June update predictions

  • Thread starter alex511
More comments that point to my allegation that they are fewer people than they publicize...

Yes. Maybe it's an outdated idea, but as far as I know, crunch is still a think throughout the industry. We were told that GTSport was supported by a "live team" while other were devoted to GT7. While this is obviously true in a strict sense, I think we are all expecting the same staff counts as other studio, and therefore the same output, especially given the time.

Yes, this exactly. We expect it to be "simple" because they say they have hundreds of people staff, and other devs with the same number of people manage to achieve these fairly low level items.

Now, imagine if instead of 300 people, it's more like 30. That makes sense, right? Think back to past iterations and the confusing issues they've had with addressing bugs.

I have a hard time believing that it's an incompetence, because the level of incompetence is so extreme, that it can't be the truth. However, in action, through an inability to take action because of low manpower makes complete sense.

If there are 10 high priority issues on the 1 person's task list, and each issue is a 1-2 week fix, which one will be tackled? It's common for a lower importance issue, that's easy to fix, get's prioritized because it can be delivered.

Anyway, I guess we'll never know.

Good reflection.

I have the impression that PD is used by other sectors of the Sony corporation for new technologies, which prevents PD from fully dedicating itself to its games. I remind you that PD is always involved in new graphics and lighting technologies for the TV industries and now we have news about Sophy. Furthermore, I have the impression that this sterile pace of production at PD is related to the company's ethos, which is totally centered on the whims of Kaz Yamauchi.

So Sony, for all that, is very forgiving of Kaz. I've said it before, my impression is that PD stopped in time. PD was the great forerunner of modern racing games, but the European industry, especially British (Codemasters, Evolution, Slighy Mad Studios) and Italian (Milestone, Kunos), surpassed PD in many aspects of racing game development.

If I were Hermen Hulst, as President of PS Studios, I would set up a large PD branch in Italy or England. I would hire several employees who worked on the latest car and motorcycle racing simulators. I believe that this would help PD a lot in the production of new content, in the technical part, in addition to forwarding the new Tourist Trophy game.
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PD appears to have a large physical structure that suggests a significant number of employees.

As has been pointed out in another thread. PD, like all Sony 1st Party Studios, are undergoing significant growth. Not just in Japan, not just with their satellite studios, but also investment in outsourcing modelling & art.

One quick glance at the video game release slate for the last 18 months. Shows most AAA titles have had delays ranging from 6-24 months. Big releases like Halo & Battlefield are 6+ months into release before major content updates.

PD certainly have a history of delays. But it’s more relevant to see what’s happened since GT Sport’s release with updates & content. I doubt we can read much into Sony & PD’s GT7 plans 3 months after release. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if they have a 3 year GAAS roadmap incorporating PS+ & PC.

And yes, it would be cool if they outlined all of this. I’ve always been vocal on social media about the need for better communication. But ultimately, it doesn’t speed any of this up. It just calms down speculation.
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Y'all this was just a hot fix update for the FFB and a few other minor things. This isn't the "June update", there will almost certainly be another update near the end of the month.
Yeah, can't wait for another fantasy car and three races that pay-out peanuts!
That's what happens when you finish one game you start development of the next game.... But game as a service is different....
But there is no "service" going on in GT7, so I firmly believe they've cut their losses and are trying to get GT8 out the door asap. Can't wait to see how they try to get recurrent spending out of is in that title! lol
But there is no "service" going on in GT7, so I firmly believe they've cut their losses and are trying to get GT8 out the door asap. Can't wait to see how they try to get recurrent spending out of is in that title! lol
Another reason that I think they are undermanned.

Kaz wants "real world pricing" but he doesn't do the economy design. So, they jack the prices. At the same time, someone else says "kill the mileage points. They're redundant. Everything will be CR". It seems that there are a lot of directives being fired at the team, but no one to manage it properly.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.16 Now Available, Restores Wheel Force Feedback and Other Fixes

The latest update for Gran Turismo 7 has arrived, bringing with it a number of minor changes to address bugs and issues and restoring force feedback strength for certain steering wheel controllers...

