanitarian understanding and solemn face. Did you want my view of a solution or do you want to be snide and get in tiff over me being blunt with you. This is debate people come at you with vigor and wanting you to explain in the real world and here, I don't understand why one decides to place themselves in such a scenario and yet feel they don't have to elaborate or take the "abuse". Then don't debate, you were never obligated to respond to me or anyone else but you felt your views had enough conviction at the time to be somewhat further expressed and now you seem to not want to continue.

ILast time you've acused me of something and waving the AUP, you made me lose 1h to make an "history" on my posts and your posts as well.


BTW, I don't have any twitter acc. The only social media I use is the FB and it's not to keep up with the news or searching for information. If you think everything I post is BS and you don't believe anything I say, ignore it.

Never said you did, nor do I care. What I said you used which you did post or liked or followed up on was a twitter snip of a reporter claiming that the image was of Israeli's sitting at a out door drive in watching bombs drop and cheering. Which was the rally cry for you and others to basically make this one sided and ignore that the same is happening to Israel but due to measure to try and prevent this working it is less of a reality and disgust.

As for me asking you to provide data, I'm surprised that the mod here hasn't said anything after you've basically just said in simple terms "I don't need to provide anything go look it up yourself" paraphrase. Which is against the AUP and yes I accused you because you were running foul don't do it and I wont accuse you. If I have to control myself under the AUP as agreed, why shouldn't you? So about those numbers and other data could I please get some source material?

ps: Yellow paper isn't a worldwide concept you know. And I'm still waiting for an example where I've said that everything anyone posts as source is a pro-western / pro-israel yellow paper type of thing.

Never said it was, if you wanted me to explain a reference just ask. Wait so you want me to provide a source where you say that though you just said it in your last post?

What's wrong with anti-zionism? What's wrong with anti-racism? You can back check everything I post. It's OK for me. Now you go and claim that "I paint EVERYTHING YOU ALL POST is pro-western yellow paper rhetoric for Israel that has tons of convolution". Can you give any examle? Wouldn't be hard to find, since I say EVERYTHING every single person post as a source is BS.

Also you keep denouncing links and sources we've posted saying they're skewed by the pro-western/Israeli media. Yet when we tell you you'r stuff is skewed for the same bias you claim on ours and we've researched yours you say that it isn't.
According to you and other people in this thread, if a person is on the side of the palestinian people who's being killed everyday even in refugee camps (fact) it's because they're biased and their supporting Hamas

Um no, you've condemned Israel which is fine, but have yet to do it and only do it when asked (probably like you will in response) to save face. Why not as is being asked don't you show consistency in humanitarian out pour to both sides regardless of the number if civilian casualties. So the guy that is more of an efficient killer when provoked is more of an evil and disgusting murder, than the sloppy killer that wishes to kill everyday of the week and if given the precision would become a more adequate one?

I've yet to see you post anything of disgust at Hamas doctrine, rallies, speeches or whatever else that puts their people purposely in the cross hairs. Or makes their people indirect martyrs to a cause that most probably wouldn't want to actually take part in, only to perpetuate hate down the line and keep the pot churning on both sides. Where is your bleeding heart for that? But no you sit here you condemn us while we condemn both sides and because our blow horn isn't louder for Palestine as your righteous one is we're proctors of Israel or pro-Israel. Even when we express our disdain equally for both sides you laugh at us when we claim this to you or denounce it like you did to Famine not too long ago.

I'm on the side that has been crushed to the ground. If you think that keeping an "imparcial" position is to say that both sides are equally victims, it's OK. If you had the chance to go to Gaza or to TelAviv I'd love to see your answer: I don't care, I'll be equally threatned either way.

Why does it have to be some hypothetical and change of subject that is not rational? Never once during any debate did I stoop to levels of irrational, fairy tale conjecture. For example in the guns thread, I never did any intellectual dishonesty toward you and said "well when someone has a knife at you or is about ready to blow your head off, I wonder if you'll still not want a gun". Why does me being there some how change my moral understanding of what is wrong and right? I find it stupid and belittling that you think to some extent that we are unable to have perspective on this because we don't show our full distaste of kids dying or anyone else. (even though we do).

