June update predictions

  • Thread starter alex511
I never knew or cared to know that there’s supposed to be an exact relationship between the cars shown in event thumbnails and the cars encountered in those events. It’s mentally painful to think PD has employees that actually go to work and spend their time on “fixing” crap like this.
…and people thought me wanting the AI fixed at Bathurst was a low priority. It’s probably closer to being fixed than the most major of player’s concerns.
So 3 fantasy VGT-cars were the reason for FFB-nerf, according to changelog?

Seriously, remove VGT please from the game.

Its called "real driving simulator" and not "fantasy car simulator".
Im not the biggest fan of vgt as well, but my problem is more with their pricing. Doesnt make much sense a 150hp daihatsu vgt costing the same 1M as a 2600hp tomahawk. And why the hell you need to make 4 tomahawks?
I didin’t expect any new content in this update, of their was cars it would have been teased, i think i will play gt7 for another week before talking a break, but will still play daily to get my daily workout,
Find a game file on sega gt online that made all online content finally available for everyone, so i will go back and play that a little to wait for some content dropps for gt7, remember i really like that game when it come out, the progression and career mode was so fun, just the incrediable unbeatable ai always bothered me a bit,
With cars like jiotto caspita, Caterham superseven r500r Ford gt90 and Toyota mr2 group s, the ai was much faster than your versions i would love too see pd adding any of those special cars but doubt it will ever happen
what is/are the specific complaint(s) that you have about lobbies and what do you want fixed?
1: save settings. I want to be able to set up a Nürburgring 24h race, with weather changes, rather quick running time to race through the night and other stuff - and then save that as a lobby "template". Then I can set up a short Spa race with consistent weather to just lay down some speed. Save as another template. So when I open a lobby, I can select from various pre-adjusted custom event settings

2: BOP. The Atenza plague in GT4 races is a joke. Have a proper BOP or dont have one at all.

3: Single player campaign. That talkative barista is seriously annoying. Why does a 2022 AAA racing game only have a few texts to drive the single player campaign? Why is it so restricted in which direction my driving should evolve? I for one have almost zero interest in racing street cars, I prefer motorsports. So why is this game forcing me to do that stuff? Why not let the player CHOOSE what kind of campaign he gets to play? You're a drift king? Oh then have a drift focused campaign! You wanna drag race and tune cars? Fine, there you got your drag race campaign.

4: multiplayer penalties. If I get divebombed off track into the wall, I receive a penalty. Excuse me? Ghosting works with a 10 second delay, its a joke.


These are my main complaints.
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2: BOP. The Atenza plague in GT4 races is a joke. Have a proper BOP or dont have one at all.
4: multiplayer penalties. If I get divebombed off track into the wall, I receive a penalty. Excuse me? Ghosting works with a 10 second delay, its a joke.

These are my main complaints.
These haven't been a thing for a while now. It's the WRX on top, but it's nowhere near as bad as it was - there's quite a few cars that are as competitive as it (depending on track).

Penalties have swung in the other direction though. It's like GT Sport is now, basically.
If it would be for a car like it was in GT Sport i would also do so, but not for 5.000 bucks.

If it was like gt sport i would not play daily, but gt7 has engine swaps and exclusive engine parts, even if chance are slim, i want take all the chances i can get, and some parts i have won dosen’t happen offen through, i don’t care for cars i can buy, those i can always get later,
I don’t get the hating towards rolling starts, GT has this spot on in my opinion, my experience with AC online on monza for example is that it’s too open to ppl ruining the race at the start, I normally only am doing the race B sprints and still manage good finishes and the odd win
No SPA reverse track configuration? PD disappoint with their inconsistency.
This wasn’t a content update. Besides, it would actually be inconsistent to add a reverse configuration to a real world circuit, because that’s usually something they only do with the original circuits.
I get why people are whining, most of them are GT fans who got disappointed with the new title (overreacting massively, in my opinion, but it is what it is) and they don't want to move on because they want to actually like the game again. But yeah, there are just too much of it now in every possible thread it became annoying. I agree there are problems with this game but I just naturally want to keep defending it simply because I feel like that amount of hate is completely undeserved. And I wish there was a block button exclusively for millions of "PD are adding gas prices to push u to buy MTX ahahahah lol XD", especially considering the whole "PD are now greedy" thing is completely made up.
Exactly, Thank you👍
This wasn’t a content update. Besides, it would actually be inconsistent to add a reverse configuration to a real world circuit, because that’s usually something they only do with the original circuits.
Sorry you didn't get the joke. 🤷
I don’t get the hating towards rolling starts, GT has this spot on in my opinion, my experience with AC online on monza for example is that it’s too open to ppl ruining the race at the start, I normally only am doing the race B sprints and still manage good finishes and the odd win
I think people tend to be referring to single player on this point, where almost every race is a rolling start.
Oh I got the joke, but the word “inconsistency” triggered a need to point out a boring fact.
None of it is fact, that is why it was a joke. Yet you decided to correct my whole statement, which means you didn't realize it was in jest, at least when you first responded, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. I can't explain it any clearer than that.

We are going round in circles. My intent was only to make 1 post about the matter and to be done.
I want to say, that I am now 100% confident that PD is nowhere near their claimed staff count.

This update reminds me of a time when I part part of a live team and we had to take on a mountain of issue. 15-20 people, including me, depending on the day, because people would get poached for other work. It was a few coders and mostly artists, and few producers (starting to seem familiar?). It was just like this. The world was upset and calling us incompetent when the reality was we simply had too few people to tackle the issues in an acceptable time.

We essentially had 1 major issue to fix a month, everything else would come in it's time. It wasn't our call. It all came from above and the people that controlled the money.

Let's face it, why should Sony pay for a ton of developers when the game consistently sells regardless of what they throw at us? As many say, it's fantastic for them. Now I feel bad for the people at PD. They're getting all this hate (even from me) but they likely can't do anything about it.
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I think people tend to be referring to single player on this point, where almost every race is a rolling start.
Oh yeah, that’s abit annoying but still you couldn’t have standing starts and getting past the AI in 1 lap and potentially driving on your own for 4+ laps? I don’t like racing the AI at all tbh
Man for real. Been reading through these posts and there's so much bitching and whining - it's just sad. If it sucks sooo bad why even follow the damn title at all or play it, much less take the time to type about it? Someone mentioned something about fixing lobbies.. I run a lobby nightly that's usually no less than 12 to 14 drivers full. What's wrong with that? Maybe take a crack at creating your own racing sim 🤔, bring it to the fore for us to play and review. The lot of this world is an ungrateful stinkin' pile.
Adding MTX on public release, updating the game to lower payouts ( I know they raised some but why lower them at all?), the lack of content vs previous GT titles, etc. I think those are some of the reasons why people are "bitching and whining".