Israel - Palestine discussion thread

I'm not saying that children and babies should be exterminated in those areas, but if they stay there that's what's going to happen, as the Israelis themselves BOMB the ****ing HOSPITALS WITH ****ING CHILDREN, and the half the Muslim brotherhood with seek to even numbers with them.
Meanwhile the Palestinians (and you're not separating the bad Israelis from the rest of the population, so I'm not going to separate the bad Palestinians from the rest of the population) merely try to blow up nuclear power stations, fire their missiles into Israel from schools and hospitals and execute their own citizens who don't support them - then claim Israel did it.

It's not quite as simple as you think it is and your anger isn't quite as accurately placed as it ought to be either.
or the ****ing Saudi Kings, they are the same, and I truly hope they are eradicated from the areas they occupied, I'm not calling for ethnic cleansing, I'm calling for the eradication of extremists who believe they can oppress others for their own sake and occupy lands product of a war of attrition.

Who's land has Saudi occupied and oppressed its people ?
Meanwhile the Palestinians (and you're not separating the bad Israelis from the rest of the population, so I'm not going to separate the bad Palestinians from the rest of the population) merely try to blow up nuclear power stations, fire their missiles into Israel from schools and hospitals and execute their own citizens who don't support them - then claim Israel did it.

It's not quite as simple as you think it is and your anger isn't quite as accurately placed as it ought to be either.
Let me put it into perspective.

Imagine your family, parents, brothers, friends, coworkers and classmates. Imagine if your parents are killed on an airstrike, imagine if your brothers become militants to defend the place you live, imagine if they get killed too because they are under equipped compared to their enemies, imagine if the school you go is also bombed under the pretense that weapons are stored there, resulting in the "collateral" deaths of your classmates and friends. And imagine if the economy is so dwindled by war that there is no alternative but become a militant. And imagine if your home and everything you knew is invaded by a foreign forces killing whichever opposition there is.

Would you give a **** if you strike a nuclear reactor? if you knew you'll be dead in a couple of years anyways because you are considered an international terrorist, not to mention that you couldn't even complete a proper education because the place where you get educated gets blown to pieces, so would you give a ****?

Don't tell me is misdirected anger, I'm sick and tired of that stupid liberal idea that peace will be archived through the diplomacy while the same diplomatic systems are corrupt heavily biased and unjust. Bill Clinton and Yasser Arafat almost archived peace through diplomacy, but then Israel decided to break the truce in favor of invading lands and in favor of extending their territorial control, resulting in the genocide that we see (and apparently shouldn't give a ****).

Some people need to die, either extremist religious leaders, or kings or presidents, not because they are an enemy, but because they will never exchange their psychopathic beliefs in favor of a fair co-existence with others who they deem inferior or not welcome. Before the UK left in 1967 both local Jews and Muslim lived in peace, is not a 1000 year war, is a 80 year old war, and until now we are starting to see that there are some individuals that cannot coexists with others, and it wasn't until the UN established the state of Israel that this whole thing started.

I know is not as simple as I think, both sides committed crimes, but in the great scheme of numbers and figures, there are heavier casualties and oppression in one side compared to the other.
Who's land has Saudi occupied and oppressed its people ?
Don't get me started on that ****, if you happen to be born with the wrong Chromosome you become a sex slave, I'm not advocating for feminism, but equal civil rights is something that does not exist there.

And there is Yemen too, if you want to use the occupied lands card, Bahrain as well.
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Let me put it into perspective.
I'm not wholly convinced that you can, given that your previous statements show you have a rather skewed perspective.
Imagine your family, parents, brothers, friends, coworkers and classmates. Imagine if your parents are killed on an airstrike, imagine if your brothers become militants to defend the place you live, imagine if they get killed too because they are under equipped compared to their enemies, imagine if the school you go is also bombed under the pretense that weapons are stored there, resulting in the "collateral" deaths of your classmates and friends. And imagine if the economy is so dwindled by war that there is no alternative but become a militant. And imagine if your home and everything you knew is invaded by a foreign forces killing whichever opposition there is.
Now imagine that you can hold onto your values, but your own people kill your parents, brothers, classmates, friends and children for not joining their cause.

Imagine that they fire rockets from your school, but do it so badly that they land on your parents (etc.) house.
Would you give a **** if you strike a nuclear reactor?

Actually achieving a strike on a nuclear power station would not only cause significant issues local to the power station but to the wider world. If you don't remember Chernobyl - or simply don't care because you're on a different continent (or think it's a cool level on Call of Duty) - that accident in the middle of Ukraine affected the entirety of Europe, Western, Northern and Eastern, and quite a good chunk of Russia across an area of around 10 million square miles (this is quite a scary thing to watch if you're European and were born before 1986).

Palestine's only trading card at the moment is that everyone hates Israel just a little bit more - and even then, many Arab states class Palestinian groups like Hamas and Fatah as terrorist organisations (Egypt, for example, classes Hamas as terrorists - and the reason that's funny will be explained later). How much goodwill do you think the Arab world will have for Palestine if 10 million square miles of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Russia is covered in radioactive fallout - along with Israel itself and Palestine? What do you think the effects of being that close to a nuclear disaster will be to your parents, brothers, children (etc.) would be?

I'm not sure how anyone can become aware of the concept that Hamas tried to blow up a nuclear power station and not be aware of just how spectacularly stupid, evil and catastrophic an idea it is.
Don't tell me is misdirected anger
It is. You're angry at one side when the reality is that both sides are pricks and don't care about the civilians they kill.
but then Israel decided to break the truce
Might want to do a fact check on that one. Each side is as bad as the other when it comes to breaking ceasefires. During the previous conflict that last saw this thread gain activity, Hamas broke the ceasefire initially, and then ignored several further ceasefires. Since that conflict ended - Operation Protective Edge - in August 2014, a further 38 rockets, mortars and missiles have been fired into Israel from Gaza. Six of those have been this year. Hamas must have a surprisingly short memory or an unusual definition of the word "ceasefire".
in favor of invading lands and in favor of extending their territorial control
There's an interesting post from earlier in the thread that's relevant at this point:
Israel took the West Bank, Gaza Strip, Golan Heights and Sinai Peninsula in the Six Day War in 1967. They gave the all back - except the Golan Heights. West Bank went to Jordanian Palestinians, Gaza Strip to Egyptian Palestinians and Sinai Peninsula back to Egypt.

