June update predictions

  • Thread starter alex511
I want to say, that I am now 100% confident that PD is nowhere near their claimed staff count.

This update reminds me of a time when I part part of a live team and we had to take on a mountain of issue. 15-20 people, including me, depending on the day, because people would get poached for other work. It was a few coders and mostly artists, and few producers (starting to seem familiar?). It was just like this. The world was upset and calling us incompetent when the reality was we simply had too few people to tackle the issues in an acceptable time.

We essentially had 1 major issue to fix a month, everything else would come in it's time. It wasn't our call. It all came from above and the people that controlled the money.

Let's face it, why should Sony pay for a ton of developers when the game consistently sells regardless of what they throw at us? As many say, it's fantastic for them. Now I feel bad for the people at PD. They're getting all this hate (even from me) but they likely can't do anything about it.
PD appears to have a large physical structure that suggests a significant number of employees.

It is more about the false promises kaz gives us. Sophy no news since 3 months ? The return at the source ? The lack of any communication for a live service ? I want to know what’s going on in the studio? Where is the new shuhei yoshida that suppose to manage the first party studio at playstation. If the game was complete from the star, any free update each months would be like a good bonus. Is there any sony or devs that really read the forum ?
None of it is fact, that is why it was a joke. Yet you decided to correct my whole statement, which means you didn't realize it was in jest, at least when you first responded, otherwise you wouldn't have posted it. I can't explain it any clearer than that.

We are going round in circles. My intent was only to make 1 post about the matter and to be done.
The funny part was this:

No SPA reverse track configuration?

The not so funny part was this:

PD disappoint with their inconsistency.
Excuse me for replying to this and being dead serious about it.
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But still, ofcourse it's not flawless, and i complain now and then, ( not as much as some others ) :-),
and i see room for improvement, but everytime i power on the PS4, i get drawn by the GT icon, press it every time and enjoy every minute of it.
We must not forget to appriciate what they did right, and imo that is still alot.
and with some monthly updates, bugfixes, and developement...., should be more than ok :-)
If they actually fixed item 5, the replays skipping ahead, that's great news because it happened in the license test and circuit experience demos, too; every time you'd try to watch the demo, it'd start 10 seconds in.
The funny part was this:

The not so funny part was this:

Excusing me for replying to this and being dead serious about it.
You're excused.

I wasn’t being serious about any of it. I am sure PD wouldn't mind a little joke at their expense. Lets leave it at that.
I never knew or cared to know that there’s supposed to be an exact relationship between the cars shown in event thumbnails and the cars encountered in those events. It’s mentally painful to think PD has employees that actually go to work and spend their time on “fixing” crap like this.
I've noticed this before with PD, they're very anal about the smallest details whilst at the same time seemingly not caring about huge glaring issues.

Not saying fixing that was the same difficulty/time as fixing the lobby issues but they do seem to enjoy fixing up all these little inconsequential things.
PD appears to have a large physical structure that suggests a significant number of employees.

This is a more recent image

PD appears to have a large physical structure that suggests a significant number of employees.

"Appears" based on what they advertise, but the output betrays that narrative. Again, this is not a condemnation. I am not saying they are bad for being few people. I do think it can help explain the situation though.

Cars are outsourced and given there is so much carried over, if they had the manpower/budget for more, we'd see that. Remember that advertising and manpower are the biggest expenses on a project like this, and given that we are all happy with cars that we've already become attached to, the budget is going to skew towards advertising. Outsourced cars means that they don't need to keep car modellers on staff.

Features that are functioning (although somewhat imperfectly) in GTSport are absent. That speaks to no one being available to fix them. Ghost replays are the most obvious example. GTSport still has a bug when you load your own ghost replay in that it starts a second or so late, and then disappears. It's been like that for years. ghost replays have been used by the fans since the first GT. It's strange that it's been left alone for so long.

If there was a disparity between the PS5 and pS4 versions in terms of updates, then we could say the team is focusing on the next gen, then integrating the updates, but that's not what happening.

I'm just saying that low manpower is a valid explanation for all the gripes people have, because the other explanations are less flattering.
But still, ofcourse it's not flawless, and i complain now and then, ( not as much as some others ) :-),
and i see room for improvement, but everytime i power on the PS4, i get drawn by the GT icon, press it every time and enjoy every minute of it.
We must not forget to appriciate what they did right, and imo that is still alot.
and with some monthly updates, bugfixes, and developement...., should be more than ok :-)
Yeah, I love the game too and stick up for the things it does right frequently, but what does this blind apologist comment do for anyone?

