June update predictions

  • Thread starter alex511
I am afraid..that PD doesnt even have a content for june update...maybe they will pass this month :/....last month they gave us gr010 as "SPECIAL", and I believe that's best they can do.. FOR NOW!

maybe they dont even care, or they see their own downfall, since other games evolve so much content wise
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I am afraid..that PD doesnt even have a content for june update...maybe they will pass this month :/....last month they gave us gr010 as "SPECIAL", and I believe that's best they can do.. FOR NOW!

maybe they dont even care, or they see their own downfall, since other games evolve so much content wise
No offense, but why is it so hard to understand that PD gives us content update at the end of the month? Probably between the 25 and 28 June. I'm 99% sure we're getting content update every month until the end of the year at very least.
I am afraid..that PD doesnt even have a content for june update...maybe they will pass this month :/....last month they gave us gr010 as "SPECIAL", and I believe that's best they can do.. FOR NOW!

maybe they dont even care, or they see their own downfall, since other games evolve so much content wise
Not attacking you, but what you write does not make sense. GT7 is a major title that imo was released too early, so there are many issues to be addressed. Right at the beginning there was a statement from Kaz what content they wanted to add. You may take that with a pinch of salt, but the simplest explanation is they are behind schedule.
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Not attacking you, but what you write does not make sense. GT7 is a major title that imo was released too early, so there are many issues to be addressed. Right at the beginning there was a statement from Kaz what content they wanted to add. You may take that with a pinch of salt, but the simplest explanation is they are behind schedule.
I understand you all..but that's just my opinnion...
maybe I am too much optimistic what should have come...as an update...I understand them they can't have everything to give..I JUST DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING SPECIAL CAN BE EXPECTED
Kaz: "best I can do is Northern Isle Speedway reverse."
Pure fun

After coming out information about Forza Motorsport 8 and its car list i felt that GT7 car list is so dated and small.... with so many fantasy Gr.3 Gr.4 and VGT that they didn't fit anywhere... Generally car list -as the track list - is the main problem in GT... And those rain drops and genneraly rain is unrealistic...
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After coming out information about Forza Motorsport 8 and its car list i felt that GT7 car list is so dated and small.... with so many fantasy Gr.3 Gr.4 and VGT that they didn't fit anywhere... Generally car list -as the track list - is the main problem in GT... And those rain drops and genneraly rain is unrealistic...
I agree that it's bad, but the lack of offline and online events to use the cars we already have is way worse for me.
Plus it's useless to have 200-300 more cars in the game if the economy system stays the same. Would people be more motivated to do boring grinding all the time for those extra cars? No.

The mixture of cars + tracks + physics + modding + offline/online events + rewarding system = fun. GT doesn't have the last 2 bits, so it is only logical that people stop playing GT7 after only 1, 2, 3 freaking months.
That is why I can't wait to get an Xbox Series X with FM8. I've been playing the Forza series since 2009, and it's still the fun place to race.
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I get why people are whining, most of them are GT fans who got disappointed with the new title (overreacting massively, in my opinion, but it is what it is) and they don't want to move on because they want to actually like the game again. But yeah, there are just too much of it now in every possible thread it became annoying. I agree there are problems with this game but I just naturally want to keep defending it simply because I feel like that amount of hate is completely undeserved. And I wish there was a block button exclusively for millions of "PD are adding gas prices to push u to buy MTX ahahahah lol XD", especially considering the whole "PD are now greedy" thing is completely made up.
It's yet another unfinished game from Kaz/PD. Micro transactions will be a part of gaming because capitalism, however, users are now more cognizant of when it's being pushed and it's being pushed pretty hard here. It's not made up. Are you an intern trying to get a FT job at PD? LMFAO
After the VGT exploits were patched, I set the game down and have zero desire to play anymore. It's a beautiful game and I get why some defend it still, however, the time sink is just not worth it IMO. Online is a dumpster fire with nothing to do and no rewards. Seriously, the rewards are just giant "Sony" branded dildos getting jammed into our assholes and it somehow doesnt feel good.
This is the discussion thread for an article on GTPlanet:

Gran Turismo 7 Update 1.16 Now Available, Restores Wheel Force Feedback and Other Fixes

The latest update for Gran Turismo 7 has arrived, bringing with it a number of minor changes to address bugs and issues and restoring force feedback strength for certain steering wheel controllers...
I'm curious to get feedback here. I have a Logitech G29, wheel settings 8/5. Since this last update, it feels to me like the force feedback has gotten worse. Also, at 8/5 setting, the wheel is stiff, I like the stiffer wheel setting, but it feels a little more lively to me.