If Israel wanted those territories, conquering them by force 45 years ago was the time to keep them. Giving them back doesn't really fit with that plan.
If Israel's goal is "extending their territorial control", giving it back after conquering it in open warfare and then recognising it as an independent county is a really, really terrible plan. Keeping is after conquering it in open warfare would achieve the goal.

However, and also from earlier in the thread, it's a little less simple than conquering it and then giving it back... it was Israel's in the first place:

The British took the land from the Ottomans during the First World War. They took it with the help of the ethnic Arabs, with whom they made an agreement to give the land as a self-governing state in exchange for their support.

What they actually did was keep it, with the support of the League of Nations, as the British Mandate of Palestine. This pissed off quite a lot of people, including the small number of resident Jews - who conducted a military insurgency campaign against the British - and an Arab uprising prior to World War 2 against both British rule and Jewish immigration to bolster the Jews' own anti-British campaign.

Eventually Britain withdrew from the region, prompting an immediate invasion from Egypt, Jordan (Transjordan as it was), Iraq and Syria, attacking Jewish settlement, and a counterattack from Israel. After the dust settled, Israel had taken back all of its allocated territory, plus 50% of the allocated Arabic territories leaving only Egypt occupying the Gaza Strip and Jordan occupying the West Bank.
See, what we know as Israel these days was previously the British Mandate of Palestine and included all of the lands of Israel and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When the Mandate expired, Israel declared itself an independent state under David Ben-Gurion and was simultaneously attacked in a land grab by every surrounding state, safe in the knowledge that the British wouldn't fight them.

Israel's counterattack saw it retake all of the land of the Mandate back, except for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which remained in control of Jordan and Egypt respectively.

Earlier I said it was amusing that Egypt classes Hamas as a terrorist group - and as the other country which borders Gaza, that's quite relevant. It's amusing because Hamas is Egypt, or rather the population of Palestinian Gaza is descended from the Egyptian Arabs who took it away from Israel in 1948.

And since then Israel has taken the land back in warfare (1967) and given it back again. And recognised it as an independent state of its own, despite the Hamas charter calling for Israel's destruction.

Israel is, it seems, as bad at land-grabs as Hamas is at aiming rockets.
resulting in the genocide that we see (and apparently shouldn't give a ****).
I'm not sure that anyone's told you not to give a **** about it, but if you think it's an entirely one-sided affair caused by evil Zionists stealing land you're badly misinformed and angry about the wrong thing.

It's far more nuanced than that, and boils down to the fact that the British took the land by deception, then buggered off to leave two groups of people who utterly hate each other to be absolute pricks to one another.

And yes, Israel's weapons are bigger, better and more accurate than Hamas's*, and Israel has the Iron Dome missile defence, but that doesn't automatically make them wrong and the aggressor. Hamas fires rockets from schools and hospitals indiscriminately towards the general Israeli population and murders its own citizens if they object. The Palestinian civilians have to live a murderous religious death cult ruling them and a superpower shelling them occasionally* to try to stop the idiots from killing their own civilians.

Both sides are utter pricks - and you won't solve it by exterminating a side of your choice, as the other will just find someone else to be pricks to.

*Hamas fired over 4,000 projectiles at Israel in 2014. They killed 6 people and injured 80. Israel's retaliatory strikes only just reach three figures. They killed 1,500 people and injured nearly 10,000.

This shows two things. First, Israel's military might is significantly larger than Hamas's and it seems to lack any kind of willingness to avoid civilian casualties. Second, Hamas are blithering idiots who fire an average of 10 rockets a day straight at civilians on purpose. To me, trying to kill civilians with crap weapons is a little worse than not caring if you kill civilians with expensive weapons, particularly if you shoot first. But both are pretty crappy things to do.
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So your point is that both being pricks excludes them from the idiocracy or war, there are far bigger issues caused by war, not only military intervention, but also economic restrictions and attrition, that is a far bigger problem, and there is only one side responsible for that.

And who promotes such behaviours, the Zionist and conservatives parties in Israel, and not because they are evil, they are a political party, they benefit from conflict just as any other party in other places in the world because opposition to them is nullified when radical on the other side protote such environment, but at the same time extremist are provoked by members in the other side. The intifadas are a product of economic and civilian restrictions within the territory, yes they are basically just as bad as their opposition in the other side, but then again, their extremism parts from previous actions by the opposing force.

It's a cycle, but there is a clear distinction between provocation and retaliation, of course extremist in one side will use senseless methods to retaliate to actions in the other, but one cannot forget who starts the **** throwing on both sides, and generally that can justified as "anti-terrorist interventions" that result in civil unrest and radicalism.
I'm not wholly convinced that you can, given that your previous statements show you have a rather skewed perspective.Now imagine that you can hold onto your values, but your own people kill your parents, brothers, classmates, friends and children for not joining their cause.

Imagine that they fire rockets from your school, but do it so badly that they land on your parents (etc.) house.Really?
So, you blame a retaliation on a retaliation, it's an asymmetric war, unconventional methods of warfare are used because the population is packed in, is not like Syria where the population is more dispersed and there are intermediate cities, is a strip, almost completely urbanized due to population density.

And while creating critical infrastructure like hospitals and schools (which Hamas actually did) does not except them from using retaliatory strikes, it was infrastructure created by them, and giving the nature of the asymmetrical warfare and technical limitations that Palestine's have, they are forced to do so. The real problem is that a more capable and better equipped force is bombing into submission a less equipped, less efficient fighting force.