I don't give a goose if you think I'm biased. I'm not here to pass an image of an "intelectual". I'm giving my oppinion. It happens to be different from yours. So you start a name calling game that I won't enter.

Yes and you're opinion will continue you to be scrutinized for the one sided bit it is, of course you don't care if your seen bias because you are you know it and you think it's a viable way to debate. What name calling game? Are you that insensitive that you would put me calling you biased or one sided on some scale as say moron or dumb? Or is your goal to keep screaming some of us as villains so you can avoid the argument?

Here is a good perspective on it I think
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Its all just a little bit of population control. Much needed in my opinion.

That might come before 2040 in a big way and there are other things than war that can help :P I think the earth needs it's population growth and number controlled, with the way we are growing now, earth could see very big problem within 50-100 years -advancement in technology is not always a sign of advancement in civilization. We keep breeding and most countries do not care enough about the next 2 or 3 generation in the future. I think the US has the big picture already, especially NASA :)

Still find it surprising how the earth population gets bigger ever since WWII and computer age started about 40-50 years ago, not even 2000 years before that can compare :lol:, surely the raging war during that period had a hand. It's a serious problem that everyone seems to never notice.
That might come before 2040 in a big way and there are other things than war that can help :P I think the earth needs it's population growth and number controlled, with the way we are growing now, earth could see very big problem within 50-100 years -advancement in technology is not always a sign of advancement in civilization. We keep breeding and most countries do not care enough about the next 2 or 3 generation in the future. I think the US has the big picture already, especially NASA :)

Still find it surprising how the earth population gets bigger ever since WWII and computer age started about 40-50 years ago, not even 2000 years before that can compare :lol:, surely the raging war during that period had a hand. It's a serious problem that everyone seems to never notice.
Interesting post, but off-topic.
@Ridox2JZGTE You nailed what I meant. This world is going to be over populated in the near future. I didnt mean to be so blunt with my comment but to be honest something drastic has to happen in the future to control population. Resources are going to be strecthed beyond belief. Fresh, clean drinking water will be a big issue in the near future. We cant clean fast enough what we contaminate already.
@Ridox2JZGTE You nailed what i meant. This world is going to be over populated in the near future. i didnt mean to be so blunt with my comment but to be honest something drastic has to happen.

Interesting post, but off-topic.

Sorry if I went OT, but the wars that are going on now seems to contribute a bit in controlling the population, the so called nature balance alone will not help. I only wished we have better way than killing each other.
Mac, about your first paragraph: Are you also telling me that Israel can solve this militarily because no superpower backs the Hamas? Does Israel think that "bloodbathing" the palestinians, murdering their children, destroying their homes, closing them behind walls and condemning them to poverty will solve the problem? Israel faces eternal hell on earth if it keeps that illusion.

About your second paragraph: I seem to remember that I was the only one replying to a question you previously asked in this thread. I did mention DIPLOMACY, didn't I?

How about this MCP.

Do Palestinians (and all other Arab nations who support hostile stance against Israel) think that firing rockets non-stop for last 10 years, digging tunnels so they can perform various acts of terrorism, making statements like: "kidnapping of IDF soldiers is at the heart of Palestinian culture", attacks like the one in Itamar (which includes decapitation of 4 month old baby) and using teenagers as suicide bombers will solve the problem? Palestinians face eternal hell on earth if they keep that illusion.

Yes, you mentioned diplomacy. I couldn't agree more. One more question though. I know it will sound ruthless considering we are talking about real human beings, but who should be more "motivated" to start peace talks and cease fire? Guys who are losing hundreds of people every day or guys who lost just few people since start of the " Protective Edge" operation?

Again, I don't condone Israeli military doctrine (which gets to simple "no unnecessary Jewish deaths at ALL cost i.e. no protracted guerilla warfare", pumped to the max since last elections to Knesset by Netanyahu's Hawks in military and government), but unfortunately I understand it.
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I don't know you tell me you went with a limited explanation when you shouldn't have. So I'm judging it based on the narrow context given, if you didn't want me to do that or anyone for that matter then give more. This is obviously a complex situation so when I ask what do you think is best I don't want a snippet that can be split up in just a matter of second.

