A man walks into a bar with a drink. He does not drink it, just stares at it for half an hour.
Another man walks into the bar and sits next to the man. He takes his drink and gulps it down. The man starts sobbing. "Hey, sorry man. I'll buy you another one, I hate seeing a guy cry".
The sobbing man replies, "No, it's fine, I've just had the worst day of my life". "How so?" the other man asks.
"Well, first I overslept and was late to work. My boss fired me. I went to the parking lot and found out my car was stolen. I then called a cab and drove home, but I forgot my wallet and phone in there and he didn't turn around. Then, when I walked in, my wife was sleeping with the gardener. And now, I've just ended up at this bar, lonely".
The other man says, "Gee, man that sucks. What made you come to the bar?"
"Well, I thought about ending it all, and you just drank my poison".