In general terms, they have to shoot from a hospital/school to get into a negotiating stance to get economic and transit sanction lifted, because these things occur due to economic constraints, because Israel has almost complete control of sea routes, while other parts of the border are closed because they limit countries with Sunni-controlled governments (and this is when the whole ISIS-Saudi Arabia comes issue comes in, which makes everything more complicated, but whatever, we go along with it).
Actually achieving a strike on a nuclear power station would not only cause significant issues local to the power station but to the wider world. If you don't remember Chernobyl - or simply don't care because you're on a different continent (or think it's a cool level on Call of Duty) - that accident in the middle of Ukraine affected the entirety of Europe, Western, Northern and Eastern, and quite a good chunk of Russia across an area of around 10 million square miles (this is quite a scary thing to watch if you're European and were born before 1986).

Palestine's only trading card at the moment is that everyone hates Israel just a little bit more - and even then, many Arab states class Palestinian groups like Hamas and Fatah as terrorist organisations (Egypt, for example, classes Hamas as terrorists - and the reason that's funny will be explained later). How much goodwill do you think the Arab world will have for Palestine if 10 million square miles of Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Russia is covered in radioactive fallout - along with Israel itself and Palestine? What do you think the effects of being that close to a nuclear disaster will be to your parents, brothers, children (etc.) would be?

I'm not sure how anyone can become aware of the concept that Hamas tried to blow up a nuclear power station and not be aware of just how spectacularly stupid, evil and catastrophic an idea it is.It is. You're angry at one side when the reality is that both sides are pricks and don't care about the civilians they kill.Might want to do a fact check on that one. Each side is as bad as the other when it comes to breaking ceasefires. During the previous conflict that last saw this thread gain activity, Hamas broke the ceasefire initially, and then ignored several further ceasefires. Since that conflict ended - Operation Protective Edge - in August 2014, a further 38 rockets, mortars and missiles have been fired into Israel from Gaza. Six of those have been this year. Hamas must have a surprisingly short memory or an unusual definition of the word "ceasefire".There's an interesting post from earlier in the thread that's relevant at this point:
If Israel's goal is "extending their territorial control", giving it back after conquering it in open warfare and then recognising it as an independent county is a really, really terrible plan. Keeping is after conquering it in open warfare would achieve the goal.
I'm obviously aware of the dangers of nuclear fallout, because I'm able to reach college education. But Palestinians are not because most of their infrastructure is destroyed (because Hamas is terrorist, and thus if they build a school is a terrorist school, and thus should be destroy with no other consideration in the long lasting effects of having an illiterate population, and if they try to flee they are trapped).

They bombing a nuclear reactor is the result of economic and educational constraints, which in itself is the result of attrition, a retaliatory action after another one, the reactor thing is the consequence of major problems related to economic and civil restrictions, not the cause of one.
However, and also from earlier in the thread, it's a little less simple than conquering it and then giving it back... it was Israel's in the first place:
See, what we know as Israel these days was previously the British Mandate of Palestine and included all of the lands of Israel and the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. When the Mandate expired, Israel declared itself an independent state under David Ben-Gurion and was simultaneously attacked in a land grab by every surrounding state, safe in the knowledge that the British wouldn't fight them.

Israel's counterattack saw it retake all of the land of the Mandate back, except for the West Bank and Gaza Strip, which remained in control of Jordan and Egypt respectively.

Earlier I said it was amusing that Egypt classes Hamas as a terrorist group - and as the other country which borders Gaza, that's quite relevant. It's amusing because Hamas is Egypt, or rather the population of Palestinian Gaza is descended from the Egyptian Arabs who took it away from Israel in 1948.

And since then Israel has taken the land back in warfare (1967) and given it back again. And recognised it as an independent state of its own, despite the Hamas charter calling for Israel's destruction.

Israel is, it seems, as bad at land-grabs as Hamas is at aiming rockets.I'm not sure that anyone's told you not to give a **** about it, but if you think it's an entirely one-sided affair caused by evil Zionists stealing land you're badly misinformed and angry about the wrong thing.

It's far more nuanced than that, and boils down to the fact that the British took the land by deception, then buggered off to leave two groups of people who utterly hate each other to be absolute pricks to one another.
So yeah, apparently we forget that both Egypt and Jordan (which border Palestinian territories) are Sunni, so for me is not ironic but rather obvious that they would isolate them, no Kingdom or rule would accept them as they were not willing to fight with Israel as they did before.

In the six day there were different belligerents, because back then it was UAR, a different government established in 1952 as a way to have the land for the "descendants" of both Egypt and Syria united in a single front, which ended 1961 with the Syria coup d'etat and thus, part of the huge internal divide that today conforms the Syrian Civil war.

As demonstrated by recent events, post 1962 governments and high command figures in both Egypt and Syria simply do not care for humanitarian crises or the population in general, except for Iran, which is mostly Shia (so Sunnis feel betrayed by the Sunni population there, because they were only supported by Iran and thus sided with them, who were and are willing to provide assistance, something that Sunni governments on Syria and Egypt after the war were not willing to give, up to this day).

Now that they are backed by Shia, Sunnis feel no obligation towards them, granted, there is an internal affair between muslims, but the fact that this was not exploited by Israel to create a joint government is more Israel's fault, rather that surrounding countries dropping the war and abandoning them.

As you can tell, such environment of occupational forces create the same Iraqi power vacuums of 2005 that led to the creation of ISIS, this being a consequence of war, not the cause of it. Hamas is established under the same rules, since Israel decided to use brute force rather than diplomacy there.

Israel has a military, influential and economic edge. That they decided to oppress into submission rather than working with them is another issue, but is an issue solely on Israel.
And yes, Israel's weapons are bigger, better and more accurate than Hamas's*, and Israel has the Iron Dome missile defence, but that doesn't automatically make them wrong and the aggressor. Hamas fires rockets from schools and hospitals indiscriminately towards the general Israeli population and murders its own citizens if they object. The Palestinian civilians have to live a murderous religious death cult ruling them and a superpower shelling them occasionally* to try to stop the idiots from killing their own civilians.

