Japan: Model of the future

  • Thread starter askia47
on the outside japan is looked down upon by americans, yet i like their culture and their history

hell they advanced a lot quicker than the united states
Originally posted by askia47
on the outside japan is looked down upon by americans, yet i like their culture and their history

hell they advanced a lot quicker than the united states
...with the models of Western industrialized society paving the way for them. The US and Europe advanced more slowly because they invented everything; Japan just decided it was a good model to follow. That sudden transition put a lot of stress on Japan and on Japanese culture and people that is still felt today.

I don't look down upon Japan. But I do question how much of Japan's history and culture you truly understand.
Heh stress on Japan.. like a two decade recession. (although today Japan does inovate a lot faster than the u.s... so does germany france and switzerland.. pretty much the EU, wouldnt be that way if we didnt have this bible beating freak in office.. he needs to be strung up on cnn
Oh, puhleeze. Go grind your axe somewhere else. I don't like Bush all that much either, but he is not single handedly to blame for the downfall of America as a productive and legitimate nation.

And if you think everywhere else in the world innovates faster than the US, you need to open your eyes and look around a little before you parrot the party line any more.
sigh i didnt say everywhere else..(where did you get that notion?..read the post first before you reply) hence my mentioning of only two places.. by referring to bush i mean to generalize his entire cabinet. and no they are not single handedly to blame, but with their wonderful arabian escapade they sure did speed things up.
OK, the EU, Japan and the US pretty much comprise the entire industrialized world - certainly that is capable of doing anything like original technological research and development engineering. So that pretty much means that if the US is behind the EU and Japan in technological innovation, then we're the losers of the world (among countries that mean anything on that criteria). So I didn't generalize your statement very far.

And you still need to open your eyes and look around you.
Sigh this is getting annoying. When is the last time you saw a new railway or a new train, or a new road or bridge that utilized new engineering technology built in the U.S.? Consider U.S. exports, consider electronic product inovations from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2004.

I don't know where you live that you could not notice the recession after the bubble, but I live in california, and can certainly notice it. Mind you California produces 2/3 of U.S. food and is http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html The 5th or 6th largest world economy, and in California there is massive debt and particularly in northern california signs of a recession, are and were, blatently obvious.

I hate to break it to you buddy but Germany and France.. are catching up. http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html Countries are pulling out from the U.S. That would be why there is dwindling foreign investment.

If you want me to compare the U.S. to some country like Mexico or Zimbabwe and praise the U.S. for how great it is and how wonderfully lucky every American is, then I am sorry.

The U.S., with the amount resources and educated citizens that it has, the fact that it has a crap educational system, a crap health system, and crap public infrastructure is pretty sad. Then people like you would say well compared to the rest of the world we are so far ahead, but if you think that, then you are just a frog in heating water.. enjoy it when it starts boiling.

I don't think the fact that so many countries are destitute, starving, or developing is any reconciliation for U.S. failures in domestic and foreign policy.

You can say whatever you want to about it but now after several events, namely this Iraqi war, America has been left economically and more so militarily impotent. Sure you're stronger than some broke African nations, some former communist block nations, some southest asian countries left reeling from communism, great be proud of that. But the fact that the U.S. government is so bloody incompetant that it cant even maintain the roads properly or the power grid, is pretty bloody pathetic.

Now granted, the U.S. is still the best place to get rich, but I think that it can't possibly last forever, especially at the rate of problems there are being created, with the rate of solutions being implemented.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Sigh this is getting annoying. When is the last time you saw a new railway or a new train, or a new road or bridge that utilized new engineering technology built in the U.S.? Consider U.S. exports, consider electronic product inovations from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2004.

I don't know where you live that you could not notice the recession after the bubble, but I live in california, and can certainly notice it. Mind you California produces 2/3 of U.S. food and is http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html The 5th or 6th largest world economy, and in California there is massive debt and particularly in northern california signs of a recession, are and were, blatently obvious.

I hate to break it to you buddy but Germany and France.. are catching up. http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html Countries are pulling out from the U.S. That would be why there is dwindling foreign investment.

