Jagged / motion blur with new LED HDTV (Finally over)

Personally I wouldn't go for a Sony TV these days but its up to you, the South korean brands are where its all at with regards to quality and innovation and Sony is loosing tons of money from its TV business at the moment because thier products are overpriced and unremarkable.

If you want minimal motion blur I would go with a Plasma, all these tricks and post processing LCD's do just makes the image look sped up and jaggy.
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I listed in the first post the tvs I have tried and I keep updating it. I tried the Toshiba, LG, Sony, and Samsung. The Samsung 120hz had the least amount of motion blur and jaggies but overall I like the Sony the best. The sony had much better color and overall everything I want. Its just too jaggy. I just need a higher refresh rate and I think I will be happy.

I think I found the Sony he was talking about. Sony BRAVIA KDL-40EX729 40" 120hz 3D LED-LCD TV . The only problem is that its not 240hz its actually 120hz with motionflow 240. The Samsung also had some sort of Motionflow called Clear Motion Rate 240. So that one also was actually only 120hz. That 240 motionflow creates some confusion with the 120hz vs 240hz.

Now that I am in the 40" range maybe I could consider Plasma. I will find out tomorrow because I will have my 360 with me at the store to test any tv I want. So I might even test some Plasmas while I am there. Even though most people say stay away from Plasma.
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Just be careful with salesmen and Plasma's because they will always try and make them look bad and dissuade you from buying them by giving false info. They do this because Plasma's are cheaper per inch than the rest so they make less off you! Often the Plasma's in store will be setup much worse than the rest of the TV's there on purpose so make sure you have a fiddle with the settings to get the true feel of the TV.

Plasma's do give the best picture hands down but they are slightly fiddly to initally setup, are quite reflective and not as bright but no LCD/LED can match the 600Hz true motion Plasma's can do so if thats important they are definitely worth considering.
If I were you I would stay away from the plasmas during your test run. I don't think you will find one in your size range, and if you put a game on one it's probably going to make the others looks bad. They handle motion better then any other tech, and their black levels are still better then LED and LCD. The one thing you won't be able to judge though in the store on any TV is the color. It's just to bright in stores to really have any clue what the color will look like when you get home and get the TV settings how they should be. If your wanting an awsome gaming TV though a 50 inch panasonic plasma is going to be really hard to beat. I'm still using mine after about 4 years and no LCDs I've owned since then even come close to it.

Like the guy said above me. They will tell you about burn in and all of that, and it's something you don't nee to worry about anymore in them. My TV even turns itself off if the picture is pused for so long to prevent it. Pretty much all I use mine for is games, and I have never seen so much as a ghost left from any game I've played.
To my knowledge, the smallest available plasma is 42".

I have a new 46" plasma (46ST30 Panasonic 3D, $799), and I'm satisfied with it so far. No input lag and no motion blur. This and a wider viewing angle is the advantage of plasma over LED.

On the other hand, plasma is poor in bright ambient light, the screen is said to wear out faster than LED, and there is (maybe) the dreaded burn-in to worry about. I don't see it on mine.

Respectfully submitted,
Some good info replied in a PM thought I would share here as well for some group feedback:

Not sure if you have viewed this thread at all but I have already tried 4 tvs. https://www.gtplanet.net/forum/showthread.php?t=237042

You said in one of the threads that you have a Plasma. I heard thats the best for gaming but also heard a lot of bad things about plasma. What is your feedback on your plasma? So far out of the 4 tvs I have tried, I like the LED Sony the best but it was only 60hz which created a ton of motion blur and jagginess with any motion. Other than the 60hz I love the Sony Bravia. The samsung was 120hz and the motion blur was handled very well with games But had strange choppiness in movies.

Problem is that the only 120hz Sony they have is 40". So I am bringing my 360 to ABC warehouse on Friday and plan to check the 40" Sony LED tv and probably some plasmas while I am there. Not sure if Sony makes a plasma but I really like the Sony bravia a lot.

Well, at the time I purchased my Plasma, LED's weren't even around yet. It was LCD, DLP and Plasma. This is a Pioneer Elite 60". It still has an amazing picture with some of the best contrasting colors and deepest blacks I have seen, even still...and this TV is 4+ years old. I will say, for motion blur, it can't even come close to the 120mhz or 240mhz TV's that are out there now.

There is definite motion blur going on with fast paced movies. I don't notice it as much with gaming. Jagged edges are pretty much non-existent when I am gaming on it from my computer, however, the 360/PS3 is awful in comparison. All three are HDMI inputs into my receiver and then to my TV so they are all on the same signal path. The only main difference is raw computing power and what my computer graphics is capable of doing compared to the 360/PS3. Quite honestly, I have just about quit playing all my console games just because it looks low-res to me now, even 1080p titles. Some titles do look better than others however. Drakes Fortune I remember looking pretty clean with very little jaggies as well as GOW, but it has been ages since I've fired up either one. My guess is if I were to look at it now I would say, "EEEK! What is up with all the JAGGIES???".

Like I said in the other thread, I am gaming on my 27" computer monitor at a 2560x1440 resolution. I actually turn off all my FSAA as it really isn't required at those resolutions. In my opinion, the next step in HD standard would be a larger resolution like that. TV's will have to follow. Since movies, namely Blu-rays seem to be immune to these graphical flaws, the only push for those higher resolutions is the gaming community. I just don't see the movie industry getting on board with the hyper super HD platform (other than IMAX maybe).

Gaming publishers need to have higher standards IMO. The sure fact that some titles on the PS3 look great while others look like pure horse poop irritates the living crap out of me. Take Witcher II for example. Here is a game that is using DirectX 9 for their graphics. This is in a industry with EVERYONE else is developing games using features built into DX11. My point is Witcher II is actually utilizing all the ability of the technology because they took the time and effort to do so.