This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.16 Now Available, Restores Wheel Force Feedback and Other Fixes

The latest update for Gran Turismo 7 has arrived, bringing with it a number of minor changes to address bugs and issues and restoring force feedback strength for certain steering wheel controllers...
Why is there still no FFB on rumble strips makes no sense. GT Sport did. Still cannot sell cars. FAIL !
Rory Alexander, known for staying out of controversy, is finally voicing his ire. SuperGT just flat out doesn't make content anymore, Kireth is busy getting booted from races due to technical issues, Tidgeney has been vocal about not enjoying everything wrong with the game and not being able to launch his TCR league because lobbies are still unfunctional... these aren't small things to be brushed aside, these are EASY FIXES FOR ANY DEV TEAM. The fact that GT/PD doesn't seem to be rectifying them is concerning, and makes no sense. It's like they're willingly punishing their fanbase for buying their game. It's insanity.

Here's Rory's take.

Thanks for posting that Rory Alexander link, very interesting.

My thoughts on PD’s/Kaz’s relationship with game users: they just don’t see us as customers. Japanese customer service is second to none. Twice a year, when living in Japan, my bank manager would deliver me a box of fruit (usually big melons!). In person, bowing away at my door. Other businesses I had dealings with would send crates of beer. The level of customer care is genuinely astonishing. Does it feel like that with PD? It doesn’t because I don’t think PD sees us as customers to curry favour with, but something quite different. Japan is a bullying culture too. In the Japanese context it feels like we are followers or underlings. Juniors. PD/Kaz is the boss. Customers get put on a pedestal, but juniors within the organisation (be it a company, school class or sports club, or even family) get tested. Not quite bullied (normally) but tested, even tormented, kinda like what the army calls ‘hazing’ or whatever; low level bullying, total disregard for the juniors’ opinions, desires, etc. Listening to Rory’s pleading, just wanting obvious things to make the game better/more bearable, I genuinely suspect Kaz might get a kick out of it, might even find it funny. I sure hope I’m wrong, but if he saw Rory as a customer I’m pretty sure he’d be making amends, and being vocal about it, a lot more/faster than seems to be the case at the moment...
"Appears" based on what they advertise, but the output betrays that narrative. Again, this is not a condemnation. I am not saying they are bad for being few people. I do think it can help explain the situation though.

Cars are outsourced and given there is so much carried over, if they had the manpower/budget for more, we'd see that. Remember that advertising and manpower are the biggest expenses on a project like this, and given that we are all happy with cars that we've already become attached to, the budget is going to skew towards advertising. Outsourced cars means that they don't need to keep car modellers on staff.

Features that are functioning (although somewhat imperfectly) in GTSport are absent. That speaks to no one being available to fix them. Ghost replays are the most obvious example. GTSport still has a bug when you load your own ghost replay in that it starts a second or so late, and then disappears. It's been like that for years. ghost replays have been used by the fans since the first GT. It's strange that it's been left alone for so long.

If there was a disparity between the PS5 and pS4 versions in terms of updates, then we could say the team is focusing on the next gen, then integrating the updates, but that's not what happening.

I'm just saying that low manpower is a valid explanation for all the gripes people have, because the other explanations are less flattering.

More comments that point to my allegation that they are fewer people than they publicize...

Yes. Maybe it's an outdated idea, but as far as I know, crunch is still a think throughout the industry. We were told that GTSport was supported by a "live team" while other were devoted to GT7. While this is obviously true in a strict sense, I think we are all expecting the same staff counts as other studio, and therefore the same output, especially given the time.

Yes, this exactly. We expect it to be "simple" because they say they have hundreds of people staff, and other devs with the same number of people manage to achieve these fairly low level items.

Now, imagine if instead of 300 people, it's more like 30. That makes sense, right? Think back to past iterations and the confusing issues they've had with addressing bugs.

I have a hard time believing that it's an incompetence, because the level of incompetence is so extreme, that it can't be the truth. However, in action, through an inability to take action because of low manpower makes complete sense.

If there are 10 high priority issues on the 1 person's task list, and each issue is a 1-2 week fix, which one will be tackled? It's common for a lower importance issue, that's easy to fix, get's prioritized because it can be delivered.