Both sides are utter pricks - and you won't solve it by exterminating a side of your choice, as the other will just find someone else to be pricks to.

*Hamas fired over 4,000 projectiles at Israel in 2014. They killed 6 people and injured 80. Israel's retaliatory strikes only just reach three figures. They killed 1,500 people and injured nearly 10,000.

This shows two things. First, Israel's military might is significantly larger than Hamas's and it seems to lack any kind of willingness to avoid civilian casualties. Second, Hamas are blithering idiots who fire an average of 10 rockets a day straight at civilians on purpose. To me, trying to kill civilians with crap weapons is a little worse than not caring if you kill civilians with expensive weapons, particularly if you shoot first. But both are pretty crappy things to do.
Both sides are pricks, but one must not forget who the inhabitants are within each respective region, is the same upcoming problem with Saudi-Arabia, most of the pre-1940's settlements there were mostly tribal and less organized because they didn't have governments or representation because back then there was no need for them, the population was dispersed and not concentrated.

They could have had a system of exclaves and enclaves in Gaza and the Palestinians territories like in Belgium and the Netherlands after the war of 67, but there is nothing but racism in the choice of not doing so, and that is traced back to the hard liners like Netanyahu who are the current rulers in the area and acted as military commanders back in the day, the very same Zionist party who feel entitled to a land due to religious grounds, something that should really start becoming illegal by international law.

Also, for me, Israel is crappier because they justify their war of attrition on weapon smuggling, resulting in the population having a limited capacity for exports and imports that stimulate economic growth (which as you know also helps with taxes and establishment of a more coherent government), they have no alternative but war because the economic sanctions promote extremism rather than a coherent democratic policy.

And why does Israel do this, solely for the reason that they were promised that land on biblical grounds or whatever, which as far as I'm concern is up par with homesexuals being executed by ISIS on the grounds that it does not fit the moral code, both are just as psychopathic and nonsensical.
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Your actual opinion of it is that people should be murdered because of their religion and where they live.
Isn't it the very same thing we are doing with IS.

Syrians living in bombed areas have two options, being murdered by an airstrike (AKA become a "civilian casualty") or flee, same should be done with settlers in illegal lands, either flee or die, sounds crazy, but is the very same thing that is happening with ISIS and is being done by the US, UK, France, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia.

And is the very same thing Israel does on Palestine anyways, either leave the protest for occupation or die, become a non political activist or die, leave a land Israel wants to occupy or die.

Murder is murder, in whichever presentation you ****ing want.
Isn't it the very same thing we are doing with IS.

ISIS are self-declared combatants. I might not agree with all the methods used to fight them and I'd rather see the leaders face justice than martydom but, nonetheless, they are placing themselves in a self-legitimised war.
ISIS are self-declared combatants. I might not agree with all the methods used to fight them and I'd rather see the leaders face justice than martydom but, nonetheless, they are placing themselves in a self-legitimised war.
What about the people who live around them?

Are they self-declared combatants? do they deserve to die because they just happen to be within the same vicinity as them? People who had to subject to their rule or die, at least Israelis trying to settle there (on illegal grounds) have the option of leaving.

The situation is far more dire than that. But is not the only place where such things happen, thus the problem of extremism, in any religion and in any grounds, and I know is ironic because I'm sounding like an extremist too, but there are instances where murder is the only way, murder is not only limited to women and children, people get murder everywhere anyway, legally speaking Osama Bin Laden was murdered by the US government, and it was indeed necessary. Israel can control the influx of internal refugees from occupied lands, first because they have the economic and technical capacity to do so, and secondly because the lands occupied do not belong to them by international law in the first place.

So a fully armed military member is allowed to execute a far less armed individual, and there is absolute no outrage by anyone because is the same thing that has happened for quite some time now, this happens and no one gives a ****.

Jews have put the Palestinian people under huge constraints for nearly a decade now, there is no outrage, there is no media exposure and since ISIS becaume the hot topic no one cares about the people living there.

I brought this up, because even if is just one dead person, it shows that the social and economic constraints that Palestinian people are subjected to forces them to be radicalized (out of job and with family members killed, they radicalize themselves, they have no other opportunities of living, same basic constraints that lead to the formation of ISIS in Syria and Iraq).

The following statement will come across as racist, offensive and irrational, but I hope, and I seriously want Hezbollah and the Iran armed forces to invade and execute all the Jews in illegal settlements, to force them out and flee so they don't come back to those areas.

Yep, definitely anti-Semitic and would be celebrated by the Palestinians, who would then realize that they will be just as oppressed under the Shi'ite Iranis as they were under Israel, and this time the media won't care because it will be more Muslim-Muslim violence so the Western World won't have the Jews to blame for this problem.

The Zionist and mostly conservatives Jews must be eradicated, this people do not look for a fair coexistence with people from other areas, they use the exact same argument that IS uses to establish their caliphate (in the jewish case is that nonsense of the former Kingdom, which is the same **** argument). The Zionist do not live in equilibrium with their surrounding environment, they will always feel entitled to a land that is not theirs, and they will use any means to reinforce this idea.

People in Israel need to realize this before **** hits the fan, because once the war with ISIS is over, the Shia Muslims will swarm Israel, the Zionist government needs to go, otherwise it's gonna get bloody in the upcoming months, and even years.

According to this, myself and @High-Test must be killed because we are Jewish and (mostly) conservative.

Blanket statements don't work at all, but thank you for effectively singling out a world religion and making yourself look no better than Hitler or any other genocide crazed maniac.

For the record, what Israel is doing is not genocide.

To think that Bill Clinton almost fix the issue 20 years ago, now is likely that any chances that of diplomatic solution has banished. Due to several years of war and attrition, and the only ones they will have to blame is Israel themselves and the countries that supported that government through this decade.

