Israel - Palestine discussion thread

Is it really true that Israel developed all of this technology? Because basically almost every thing should be boycotted lol Also what about compaines selling products there?

This Boycott movement always bugged me. I read one reason "this company (can't remember) supported a school in Israel"
What a wierd reason

But some comapines should be boycotted generally for many many other reasons.
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Is it really true that Israel developed all of this technology? Because basically almost every thing should be boycotted lol Also what about compaines selling products there?

This Boycott movement always bugged me. I read one reason "this company (can't remember) supported a school in Israel" Id it weren't sad it would be funny.

But some comapines should be boycotted generally for many many other reasons.

That is a nasty page, it should be clear that anything they say is to be taken with a large pillar of salt.
That is a nasty page, it should be clear that anything they say is to be taken with a large pillar of salt.

lol there are three R&D centers. Many stupid claims. But these newest CPUs were made in Israel. So I guess that status is ott.

Also i find it wierd that people blame Land Rover for David armourcars. I also read that some innovators went to uk to meet jlr and others including some British minister. i won't be surprised if I see Boycott JLR on fb lol
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Is it really true that Israel developed all of this technology? Because basically almost every thing should be boycotted lol Also what about compaines selling products there?

This Boycott movement always bugged me. I read one reason "this company (can't remember) supported a school in Israel" Id it weren't sad it would be funny.

But some comapines should be boycotted generally for many many other reasons.

I think the overall point with that Facebook post is a good one. IMO the hypocrisy of most of these types of "movements" is in their selective application of their principles making the importance of appearing to be in a "movement" much higher than actually having a meaningful movement. I wonder, the rest of the middle east outnumbers Isreal more than 40:1. If there was a boycott of the rest of the middle east based on technological innovations since 1948, what would we have to give up?
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I think the overall point with that Facebook post is a good one. IMO the hypocrisy of most of these types of "movements" is in their selective application of their principles making the importance of appearing to be in a "movement" much higher than actually having a meaningful movement.
This movement contradicts itself and this post describes it . But many boycotting supporters only boycott food, cosmetics and something else. EDIT because they know that without western or even Israeli (also not just these 2) technology their ideas would probably be hardly unsuccessful not easy to spread.

Btw can someone translate the link I posted in Hebrew?
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This movement contradicts itself and this post describes it . But many boycotting supporters only boycott food, cosmetics and something else. EDIT because they know that without western or even Israeli technology their ideas would highly be unsuccessful.

Btw can someone translate the link I posted in Hebrew?
I'll ask my cousin. She may be able to translate it quickly.
It can be summarized if she doesn't have time. But thanks to her :)
She'll mostly mock my loss of fluent Hebrew. I could read most of it because it's transliterated but there are no vowels.
Im even worse than Google Translate
All I know as of now is it's 15 startup companies that won a contest hosted by Britain's embassy in Israel.

EDIT: It's all about various technological startups based in Israel that won a contest hosted by the UK embassy. Most, if not all, relate to autonomous advancements in vehicle safety.
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All I know as of now is it's 15 startup companies that won a contest hosted by Britain's embassy in Israel.

EDIT: It's all about various technological startups based in Israel that won a contest hosted by the UK embassy. Most, if not all, relate to autonomous advancements in vehicle safety.
No grand conspiracy? :lol: i don't understand that part when they go to visit prime minister.
No grand conspiracy? :lol: i don't understand that part when they go to visit prime minister.
For winning the contest. It's not a grand conspiracy. I think the UK embassy was just trying to scout talent there and wants to see it in first person.
For winning the contest. It's not a grand conspiracy. I think the UK embassy was just trying to scout talent there and wants to see it in first person.
Don't tell me that land of F Type has no talented employers, so that they went to Israel and other countries. But nevertheless these people from countries are doing great stuff because safety and quality is very important. Many car companies are looking at Israel, and generally are becoming more international in terms of talent scouting, for same technology.

But it's annoying when people hate and boycott a company for a reason like this, because there are Israeli people.