Anyway, I guess we'll never know.
I'm in complete agreeable with you. I wish more people understood these basic business principles and realities. I do see two potential amendments to your thought process.

PD might in fact have a number of developers.... yet, only a few that are qualified too work on the super complicated issues like PS4-PS5 compatibility during cross play. Kinda like you said with several problems being on one person's desk.

And to piggyback off something else you said; PD might in fact be getting orders from Sony to keep this game afloat with as few as resources as possible, in order to direct the majority of their manpower to getting this game ready for PSVR2.

This next thing is going to be an unpopular opinion and I'm sure @AutumnalGlow will poop on this. But whatever...

You gotta look at it from Sony's point of view. Their only job is too make money in the video game industry via sales. Part of that, is in fact, staying on top from a relevance and technological pov. Sony makes their money selling consoles, perihprials, PSN memberships, and game titles. Gran Turismo is but a SMALL PART of this.

Fact of the matter is Gran Turismo 7 has already been a critical success. They already have our money. Despite its issues, for every 100 people that threaten to walk away...maybe one person does. Same for the percentage of people who let their PSN membership expire. Sony DOESN'T want to support cross play games. They want you to buy a new console. Raw materials for said consoles and peripherals are hard to acquire in bulk. If I was Sony, I would stockpile chips over the coming months to manufacture the already built and packaged PS5 Pro, as well as the PSVR2 which is most likely smack in the middle of Beta testing... if not finishing up. Meanwhile in the background, you're asking all the development companies to devote their resources to getting their AAA titles ready for VR.

Then in one fell swoop, you launch a PS5/PSVR2 bundle while simultaneously nixing PS4 support for all cross play games. Yes, PS4 owners might grumble for a bit... but eventually they WOULD buy a new console. Or the drop-off of people who left the Sony eco system would be negligible. Its a literal win-win-win for Sony. You stop having to waste resources supporting old technology, you force people into new consoles..... and people like me who already have a PS5, would be extremely tempted to upgrade.

NOW.... you relaunch ALL OF YOUR AAA titles as "VR READY". You'll get a massive influx of new buyers into the respective franchises.... including Gran Turismo. This move would probably net Sony at least a Billion dollars in sales over the course of a year. No brainer really.

Peep this...

I've had my PS5 for maaaaaaaybe 4.5 months. If Sony made an announcement saying I could preorder a PS5 pro/PSVR2 bundle for the holiday season tonight at 12:00am. I'd be pressing that preorder button the second it went live. Would I be happy about it? No, not necessarily. Would I do it? Definitely. Im willing to bet there's many others like myself.

Sony and PD really should hire me on as a consultant :dunce:

Flame suit on!!

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Penalty algorithm still bad. 1.13 was the best and i think that the players who are hitting the other drivers consciously, they should ban from online races for a limited time. It would be the best way to eliminate other people.
Rory's video made some excellent points. Arrogance would explain a lot of the behavior and lack of communication, and I for one will not buy the next GT. PD does not respect its customer base. I'll play this one still at times because it's a sunk cost, but they've pushed me to start working on getting back into PC gaming after having dropped PC for a while in favor of console convenience.
Penalty algorithm still bad. 1.13 was the best and i think that the players who are hitting the other drivers consciously, they should ban from online races for a limited time. It would be the best way to eliminate other people.
Yep. Don’t hit people don’t get penalty. Pretty simple. Obviously you’d get unlucky now and again it was very annoying but now it’s basically the honour system.
How is it made up? They asked for $70 to buy their game and then still structured it around microtransactions which were considerably more expensive than GTS, like a F2P game. How is that anything but greed?
It isn't, but the fanbois and apologists will bend over backwards to ignore this. It's pathetic but not unexpected.

There are a number of things in society today that we should complain about and some do but the majority of people are sheep and say nothing.