Both sides are at fault, again. Israel isn't bombing Gaza because they enjoy doing it (at least most aren't) but to blame Israel and completely ignore the other side shooting missiles is ridiculous. Heck, even in the article you posted, it was shown that the woman killed was trying to stab another individual.

Yes, people don't like it, in Israel military service is mandatory for any inhabitant that is at least 18 years old, regardless of gender, making them effectively part of Israeli military and thus they become non civilians.

If the occupants want to stay there and be anihilated by invading forces, that is a complete different matter, that didn't stop US-Coalition and Russian bombing in Syria, which at the end of the day apply the same ****ing rules and create the same refugee problem, because they had to evacuate the combat areas.

If you want to call me Nazi, go ahead, I'm not saying that children and babies should be exterminated in those areas, but if they stay there that's what's going to happen, as the Israelis themselves BOMB the ****ing HOSPITALS WITH ****ING CHILDREN, and the half the Muslim brotherhood with seek to even numbers with them.

Israel is not better than ISIS or the ****ing Saudi Kings, they are the same, and I truly hope they are eradicated from the areas they occupied, I'm not calling for ethnic cleansing, I'm calling for the eradication of extremists who believe they can oppress others for their own sake and occupy lands product of a war of attrition.

Everybody loves the idea of using the Nazis as a free card for Israel to commit atrocities, and that **** needs to stop, and need to stop from the west, because Israel is doing the genocide, the fact that they were victims of a genocide does not mean that they are allowed to do so.

Do you have an actual opinion, or something to say other than inflate your own ego for things I have said in the past?

You live in the UK, I get it, no outrage for what is happening, that I don't get.

Edit: I'm sorry if I'm being blunt and offensive, but I'm getting sick of what's happening there, and I'll be damn if I don't express my actual opinion about it.

Please give the appropriate definition of genocide so that it can be applied to Israel. Israel is also not committing ethnic cleansing.
According to this, myself and @High-Test must be killed because we are Jewish and (mostly) conservative.

Blanket statements don't work at all, but thank you for effectively singling out a world religion and making yourself look no better than Hitler or any other genocide crazed maniac.
So you say you are "mostly" conservative, what about the hardliners and "really" conservative ones?

Is a really interesting omission you do there. You can call me Hitler all you want, that does not make it true.
...For the record, what Israel is doing is not genocide.
Please give the appropriate definition of genocide so that it can be applied to Israel. Israel is also not committing ethnic cleansing.
They are systematically removing a population from the place they live and reside, by military occupation on illegal grounds, and establishment of settlements.
basic google search
Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory by a more powerful ethnic group, with the intent of making it ethnically homogeneous.

I couldn't care less about what you or High-Test claim, you are not residing in illegal settlements that require constant military pressure to remain safe, as you both are in the US and actually know (by the wording you use when you use statements like "at least most aren't" "enjoying bombing civilian population") that Israel use force to keep the invaded lands safe, by killing the population in the other side (even if it is ****ing not caring about civilian casualties on airstrikes).

Besides did I mentioned anything about a worldwide hunt for conservative Jews? No, all I'm saying is this ... an ethnic group occupies illegally a land, so the only option is either evacuate or die, because negations will not be done, because you are yet to mention or recognize anything that Israel do to keep those settlements safe, and how they do that, by removing the local population, or by fencing them like cattle.


Here is an exercise for thought, 10 years ago I used to work in the "Arab town" of the city, it has around ten blocks in size and it was occupied by Syrians, Palestinians, Israelis, Jews from other places, Jordanies and even some Iranies. I went today and is exactly the same as 10 years ago, and I ask them why they can't do the same thing there in the middle east, and they just tell me that is because neither radical side in both sides of the conflict can't accept the legitimacy of the other, one side can't accept the state of Israel as a state because of some Mosque there and the obvious killing of relatives without compensation, the other ones tell me is because there are sacred grounds there, and they cite the Torah, and a prediction of a kingdom there and some nonsense that equals Muslim extremist view.

All agree that both sides have part in the problem, but most put more weight on Israel (even Jews and Israeli Nationals), because of not negotiating a truce or the lift of economic sanctions (and the mass killing of innocent people by Israel, as well as having relatives killed by Israel Military, which biases them but the argument is still valid).

As I see it, the only solution is to remove people who think they are entitled to land on religious grounds (as I have mentioned several times before), because political distribution should be based on who lives on the land, rather than who claimed is owned by (that's why there is no Kurdistan when there should be, and they don't get protection from Turkey on ethnic grounds, which makes them vulnerable to IS and ironically they are now attacked by Turkey).
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Oh god. I just love how some people interpreted that a majority of population have entirely the same mind as their Top Government + Military and apply that rethoric to eradicate all the civilians. I like to remind you that people on both sides wants this war to stop and make peace.

In this war, both are responsible in some ways and really a controversy and conspiracy pit. Best to avoid it tbh unless you really know whats going on.
Akira AC
The Zionist and mostly conservatives Jews must be eradicated, this people do not look for a fair coexistence with people from other areas, they use the exact same argument that IS uses to establish their caliphate (in the jewish case is that nonsense of the former Kingdom, which is the same **** argument). The Zionist do not live in equilibrium with their surrounding environment, they will always feel entitled to a land that is not theirs, and they will use any means to reinforce this idea.

People in Israel need to realize this before **** hits the fan, because once the war with ISIS is over, the Shia Muslims will swarm Israel, the Zionist government needs to go, otherwise it's gonna get bloody in the upcoming months, and even years.

To think that Bill Clinton almost fix the issue 20 years ago, now is likely that any chances that of diplomatic solution has banished. Due to several years of war and attrition, and the only ones they will have to blame is Israel themselves and the countries that supported that government through this decade.

How much cocaine have you done in the past gregorian calendar day?

