Israel - Palestine discussion thread

Don't get me started on that ****, if you happen to be born with the wrong Chromosome you become a sex slave, I'm not advocating for feminism, but equal civil rights is something that does not exist there.

And there is Yemen too, if you want to use the occupied lands card, Bahrain as well.

You saying that about women in Saudi is like if I said "Colombian's are drug dealer's". Unless you show me proof that all women in Saudi are sex slaves then I'll take your opinion on that as gibberish. In 2015 there was 38,043 Saudi women on scholarships by the government studying all over the world.

Equal rights don't exist in the majority of countries around the world. It doesn't even exist in most if not all "first world" countries. In fact, I don't know of any country that has complete and total equal rights between men and women. But according to the Global Gender Gap report that was revealed by the World Economic Forum late last year, the top/closest countries are the Nordic countries. Colombia comes in 42nd place, so you should focus on your country maybe ? ... and why did you leave out your country with all the human trafficking, kidnappings, child and virgin sex slaves your drug lords own/run.

But on the other hand I'm not saying its 'all good in the hood' for women in Saudi. Still with all that were not even in the bottom ten of that same list. There are things that have less to do with Islam the religion, or misinterpretation of it, and more to do with tradition that some Saudi's still hold on to. And sometimes its just plain chivalrousness.

It all comes with time with the natural development of Saudi just like any other country in the world. At the same time we don't tell you how to run your country so please don't tell us how to run ours. But I want you to understand that Saudi is run by sharia law and what the majority of the people want, and that will never change.

As for your second topic. In Yemen, there is an elected government that is recognized by the UN including your country, and the former ousted president with some military leader's and the Huthii's tried to overturn that government and surrounded his house and government buildings with tanks that they had. The Yemeni government then asked the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries for help which they gladly provided with other Arab and other Muslim countries like Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan. But no mass ground troops were deployed by the countries. Only Air and logistics support. So your "occupied" statement is untrue, misleading and unfounded.

The same with Bahrain. The so called "protester's" that have total loyalty to the "ًWilayat alFaqih" which now is Khamin'i now, and does what he says, and have no loyalty to their own country at all. Because in their belief you cannot be a Shi'ite otherwise. In fact you are considered a "Kafir" non-Muslim. Those "protester's" kill the police and anyone in the government and making future threats, attacking Sunni's, and burning government buildings. So when the Bahrain government asked the GCC countries for help, we gladly provided as well.

So how come you never mentioned Iran for occupying two U.A.E islands ? ... But I see you are on their side in an earlier post. And you actually think that Iran or Hizbullah or the Syrian government (Iran's little **tch, have the Golan heights still occupied by Israel since 1967) would do anything to Israel ever. They all say they can and will wipe Israel off the map but can't even free the Golan hill, let alone Palestine.

I am sorry everyone to be kinda off the thread subject but it was needed. My view on the thread topic is: Jewish people have been living in Palestine for a very long time peacefully before Islam and under the rule of Islam. But I don't agree with Zionism and the fact that they occupied Palestine.
You saying that about women in Saudi is like if I said "Colombian's are drug dealer's". Unless you show me proof that all women in Saudi are sex slaves then I'll take your opinion on that as gibberish. In 2015 there was 38,043 Saudi women on scholarships by the government studying all over the world.

Equal rights don't exist in the majority of countries around the world. It doesn't even exist in most if not all "first world" countries. In fact, I don't know of any country that has complete and total equal rights between men and women. But according to the Global Gender Gap report that was revealed by the World Economic Forum late last year, the top/closest countries are the Nordic countries. Colombia comes in 42nd place, so you should focus on your country maybe ? ... and why did you leave out your country with all the human trafficking, kidnappings, child and virgin sex slaves your drug lords own/run.

But on the other hand I'm not saying its 'all good in the hood' for women in Saudi. Still with all that were not even in the bottom ten of that same list. There are things that have less to do with Islam the religion, or misinterpretation of it, and more to do with tradition that some Saudi's still hold on to. And sometimes its just plain chivalrousness.