Next time I'll find a video containing "a good perspective". It's easier and I don't have to write anything. If you were really interested in debating the "solutions" instead of jumping on evertthing I say as irrelevant, you would understand that what I've said was not a "final" or "magical" solution but a simple comparison between the bases of a 1 state solution vs a 2 state solution. And I focused only in the side of religious differences because in both sides people there are strong believers or fundamentalists.

It's always easy to criticize then to add something relevant.

Yes I do think some of what you said it utterly inane for some one claimed to have this grandiose world view and humanitarian understanding and solemn face. Did you want my view of a solution or do you want to be snide and get in tiff over me being blunt with you. This is debate people come at you with vigor and wanting you to explain in the real world and here, I don't understand why one decides to place themselves in such a scenario and yet feel they don't have to elaborate or take the "abuse". Then don't debate, you were never obligated to respond to me or anyone else but you felt your views had enough conviction at the time to be somewhat further expressed and now you seem to not want to continue.

Citation needed.

I'm obligated to respond to you because you make claims about what I've said that are uttelry made up. And if you like to wave with the AUP and call a mod, then aply the same standard to yourself and provide me with all the claims you've been making about me. I'm still waiting for citations where I say to anyone that their sources are "yellow paper" journalism or pro-zionism or pro-israel, etc.

Well, I guess you'll keep doing the same thing. Make things up about my posts and then I'll have to prove that I'm not saying anything you claim I'm saying.

Never said you did, nor do I care.?

Then, don't make false assumptions. If you don't know, ask it. Making stupid jokes about it won't help.

What I said you used which you did post or liked or followed up on was a twitter snip of a reporter claiming that the image was of Israeli's sitting at a out door drive in watching bombs drop and cheering. Which was the rally cry for you and others to basically make this one sided and ignore that the same is happening to Israel but due to measure to try and prevent this working it is less of a reality and disgust.

I used or liked or followed what? Be precise and give specific examples if you want to acuse me of anything. You can't get away with false claims and then expect not to be called dishonest. I didn't post it nor liked it. I've wrote about it in some of my posts as being an example of how some israeli people are dealing with the conflict.

What is happening to Israel that can you claim is "the same" as what is happening in Gaza?
The same? Source needed.

As for me asking you to provide data, I'm surprised that the mod here hasn't said anything after you've basically just said in simple terms "I don't need to provide anything go look it up yourself" paraphrase. Which is against the AUP and yes I accused you because you were running foul don't do it and I wont accuse you. If I have to control myself under the AUP as agreed, why shouldn't you? So about those numbers and other data could I please get some source material?

You have to control yourself under the AUP but you're failing at it. I've said I wouldn't give you a source because you've been failing to give me proofs of your accusations against me. Every post you make has another claim about me that I'll ask you to prove it and you simply ignore it. If you stop for a second and read your claims about me maybe you'll get to the conlusion why I didn't gave you the source you asked because you didn't gave me the citations I asked for. You can't make things up about what I have not said and then ignore it when I ask you to prove it.

Never said it was, if you wanted me to explain a reference just ask. Wait so you want me to provide a source where you say that though you just said it in your last post?

I want you to explain you false claims about what I've posted. The only references or sources would be easy for you to find, since they're all in this thread.

Also you keep denouncing links and sources we've posted saying they're skewed by the pro-western/Israeli media. Yet when we tell you you'r stuff is skewed for the same bias you claim on ours and we've researched yours you say that it isn't.

Citations needed. Again, you're making things up. Give me examples or you'll be broking the AUP by lying. You've said that I've been saying that EVERY source people give are BS (not paraphrasing). So, I ask you to give me examples. I've said that your source in that particular link to the death rates was a jew journalist and it was comprehensible why he would be pro-israel. You've failed to provide the other huge amount of posts where I've said the same about other sources.

BTW, If anything I say is incorrect, I would like for someone to point it out to me, as I've said in other ocasions.