Come eradicate me, jackwagon. You've only got 13,600,000 of us left before we're all gone? Why haven't people like you succeeded in any of these attempts?

The reason nobody succeeds is that you and people like you are insane and if anyone follows anything you instruct, I pity the families that will be bereaved by your insanity.

The world isn't as daft as you. Get over it.

What about the people who live around them?

Are they self-declared combatants? do they deserve to die because they just happen to be within the same vicinity as them? People who had to subject to their rule or die, at least Israelis trying to settle there (on illegal grounds) have the option of leaving.
You are calling for the deliberate execution of people based solely on their religion and location. If you can't see the difference, there is no hope for you whatsoever.
You are calling for the deliberate execution of people based solely on their religion and location. If you can't see the difference, there is no hope for you whatsoever.

I agree.

I'm keeping this handy, it's only a matter of time... :)

So your point is

My points are what was written. They do not need reinterpreting in your own words.

As for "asymmetric war"... Blaming Israel only for its retaliation against constant, deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians, civilian infrastructure and nuclear power stations (and if you don't think Hamas targeted a nuclear power station on purpose knowing the devastation it would cause, you're not giving them enough credit) even during supposed ceasefires simply because their weapons are more expensive and do more damage is unbelievable. Sure, Israel are dicks for not caring about the civilians they kill in counterstrikes, but Hamas are dicks for actually targeting civilians on purpose and constantly being an aggressor.

Hamas has launched an average of 10 rockets a day at Israel's civilian population for the last two years and has a charter that calls for the destruction of Israel. It is the literal definition of state-sponsored terrorism - Hamas is the state and deliberately targets civilians. And kills its own population if they do not agree with it.

Just out of interest, what would you have Israel do to defend its citizens?

My points are what was written. They do not need reinterpreting in your own words.

As for "asymmetric war"... Blaming Israel only for its retaliation against constant, deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians, civilian infrastructure and nuclear power stations (and if you don't think Hamas targeted a nuclear power station on purpose knowing the devastation it would cause, you're not giving them enough credit) even during supposed ceasefires simply because their weapons are more expensive and do more damage is unbelievable. Sure, Israel are dicks for not caring about the civilians they kill in counterstrikes, but Hamas are dicks for actually targeting civilians on purpose and constantly being an aggressor.

Hamas has launched an average of 10 rockets a day at Israel's civilian population for the last two years and has a charter that calls for the destruction of Israel. It is the literal definition of state-sponsored terrorism - Hamas is the state and deliberately targets civilians. And kills its own population if they do not agree with it.

Just out of interest, what would you have Israel do to defend its citizens?
From the looks of the statements, he would want to root out all of the Zionists in the Knesset.

My points are what was written. They do not need reinterpreting in your own words.

So I'm not allowed to refute anything that you say?

Then why do we even argue then? So ... I can't argue the points you made, but you can? Isn't that the whole point of forums anyway to argue about a topic, you can try to be impartial but there are still biases (educational backgrounds, as well as socio-cultural ones), I get it, it is your job as a moderator to be impartial, but if an opinion is biased and I'm biased against it, I'm within my right to argue it (is not about freedom of speech, is dialectics).

A discussion is based on arguments, most of what it's being said is a mixture of opinions and facts, inevitably an opinion will be refuted because a fact is being shown in a biased light, sure you can be impartial but if I use similar arguments and facts to counter your opinion in the matter, it becomes a discussion. Your points are written, and I'm writing what I think about them so there is an opening for a discussion.

I'm biased against the Israeli government and illegal settlers, and you are biased against Hamas and their unreasonable methods, people don't like to show in a bad light what they favor, but then again it's essentially part of the problem with this discussion, I will show palestinians as victims, and you will show Israelis as victims, at the end of the day is what really goes down to.

At least I know that you know I'm not 100% wrong on this matter (not to say that I you agree with me with the statement of getting rid of illegal settlers in occupied areas, but I assume you can see the problems on both sides), hence why I think you are not jumping in the calling me Hitler bandwagon, but it is necessary for me to say what I think you meant so you can see my point of view, and where I'm coming from.
As for "asymmetric war"... Blaming Israel only for its retaliation against constant, deliberate and indiscriminate targeting of civilians, civilian infrastructure and nuclear power stations (and if you don't think Hamas targeted a nuclear power station on purpose knowing the devastation it would cause, you're not giving them enough credit) even during supposed ceasefires simply because their weapons are more expensive and do more damage is unbelievable. Sure, Israel are dicks for not caring about the civilians they kill in counterstrikes, but Hamas are dicks for actually targeting civilians on purpose and constantly being an aggressor.
I'm blaming Israel for promoting such an environment, because you are completely dismissing the economic constraints that the Gaza strip is under, Hamas is a de-organized army, a militia thus their operations and attacks are not coordinated, as is established they are not a well organized militia thus they don't have the same training as more advanced and better equipped military forces.

Speaking of which (and I actually would like to know a non Israeli source, because I haven't found it yet), I'm yet to find a Hamas statement of purposely targeting the reactors, I know that 3 rockets hit the station, but I'm yet to see an official statement from Hamas about it, what I have found is Israeli sources referencing other Israeli sources rather than official statements or communications by Hamas themselves.

The humanitarian crisis there dates back to at least 2006, time in which underage militants joint and conform Hamas' military strength, there is a limited education there, is all disrupted. Mortar strikes require strong skills in both mathematics and physics for you to accurately calculate where a rocket will hit, generally they just shot towards Israel because is how Hamas operates, and how the general population seek to even counts with them (because of all the conflicts and deaths that have come before).
Hamas has launched an average of 10 rockets a day at Israel's civilian population for the last two years and has a charter that calls for the destruction of Israel. It is the literal definition of state-sponsored terrorism - Hamas is the state and deliberately targets civilians. And kills its own population if they do not agree with it.
And that is because Israel promoted an attrition in the area that force that kind radicalization, due to the 2006 war and the wars that came after that.