It all comes with time with the natural development of Saudi just like any other country in the world. At the same time we don't tell you how to run your country so please don't tell us how to run ours. But I want you to understand that Saudi is run by sharia law and what the majority of the people want, and that will never change.

As for your second topic. In Yemen, there is an elected government that is recognized by the UN including your country, and the former ousted president with some military leader's and the Huthii's tried to overturn that government and surrounded his house and government buildings with tanks that they had. The Yemeni government then asked the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries for help which they gladly provided with other Arab and other Muslim countries like Jordan, Morocco, Pakistan, Sudan. But no mass ground troops were deployed by the countries. Only Air and logistics support. So your "occupied" statement is untrue, misleading and unfounded.

The same with Bahrain. The so called "protester's" that have total loyalty to the "ًWilayat alFaqih" which now is Khamin'i now, and does what he says, and have no loyalty to their own country at all. Because in their belief you cannot be a Shi'ite otherwise. In fact you are considered a "Kafir" non-Muslim. Those "protester's" kill the police and anyone in the government and making future threats, attacking Sunni's, and burning government buildings. So when the Bahrain government asked the GCC countries for help, we gladly provided as well.

So how come you never mentioned Iran for occupying two U.A.E islands ? ... But I see you are on their side in an earlier post. And you actually think that Iran or Hizbullah or the Syrian government (Iran's little **tch, have the Golan heights still occupied by Israel since 1967) would do anything to Israel ever. They all say they can and will wipe Israel off the map but can't even free the Golan hill, let alone Palestine.

I am sorry everyone to be kinda off the thread subject but it was needed. My view on the thread topic is: Jewish people have been living in Palestine for a very long time peacefully before Islam and under the rule of Islam. But I don't agree with Zionism and the fact that they occupied Palestine.
I just clicked on this thread for fun, haven't read anything but your post.

That said, as a male seemingly speaking on behalf of the women of Saudi, you sound quite full of 🤬. Very similar to the situation in America, where an all male panel was assigned to investigate a woman's right to chose. I would love to see a broad sample of women from Saudi who feel the same way you do.
No, it is a consequence of Yasser Arafat's death. With the possible exception of the Holy Roman Empire (which had leaders for both the State religion, Roman Catholicism (I.E. The Pope), and a Political leader), there is no government in the world that is as divisive as Palestine. Two governments, both founded around the time of, oh guess what, Israel's war with Lebanon. One, the West Bank, is ruled by the Fatah party, and the other, the Gaza Strip, is ruled by Hamas.

We disagree often, but you're often absolutely right

Let's not forget the tunnels which were made with humanitarian aid to smuggle things into and out of gaza, whether the destination was Israel or Egypt. The tunnels found by the Israelis last year could have built the Burj-al-Arab seven times with a giants stadium to use the leftovers. Egypt found even more.

Having stood on a hill overlooking Gaza and the Israeli power plant that supplies Gaza with the majority of its power, I have no sympathy for Hamas. I was standing on blackened ground, bent nails, and charred 5.56 x 39 rounds. The target more often than not is that plant, which if disabled turns off all the medical equipment keeping newborns and elderly alive in horribly overcrowded hospitals. Oxygen tanks, lights, emergency systems, all would be gone. Israel could have a military victory in a week, half of it by turning off the power. But they don't.

Do not take what I'm saying as a get-out-of jail free card on Gaza. The situation is deplorable. However, Hamas' violence is a deliberate choice.

Playgrounds have bomb shelters.

Like this one.

There are bigger. The Qassam rockets are about two meters long, 20cm across, and made from street signs, fertilizer, and sugar. They're checkpoint proof.

Hamas is not blameless. Israel is not blameless. Violence is Hamas' choice. Hamas' violence is the choice of the staunchly anti-semitic arab nations. How much help has the Arab League been? None. None at all.