I am pleased to see many people voicing their concerns and complaints here. Maybe it will bring improvements overall. Just depends on how long you wish to wait for those improvements.
From all the custom races I do, it’s like the back half AI are in demo mode. I’m talking GT1 Demo, demo mode. They hang in a pack of three to six(using the cars from 1990-1999). Similar to GT1. It’s bugged out. At least I can take nice grouped pics. :lol:
Rory's video made some excellent points. Arrogance would explain a lot of the behavior and lack of communication, and I for one will not buy the next GT. PD does not respect its customer base. I'll play this one still at times because it's a sunk cost, but they've pushed me to start working on getting back into PC gaming after having dropped PC for a while in favor of console convenience.
I've said that too and I mean it. This is the last PD title I will buy. I'll walk away from this later in the summer and be on to other franchises that I have enjoyed. It's too bad because this franchise held a lot of promise but it's nuts to ask people to buy in for four or five years to see the final result.

I felt they had hit a sweet spot with GTS and maybe developing it more would have been the solution but I guess with the PS5 they needed a visual overhaul that necessitated the new game. Too bad because the blowback from how they have done this will probably lead to sales loss of the next title.
That you made up a bunch of stuff deserving that reaction? Yep...

Pssssh… I’ve never in a million years found it necessary to thumbs down someone’s post no matter how much I disagree. Others tho….

Regardless, it was meant to have a little fun. People who love to shoot, can’t really catch…Especially these days
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I'm in complete agreeable with you. I wish more people understood these basic business principles and realities. I do see two potential amendments to your thought process.

PD might in fact have a number of developers.... yet, only a few that are qualified too work on the super complicated issues like PS4-PS5 compatibility during cross play. Kinda like you said with several problems being on one person's desk.

And to piggyback off something else you said; PD might in fact be getting orders from Sony to keep this game afloat with as few as resources as possible, in order to direct the majority of their manpower to getting this game ready for PSVR2.

This next thing is going to be an unpopular opinion and I'm sure @AutumnalGlow will poop on this. But whatever...

You gotta look at it from Sony's point of view. Their only job is too make money in the video game industry via sales. Part of that, is in fact, staying on top from a relevance and technological pov. Sony makes their money selling consoles, perihprials, PSN memberships, and game titles. Gran Turismo is but a SMALL PART of this.

Fact of the matter is Gran Turismo 7 has already been a critical success. They already have our money. Despite its issues, for every 100 people that threaten to walk away...maybe one person does. Same for the percentage of people who let their PSN membership expire. Sony DOESN'T want to support cross play games. They want you to buy a new console. Raw materials for said consoles and peripherals are hard to acquire in bulk. If I was Sony, I would stockpile chips over the coming months to manufacture the already built and packaged PS5 Pro, as well as the PSVR2 which is most likely smack in the middle of Beta testing... if not finishing up. Meanwhile in the background, you're asking all the development companies to devote their resources to getting their AAA titles ready for VR.

Then in one fell swoop, you launch a PS5/PSVR2 bundle while simultaneously nixing PS4 support for all cross play games. Yes, PS4 owners might grumble for a bit... but eventually they WOULD buy a new console. Or the drop-off of people who left the Sony eco system would be negligible. Its a literal win-win-win for Sony. You stop having to waste resources supporting old technology, you force people into new consoles..... and people like me who already have a PS5, would be extremely tempted to upgrade.

NOW.... you relaunch ALL OF YOUR AAA titles as "VR READY". You'll get a massive influx of new buyers into the respective franchises.... including Gran Turismo. This move would probably net Sony at least a Billion dollars in sales over the course of a year. No brainer really.

Peep this...

I've had my PS5 for maaaaaaaybe 4.5 months. If Sony made an announcement saying I could preorder a PS5 pro/PSVR2 bundle for the holiday season tonight at 12:00am. I'd be pressing that preorder button the second it went live. Would I be happy about it? No, not necessarily. Would I do it? Definitely. Im willing to bet there's many others like myself.

Sony and PD really should hire me on as a consultant :dunce:

Flame suit on!!

Sadly, I don't think your take is flawed.
Yeah, can't wait for another fantasy car and three races that pay-out peanuts!

But there is no "service" going on in GT7, so I firmly believe they've cut their losses and are trying to get GT8 out the door asap. Can't wait to see how they try to get recurrent spending out of is in that title! lol
I don’t mind having a discussion and welcome different opinions.

But do we expect constructive chat when we have such hot takes as “the game is dead” & “they’ve cut their losses”? That and baseless posts about streamers ditching the game or underplaying future plans.