Muslim policy for revenge (and yes, they are extremists) is eye for an eye, so if an Israeli airstrike kills 100 civilians, they will do as much as possible to even that number out.

The UN failed in it's task to protect the innocent by international law as it was meant to do(Palestinians civilians, not Hamas), then the only path they have is radicalization. Israel ignored the UN completely for several years until they paved the way for Hamas to rise and gain political control, and that is directly an effect of Israeli policies.
Just out of interest, what would you have Israel do to defend its citizens?
Israel based its occupation of illegal areas under religious grounds. Thus they refuse to negotiate in giving out land, thus worsening the conflict.

If Israel had the interest of stopping the missile attacks they should seek a cease fire as well as a negotiating table, and not only the development of the Dome defense system (yes, it's pretty cool that they develop smaller scale ABMs, but that does not solve any political or social problem in the area, is just a military defense system).

A cease fire can be agreed upon both parties if the buffer zone include more fertile lands for palestine food production, that way both international organization as well as local governments can force radicals to step down their operations.

Moreover, there should be a buffer zone between the illegal settlements and Palestinians land, as it is Israel is redrawing the border through a wall, isolating population and restricting them from economic development, alongside the cessation of bulldozing Palestinian settlers and their homes (part of the reason why there is so much radicalization, that is never mentioned in these discussions).

That's what I would have Israel to do to get a ceasefire and the cessation of hostilities in both parties, I know is not as simple as that, but is a primordial step that needs to be done to ensure the security of citizens in both sides, that's how Israel could defend their citizens, a cease fire will stop the rocket attacks, ensuring their population safety.
Israel has repeatedly said that they would be open to a ceasefire. Except Hamas still has the following:
1) Their charter calls for Israel to be destroyed.
2) a ridiculous demand for Israel to take in 5 million refugees as a precondition to any ceasefire.
So I'm not allowed to refute anything that you say?
You are allowed to do that, yes. However, when you say "so your point is" or similar and then reword what I've said into your own words and then argue against it, you're not refuting what I've said - only what you think I've said. Changing someone's argument to something else and then arguing against that isn't refuting what they say.

If you do that, you end up saying absolutely moronic things like:

I'm biased against the Israeli government and illegal settlers, and you are biased against Hamas and their unreasonable methods
Which don't even hold up under the mildest of scrutiny when you consider what was actually said:
Both sides are utter pricks - and you won't solve it by exterminating a side of your choice, as the other will just find someone else to be pricks to.

To me, trying to kill civilians with crap weapons is a little worse than not caring if you kill civilians with expensive weapons, particularly if you shoot first. But both are pretty crappy things to do.
Sure, Israel are dicks for not caring about the civilians they kill in counterstrikes, but Hamas are dicks for actually targeting civilians on purpose and constantly being an aggressor.
If I were biased against Hamas, why on Earth would I be calling Israel dicks?

Your "illegal settlers" comment is interesting too. Quick reminder that under the British Mandate of Palestine those lands were settled by Jewish and Arab civilians and the land became Israel's on the expiry of the Mandate. It was then seized in war by Egypt and Transjordan and settled by them. And another reminder than Israel took the West Bank and Gaza Strip - and the entire Sinai peninsula - in war in 1967 and gave them back (despite being theirs in 1948), which is something of a knife in the spine of "Israel wants the land". It's had it. Twice. The first time it was taken from them and the second they gave it back. And then recognised the land as its own state.

Now the question is why you are biased. Why would you approach this - or anything - from a biased point of view? What would be the purpose of anyone trying to discuss this with you if your bias prevents you from seeing anything that doesn't fit your bias? It'd be like half the discussions in the threads in which religion is invoked.

Hamas is a de-organized army, a militia
Actually Hamas is the ruling political party of the Gaza Strip. And a terrorist organisation according to Egypt.

They can't be a militia and in government - a militia is an armed citizenship that regulates government. They also can't be a militia if they conduct operations in another country.

Hamas deliberately targets civilian populations both in a neighbouring country (Israel) and its own, with punishments for people who do not let them use their houses as a base for their rockets. They rule their own people through terror and they try to wreak terror on Israeli civilians. Now what's another name for people who do that?
a cease fire will stop the rocket attacks, ensuring their population safety.
Since the ceasefire in 2014, Hamas has fired 38 rockets into Israel. In the previous ceasefire between 2008 and 2014, they fired over three thousand - and a similar number of mortars.

Want to guess again? Bear in mind for your next guess that Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
If I were biased against Hamas, why on Earth would I be calling Israel dicks?
Because if you didn't you would be as hypocritical as anybody else who support Israel while ignoring their methods.

I'm calling you on it because of the nuclear reactor thing, 3 average mortar munitions is not enough to destroy a nuclear reactor, and even then your implication is that Hamas purposely tried to destroy the reactor without feasible evidence to support so (nuclear reactors being located within reach of more mortar launch sites, themselves shielded by concrete structures, if Hamas really wanted to destroy the reactors they would probably do so with).
Your "illegal settlers" comment is interesting too. Quick reminder that under the British Mandate of Palestine those lands were settled by Jewish and Arab civilians and the land became Israel's on the expiry of the Mandate. It was then seized in war by Egypt and Transjordan and settled by them.

Except that it didn't, because in 1948 the All Palestinian government was established and supported by Egypt during the war, to support the arab population already residing in those places before the start of the war. It wasn't settled by them as they were already settled there.