Um no, you've condemned Israel which is fine, but have yet to do it and only do it when asked (probably like you will in response) to save face. Why not as is being asked don't you show consistency in humanitarian out pour to both sides regardless of the number if civilian casualties. So the guy that is more of an efficient killer when provoked is more of an evil and disgusting murder, than the sloppy killer that wishes to kill everyday of the week and if given the precision would become a more adequate one?.

When provoked? Who's provoking whom? People like you say they aren't biased but always portrait Israel as the one being provoked and the one that is responding, ignoring the everyday life that palestinians live under israeli occupation, opression and torture (innocent people) when Hamas isn't even launching rockets. Before this "war" started, there was already a "war" in the streets in the West Bank.

I've yet to see you post anything of disgust at Hamas doctrine, rallies, speeches or whatever else that puts their people purposely in the cross hairs. Or makes their people indirect martyrs to a cause that most probably wouldn't want to actually take part in, only to perpetuate hate down the line and keep the pot churning on both sides. Where is your bleeding heart for that?

Go read one of my first posts in the thread. July 19. I don't think anyone sane and mentaly coherent will agreed with Hamas extremism. Im not the only one thinking that Israel shouldn't be doing what they've been doing and I don't think the other people support Hamas. I think if you defend Hamas extremism you can't even enter a discussion about this conflict. Happy now? There are other groups /milicias in Gaza that don't fit the Hamas extremism. It's probable that at least a part of those sending rockets and shooting guns are people who were kids in 2004 and lost their families. It's not ALL Hamas. This isn't an excuse, BTW.

But no you sit here you condemn us while we condemn both sides and because our blow horn isn't louder for Palestine as your righteous one is we're proctors of Israel or pro-Israel. Even when we express our disdain equally for both sides you laugh at us when we claim this to you or denounce it like you did to Famine not too long ago.

Well, we disagreed. I can't say that both israeli and palestinians people are equally threatned and that's why I stand for palestinian people. I still condemn Hamas and IDF tough. As I've said severat times, Hamas strategy is simply stupid.

Why does it have to be some hypothetical and change of subject that is not rational? Never once during any debate did I stoop to levels of irrational, fairy tale conjecture. For example in the guns thread, I never did any intellectual dishonesty toward you and said "well when someone has a knife at you or is about ready to blow your head off, I wonder if you'll still not want a gun".

Except you did. As you do here as well, claiming I've said things I didn't and claiming I didn't say another things that I did. Must be your "personality".

Why does me being there some how change my moral understanding of what is wrong and right? I find it stupid and belittling that you think to some extent that we are unable to have perspective on this because we don't show our full distaste of kids dying or anyone else. (even though we do).

If your distaste of kids dying or anyone else exists, how can you still be in the fence and say you don't stand for the kids that are dying then? It's because you think it's irracional or because you think you'll be biased? I don't get it. If people don't show their support of palestinian people, It's pretty much the same as being in agreement with Israel. How did you see the voting chart in the UN proposal for a inquiry in the Israeli ground invasion and investigation for war crimes? Would you abstain?.

Yes and you're opinion will continue you to be scrutinized for the one sided bit it is, of course you don't care if your seen bias because you are you know it and you think it's a viable way to debate. What name calling game? Are you that insensitive that you would put me calling you biased or one sided on some scale as say moron or dumb? Or is your goal to keep screaming some of us as villains so you can avoid the argument?

And I'll continue to respond when I have time to. I'm not trying to convince you of anything. But we can still disagreed and have a debate. Well, with you is difficult, but generaly speaking we can.
I was expecting you to start the same type of discourse as in other ocasions. But you didn't, which is nice.

Here is a good perspective on it I think

I'l watch it when I have the time.

@Tornado, It seems wrong.[/QUOTE][/QUOTE]
In this video, he mentions Hamas weapons being discovered inside U.N. Hospitals. I just read that U.N. is condemning Hamas for storing rockets inside U.N. Schools. Shelling of hospitals & schools is despicable, but Hamas are losing points by giving Israelis the excuse.
In this video, he mentions Hamas weapons being discovered inside U.N. Hospitals. I just read that U.N. is condemning Hamas for storing rockets inside U.N. Schools. Shelling of hospitals & schools is despicable, but Hamas are losing points by giving Israelis the excuse.


