Kazunori Yamauchi tweets!

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Latest one from kaz:

Dunno what its about though......
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I haven't inspected the link, but this is what it's about:

Kaz_Yamauchi: 日本のみなさんへ。ユーザーのみなさんをポリフォニーのスタジオ・ツアーにお招きするの初めてのことです。ドキドキだぜ。http://t.co/MiP4y3hd

Kaz_Yamauchi: to every Japanese. This is about the first time we're inviting every user to the Polyphony Studio Tour. It's going to be exciting. http://t.co/MiP4y3hd

EDIT: the top 10 japanese times in the Mercedes Time Trial will battle for the finals at the Mercedes Benz Connection on 15th October at Tokyo, Roppongi.
There, they will have the chance to test drive a real SLS AMG. Polyphony Digital will also offer them a tour to their studios.
40 people will be randomly selected (among a pool of those who filled a form after the end of the event) to watch the finals in person. These people will all receive a small mascot as a gift.


Again, this is for japanese people only as Yamauchi said.
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I NEED one of those mascots. NOW!

When is the next maintenance scheduled for? Or are they all done?
EDIT: Nevermind.
Contact Medicom toy corporation. I'd like one as well, they probably have some form of contract with PD limiting/denying sales.
TOURS! I think they should have showed off their Fukuoka studio instead.

No. Kaz said September or October. Look up his tweet, not GTP's news story.
Sweetness 👍

Might as well be "AND" because not everything came out in September. You know what I mean. But good catch anyway. Differentiating between the GTP article and Kaz's original tweet.
New in first seasonal after release 1.14.
1st place - a puppet PAINTABLE bear shaped mascot
2nd place - helmet
3rd place - paint
"GT5のユーザーのみなさん、お待たせしました。 GT5「スペック2.0」アップデートは10月の第三週の予定です。DLCの提供は、その一週間後に。#GT5jp" Translates into: "Dear user of GT5, Thank you for waiting. GT5 "Specification 2.0" update is scheduled for the third week of October. Providing DLC is that after one week. # GT5jp" DLC is coming :D
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GT5のユーザーのみなさん、お待たせしました。 GT5「スペック2.0」アップデートは10月の第三週の予定です。DLCの提供は、その一週間後に。#GT5jp

I see "DLC" and "3rd week of October"... break it down my man!
I was about to post that! :)
Yamauchi's official translation:

Kaz_Yamauchi: GT fans, thanks for waiting… The GT5 "Spec 2.0" update is coming the 3rd week of October, with DLC following a week later.
"GT fans, thanks for waiting… The GT5 "Spec 2.0" update is coming the 3rd week of October, with DLC following a week later"

Just tweeted in English.
Very good news. Spec 2.0 implies a more significant update!

Cool in the way he reports this: First nothing much for a long while and suddenly "Oh, hey. We've got major updates ready for you" :)
You're on drugs if you think no real communication and then wham, big announcement is cool...A bit more communication would've been nice, things like teaser pics of what's coming to build the suspense etc would be a marketing master stroke but hey this is PD we're talking about...
I'm not on drugs..

It's a marketing strategy the've chosen and it's probably working for them. Apple does the same: First stone silence and then boom..
I knew that something BIG was incoming when he said that the major tweet would have been written in english... omg, I'm so happy. Can't wait.

What do these Spec things do then?

Adds a whole new part to the game.

That's a link that shows a list of the changes it had for Prologue.

1,540MB or more HDD space is required for the update

Damn, so after a year, I wonder what this Spec will give. For GT5 Prologue, Spec II was out only a bit over 3 months after the release of the Japanese release date. Four times the wait, four times the content? joking, but I'm so anxious.