Karting Thread

  • Thread starter lbsf1
Hey Gatrs, are you running the Pan-American challenge? And lbs and gokartman have you heard of it?

Not this year.
MAYBE next year depending upon whether I go to the Grand Nationals or not and how well I do there.
Good luck. The most important thing about going to national events is to not get caught up in how big of an event it is. Just go there, drive, and have fun.
First kart race in a while tomorrow. So much road racing.
I begged my parents to take me bike racing this weekend, but for only one class it's not worth it. We'll probably sell all of our stuff at the end of the year, it's too bad really, but it just cannot compare to the bikes.
Like Superbike racing? But toned down. According to your avatar, it seems like vintage GP bikes.

Yeah, it's vintage but pretty quick.
We are already looking at 600s, and believe me, you won't get a normal kart that will go like one of those.

Drop the bikes.
They're like rentals, all they do is take away from my track time. :P

That's what I thought, until the first time I swung my leg over the bike...

And the race was ok.
Really screwed up in the second heat and finished 7th, got really pissed off and made some radical changes in my anger. It seemed to work though as I finished 2nd in the final. It was a good race but we will probably stop doing it, "all they do is take away from my track time" lol.
Congrats on 5000 posts.

And what kind of bike racing did you do?
Biking isin't bad for me, crashing is lol.
Ah, 85s?
From the 11 years of dirtbiking, it was about the same thrill as the karting.
It was more exciting by yourself, but the karting was really fun because of the closeness of the racing. Road racing is 10X the dirtbiking adrenaline rush, and then add racing into it and everything else is boring.

But back to karting, that last race I did was televised and it'll be broadcasted in 2 weeks.Hopefully it only shows the final lol.
Ah, 85s?
From the 11 years of dirtbiking, it was about the same thrill as the karting.
It was more exciting by yourself, but the karting was really fun because of the closeness of the racing. Road racing is 10X the dirtbiking adrenaline rush, and then add racing into it and everything else is boring.

But back to karting, that last race I did was televised and it'll be broadcasted in 2 weeks.Hopefully it only shows the final lol.

That's pretty cool!
Is it just going to be some local channel or something?
Thanks, I think that it'll be on a local cable channel so yeah.
And since our racing is so close, (2 tenths from 1st-2nd 50 thousands from 2nd-4th) any change can make a big difference. We found that the air filter was filthy, so cleaning it will gain about a tenth, and lowering the front nd back down will help it even more. :D
They'res also supposed to be more tv coverage.
Ah, 85s?
From the 11 years of dirtbiking, it was about the same thrill as the karting.
It was more exciting by yourself, but the karting was really fun because of the closeness of the racing. Road racing is 10X the dirtbiking adrenaline rush, and then add racing into it and everything else is boring.

But back to karting, that last race I did was televised and it'll be broadcasted in 2 weeks.Hopefully it only shows the final lol.

I stopped at 65s actually. I like road racing way more. And is your race going to be in in the US?
just had a very mixed weekend at forest edge. one of the fastest on the Saturday, was testing a few new setup things out in one session and a mate's dad had us fastest on the stopwatch in the final session. Saturday was good. Sunday morning, first heat 12-8th, should have finished higher but we gripped up, second heat it rained and i went from 11th to 3rd (catching leaders) and my last heat i got punted so hard i went over someone. ended up 26th from 28th. Final i was grided 12th, and again got fired. dropped back to 34th position and over 12 laps fought back to about 11/12th in the end. we got hit so hard in the final that the bumper bolts snapped off and it was dragging along the ground.

how was other people's weekends?
Just realised I havent posted about my adventures at Whilton Mill yet.

Very mixed weekend in all. My camera started playing up so I only got my first practice session on the saturday which I'm uploading now. It was the first time I had driven the track so I was trying to guess the racing line and braking points while trying to overtake a novice who braked at random points on the circuit, sometimes halfway down the straight sometimes uber late for a corner.

We worked on setup and got something we were happy with and were running about 2/3 down the field.

For the Sunday it rained overnight, and was just about dry enough for slicks for practice, very slidey but would have ruined the wets.

Heat 1 started 22/33, made my way up to 16th which I was happy with, keeping up with a driver who drove in Super1 last year.

Heat 2, started 17/33, made some positions from the start however lost them again as a guy decided to punt me off going into the hairpin and ended up 23/33.

Heat 3 started 7th, dropped positions from the start and was around 17th with 2 laps to go when going down the main straight my engine seized, it was making a grinding noise and was almost locking the rear wheels. Got it back to the pits and luckily Adrian from BRT was there, he did the engine the last time so we gave it to him and he has got it at the moment, on Friday he phoned us to say that the main crank bearing has gone and it is going to need a full rebuild. :(

Really enjoyed the weekend though, love the layout of the track, and as the people there with definately the smallest budget, least equipment and sleeping inside a £9.99 tesco tent. Our pace was probably about 18/33 which I would be pretty pleased with considering the callibra of some of the drivers there.