You can call it an illegal occupation from the get-go. When six nations invade, they start a war. When those six nations lose their shirts to a ragtag upstart collective of shell-shocked holocaust survivors under an international arms embargo, they get pissed. King Farouk of Egypt was an irrelevant and impotent jackwagon, but the loss in 1948 killed his credibility more than his bone-headed leadership style. Then those nations kicked out 800,000 Jews and put the refugees in hellish displaced persons camps with fewer human rights than even their own minorities. Where did the displaced Jews of Iraq (whoops) Syria, Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia go? Whose houses did they go to? There were half a million empty homes in the "settled nun" and the territory gained in 1948-9. The situation is the choice of the Arab powers. They could have fixed it, or could have prevented it. But no. It is not a matter of helping the innocent who are subjected to the torture of Gaza, it is a matter of hate. It's hate.

For that matter, where is the outrage over the Polish, Ukranian, and Russian people who took those million ex-Jewish homes and massacred those who survived and went 'home'? There is none. Why?

You and far too much of the world still hate the Jews, @Akira AC . I can't figure why. Were Seinfeld, lasers, the polio vaccine, stainless steel, and google that bad?

Then again, we do claim Christianity and Communism. We tend to be two things that are mutually exclusive. Your thinking created it. You created it and perpetuate it. This bankrupt thinking is behind this whole situation and anyone's inability to fix it.

I'll be in the corner, scheming.
And guess which countries oppose the creation of the state of Palestine:

(Green:In favor, Red:Against, Yellow:Abstentions, Blue:Absent from session)

Must of been Fairly Recent as in the John Howard era of Australian leadership, Australia was Soo badly In Support of America and Israel, they where the only Top 20 Nation apart from America that Supported Israels land grab in the West Bank in the early 2000s
All of you, you know what the real problem is, is capital, that is the real problem.

So ... thanks to globalization everything is connected, from an oil economic exchange between terrorists in Syria and Turkey to Saudis buying sex slaves from Bangladesh, Pakistan and India, is all about the ****ing money.

So the world has this big problem of very few individuals amassing huge amounts of money, granted, money is a representative value but it has become so influential that it dictates how an economy should be run, and that's not the point, as I said ... everything is connected, the industrial military complex (and yeah, **** it, if I'm going to sound like a stupid conspiracy theorist, I will, because unfortunately that's the reality of the world) relies on jobs within the US and the UK to impulse their economies (BAE systems and Lockheed martin for example, they give people high tech jobs, and that people invest in their local economies), so both the US and the UK require military conflicts and political tensions in order to sell their weapons to the middle east (ironically Russia and France also benefit from this as they also develop weapon systems), and sell the technology to the middle east (Israel, Saudi arabia and whatever). Meaning that they do require the business there so governments invest huge amounts of money (in the US is 25% of GDP, which is A LOT of money considering that the US has nearly 300 million inhabitants), so in the US most of the people who have the greatest capital are ... Jews, but they are a particular kind ... Zionist conservative jews to be precise.

This very same people is the ones who purposely buy land which was previously bulldozed by Israeli government, where palestinian settlers used to have their homes. Is a matter of principle, I as a person wouldn't buy land where I know people was forcely displaced in order to built urban areas, and why do this people buy this, because of ****ign religion and the stupid entitlement of claiming a land that they didn't occupy in the first place, they had to work to get the materials to build those homes, they have to built those homes .. to then end up being destroyed by a ****ing government who is corrupt, represented by ****ing rapists (mind you, the PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL was convicted of rape, and then they wonder why everyone hate the jews, when the ****ing Zionist are not even able to leave in equilibrium within themselves).

And yeah, I say kill the settlers, because you have to institute a policy of terror to get them out of there, not even the government themselves (Olmert try to de-occupy the Israeli settlers there, and they themselves didn't want to de-occupy the area) can do it, because they have to institute terror, that's the only thing that works, and one of the main reasons Hezbollah exists in the first place.

I'm tired of being called misinformed or Hitler, Israel don't ****ign care about the UN, and Zionist use the Jews in WWII as a show to see themselves as victims when they have built a war of attrition based on the very same principles they were subjected to in the second world war, ironically they become almost the same as the ****ing Nazis, starving the population to death.

