joe has suggested i put this idea up
to improve the closeness of racing as it spreads out to quickly i think and for me if im last all the time and cant compete i will quite.
so here's how a certain dtm league did it regs. bazzer is familar with this as he and i both raced in this it works on pp reductions and boosts so to the first part of this
you do not pick your car you are allocated a car based on your speed
there would 4 or 5 groups ranging from the fastest to the slowest.
the slower guys will a get help from the faster guys with setups (this will make it more friendly) they will also get the fastest cars
the mid speed drivers get a mid speed cars and the fast drivers get the slow cars this means that a you have to work harder for points and postions it should also increase the consistency of lobby numbers as knowing that it going to be close might mean that you turn up more often.
the points can be awarded the same however where as you currently remove ballast if you don't position well. with this system you would be awarded a pp bonus this means you could increase power or down force or remove weight
to do this each car has an allocated pp so this menas tha the current entry system wouldn't change much.
in the series there was a lot of experimenting as some used different types of turbos to allow them to have more or less of things like power,weight and downforce. this meant that with in teams there was discussion and often had a several different winner in the season .
the link to thread is
i think it would vastly improve it but its up to you guys to look after everyone's interest not jut your own
we were going to do a gt300 series and that looked like it was going to be even closer than the dtm
unfourtunatly the guy who runs lost intrest in gaming and so the series never materialised