Although some companies should be boycotted. But for many other reasons
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Don't tell me that land of F Type has no talented employers, so that they went to Israel. But nevertheless these people are doing great stuff. Many car companies are looking at Israel for same technology.

But it's annoying when people hate and boycott a company for a reason like this, because there are Israeli people.

Although some companies should be boycotted. But for many other reasons
Many of the boycotts called for actually hurt the Palestinians because they work at said Israeli companies. BDS is highly misinformed.
Many of the boycotts called for actually hurt the Palestinians because they work at said Israeli companies. BDS is highly misinformed.
That movement (boycott only Israel products) did have some success. But the movement to boycott Coca Cola, Pepsi, GM, and huge companies is ridiculously hard, but it did have some even smaller success.
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All I know as of now is it's 15 startup companies that won a contest hosted by Britain's embassy in Israel.

EDIT: It's all about various technological startups based in Israel that won a contest hosted by the UK embassy. Most, if not all, relate to autonomous advancements in vehicle safety.

Hopefully JLR and other british companies won't put too much tecno on their cars, but that is for another discussion.
I'll be honest, there is not much we can really boycott that has certain types of links with Israel. Many Palestinians are used in forms similar to slave labour and a bunch feel that boycotting is still better for them than what they have. That being said, the only two companies I actively boycott (One fully and one partially as best as possible) is Coca Cola and Nestlé. Oh, and now Starbucks too. For me, Nestlé is the hardest as their cereals were my absolute favourite, but I find the biggest boycott is Coca Cola as they have cherry farms on illegal land. Don't get me wrong, if those products were made in the defined borders of Israel, I probably would not boycott them but it is where they are that leads me to this. However, people have different ways of looking at a situation and I can respect that too. For example I think I once heard a call to boycott Motorola as they provided the security to Israel. This one I personally disagreed with as Motorola - as far as I know - is one of the only companies that provides security to many countries and as such they would probably be contractually oblidged to provide such security. Coca Cola however has no real reason to have cherry plantations where it has them, barring the fact that it is cheap. It is a very complex subject I feel with plenty of reasons for and against the boycott. What I also do boycott though is produce from Israel such as potatoes and the like. Simple reason for that is I do not know whether it has come from illegally occupied land or not.

Is it really true that Israel developed all of this technology? Because basically almost every thing should be boycotted lol Also what about compaines selling products there?

This Boycott movement always bugged me. I read one reason "this company (can't remember) supported a school in Israel" Id it weren't sad it would be funny.

But some comapines should be boycotted generally for many many other reasons.

When all is said and done, only one truth remains, and its not man's truth.

Psalms 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Genesis 12:3 - And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah [and] against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Ephesians 3:6 - That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.

As one can see today, people and nations openly chant and dream about destroying Israel off the face of the earth. Just astounding.

The proof is in the pudding since Israel was reborn in 1948.

God used His first born chosen people, the Jews (through the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Temple) to bring His word, the Law and morality, to the earth and then sent His Son in a Jewish body to save the world from its sin. Satan hates God and His word and he hates God’s chosen vessel, the Jews, from who came Jesus Christ. Satan used the Babylonians and the Persians and the Assyrians and the Hittites and the Egyptians to try and destroy this royal bloodline by destroying the Jews, but he failed. Then after Christ died on the cross for our sins, he continued to try and see that the scattered Jews would not return to their homeland and reestablish their Jewish nation. He infiltrated the Church and helped instigate the Crusades and the Inquisition and the pogroms and the Holocaust in order to destroy the Jews so they could not create another Israel. Why was he so hell-bent on preventing that from happening? Because Jesus Christ is to return to the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4) to rule and reign from Jerusalem for a 1000 years from the rebuilt Temple. Recently he has infiltrated the Mosque and is using Islam to try and destroy the Jews and Israel. While once it was the Crusader and the Grand Inquisitor and the Nazi, today it is the Imam and the Islamic Cleric and the President of Iran who have called for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Unfortunately, however, Satan is still alive and well in the body of Christ spouting such lies from the pits of hell as “replacement theology”, that the church has somehow replaced Israel. It is Satan trying to show that God’s word is a lie. He will of course fail but many souls will be lost in the process, Muslim as well as Jew as well as so called "Christian".
I'll be honest, there is not much we can really boycott that has certain types of links with Israel. Many Palestinians are used in forms similar to slave labour and a bunch feel that boycotting is still better for them than what they have.