You want to know why Gaza is so divided from the west bank, is because the stupid economic incursion and repeated violations of human rights in the area, of course a radical group will rise, that's the counter effect of creating a war on attrition towards a specific population.

Conservatives Zionism, and Wahhabi Salafism are the two great problems in the Middle East, and until that's not settled nothing is going to change, either by toppled or eradicated, nothing is going to change, and now is a real problem, because one of them will end up bringing a nuclear disaster (either by sabotage in Europe or creating the necessity of using nuclear weapons in the region).

People in the west are wise enough to don't let this happen, but both the Israeli Government and the Saudi Kingdom are a problem, a problem based on the huge capitals that they horde, and until that problem is not address nothing is going to change.

Oh, and @Hogh-Test ... children are killed in Palestine, a ****ing photo with some bunkers are not going to change my stance, is pretty stupid and shallow to use such such propagandistic methods to justify such actions, please grow the **** up.
To be fair basically no one gives a crap about the UN, only when it serves their interests.

Alot of this stems from the most powerful country in the world being run by corporate interests, you could argue it happens in other countries which would likely be true but none is more Obvious then the American Political game, breaking it's own laws constantly without repercussion using things they started as justification.

Countless presidents come in with a view point that looks genuine only to be stomped on and forced to do what every one before has done.
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Lots of things to dissect, but this first:
You want to know why Gaza is so divided from the west bank, is because the stupid economic incursion and repeated violations of human rights in the area, of course a radical group will rise, that's the counter effect of creating a war on attrition towards a specific population.
Not true. As I stated earlier, a divided Palestine was a result from Yasser Arafat's death, and rather than unite behind a chosen successor, they decided to play Game of Thrones instead for the right to rule the area. You haven't heard any news from a reputable news source (i.e The Jerusalem Post) from the area of a terror attack coming from the West Bank have you? No, they have all come from the tunnels of Gaza or the missiles thereof.

So the world has this big problem of very few individuals amassing huge amounts of money, granted, money is a representative value but it has become so influential that it dictates how an economy should be run,
That is the way that an economy is supposed to work. It is an endless cycle of money changing hands (either for people to buy goods or for companies to pay wages), all designed to help a nation grow and trade with other nations.

the industrial military complex (and yeah, **** it, if I'm going to sound like a stupid conspiracy theorist, I will, because unfortunately that's the reality of the world) relies on jobs within the US and the UK to impulse their economies (BAE systems and Lockheed martin for example, they give people high tech jobs, and that people invest in their local economies), so both the US and the UK require military conflicts and political tensions in order to sell their weapons to the middle east (ironically Russia and France also benefit from this as they also develop weapon systems), and sell the technology to the middle east (Israel, Saudi arabia and whatever).
However, most countries don't trade military secrets willy nilly, like Nuclear missile technology. The countries that do have such technology are byproducts of the cold war, and said armaments are getting in there in years. Countries that, at the very least, the US trades Military arms with understand that we deal with conventional arms.

Meaning that they do require the business there so governments invest huge amounts of money (in the US is 25% of GDP, which is A LOT of money considering that the US has nearly 300 million inhabitants),
Source required. According to our last budget for fiscal year 2015, 16% of all Federal spending went into the Military.

Is a matter of principle, I as a person wouldn't buy land where I know people was forcely displaced in order to built urban areas, and why do this people buy this, because of ****ign religion and the stupid entitlement of claiming a land that they didn't occupy in the first place, they had to work to get the materials to build those homes, they have to built those homes .. to then end up being destroyed by a ****ing government who is corrupt,

I would agree, EXCEPT, that land has been in dispute for well over 2,000 years. It is the historical context that people are not getting here. If the land dispute's origin has been more recent, then yes, I would see your point, but not when the dispute is as old as human history.

And yeah, I say kill the settlers, because you have to institute a policy of terror to get them out of there, not even the government themselves (Olmert try to de-occupy the Israeli settlers there, and they themselves didn't want to de-occupy the area) can do it, because they have to institute terror, that's the only thing that works, and one of the main reasons Hezbollah exists in the first place.