There are SIMPLE things that need to be fixed that can totally change the public and player perceptions of the game. SIMPLE things that can bring GT back into the good graces of those who have loved GT for decades.

-Fix the lobbies.

-Put a SHRED of thought and effort into the daily races, and make MORE of them.

-Make the game STABLE.

-COMMUNICATE with fans and LISTEN to what the major complaints are.

-Make MORE single player events, and make single player playable offline. It's not like our friggin' machines can't handle it. Online only makes ZERO sense.

And with all that, the car updates and content updates will be less vilified and criticized because people will have the ability to play rewarding content and the new cars will just be icing on the cake.

For now, the cake is getting stale, and icing doesn't fix that.

Rory Alexander, known for staying out of controversy, is finally voicing his ire. SuperGT just flat out doesn't make content anymore, Kireth is busy getting booted from races due to technical issues, Tidgeney has been vocal about not enjoying everything wrong with the game and not being able to launch his TCR league because lobbies are still unfunctional... these aren't small things to be brushed aside, these are EASY FIXES FOR ANY DEV TEAM. The fact that GT/PD doesn't seem to be rectifying them is concerning, and makes no sense. It's like they're willingly punishing their fanbase for buying their game. It's insanity.

Here's Rory's take.

Tech issue: I don't know if it's just me, but this and many of the articles on the homepage/news won't open.
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especially considering the whole "PD are now greedy" thing is completely made up.
Yeah, don't believe you're lying eyes! The economy in this game is the epitome of milk and honey. The promised land of post-scarcity generosity...

Thank you PD! Thank you Kaz! The 17-20hr hour grind for the F1 is just too kind! You're going to ruin all other greedy in-game economies via your giving nature, oh great one!
1: save settings. I want to be able to set up a Nürburgring 24h race, with weather changes, rather quick running time to race through the night and other stuff - and then save that as a lobby "template". Then I can set up a short Spa race with consistent weather to just lay down some speed. Save as another template. So when I open a lobby, I can select from various pre-adjusted custom event settings

2: BOP. The Atenza plague in GT4 races is a joke. Have a proper BOP or dont have one at all.

3: Single player campaign. That talkative barista is seriously annoying. Why does a 2022 AAA racing game only have a few texts to drive the single player campaign? Why is it so restricted in which direction my driving should evolve? I for one have almost zero interest in racing street cars, I prefer motorsports. So why is this game forcing me to do that stuff? Why not let the player CHOOSE what kind of campaign he gets to play? You're a drift king? Oh then have a drift focused campaign! You wanna drag race and tune cars? Fine, there you got your drag race campaign.

4: multiplayer penalties. If I get divebombed off track into the wall, I receive a penalty. Excuse me? Ghosting works with a 10 second delay, its a joke.


These are my main complaints.
Well, speaking directly to your prior lament on PD "fixing" online lobbies, your item #1 of the list is the only item I see that speaks to online lobbies which I presume you meant multiplayer lobbies as opposed to daily race lobbies which you reference in item #4.

Saving "templates" is one of the items I listed in the overall list of features I'd like to see added to multiplayer online lobbies as well, but it doesn't make me think the game is unplayable or broken in that regard, just a nuisance which like you, I hope PD address sooner than later. With that said, the overall sessions themselves in my rooms (at the 'Ring) are really quite good (and fun!) in my own experience.

I don't add much to this channel, but have slowly started adding some live GT7 recordings here lately, simply for later viewing to better fine tune time/weather setups:

Thank you for this as well.
Funny thing to me is, there are several who right after launch were saying (with Heated Righteous Outrage), "I'm through with GT7 FOREVER, they RUUUUUIIINNNED IT, blah blah blah blah...."
.....but they're still here playing and complaining. :lol:

Some true HARDCORE gamers that lot is for sure.:D I fear to meet one in a dark alley. Especially if their Moms are with them.:scared:

Oh, and if your username means what I think it does, Maddens Raiders, Kenny Stabler was the MAN back in the day. :cheers:
The username indeed DOES mean what you think it does sir, and you are welcome to my home for BBQ and beers anytime :cheers:
More comments that point to my allegation that they are fewer people than they publicize...
Japanese work culture is so bad.

They have no problem in being worked to death some even sleep at their workplaces.