That being said, the only two companies I actively boycott (One fully and one partially as best as possible) is Coca Cola and Nestlé. Oh, and now Starbucks too. For me, Nestlé is the hardest as their cereals were my absolute favourite, but I find the biggest boycott is Coca Cola as they have cherry farms on illegal land. Don't get me wrong, if those products were made in the defined borders of Israel, I probably would not boycott them but it is where they are that leads me to this. However, people have different ways of looking at a situation and I can respect that too. For example I think I once heard a call to boycott Motorola as they provided the security to Israel. This one I personally disagreed with as Motorola - as far as I know - is one of the only companies that provides security to many countries and as such they would probably be contractually oblidged to provide such security. Coca Cola however has no real reason to have cherry plantations where it has them, barring the fact that it is cheap. It is a very complex subject I feel with plenty of reasons for and against the boycott. What I also do boycott though is produce from Israel such as potatoes and the like. Simple reason for that is I do not know whether it has come from illegally occupied land or not.
Would it be safe to assume that you also boycott Hershey, Mars, Kraft, Nike, Walmart, The Gap, Disney, Marks and Spencer, FIFA, Daewoo, HSBC, IOC, Dow Chemical and dozens and dozens of other companies that have benefited from slave labour, child labour, supported egregious human rights violations and more.

Would it be safe to assume that you also boycott Hershey, Mars, Kraft, Nike, Walmart, The Gap, Disney, Marks and Spencer, FIFA, Daewoo, HSBC, IOC, Dow Chemical and dozens and dozens of other companies that have benefited from slave labour, child labour, supported egregious human rights violations and more.
I'm guessing no because it's not Israel and therefore it's irrelevant? In addition, I'm not sure that Israel even uses slave labor. Are the workers with less rights because of the current conflict? Yes. Does that mean that they are slaves? That's a jump I wouldn't take.

Would it be safe to assume that you also boycott Hershey, Mars, Kraft, Nike, Walmart, The Gap, Disney, Marks and Spencer, FIFA, Daewoo, HSBC, IOC, Dow Chemical and dozens and dozens of other companies that have benefited from slave labour, child labour, supported egregious human rights violations and more.

All from word of mouth as far as I know I am afraid.
As to the others, I try to boycott a bunch, so Hershey, The Gap, M&S and others I can. However I am aware, just as most, that you simply cannot boycott everything for various reasons. (I also have no idea what Dow Chemical or IOC is, sorry)

All from word of mouth as far as I know I am afraid.
As to the others, I try to boycott a bunch, so Hershey, The Gap, M&S and others I can. However I am aware, just as most, that you simply cannot boycott everything for various reasons. (I also have no idea what Dow Chemical or IOC is, sorry)
IOC = Olympics
When all is said and done, only one truth remains, and its not man's truth.

Psalms 122:6 - Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

Genesis 12:3 - And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.

2 Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah [and] against Jerusalem.
3 And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

Ephesians 3:6 - That the Gentiles should be fellow heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of his promise in Christ by the gospel.

As one can see today, people and nations openly chant and dream about destroying Israel off the face of the earth. Just astounding.

The proof is in the pudding since Israel was reborn in 1948.