No, they don't have to. They do it to assert dominance over ALL religions, and once they succeed, then they treat them like second class citizens. How ISIS treats Christians is proof enough.

Oh, and @Hogh-Test ... children are killed in Palestine, a ****ing photo with some bunkers are not going to change my stance, is pretty stupid and shallow to use such such propagandistic methods to justify such actions, please grow the **** up.

Children are indeed killed in Palestine, as human shields for Hamas.
Jeruselum Post isn't the best source, whilst they do give an Isreali view point best they also defend it in basically all matters.
Jeruselum Post isn't the best source, whilst they do give an Isreali view point best they also defend it in basically all matters.
I am putting more emphasis on local sources, not sources that are widely quoted like the AP for example.
I am putting more emphasis on local sources, not sources that are widely quoted like the AP for example.
Indeed. CBS News and the New York Times are notorious for giving stories that already are heavily biased.
l of you, you know what the real problem is, is capital, that is the real problem.
Not really, no.
Is a matter of principle, I as a person wouldn't buy land where I know people was forcely displaced in order to built urban areas, and why do this people buy this, because of ****ign religion and the stupid entitlement of claiming a land that they didn't occupy in the first place,
They did occupy it in the first place. The Arab invaders attacked, killed and drove them out in 1948.
Not really, no.
What is it then?
They did occupy it in the first place. The Arab invaders attacked, killed and drove them out in 1948.
I refuse to accept this, first because of the Nakba (which you are yet to mention, or even acknowledge which is a huge point in this discussion), and secondly because this conflict was aggravated by the influx of migrant Jews into the area who ended up creating the conflict in the first place (something that started from the 1920s to the late 1940s).

The land belongs to the people who inhabits it, who works it and who populates it, Jews in the area know this and that's why they started with the demolition of the settlers and their own construction.

You keep saying that, the more you say it doesn't make it any true.
What is it then?
Are you asking what the problem is or what capitalism is?
I refuse to accept this
Yes, I'd noticed
secondly because this conflict was aggravated by the influx of migrant Jews into the area who ended up creating the conflict in the first place (something that started from the 1920s to the late 1940s).
At best that's simplified to the point of inaccuracy.
The land belongs to the people who inhabits it, who works it and who populates it, Jews in the area know this and that's why they started with the demolition of the settlers and their own construction.
Bit of a mystery why you don't apply this reasoning to the inter-war Jewish settlers who did just that before being attacked, killed and displaced in 1948...
So since it's Israelis who live there now it belongs to them, right?
Against all concepts of international law, which was even condemned in near unanimity by the UN. Nice way of quoting sentences while completely ignoring the rest of the of the paragraph.
Are you asking what the problem is or what capitalism is?
What is the problem in the region, why Israel gets away with what it gets away with?

Here is a challenge for you, explain why without resorting to Hamas, because you are sounding like Bush and WMDs in Iraq.
At best that's simplified to the point of inaccuracy.
Elaborate then, where is the inaccuracy?
Bit of a mystery why you don't apply this reasoning to the inter-war Jewish settlers who did just that before being attacked, killed and displaced in 1948...
And you keep ignoring the Nakba, or even addressing its existence.

Edit: As a side note, there are several problems with capital, China it's experimenting with their "open" economy, but since there are several big corporations who stop diversification and monopolize markets they have to regulate the economy, so they are basically experimenting how "free" a capital based economy can be (facing the same market bubble and potential speculation market problems giving money more representative value than the resources they are supposed to represent in the first place).
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I am putting more emphasis on local sources, not sources that are widely quoted like the AP for example.
The problem is that is Israeli media source, which is pretty biased on itself, due to censorship towards the opposition.

As an example, the unjust capture and incarceration of around 600 Palestinians is not covered at all by that media outlet, so they resort to alternative ones to get their voice heard:
I just clicked on this thread for fun, haven't read anything but your post.

That said, as a male seemingly speaking on behalf of the women of Saudi, you sound quite full of 🤬. Very similar to the situation in America, where an all male panel was assigned to investigate a woman's right to chose. I would love to see a broad sample of women from Saudi who feel the same way you do.