Anyone with a G29 having similar feedback like this since the latest update?
Hmm so something interesting so Tommy Milners dad as in Tommy Milner who races in Le Mans. His dad mentioned on radio Le Mans that polyphony and sms have been using his cars for scans. Might be worth looking at what he cars he has for potentional predictions.
Hmm so something interesting so Tommy Milners dad as in Tommy Milner who races in Le Mans. His dad mentioned on radio Le Mans that polyphony and sms have been using his cars for scans. Might be worth looking at what he cars he has for potentional predictions.
I’d guess the C8.r. That’s in PC3. It’ll probably be in a future update or GT8.
It really is time PD implemented the sell your cars option. I’m not even concerned about earning credits. I just want to streamline & organise my garage. Hopefully they also give us the option to have multiple garages.

It does seem a track is coming. If I had to guess I’d say Apricot Hill or Watkins Glen. If it’s the track for the Toyota series it’s probably a real world track.
Hmm so something interesting so Tommy Milners dad as in Tommy Milner who races in Le Mans. His dad mentioned on radio Le Mans that polyphony and sms have been using his cars for scans. Might be worth looking at what he cars he has for potentional predictions.
From which broadcast?
It really is time PD implemented the sell your cars option. I’m not even concerned about earning credits. I just want to streamline & organise my garage. Hopefully they also give us the option to have multiple garages.

It does seem a track is coming. If I had to guess I’d say Apricot Hill or Watkins Glen. If it’s the track for the Toyota series it’s probably a real world track.
Why would you have to guess? I thought your friend in localisation told you.
It really is time PD implemented the sell your cars option. I’m not even concerned about earning credits. I just want to streamline & organise my garage. Hopefully they also give us the option to have multiple garages.
Agreed, but you can streamline your garage with the mark as favourite option. Then sort by favourites and you’ll only see the cars you want to see.
Why would you have to guess? I thought your friend in localisation told you.
A track has been known about for some time.

Post in thread 'June update predictions'


Watkins Glen is a possibility because scapes data is in the game. Which has usually happened before a track is released (Spa, Le Mans etc.).

Post in thread 'June update predictions'

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Not attacking you, but what you write does not make sense. GT7 is a major title that imo was released too early, so there are many issues to be addressed. Right at the beginning there was a statement from Kaz what content they wanted to add.
Can those who believe this please stop saying it.

The release date for GTSport was October 2017. GT7 is a reskin of GtSport (facts are facts). Most of GT7's content is a carry over from previous GT titles.

Run through the GTS updates to refresh your memory. https://www.gtplanet.net/tag/gt-sport-game-updates/

If you want to wait for a game to be "done" before it's release, then GTSport would have release 1 year ago when it received it's last car.
You may take that with a pinch of salt, but the simplest explanation is they are behind schedule.
And the simplest explanation is that we get what we get and there's no guarantee that we will get new cars, or new tracks, or anything. When GTSport released, PD said that more cars were coming in the following months, and they followed through with that. I haven't seen much of anything in terms of what cars and tracks are expected to be coming, or how many.

There is just as much validity to believing there will be no content as there is to believe there will be. This weekend is Father's Day. It would have been a nice treat to have gotten something this week.
I like people posting that GT7 somehow is a game that came out 'too early' as if it isn't crystal clear that there being cut, and very much complete events from pre-release material and even streams shows very clearly that content was held back in order to drip feed to the player base, and could have been useful in making the game better to play now instead of 6 months from now.

It's always a new excuse.
aI agree 100%.

I won't be going near GT8 after this mess. I know I keep saying it, but PD have burned me for the last time with their lies. Leading up to GT7 they proudly claimed it was the be all and end all of the GT franchise, the game that has gone back its roots with a "traditional GT mode" campaign and being the most complete to date.

After release the massive flaws are discovered in both the singleplayer and online components of the game. What was skillfully marketed as the most complete was quickly discovered as the most incomplete in many, many ways. Add to that their shady as **** behaviour with the review copies and macrotransactions, then pulling content from the review copies. They claim a game as a service, but its been nothing remotely resembling that. Minimal content drops (singleplayer races), minimal communication, no road map, many GLARING issues that still are not fixed.

It is such a shame because like many others have said, the driving itself feels so damn good and fun. I think PD need alot more practice with GaaS because they are up there with the worst devs to have a Gaas. Slow, quiet, deaf.
But scapes bro!
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Can those who believe this please stop saying it.

The release date for GTSport was October 2017. GT7 is a reskin of GtSport (facts are facts). Most of GT7's content is a carry over from previous GT titles.
Which is some lazy ass programming. Can you please stop making excuses for what should have been "The Most Complete Gran turismo?"
A track has been known about for some time.

Post in thread 'June update predictions'


Watkins Glen is a possibility because scapes data is in the game. Which has usually happened before a track is released (Spa, Le Mans etc.).

Post in thread 'June update predictions'

So you made this up then?

There is a new track coming next month. Three other tracks in the late stages of development/clearance. Plus at least two pieces of additional DLC outside the monthly update schedule.
..and what is your source on that?
Some individuals working on localisation.

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