I admire their discipline and their work ethic but im not down with their working to death approach or the constant work work while missing out on life.
Yes. Maybe it's an outdated idea, but as far as I know, crunch is still a think throughout the industry. We were told that GTSport was supported by a "live team" while other were devoted to GT7. While this is obviously true in a strict sense, I think we are all expecting the same staff counts as other studio, and therefore the same output, especially given the time.

Yeah, I love the game too and stick up for the things it does right frequently, but what does this blind apologist comment do for anyone?

There are SIMPLE things that need to be fixed that can totally change the public and player perceptions of the game. SIMPLE things that can bring GT back into the good graces of those who have loved GT for decades.

-Fix the lobbies.

-Put a SHRED of thought and effort into the daily races, and make MORE of them.

-Make the game STABLE.

-COMMUNICATE with fans and LISTEN to what the major complaints are.
Yes, this exactly. We expect it to be "simple" because they say they have hundreds of people staff, and other devs with the same number of people manage to achieve these fairly low level items.
For now, the cake is getting stale, and icing doesn't fix that.

Rory Alexander, known for staying out of controversy, is finally voicing his ire. SuperGT just flat out doesn't make content anymore, Kireth is busy getting booted from races due to technical issues, Tidgeney has been vocal about not enjoying everything wrong with the game and not being able to launch his TCR league because lobbies are still unfunctional... these aren't small things to be brushed aside, these are EASY FIXES FOR ANY DEV TEAM. The fact that GT/PD doesn't seem to be rectifying them is concerning, and makes no sense. It's like they're willingly punishing their fanbase for buying their game. It's insanity.
Now, imagine if instead of 300 people, it's more like 30. That makes sense, right? Think back to past iterations and the confusing issues they've had with addressing bugs.

I have a hard time believing that it's an incompetence, because the level of incompetence is so extreme, that it can't be the truth. However, in action, through an inability to take action because of low manpower makes complete sense.

If there are 10 high priority issues on the 1 person's task list, and each issue is a 1-2 week fix, which one will be tackled? It's common for a lower importance issue, that's easy to fix, get's prioritized because it can be delivered.

Anyway, I guess we'll never know.
Yeah, I love the game too and stick up for the things it does right frequently, but what does this blind apologist comment do for anyone?

There are SIMPLE things that need to be fixed that can totally change the public and player perceptions of the game. SIMPLE things that can bring GT back into the good graces of those who have loved GT for decades.

-Fix the lobbies.

-Put a SHRED of thought and effort into the daily races, and make MORE of them.

-Make the game STABLE.

-COMMUNICATE with fans and LISTEN to what the major complaints are.

-Make MORE single player events, and make single player playable offline. It's not like our friggin' machines can't handle it. Online only makes ZERO sense.

And with all that, the car updates and content updates will be less vilified and criticized because people will have the ability to play rewarding content and the new cars will just be icing on the cake.

For now, the cake is getting stale, and icing doesn't fix that.

Rory Alexander, known for staying out of controversy, is finally voicing his ire. SuperGT just flat out doesn't make content anymore, Kireth is busy getting booted from races due to technical issues, Tidgeney has been vocal about not enjoying everything wrong with the game and not being able to launch his TCR league because lobbies are still unfunctional... these aren't small things to be brushed aside, these are EASY FIXES FOR ANY DEV TEAM. The fact that GT/PD doesn't seem to be rectifying them is concerning, and makes no sense. It's like they're willingly punishing their fanbase for buying their game. It's insanity.

Here's Rory's take.

Tech issue: I don't know if it's just me, but this and many of the articles on the homepage/news won't open.

I’m surprised he isn’t aware PD have a private group and daily communication with many of the top drivers. Tidgney explained in a recent video PD have been working on multiple issues but some take longer than others.

That’s not excusing the wider communication issues with all Japanese developers (and businesses in general). The fact some are switching between GT7, iRacing and ACC, suggest they’re online players with highend equipment. So I can understand their frustrations. It’s worth pointing out iRacing is over a decade old and ACC released in 2018. Both very different titles today from their launch state.

PS, SuperGT isn’t producing content because of an injury. Tidgney has detailed his issues - but also given context to how things are being worked on. Kie25 is a mate and hasn’t been shy in voicing his displeasure.

He posted today after the FFB update:

‘Todays stream was so much fun, few daily races 👌 few lobby races 👌 FFB fixed 👌looking forward for more GT7 later tonight, will be running some Nations TT maybe practice race maybe another Manufacturer practice and possible open lobby fun 👊’
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