Egypt then had to transfer executive controls of the government to Cairo as they were displaced in mass by Israel, which contradicts the whole "Egypt and Transjordan settled them", this ended up in the displacement of 726,000 settlers by 1949.
And another reminder than Israel took the West Bank and Gaza Strip - and the entire Sinai peninsula - in war in 1967 and gave them back (despite being theirs in 1948), which is something of a knife in the spine of "Israel wants the land". It's had it. Twice. The first time it was taken from them and the second they gave it back. And then recognised the land as its own state.
Israel had to give the Sinai peninsula to get Egypt to recognize the state in 79, the Peninsula itself was strategically undefendable (Israel had their heaviest casualties trying to defend that area during the Yom Kippur War, and while they managed to cut off part of the Egyptian army from Egypt, they still had to deal with the encircled army, while also facing the threat of Scud missiles being used by Egypt). The region itself had little economic value as Egypt had control of maritime routes (Sadat then allowed pass of Israeli merchant ships in the Suez canal as part of the peace treaty with Israel if they gave up the land, it made little sense for Israel to keep that land when it was the cause of several economic constraints and trade limitations with them and the far east).

The implication that you present is that "Israel gave the land back", when in reality was Sadat who negotiated the end of the war under the terms of Israel leaving the positions in the Sinai, which ended up with them giving up the Peninsula in favor of finishing the conflict. So is not as simple as "they gave the land back".
Now the question is why you are biased. Why would you approach this - or anything - from a biased point of view? What would be the purpose of anyone trying to discuss this with you if your bias prevents you from seeing anything that doesn't fit your bias? It'd be like half the discussions in the threads in which religion is invoked.
If you take a stance on an argument that automatically makes you biased, regardless if you gripes with two sides of the same argument or you have no gripes with either side, your stance is that Hamas is worse than Israel for attacking a nuclear reactor, while my stance is that Israel is worse for generating a humanitarian crisis.

Is up to each individual to determinate what is worse (or better or whatever), but I think you're wrong when you imply that an approach to a topic can be unbiased, when there are cultural, educational or religious backgrounds that each person has before they enter into this sort of discussions.

This is not an academic journal, and even if it were there are still absolute idiots who think they're right, you might consider me as one (which I don't think, but the possibility still exist). However, given how the discussion has gone thus far, is more a matter of you criticizing my stance given the sources and information that I use, which in itself can be applied to you as well.

If you want to know why I'm biased approaching this specific topic, is because I'm an atheist myself, so when I hear the Conservative-Zionist parties believe they are entitled to that land given on religious grounds, is the same as IS claiming land on religious grounds, one is being eradicated while the other one is being promoted. With IS we know that as long as there are religious leaders calling for Fatwas and Jihads extremist will exists, the exact same applies with Israel and their occupation of the land with the current government in power.
Hamas deliberately targets civilian populations both in a neighbouring country (Israel) and its own, with punishments for people who do not let them use their houses as a base for their rockets. They rule their own people through terror and they try to wreak terror on Israeli civilians. Now what's another name for people who do that?Since the ceasefire in 2014, Hamas has fired 38 rockets into Israel. In the previous ceasefire between 2008 and 2014, they fired over three thousand - and a similar number of mortars.
Yes, however Israel themselves break the ceasefire in several number of isolated incidents.

Most of these incidents are reported by independent media, which don't get the same exposure as Hamas's attacks on Israel, making it part of a larger problem with censorship in the region.
Want to guess again? Bear in mind for your next guess that Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
And Israel rejects the recognition of Palestine as a state by the UN, even voting against it in open sessions. Hamas calling for the destruction of Israel is a direct consequence of their not recognizing that statehood, they are radicals after all.

And guess which countries oppose the creation of the state of Palestine:

(Green:In favor, Red:Against, Yellow:Abstentions, Blue:Absent from session)
Maybe to think that there is a racism and abuse on the Israel towards Arabs (and thus Palestinians) that turned off neighboring countries. Anyone has a thought about that?

Hamas is still unnaceptable, though.
There is a distinct difference between voting against the creation of a country without a peace treaty and a country being created that has one of it's aims as destroying a neighboring nation.
Wow, we have some 21st century Hitler Youth comparisons, don't we? Not sure whether to laugh or be very concerned.
Hamas must have a surprisingly short memory or an unusual definition of the word "ceasefire".

@Akira AC : Muhammad was quoted as saying, "War is deceit." and taught that lying is permitted when the ends justified the means (He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar. His exact words.) Are you honestly saying that, given all of the risk of being called an islamaphobe today by citing facts, that Famine is wrong in saying that it was Hamas, who is recognized as a terror group in seven countries not counting the European Union, that broke the ceasefire with Israel and framed them in the process and it was Israel that broke the ceasefire first?

Here is some more facts. Hamas self recognizes that it is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood in Palestine (Article 2 of the Hamas Covenant), shares the belief that, "Allah is its goal, the Prophet is the model, the Qur'an its constitution, jihad its path, and death for the sake of Allah its most sublime belief" with the Muslim Brotherhood (Article 8), believes that there is NO settlement possible and that Jihad is the only answer (Article 13), and that, concerning Israel, Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it (Hamas Preamble).

Hamas Covenant
There is a distinct difference between voting against the creation of a country without a peace treaty and a country being created that has one of it's aims as destroying a neighboring nation.
And there is a difference between voting against the creation of a country, and actively destroy homes and settlements, as well as economic stagnation and attrition on the civilian population, while invading lands and isolating them from the very basic humanitarian needs.

Besides this is what Israel has been doing well before Hamas rose to power, Hamas is not a free card to exempt Israel from the atrocities committed towards the Palestinian population.

Hamas is product of the humanitarian crisis generated by Israel, not the consequence of it, this dates back to the first intifadas and all the events that gave rise to Hamas (which IMO is mostly attributed to the results of the 2006 war on Lebanon, which increased Hamas' influence in the region).
Hamas is product of the humanitarian crisis generated by Israel, not the consequence of it,
No, it is a consequence of Yasser Arafat's death. With the possible exception of the Holy Roman Empire (which had leaders for both the State religion, Roman Catholicism (I.E. The Pope), and a Political leader), there is no government in the world that is as divisive as Palestine. Two governments, both founded around the time of, oh guess what, Israel's war with Lebanon. One, the West Bank, is ruled by the Fatah party, and the other, the Gaza Strip, is ruled by Hamas.