PD has made exactly what they set out to make, a console game that has some pretty stuff to look at (with the exception of the graphics). Regardless of what it says, GT5 is not a sim and never will be. The designers are simply not capable of making one. Once everyone realizes this, and treats this as a casual game to enjoy with friends, the less complaining there will be about why this game is so unrealistic.
Do you really think they would release a game with this many screw ups if they actually had a clue how to fix them? Enjoy the game for what it is, when you want to race with the correct physics, fire up the pc and pop in a sim.
Eventhough its a very negative post i have to agree with you. GT5 calling itself the ultimate sim is like me saying im the best drifter in the world.. Its rediculous.
Everywhere in the game i see signs of people that had no idea of any technical aspect of automotive motorsports. For example; read the settings manual for the LSD.
I dont like it when i cant change every gear individually, but its up to them.. But for cryin out loud dont call the dam thing "fully customisable", just call it a 6speed gearbox.
This idiocy is also shown in the camber setting:
"This value represents a negative value!" How hard is it to just add the "-" symbol? It simply shows the error of a developer programming it as a positive.. And then the lack of effort on PD's side to make a very small adjustment in the code..
As for the remark that it would be too difficult to fix the GUI code to make the gears individually adjustable; if thats too difficult; please retire and give T10 the right to the GT series.. At least they have the tuning spot on, the GUI spot on, the netcode spot on, the tire physics spot on, etc, etc..
I know i sound like an FM fanboy right now and i am to a certain degree. Trust me there's lots to improve for them aswell, but its all in the minor issues like smoke; which fun but not essential, custom lobbys; fun but not essential, the community website beeing slow; not fun but it works at least..
GT5 might be a more powefull game as in it runs 1080p, has 1031 cars, with loads more polygons then FM3, but to be honest; id rather have game that has good GUI, tuning options, and good physics at cost of super high graphics. Then a game that shines at seconds but sucks for hours..
Id rather have very nice candle that burns well then a fluorescent lamp with starter problems..
That said; ive begon to shut my eyes to all the crap in GT5 and just do what i enjoy; drifting online with other drift minded people..