I can only imagine that these other publishers are trying to crank out games just as fast and furious as they can as time is money.

You mentioned Jaggies on the larger televisions vs. your older TV that was smaller. There is an element of viewing distance. The further away you are, my reason, the smoother everything will look on those larger TV's.

Long story short, great idea taking your 360 in to test the TV's. Make sure you are view the TV in the warehouse the same average distance you would be viewing it at home to get an accurate idea of it will really look like.

Robin, Bevo, Dotini,
The sales rep actually told me there is nothing wrong with the Plasmas. He is one of the very open minded and honest sales reps I have ever met. When the Samsung and SOny were side by side he actually helped talk me into the Sony which was $100 cheaper. The guy is awesome and very honest. I think hes the only honest sales rep I have met. I heard the burn in with Plasmas has been pretty much taken care of. He also said the same thing. Also a reminder the max distance I can sit is 8' from the tv so there is no way I am going any higher than a 42". Thats physically the largest TV and still almost too large for my gaming area. From my head to the TV is 7' unless I wall mount then I might get 8'.
On a side note, I would say this sales rep has easily spent 3 physical hours trying to help me find the tv I want. We spent 2 hours straight the first night I met him when I was trying to get the Samsung to match the color of the Sony. The sony colors are just amazing. Hard to top. Then he has spent at least another hour on the phone exchanging other tv info.

Thanks for the PM. I also replied back to you explaining some of my situation.
Robin, Bevo, Dotini,
The sales rep actually told me there is nothing wrong with the Plasmas. He is one of the very open minded and honest sales reps I have ever met. When the Samsung and SOny were side by side he actually helped talk me into the Sony which was $100 cheaper. The guy is awesome and very honest. I think hes the only honest sales rep I have met. I heard the burn in with Plasmas has been pretty much taken care of. Also a reminder the max distance I can sit is 8' from the tv so there is no way I am going any higher than a 42". Thats physically the largest TV and still almost too large for my gaming area. From my head to the TV is 7' unless I wall mount then I might get 8'.

Thanks for the PM. I also replied back to you explaining some of my situation.

Yep. I hear ya. Taking your 360 in is the best scenario in find the TV for you. :-) Please share your results.
Yup taking the 360 in will be the ultimate test and save time instead of taking all these tvs home and unpackaging and repackaging them. If heather wasnt going to be on her 360 I would take it too so I could run both side by side. :lol:
I told the sales rep I would be there by 6:00 with my 360 and he said "No problem. I have all night". :cheers:
Yes I will keep everyone posted for sure as I have been in the first post. 👍
Also a reminder the max distance I can sit is 8' from the tv so there is no way I am going any higher than a 42". Thats physically the largest TV and still almost too large for my gaming area. From my head to the TV is 7' unless I wall mount then I might get 8'.

I'm sitting 6' away from my 46" when racing, and it works really great! In fact, I think it's a competitive advantage. If you look at viewing distance standards for HD TV, you will see this is in most reviewer's range of viewing distances. I suggest you look at a 42ST30 Panasonic plasma 3D 1080p HD.(was $639 on Amazon).

Respectfully submitted,

Finally after almost a month of trial and error, I found the perfect flat panel HDTV. It involved taking my 360 to ABC Warehouse but at least I found the one I wanted. I even hooked to a couple LCD tvs, LED tvs, and some Plasmas. The competition was quite tough between the LED Samsung and the LED Sony but the winner of best HDTV for gaming and movies for me is the........

5. Sony BRAVIA KDL-40EX720 40" 3D LED-LCD TV 120hz 240 motionflow 3d $1,000.

This is by far THE best looking tv out of LCD, LED, or Plasmas. Picture quality, clarity, whites, darks, and colors just looked incredible on this tv. It also had the P&P that I wanted. The front was also semi gloss which is really nice to reduce reflections. I still need to pick up some 3d glasses sometime but I wasnt too concerned with that feature anyway. Its really just an extra free bonus. I found out I currently have 4 games that support 3d. GT5, GOW3, Crysis 1, and Halo CE Anniversary. I did have to adjust the motionflow for movies. It looked a bit fake by default so I think I set the motionflow to standard or something like that. Easy adjustment. But other than a few minor tweaks to the brightness, this tv just looks incredible right out of the box. Little to no motion blur either and even games that have jaggies seem to clean up very very well. Each game I put in is like a new experience again.

One thing that really surprised me was when I started hooking to Plasmas. The first Plasma tv I hooked too was 600hz refresh rate but had terrible motion blur. In fact it was the worst motion blur I had seen between LED, LCD, and Plasma. It was an LG tv so then I tried a Samsung Plasma and it looked a lot better. But in all honesty, this Sony just crushed the plasmas I hooked up to. Seriously it wasnt much of a competition at all. This 40" Sony Bravia with 120hz 240 motionflow really walked away from the competition with its head held high. So if you are interrested in a new flat panel HDTV, I highly suggest this TV. 👍

Also thanks to everyone that contributed. The replies, and help are all greatly appreciated. :)
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Nice choice!
3D is really good. it's a nice feature. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs is really nice in 3D, Resident Evil also has some nice effects.

And yes, LG, now you know where their affordable price tag comes from. I had an LG phone, never again.

Play on with your new Tv, console rocker!
Just wanted to do a follow up after 6 months and say how much I still love this tv. If any of you are looking for THE best looking gaming tv on the market, this is the one. I posted the other tvs I tried in the first post.

KDL-40EX720 40" 3D LED-LCD TV 120hz 240hz motionflow 3d