Which part exactly do you mean ?
Akira AC
Oh, and @Hogh-Test ... children are killed in Palestine, a ****ing photo with some bunkers are not going to change my stance, is pretty stupid and shallow to use such such propagandistic methods to justify such actions, please grow the **** up.

Paranoid delusionals such as yourself reach untold ecstasy in resisting 'oppression'. There are Jews. Deal with it. You're the stupid and shallow one, calling for violence. Religious reformers such as Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahhab were concerned with the intent behind actions. The air strikes are intended to take out weapons caches and rocket factories, hence the guided weapons part. Qassam rockets do not have guidance systems, and are intended to kill civilians.

Akira AC
And yeah, I say kill the settlers, because you have to institute a policy of terror to get them out of there, not even the government themselves (Olmert try to de-occupy the Israeli settlers there, and they themselves didn't want to de-occupy the area) can do it, because they have to institute terror, that's the only thing that works, and one of the main reasons Hezbollah exists in the first place.

I'm tired of being called misinformed or Hitler, Israel don't ****ign care about the UN, and Zionist use the Jews in WWII as a show to see themselves as victims when they have built a war of attrition based on the very same principles they were subjected to in the second world war, ironically they become almost the same as the ****ing Nazis, starving the population to death.

💡 Maybe you should stop calling for violence!

Stupid and shallow. I suggest you polish up on the art of rhetoric. You come across as a paranoid delusional teenager whose Jewish math teacher made him redo his homework.

Who's Hogh-Test?
Who's Hogh-Test?
Someone who strangely keep posting in this thread even though he doesn't have anything of value to say.

A person is clearly upset with how the Western world just doesn't really seem to care about what happens in the region as long as Israel looks sorta in the right. Hamas attacks. Israel attacks back. The UN condemns the mess that they made for still being a mess, then proceeds to do nothing about it. The days roll on and people continue to die in the area. I don't agree with the direction his anger is focused in the slightest, and several people are attempting to debate that particular point of contention with him; but I'm not sure what two posts in a row doing nothing but attacking him to wind him up more is supposed to accomplish.
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Palestine cannot even peacefully let alone successfully govern itself can it? Maybe that should happen first, just a thought...
To be fair, a government that's sole goal is to eradicate their neighbor and never make peace will never be properly run if the nation cannot feasibly win.
Paranoid delusionals such as yourself reach untold ecstasy in resisting 'oppression'. There are Jews. Deal with it. You're the stupid and shallow one, calling for violence. Religious reformers such as Muhammad ibn abd Al-Wahhab were concerned with the intent behind actions.
Instead of resorting to a coherent argument you advocate to attacks towards to my person, personally I could not give a **** but if you advocate to such thing then ... is not worth dealing with someone like you.
Stupid and shallow. I suggest you polish up on the art of rhetoric. You come across as a paranoid delusional teenager whose Jewish math teacher made him redo his homework.
Funnily enough I'm not against the Jew, I'm against the Zionist conservatism, if you consider it as anti-semitic speech then you would be consider as the shallow and stupid, which bring the point of you being the one using Hebrew words and Nationalistic speech to prove your point, so I'm not sure who is being the religious nutjob here.
Instead of resorting to a coherent argument you advocate to attacks towards to my person, personally I could not give a **** but if you advocate to such thing then ... is not worth dealing with someone like you.
Oh, and @Hogh-Test ... children are killed in Palestine, a ****ing photo with some bunkers are not going to change my stance, is pretty stupid and shallow to use such such propagandistic methods to justify such actions, please grow the **** up.

Double standard?
Terrorists disguised as Orthodox Jews opened fire on a food and shopping center in Tel Aviv Wednesday night, killing four people and wounding at least seven others.

As a result, the Israeli government suspends the entry permits of 83,000 Palestinians, including the permits of 204 relatives of the gunmen. The permit ban will effect Palestinians who wish to attend Ramadan prayers in Jerusalem, visiting relatives in Israel, or those who wish to use the Tel Aviv Airport to travel abroad.


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