If you want me to compare the U.S. to some country like Mexico or Zimbabwe and praise the U.S. for how great it is and how wonderfully lucky every American is, then I am sorry.

The U.S., with the amount resources and educated citizens that it has, the fact that it has a crap educational system, a crap health system, and crap public infrastructure is pretty sad. Then people like you would say well compared to the rest of the world we are so far ahead, but if you think that, then you are just a frog in heating water.. enjoy it when it starts boiling.

I don't think the fact that so many countries are destitute, starving, or developing is any reconciliation for U.S. failures in domestic and foreign policy.

You can say whatever you want to about it but now after several events, namely this Iraqi war, America has been left economically and more so militarily impotent. Sure you're stronger than some broke African nations, some former communist block nations, some southest asian countries left reeling from communism, great be proud of that. But the fact that the U.S. government is so bloody incompetant that it cant even maintain the roads properly or the power grid, is pretty bloody pathetic.

Now granted, the U.S. is still the best place to get rich, but I think that it can't possibly last forever, especially at the rate of problems there are being created, with the rate of solutions being implemented.

i wont comment on much of that, but japan has a much better railroad system than america, i know that for sure. And people have copied after them on that system.
Sigh this is getting annoying. When is the last time you saw a new railway or a new train, or a new road or bridge that utilized new engineering technology built in the U.S.? Consider U.S. exports, consider electronic product inovations from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2004.

I don't know where you live that you could not notice the recession after the bubble, but I live in california, and can certainly notice it. Mind you California produces 2/3 of U.S. food and is http://www.forbes.com/markets/econo...rtr1064973.html The 5th or 6th largest world economy, and in California there is massive debt and particularly in northern california signs of a recession, are and were, blatently obvious.

I hate to break it to you buddy but Germany and France.. are catching up. http://www.forbes.com/markets/econo...rtr1064973.html Countries are pulling out from the U.S. That would be why there is dwindling foreign investment.

If you want me to compare the U.S. to some country like Mexico or Zimbabwe and praise the U.S. for how great it is and how wonderfully lucky every American is, then I am sorry.

The U.S., with the amount resources and educated citizens that it has, the fact that it has a crap educational system, a crap health system, and crap public infrastructure is pretty sad. Then people like you would say well compared to the rest of the world we are so far ahead, but if you think that, then you are just a frog in heating water.. enjoy it when it starts boiling.

I don't think the fact that so many countries are destitute, starving, or developing is any reconciliation for U.S. failures in domestic and foreign policy.

You can say whatever you want to about it but now after several events, namely this Iraqi war, America has been left economically and more so militarily impotent. Sure you're stronger than some broke African nations, some former communist block nations, some southest asian countries left reeling from communism, great be proud of that. But the fact that the U.S. government is so bloody incompetant that it cant even maintain the roads properly or the power grid, is pretty bloody pathetic.

Now granted, the U.S. is still the best place to get rich, but I think that it can't possibly last forever, especially at the rate of problems there are being created, with the rate of solutions being implemented.

Wow! You're stupid.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Sigh this is getting annoying. When is the last time you saw a new railway or a new train, or a new road or bridge that utilized new engineering technology built in the U.S.? Consider U.S. exports, consider electronic product inovations from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2004.

I don't know where you live that you could not notice the recession after the bubble, but I live in california, and can certainly notice it. Mind you California produces 2/3 of U.S. food and is http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html The 5th or 6th largest world economy, and in California there is massive debt and particularly in northern california signs of a recession, are and were, blatently obvious.

I hate to break it to you buddy but Germany and France.. are catching up. http://www.forbes.com/markets/economy/newswire/2003/08/22/rtr1064973.html Countries are pulling out from the U.S. That would be why there is dwindling foreign investment.

If you want me to compare the U.S. to some country like Mexico or Zimbabwe and praise the U.S. for how great it is and how wonderfully lucky every American is, then I am sorry.