GT7 is a hugely successful title for Sony & PD. Sony’s public statements make it clear they have big plans for the title & franchise. That’s not to underplay any current issues.

But it seems some are throwing so much **** in the hope it stick’s. The latest being seeding the idea PD are underfunded. That or they must be incompetent. Can’t possibly be the industries widespread workflow issues (and subsequent delays) or a desire to cut down on crunch & burnout.

Rory's video made some excellent points. Arrogance would explain a lot of the behavior and lack of communication, and I for one will not buy the next GT. PD does not respect its customer base. I'll play this one still at times because it's a sunk cost, but they've pushed me to start working on getting back into PC gaming after having dropped PC for a while in favor of console convenience.
As mentioned above PD have a private discussion group to detail feedback. Much of it backed up with reports & video evidence. Rory makes some valid points so he should use his connections and see if he can get in on it. Tidgney detailed how he made an ultra critical GT Sport video from which he expected blowback. In fact he was contacted by the translator who presented the video to the PD team.

I can’t speak for Rory and maybe his frustrations boiled over. But it seems every update, even when it’s clearly a hotfix, is greeted with vids & posts about why this or that issue hasn’t been addressed. Clearly, if it’s an easy fix it will be done. Like the FFB issue.

As for PC, I’ve also been a player for the past 18 months. Reiza post an AMS2 update blog every month. Still waiting for DLC content bought & paid for last year. But they’re a friendly team and you have to acknowledge the challenges they’ve faced.
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Which statements would they be then?
Does everything have to be so confrontational? We can separate short-term issues from the wider place GT occupies in PlayStation’s plans.

There are a number of things in society today that we should complain about and some do but the majority of people are sheep and say nothing.
This is definitely one of the funniest thing I've ever seen being said in context of a video game having bad economic system and a made up greedy developers problem.
We can separate short-term issues from the wider place GT occupies in PlayStation’s plans.
Said 'short-term issues' have, in actual reality, been long term issues afflicting the series for more then a decade by this point, and is actively caused by Polyphony ignoring any and all competition, and not taking any sort of desire to fix them.

I wonder when you'll acknowledge that instead of constantly bleating about a GT movie and supposed meetings between Kaz and Hermann Hulst?
Does everything have to be so confrontational? We can separate short-term issues from the wider place GT occupies in PlayStation’s plans.

If you're going to keep making claims, yeah. Im not seeing anything to back up your claims in those articles.
This is definitely one of the funniest thing I've ever seen being said in context of a video game having bad economic system and a made up greedy developers problem.
What's funny about it? And greed is not made up.

I don’t mind having a discussion and welcome different opinions.

But do we expect constructive chat when we have such hot takes as “the game is dead” & “they’ve cut their losses”? That and baseless posts about streamers ditching the game or underplaying future plans.

GT7 is a hugely successful title for Sony & PD. Sony’s public statements make it clear they have big plans for the title & franchise. That’s not to underplay any current issues.

But it seems some are throwing so much **** in the hope it stick’s. The latest being seeding the idea PD are underfunded. That or they must be incompetent. Can’t possibly be the industries widespread workflow issues (and subsequent delays) or a desire to cut down on crunch & burnout.

As mentioned above PD have a private discussion group to detail feedback. Much of it backed up with reports & video evidence. Rory makes some valid points so he should use his connections and see if he can get in on it. Tidgney detailed how he made an ultra critical GT Sport video from which he expected blowback. In fact he was contacted by the translator who presented the video to the PD team.

I can’t speak for Rory and maybe his frustrations boiled over. But it seems every update, even when it’s clearly a hotfix, is greeted with vids & posts about why this or that issue hasn’t been addressed. Clearly, if it’s an easy fix it will be done. Like the FFB issue.

As for PC, I’ve also been a player for the past 18 months. Reiza post an AMS2 update blog every month. Still waiting for DLC content bought & paid for last year. But they’re a friendly team and you have to acknowledge the challenges they’ve faced.
There needs to be a balance in the discussion/debate. Nothing is absolutely perfect nor it is absolutely useless.
Said 'short-term issues' have, in actual reality, been long term issues afflicting the series for more then a decade by this point, and is actively caused by Polyphony ignoring any and all competition, and not taking any sort of desire to fix them.