Why do we send negociators when there's a situation of a criminal with hostages? Why don't we blow up the entire building up? Because there are innocent people there.

It's the same for an hospital or a school. What do you think it matters the most? Make sure those weapons are destroyed or save the lifes of the people that are in that building? You're saying that Israel has "the excuse" to chose rockets over innocent people.

People have to be consistent. In the bank assault situation we wouldn't agreed for a second if the police simply decided to destroy an entire building just to get the criminal. But somehow, some people think differently when we speak about Gaza.

BTW, there's no evidence that every school, hospital, etc had rockets inside.
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In this video, he mentions Hamas weapons being discovered inside U.N. Hospitals. I just read that U.N. is condemning Hamas for storing rockets inside U.N. Schools. Shelling of hospitals & schools is despicable, but Hamas are losing points by giving Israelis the excuse.

They don't care. No one cares about the Palestinians. How do you stop them using hospitals and camps if they want their "own side" to have high civilian casualties. The people of Gaza are stuck between indifference and indifference, refereed with "concerned" indifference from the rest of the world.

Humanity 2014 everyone.
The excuse? Absolutely. Only Hamas would know for sure if it's the justifiable cause.

Then Israeli army is a puppet in Hamas' hands? They can't decide not to blow up a building with hundreads of inocent people inside?

(I've edited my previous post :) )
Shelling UN facilities is inexcusable only if they are exclusively being used by the UN as refugee centres - sadly, this doesn't appear to be the case 100% of the time.

The real question is, how do the UN prevent the militants from using their presence as cover for their assaults on Israel?
Shelling UN facilities is inexcusable only if they are exclusively being used by the UN as refugee centres - sadly, this doesn't appear to be the case 100% of the time.

The real question is, how do the UN prevent the militants from using their presence as cover for their assaults on Israel?
They don't. Only way they can is not to help them.
Shelling UN facilities is inexcusable only if they are exclusively being used by the UN as refugee centres - sadly, this doesn't appear to be the case 100% of the time.

The real question is, how do the UN prevent the militants from using their presence as cover for their assaults on Israel?

In 100% of the cases (more than 20 hospitals and medical centers and several schools bombed until today) there were weapons or rockets inside? Can you provide a source?

@Blitz24 UN is helping Hamas? Or did I miss understood?
In 100% of the cases (more than 20 hospitals and medical centers and several schools bombed until today) there were weapons or rockets inside? Can you provide a source?
No, you've misinterpreted that. I meant that not all UN facilities are being used solely by the UN - some of them are also being used by militants.

Whether the UN know about it or not is a moot point - but I would imagine that if the militants want to use a building to store weapons or launch attacks, they will. UNRWA probably don't know about most militant activity in their midst, but even if they do there is probably very little they can do about it.

This is from UNRWA themselves, from 22nd July:

Today, in the course of the regular inspection of its premises, UNRWA discovered rockets hidden in a vacant school in the Gaza Strip. As soon as the rockets were discovered, UNRWA staff were withdrawn from the premises, and so we are unable to confirm the precise number of rockets. The school is situated between two other UNRWA schools that currently each accommodate 1,500 internally displaced persons.

UNRWA strongly and unequivocally condemns the group or groups responsible for this flagrant violation of the inviolability of its premises under international law.
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Just for fun. I can't believe this woman exists. Sadly she's not the only one with this "line of thought".

It's very one-sided. But not much of what she said is wrong. She said Israel does everything it can to protect Palestinian civilians, that's obviously wrong. The only way that statement would be true is if Israel evacuated and surrendered. She also said nobody wants peace more than Israel - that's a bit misleading. Israel wants peace through victory. Hamas does too. The only difference there is what constitutes victory. For Israel it is unchallenged control of the land. For Hamas it's the eradication of all infidels.

Otherwise she accurately paints one side of the argument.
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