The U.S., with the amount resources and educated citizens that it has, the fact that it has a crap educational system, a crap health system, and crap public infrastructure is pretty sad. Then people like you would say well compared to the rest of the world we are so far ahead, but if you think that, then you are just a frog in heating water.. enjoy it when it starts boiling.

I don't think the fact that so many countries are destitute, starving, or developing is any reconciliation for U.S. failures in domestic and foreign policy.

You can say whatever you want to about it but now after several events, namely this Iraqi war, America has been left economically and more so militarily impotent. Sure you're stronger than some broke African nations, some former communist block nations, some southest asian countries left reeling from communism, great be proud of that. But the fact that the U.S. government is so bloody incompetant that it cant even maintain the roads properly or the power grid, is pretty bloody pathetic.

Now granted, the U.S. is still the best place to get rich, but I think that it can't possibly last forever, especially at the rate of problems there are being created, with the rate of solutions being implemented.

This is the standard, cookie cutter response we've all heard more times than I can be bothered to count. You could've saved yourself a lot of useless typing and just said "America sucks and Japan and Europe are great." But I understand the pressure you must feel to make your pre-failed statements stand out.

You see, in America, we drive cars instead of taking trains. This is because everybody can afford one. They can also afford the fuel. People who live in congested urban centers typically use mass transit, though. Like in Tokyo, where nut jobs set off bombs.

All the roads I drive on are in great shape. Maybe old cities have some roads that need repair, and this is the case in Europe, too.

The power grid? What? Every single time I flip my light switch the lights go on. Every single time. In fact, I can't remember a single time they did not go on. I don't see what your point about the power grid is. Yes, there was a blackout last year, a big one, and everybody survived. What you conveniently omitted is the fact that people came together and helped eachother out, the fact that there was more looting in Canada than in NYC.

Millitarily Impotent, huh? This was so obviously and unequivocally proved wrong within the past year. I suppose you're going to tell me that Japan or France or Germany is millitarily mighty? Danoff is right. You are amazingly stupid if you really believe that.

I'll ask you the same thing I ask everyone who talks **** like you: When are you leaving and where will you go? Also, do you realize that the rest of the world comes here and not the other way around, right? You do understand that after all the sour grapes and all the whining people see living in America as a priviledge and an aspiration, right?

America is a great place to get rich. Europe is a great place for rich, inept, patronizing governments.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Sigh this is getting annoying. When is the last time you saw a new railway or a new train, or a new road or bridge that utilized new engineering technology built in the U.S.? Consider U.S. exports, consider electronic product inovations from 2000 to 2001 and from 2003 to 2004....


This has to be the most inept attempt at commentary by the least qualified person about the most complex subject I've ever read here at GTPlanet. This poster makes the kiddies in the drift forum sound like Gordon Murray.

If there isn't a prize for Greatest Range Between Perceived and Actual Understanding of a Subject Demonstrated, I think we should create one just so this poster can have it.

Congratulations. Here is your sign.

Why even bother at this point? Arguments like these don't lead anywhere. I shall conclude with this: "A series of pompous statements walking accross a landscape searching for an idea."

Enjoy the next 50 years.

Oh yeah what was this thread about anyway? Your a moderator aren't you supposed to make sure that doesn't happen? Go moderate.
Originally posted by milefile
This is the standard, cookie cutter response we've all heard more times than I can be bothered to count. You could've saved yourself a lot of useless typing and just said "America sucks and Japan and Europe are great." But I understand the pressure you must feel to make your pre-failed statements stand out.

You see, in America, we drive cars instead of taking trains. This is because everybody can afford one. They can also afford the fuel. People who live in congested urban centers typically use mass transit, though. Like in Tokyo, where nut jobs set off bombs.

All the roads I drive on are in great shape. Maybe old cities have some roads that need repair, and this is the case in Europe, too.

The power grid? What? Every single time I flip my light switch the lights go on. Every single time. In fact, I can't remember a single time they did not go on. I don't see what your point about the power grid is. Yes, there was a blackout last year, a big one, and everybody survived. What you conveniently omitted is the fact that people came together and helped eachother out, the fact that there was more looting in Canada than in NYC.