God used His first born chosen people, the Jews (through the Patriarchs, Prophets, and Temple) to bring His word, the Law and morality, to the earth and then sent His Son in a Jewish body to save the world from its sin. Satan hates God and His word and he hates God’s chosen vessel, the Jews, from who came Jesus Christ. Satan used the Babylonians and the Persians and the Assyrians and the Hittites and the Egyptians to try and destroy this royal bloodline by destroying the Jews, but he failed. Then after Christ died on the cross for our sins, he continued to try and see that the scattered Jews would not return to their homeland and reestablish their Jewish nation. He infiltrated the Church and helped instigate the Crusades and the Inquisition and the pogroms and the Holocaust in order to destroy the Jews so they could not create another Israel. Why was he so hell-bent on preventing that from happening? Because Jesus Christ is to return to the Mount of Olives (Zech 14:4) to rule and reign from Jerusalem for a 1000 years from the rebuilt Temple. Recently he has infiltrated the Mosque and is using Islam to try and destroy the Jews and Israel. While once it was the Crusader and the Grand Inquisitor and the Nazi, today it is the Imam and the Islamic Cleric and the President of Iran who have called for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. Unfortunately, however, Satan is still alive and well in the body of Christ spouting such lies from the pits of hell as “replacement theology”, that the church has somehow replaced Israel. It is Satan trying to show that God’s word is a lie. He will of course fail but many souls will be lost in the process, Muslim as well as Jew as well as so called "Christian".

So why does God let Satan get away with this crap? For that matter, why did He create Satan in the first place, knowing in advance he was gonna pull this stuff?
So why does God let Satan get away with this crap? For that matter, why did He create Satan in the first place, knowing in advance he was gonna pull this stuff?
I'll give you an answer. It's because most of the righteous people will be rewarded for the suffering they endure in this life when they pass on to heaven.
So why does God let Satan get away with this crap? For that matter, why did He create Satan in the first place, knowing in advance he was gonna pull this stuff?

You shouldn't stop there. You should also ask, why does God let all wicked doers get away with the things they do.
It's simple, the answer is free will. Do what you will, whether moral or immoral. Isn't this exactly what we see in this falling world, in front of our very eyes?

Just like people use their free will to deny God, satan uses his free will to be greater than God. Nothing can stop satans way of thinking. In his own will, he is adamant he will win, likewise ISIS are. They are right in their own way, and the world is wrong.

Did satan have a choice to obey his Creator? Yes
Did Eve have a choice not to listen to satan, but rather her husband and God? Yes
None of them were forced to do anything they didn't want. Free will.

Do people have a choice in the Middle East to not accept Sharia law? NO

So bud, nope, satan is not going to get away with his crap, and God didn't destroy satan, because believe it or not, people "choose" satans side, and satan's plans of wickedness and destruction against mankind.

When all is said and done, everyone, including satan will be judged perfectly. Not the human type justice / judgement system. He is the true and Just Judge.
I'll give you an answer. It's because most of the righteous people will be rewarded for the suffering they endure in this life when they pass on to heaven.
So God makes people suffer so He can reward them later? If God created the universe and everything in it, then He also created that which causes people to suffer.

You shouldn't stop there. You should also ask, why does God let all wicked doers get away with the things they do.
It's simple, the answer is free will.
But if God is omniscient there can be no free will since He already knows what we will decide. At best we have the illusion of free will. This has been pointed out to you before and you ignored it.
Just like people use their free will to deny God, satan uses his free will to be greater than God. Nothing can stop satans way of thinking.

So God can't stop it? Isn't He supposed to be omnipotent as well as omniscient?
So God makes people suffer so He can reward them later? If God created the universe and everything in it, then He also created that which causes people to suffer.

But if God is omniscient there can be no free will since He already knows what we will decide. At best we have the illusion of free will. This has been pointed out to you before and you ignored it.

So God can't stop it? Isn't He supposed to be omnipotent as well as omniscient?

God knows, that's why He is God. It doesn't change the fact that you don't know what to expect next. You might call on Christ next month. This is the point you ignore. You see, God saw everything that would take place, hence allowing it to happen, because it was worth it.

God can stop your free will, but won't, because He has given you a choice to make. The world and the things of this world, or Salvation in His Son. The world will die, even science confirms it, whether today or a million years from now.

Without the tree of knowledge, or satan's pride, we would all be like zombies today, forced to worship God without choice. This is the difference between religion (seeking a god), and Christianity (Relationship with God/Holy Spirit)

I can't see how some people fail to grasp and understand this simple logic.