Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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I found a slightly different translation:

"The a priori is difficult to prevent loopholes. Leave the possibility of an ex-post discretion. It would be such. Top Gear Test Track is not clear to everyone that course, I did another course even more difficult. On the other hand, can understand people in Europe thought it was planned."

It's a reply to reactions about corner cutting, but I don't quite understand the reference to Europe. Maybe Europeans thought they were driving correctly but were accidentally cutting corners?
It think he means that he can understand why people in Europe thought it was the TGTT before the event.
Maybe Europeans thought they were driving correctly but were accidentally cutting corners?

Probably has to do with accusations like this one from the news blog ( https://www.gtplanet.net/mercedes-live-race-in-gran-turismo-5-live-video-stream/#comments ):

"September 5th, 2011 at 3:27 pm #

Andy cowley


watch GT-Racing-cz_MSM replay…. He completely misses out the first chicane!! And GTW_HILARIO does exactly the same!


September 5th, 2011 at 3:31 pm #


Not cool……..

September 6th, 2011 at 3:11 am #


It’s the same story every time around. And on that same chicane I get an invalid time when just shaving one of the cones…

September 6th, 2011 at 4:19 am #


A friend of mine is currently number 1 (GTP_DHolland)and I asked him about why he cut it. His excuse was that DC cut the corners so he was allowed to do it. He full on cut chicago, I think the people cutting are a disgrace, and I also think the people using active steering or whatever should be put on a seperate leaderboard, it gains them so much time"

I've seen other simular claims elsewhere, but not in large amounts. But if PD/judges are having a hard time determining the validity of such things, it would explain the tweet.
Thanks, NA. I think your explanation makes it clear. Makes me wonder why they just don't go back to Proloque's system. Saves so much headaches..
It was more like this:

Kaz_Yamauchi: RT @tilt_arakawa: @Kaz_Yamauchi このような厳密さを求められるイベント開催の場合は、リプレイを残す数を増やし、ジャッジが人力で除外する事を提案します。どんなに頑張っても事前に全ての抜け穴を塞ぐ事は困難だと思います。

Kaz_Yamauchi: RT @tilt_arakawa: @Kaz_Yamauchi When holding events requiring such rigor, I suggest to increase the number of replays and let judges exclude people with their own forces. No matter how much you struggle at it, I think that closing every loophole beforehand is difficult.

Kaz_Yamauchi: 先験的に抜け穴を防ぐのは難しい。事後的に裁量できる可能性を残しておく。そういうことでしょうね。コースが誰の目にも明らかでないTop Gear Test Trackは、他のコースにも増して困難でしたね。一方で、それを企画した欧州の人たちの思いも理解できます。

Kaz_Yamauchi: "To defend against loopholes a priori is difficult. [So,] Leave the possibility of a posteriori discrection". Yes, maybe it's the right thing. The Top Gear Test track, whose [racing line] isn't really clear to anybody, was difficult because [it could be interpreted] with other [racing lines] too. On the other hand, I can sympathize with the [original intentions] of the Europeans who designed it.
メルセデスのオンライン・タイムトライアル、仕切りなおします。ごめん。やはり勝者はいつでも祝福されないといけない。22日ごろにリセット、再スタートします。 http://ow.ly/6waUn

the Mercedes online time trial is going to be redone. sorry. but the winner must be congratulated. its going to be reset and restarted around the 22nd
Also, he's using Hootsuite which means he can track all the clicks on his link in his tweet. Wonder how many from outside Japan click on it :)
That is great that they will reset it but hopefully they realize this is happening in just about every time trial they put on, including GT Academy. Maybe they need to rerwork their track boundry and penalty systems. And maybe people need to stop cheating so damn much, but we know that will never happen.
That isn't the first English tweet from Kaz, I remember one quite a few months ago.
Kaz_Yamauchiもちろん構いません。RT @y_hiro_fiat: @Kaz_Yamauchi 自動車ディーラーの者ですが、お客さんが修理作業待ち時間に店内に設置したGT5で自社の車をお客さんにプレイしていただく事は・・・
Of course you can Kaz_Yamauchi. RT @ y_hiro_fiat: @ is a car dealer Kaz_Yamauchi, you can play it's own customer's cars in GT5 installed in-store customer is not to wait repairs
More like this:

Kaz_Yamauchiもちろん構いません。RT @y_hiro_fiat: @Kaz_Yamauchi 自動車ディーラーの者ですが、お客さんが修理作業待ち時間に店内に設置したGT5で自 社の車をお客さんにプレイしていただく事は・・・

Kaz_Yamauchi: Of course I don't mind. RT @y_hiro_fiat: @Kaz_Yamauchi: I'm a car dealer; is letting customers play with my company's cars on [a GT5 installation set up in-store] while they are waiting for servicing... [ok?]
@Kaz_Yamauchi ありがとうございます!余談ですが、プントHGTというノーマル車で、鈴鹿を初走行3周目で3分切り出来ました。GTで鈴鹿1000LAP以上走っていたのでレコードラインも完璧。レーシングドライバーがGTを使用する意味が分かりました(笑)

Via Bing Translate
Thank you @Kaz_Yamauchi! As an aside, but normal car named Punto HGT, Suzuka 250cc team 3 3 minutes off the lap 出来ma****a. Because it was running in GT Suzuka 1000 LAP over レコードライ NG also perfect. Makes sense to use GT Racing driver turned out (laughs)
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