Millitarily Impotent, huh? This was so obviously and unequivocally proved wrong within the past year. I suppose you're going to tell me that Japan or France or Germany is millitarily mighty? Danoff is right. You are amazingly stupid if you really believe that.

I'll ask you the same thing I ask everyone who talks **** like you: When are you leaving and where will you go? Also, do you realize that the rest of the world comes here and not the other way around, right? You do understand that after all the sour grapes and all the whining people see living in America as a priviledge and an aspiration, right?

America is a great place to get rich. Europe is a great place for rich, inept, patronizing governments.

umm....in japan train is faster, easier, and more efficent. they can afford cars however they just dont need to at least in tokyo.

however the same is nyc, mass transit is always better in the city.i take it all the timre.
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Why even bother at this point? Arguments like these don't lead anywhere. I shall conclude with this: "A series of pompous statements walking accross a landscape searching for an idea."

Enjoy the next 50 years.

Oh yeah what was this thread about anyway? Your a moderator aren't you supposed to make sure that doesn't happen? Go moderate.

you dont like america?
Originally posted by neon_duke
...with the models of Western industrialized society paving the way for them. The US and Europe advanced more slowly because they invented everything; Japan just decided it was a good model to follow. That sudden transition put a lot of stress on Japan and on Japanese culture and people that is still felt today.

I don't look down upon Japan. But I do question how much of Japan's history and culture you truly understand.

i know their history pretty well, i said that they are advanced because there constantly innovating off older things. their technology takes 2-5 years to get to the states.

they have a much better internet system than us over there, everyone has 100mb fast cable (most do anyway)
Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Why even bother at this point? Arguments like these don't lead anywhere.

Then why do you keep coming back to this topic?

Originally posted by Seito4Counter
I shall conclude with this: "A series of pompous statements walking accross a landscape searching for an idea."

"Everything simple to a simpleton"

Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Enjoy the next 50 years.

Don't let the door hit your backside on your way out, son.

Originally posted by Seito4Counter
Why even bother at this point? Arguments like these don't lead anywhere.
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day... and loses all credibility. I'll second ///M-Spec's nomination for your booby prize.
I shall conclude with this: "A series of pompous statements walking accross a landscape searching for an idea."
Much as I'm tempted to say "I know you are, but what am I?", I think I'll just let your statements stand for themselves.
Enjoy the next 50 years.
You too. I'm looking forward to making a pretty decent amount of money for the amount of work I do, retiring around 55, building a new house of my own design, and playing with cars.
Oh yeah what was this thread about anyway? Your a moderator aren't you supposed to make sure that doesn't happen?
Yes, I am a moderator, and since the topic of this thread was "Japan: Model of the future" it has stayed entirely on-topic and didn't require any intervention. Duh.
Go moderate.
Go think.
I'm not saying Japan is better than anybody, but after reading this thread, all I can say is "what a bulls**t". I wonder how some of the guys in here figure out so much about an country that they've never been to(not directed at askia47 & some others). Some of the things are true to an degree, but talk about an misrepresentation.

I realize this thread is a year old, but I had to say something in case other people read this thread and believe the things said in here about Japan. They make it sound like we're bunch of weirdo freaks.
I don't think Japan is full of weirdo freaks at all - but I also don't think that it's a romantic mixture of history and high tech, full of modern-day ronin duelling it out on the midnight streets and togues, like most of the non-Japanese fankids who are desperate to be in love with anywhere but where they grew up would like to believe.
Thanks Neon, I appreciate that. No, it's not an romantic mix, but it is an cool mix of rich history and hi-tech. Some of the things you see there might amaze you, it's not an negative place to be, like this thread suggests.

