Japan: Model of the future

  • Thread starter askia47
I was watching tech tv last night and they had a special on japan.
They said that Japan could set a model for the world to follow. So far it is one of the most advanced nations in technolgy in the world. The setting in Japan is that the birth rate is very small. meaning not many people have children, or sex in general. Cities are large but are swamped with people. Many japanese people have fun and party often after work, and it is one of the safest countries to live in. Country folk are evaportating and migrate to the city. Also there are many more skyscrapers, to accomodate more people(but thats really in tokyo only). Also when a mother has children the father will pay another women to have sex with him, and thats accepted! odd huh?

You think Japan can set a model for other countries, and you'd you like it?
It can't be a model for the future because it is not free enough (I'm thinking largely of the media).

Lack of freedom can result in some great things, like lower crime or lower birth rates. That doesn't mean that you're not giving up more to get those things.
Was there an explanation as to why Japan would supposedly become a "model" for the world, aside from technology?
It'll succeed just because of all the otakus alone. Forget about the hentai and drifting.

I don't want Japan to set a model and I don't think it will. The US will continue to do that into the future.

Japan's economic structure sucks. Sure, they have no unemployment, but the cost of living is absolutely insane.
A few rights the citizens of japan have given up

right to own handguns
freedom from unreasonable search and seizure

These are some excerpts from the link I posted.

In Japan police interview your neighbors and relatives twice a year and have what they call "home visits" where they search your place for contraband.

Apprehended citizens are expected to confess to the crime they are accused of. If they do not, they are routinely tortured.
Originally posted by danoff
A few rights the citizens of japan have given up

right to own handguns
freedom from unreasonable search and seizure

These are some excerpts from the link I posted.

In Japan police interview your neighbors and relatives twice a year and have what they call "home visits" where they search your place for contraband.

Apprehended citizens are expected to confess to the crime they are accused of. If they do not, they are routinely tortured.

tortured? that sounds like an exaggeration.
Originally posted by danoff
The government structure over there is not simple. I don't completely understand it but I'll try to find some examples.

Edit: this should get the ball rolling. I'd appreciate anyone who wants to throw in some more facts about the level of personal freedom in Japan.


Yeah - I'd be taking comments about other countries by a gun apologist working for a secretly funded right wing 'think tank' with a fairly big grain of salt.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
I am so moving there. I love being tortured. Do they give free cavity searches, too?

Klos, you don't have to go to Japan for a free cavity search, I'll give you free ones all day long.

So Japan. Let me get this straight.

1. Little to no sex.
2. Cities swamped with people.
3. Red neck country bumpkins moving in next door.
4. Skyscrapers everywhere.

WOW, sounds wonderful. I can't wait. :rolleyes:

But the constant parting and having sex with women other than your wife sounds great. Bring it on!
Originally posted by boombexus
So Japan. Let me get this straight.

1. Little to no sex.
2. Cities swamped with people.
3. Red neck country bumpkins moving in next door.
4. Skyscrapers everywhere.

WOW, sounds wonderful. I can't wait. :rolleyes:


V_M, guns inable greater self reliance, removing them forces greater dependency on the state. Fortunately for Japan, its culture is homogenous.

Now, regarding Japan, and the developing nations of Asia in general, I'm not looking foreward to skyscrapers, crowding and greater hustle and bustle. I don't even like those building that pop up in Singapore every few years.
Originally posted by boombexus
But the constant partying and having sex with women other than your wife sounds great. Bring it on!
...just remember that "constant" is defined as "during the 1 hour a day you're not at work, on a train, or asleep".

The Japanese have done some amazing technological refinements, but they haven't invented too much new. The society is structured rigidly, to say the least. For many, their jobs are far and away the most important thing in their life. The cost of living is hideously expensive.

If I hit the big lottery, I'd like to go see it first hand for a couple weeks. Under no circumstances would I want to live there.
Originally posted by milefile
Askia47, why have you not relocated to Japan yet?

I said i would? The show i got the ideas from was Wired for SEX on Tech TV (on weeknights and weekends!) It talked about how the porn industry was big, yet not many people have sex at all. If the japanese continue this trend the population could fall to 60 million by next century. Also they said technology would be the moving factor, for other countries to follow
John Stossel did a peice on 20/20 about how the whole "population crisis" is a myth. He said that the world population could fit into the state of Texas rather easily.
fit in the state of texas?..is that with everybody living in thier own house/apartment or just all squeezed up......i read somewhere that the population of the world could fit on the isle of wight....shoulder to shoulder probably.....

japan....nnyah, for some reason they have a slightly worrying fixation with school girls....ever noticed that? theyre on every cartoon, every show...most games...

creepy...and a bit pervy.
Originally posted by TurboSmoke
japan....nnyah, for some reason they have a slightly worrying fixation with school girls....ever noticed that? theyre on every cartoon, every show...most games...
... not to mention their actual pornography.
Japanese culture is very like the life at the bottom of the deep sea. Immense pressure forces it to develop all kinds of bizarre forms and abilities in order to survive.

Rather interesting, intellectually, but to consider it as a way of life?
Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world, and there's no way any of us could ever get into their mindframe. Not unless we were born and raised into it.
Originally posted by Giancarlo
Japan has the highest suicide rate in the world, and there's no way any of us could ever get into their mindframe. Not unless we were born and raised into it.


Rank Country Suicides per 100,000 inhabitants per year
1 Lithuania -42.0
2 Russia -37.4
3 Belarus -35.0
4 Latvia -34.3
5 Estonia- 33.2
6 Hungary- 32.1
7 Slovenia -30.9
8 Ukraine -29.4
9 Kazakhstan- 28.7
10 Finland -24.3

Whoa! Negative forty-two inhabitants kill themselves each year in Lithuania. I am amazed and amazed. And amazed.

I was looking at some statistics on my city and I was amazed to see how many Asians lived here. What boggles my mind is how they get here. It doesn't seem like New England is the easiest place to move to from Asia.

There is a greater percentage of Asians living in my town than in Seattle. It's weird.