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You mentioned Super1? One of my friends just went out to Scotland to either watch or participate in that.

But my weekend was a bit of a nightmare.
Friday practice went relatively well, was running the exact same lap time as the fastest guy there. Brand new track for everyone BUT him. He had done some testing already.
Was a little low on RPMs and the engine had some minor popping meaning it was lean. Sort that out and I'd be a tenth or two faster than the rest of the field.
Saturday was pretty meh. Popping REALLY bad in qualifying so I qualified 6th. Pole guy was slower than I was on Friday substantially. Prefinal, the popping was a little better than the session before. Made it up to 4th. But 3rd was DQ'd for something in tech.
Made another jet change. I'm now at a 170 while my "teammate" is at a 158.
Final comes, I pass second at the start. Come SO close to getting 1st as well, but I couldn't quite pull it off.
As me and two other guys were fighting amongst ourselves, first place just pulled away. Ended up in 3rd. BUT, both second and fourth place could hear my engine popping. Top four ran the EXACT same lap time. Which means I would have been doing donuts around them if my engine was running properly.
So we came to the conclusion that I must have an air leak somewhere. So we make sure all my bolts are tight. Find that a couple are in fact relatively loose. So in the practice session the next day, I run the fastest time of the weekend. And that time was without a draft on track with only one real braking point. The draft is worth about four tenths. No popping.
Qualifying, IT'S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER. Qualify eleventh.
So we made an engine change, used somebody's spare. Skipped lunch and did it in record time. Just made it out for the prefinal. I have to start at the back though because of the engine swap. Finish eleventh. Still popping.
Change all the electrical stuff for the final. Also in record time. Popping so bad I eventually just came in.
The only thing we haven't tried swapping is the exhaust. Even though we did try new packing.
After spending close to $1500 on new parts, we still don't know what the problem is.
Sending it into the shop to have them take a look.

Still have yet to get a win in a North East RMAX race. This was probably my best chance. I had the pace for it, the kart did not.
Well, that's racing.
You mentioned Super1? One of my friends just went out to Scotland to either watch or participate in that.

But my weekend was a bit of a nightmare.
Friday practice went relatively well, was running the exact same lap time as the fastest guy there. Brand new track for everyone BUT him. He had done some testing already.
Was a little low on RPMs and the engine had some minor popping meaning it was lean. Sort that out and I'd be a tenth or two faster than the rest of the field.
Saturday was pretty meh. Popping REALLY bad in qualifying so I qualified 6th. Pole guy was slower than I was on Friday substantially. Prefinal, the popping was a little better than the session before. Made it up to 4th. But 3rd was DQ'd for something in tech.
Made another jet change. I'm now at a 170 while my "teammate" is at a 158.
Final comes, I pass second at the start. Come SO close to getting 1st as well, but I couldn't quite pull it off.
As me and two other guys were fighting amongst ourselves, first place just pulled away. Ended up in 3rd. BUT, both second and fourth place could hear my engine popping. Top four ran the EXACT same lap time. Which means I would have been doing donuts around them if my engine was running properly.
So we came to the conclusion that I must have an air leak somewhere. So we make sure all my bolts are tight. Find that a couple are in fact relatively loose. So in the practice session the next day, I run the fastest time of the weekend. And that time was without a draft on track with only one real braking point. The draft is worth about four tenths. No popping.
Qualifying, IT'S BACK AND BETTER THAN EVER. Qualify eleventh.
So we made an engine change, used somebody's spare. Skipped lunch and did it in record time. Just made it out for the prefinal. I have to start at the back though because of the engine swap. Finish eleventh. Still popping.
Change all the electrical stuff for the final. Also in record time. Popping so bad I eventually just came in.
The only thing we haven't tried swapping is the exhaust. Even though we did try new packing.
After spending close to $1500 on new parts, we still don't know what the problem is.
Sending it into the shop to have them take a look.

Still have yet to get a win in a North East RMAX race. This was probably my best chance. I had the pace for it, the kart did not.
Well, that's racing.

Did you change needle height in the carb, that effects 0-75% revs where the jet only really effects the top 25% of revs.
Did you change needle height in the carb, that effects 0-75% revs where the jet only really effects the top 25% of revs.

We played with it a little bit.
But you never drop below 9,000 RPM at this track so the needle has a pretty minimal effect.
We played with it a little bit.
But you never drop below 9,000 RPM at this track so the needle has a pretty minimal effect.

Try lowering the jet hugely then, rotax's do weird things so that popping may have been from you being to rich. Are you junior or senior?? if junior then try lifting off the power slightly and putting back on again to try and get it into the second power band if your not doing that already.
it could be the power valve in seniors. if it's popping you may want to check everything is all ok inside it. if this has gone wrong then you will be running as a junior (which have more popping) but jetted and geared for a senior (won't help). that is one of the only things i can think of. either that or a dud battery but you said you changed that...