Also, I swear, everytime I meet someone who's been to Japan, they are raving about how people were great and it was interesting visiting there. Only person(out of very many), who didn't like it there was big shot at my work. He's a big guy, went to visit his son play pro(corporate) basketball in Japan. He hated the food, and said everything was too small! :lol: Nicest guy you'll ever meet though.
You also then must accept its not-so-rich history, such as the massacre that occured in Nanking, and not try to deny it as many of the Japanese do. That's not a misrepresentation. What misrepresentation are you refferring to?
First off,
I think he meant misintepretation.
I did mean misrepresentation(of Japan and things in it, about it). But it's about misinterpretation also.

You also then must accept its not-so-rich history, such as the massacre that occured in Nanking, and not try to deny it as many of the Japanese do. That's not a misrepresentation. What misrepresentation are you refferring to?
It's true that some Japanese down play what happened in the World War II, and in China/Korea. By questioning me about Nanking massacre out of nowhere, I get the feeling you're not very happy with me and/or Japan, so I'll say this first. I've never denied the wrong doings by the Japanese Imperial Army(nor have I met anybody who denies them). As you can see from our country today, we have learned our lesson. Japan, unless attacked first, is probably the least threat of an military aggression in Asia today.

To answer your other question, I think Japan was misrepresented by a lot of stereotyping, and other crazy stuff, I don't know where they came up from. Please keep in mind, I might be wrong on minor details, but this is basically what some members were saying:

Japanese people are under so much pressure, they turn out weird or perverted.

Japanese people have no freedom, because they can't own guns. Japanese Government can do whatever, as long as Japanese people can't own guns.

Japanese people are suicidal.

Japanese people have no idea of what happened in WWII. They have no knowledge of their wrong doing.

Japanese Police interview your neighbors twice a year, they also search your house once a year, to search for contrabands.

Now, if somebody said these things about your country, wouldn't you want to set the record straight? As I've stated in my earlier post, I'm not saying Japanese are better than anybody. I just didn't like people who's never been there or lived there, telling crazy stories about Japan. Japan is not some socialist state or made up of bunch of perverts.

P.S. Obviously you're upset about what Japanese did in the WWII, but most of the countries in the world has done something in the past, they might not be proud of. Look at Japan today, are they anything like the Imperial Japan of WWII? I hope you can trust me when I say, Japan will not repeat the mistake they've made in that awful war.
I've been to Japan for many times, I'm interested in everything japanese and so I know quite a lot about it.
Not everything is perfect in Japan, and to a certain (sometimes very small) degree most things said in this thread are correct... but every country has positive and negative aspects concerning the way of living, society etc;
After all, however, living in Japan is really great :

👍 It is safe ! ( And believe me, you can't realize HOW safe it is, unless you havn't been there for a while)
👍 It is a rich country with less economical problems as 95% of the states worldwide ( Bubble economy and its problems almost solved, japanese economy is stable and has a
gigantic potential : high tech(esp. robots in future), cars etc etc; national indebtedness is also ok....)
👍 the culture and the national identity is very special (99% japanese, I'm not a racist, but that makes things a lot easier for Japan)
👎 neagtive might be the high living costs(not so bad because japanese people have a bigger income (%), the lack of space (it's not so bad though, depends on your personality, a Texan cowboy might get in trouble though :) ) , hard work and not a lot of vacation days and a social system that can be hard to those who don't follow its rules....

Well, it is a huge subject, so I stop here, but concerning the thread, I personally don't think it is a model for the world, parts of the JAPAN PHENOMENON can be adapted (for example concerning economy like the Toyota philosophy) but all in all Japan is too special to be a model for other countries (history, isolation, traditions etc)
Well, it is a huge subject, so I stop here, but concerning the thread, I personally don't think it is a model for the world, parts of the JAPAN PHENOMENON can be adapted (for example concerning economy like the Toyota philosophy) but all in all Japan is too special to be a model for other countries (history, isolation, traditions etc)

I agree 100%. While Japan and it's society has some parts that can be an model to the world, but as a whole, it is too unique, too different for people of other races and cultures.

I was offended by lots negative comments and views of Japan and Japanese people in this thread, but I do agree that Japan is far from model of the future. The U.S. is lot closer IMO.

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