I wonder when you'll acknowledge that instead of constantly bleating about a GT movie and supposed meetings between Kaz and Hermann Hulst?
Historically, some of the biggest issues with GT where engine sound accuracy & inconsistent asset quality. In GT Sport it was the lack of dynamic weather, tuning, and visual upgrades.

In GT7 the biggest long-standing franchise issue is poor AI. Something we know PD is actively working on. Current lobby issues are indeed short-term as it was working satisfactorily in GT Sport. Likewise single-player content, whatever you think of the structure, is just a matter of pumping it out.

If you're going to keep making claims, yeah. Im not seeing anything to back up your claims in those articles.
By all means post your own links. All things being well we’ll both be posting about Gran Turismo for years to come. I’ve little doubt the franchise will continue to strengthen. Seems like you think it’s on a downward spiral. We’ll see how it plays out.
Historically, some of the biggest issues with GT where engine sound accuracy & inconsistent asset quality. In GT Sport it was the lack of dynamic weather, tuning, and visual upgrades.

In GT7 the biggest long-standing franchise issue is poor AI. Something we know PD is actively working on. Current lobby issues are indeed short-term as it was working satisfactorily in GT Sport. Likewise single-player content, whatever you think of the structure, is just a matter of pumping it out.

By all means post your own links. All things being well we’ll both be posting about Gran Turismo for years to come. I’ve little doubt the franchise will continue to strengthen. Seems like you think it’s on a downward spiral. We’ll see how it plays out.
Post my own links to what? I never made any factual statements or claims, I've nothing to back up. You claimed Sony had made statements, so I'm gonna ask you to provide them. You can't, just as you can't back up most of the claims you constantly make.

By all means if I've made a factual statement about the series and you want me to back it up, let me know. I've never said GT is on a downward spiral, at best I said it's pretty much flat in regards to your claims it's skyrocketing in popularity.
If you're going to keep making claims, yeah. Im not seeing anything to back up your claims in those articles.
I’ve done myself a favor and finally muted his account. he’s either certifiably insane or an intern who’s had too much koolaid. Way too serious to be someone trying to be funny, which makes it more funny.

The seventeen page response to avoid providing proof of a PC version was * chefs kiss *. This forum is amazing.
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In GT7 the biggest long-standing franchise issue is poor AI. Something we know PD is actively working on.
Not only are they not working on it in any meaningful capacity, but you, alongside many others, are simply conflating the initial Sophy announcement, and specifically the notions of Polyphony adding Sophy 'as a friend' as somehow being applicable to the idea that they'll be making changes to the AI post launch, when in reality they made no such promises of that being the case, and even if it does, it almost instantly runs up against problems. For one, considering the fact that they needed 20 PS4's working in tandem with one another to power the initial GT Sport test of Sophy, what possibility is there of Sophy ever coming to PS4, a major enough system that Polyphony abandoned making GT7 a wholly next gen experience to cater towards the wide amount of systems still out in the wild? You're basically telling PS4 players that if they want actual AI, then they should buy a PS5, otherwise they can go pound sand.

Likewise, even if Sophy is applied on a mass scale, good job - the races are still chasing the rabbit, except now the rabbits run like hell, and cut corners on the highest end. You still haven't fixed the issues with the moment to moment racing, and instead have only amplified the fact that many of the issues with the AI work in tandem with the poor and incredibly stale racing loop of fighting to the front from the back, with the person in first being 30 to 40 seconds ahead of you.

By all means post your own links.
He wanted you to post links to the stuff you're trying to say is going to happen. 95% of your posts have been trying to posit that this or that is happening, and you give very little evidence. When you do, it's circumstantial evidence that doesn't at all point to what you think it does.

Either man up and post what you know, or don't. And knowing the site's staff, they aren't going to take kindly to you insinuating that you know something, and continually duck ever having to say anything about it that is more substantial then the circumstantial evidence you post.
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Im guessing the primary reason for this update is bug fixes and no content until the end of the month.

By bug fixes: I mean they'll fix the FBB that the last update made it bug out on.
Plus some other tweaks to PP to hopefully balance things
Nailed it