- 968
- Maine
- VooDooChilde333
1. ABS, TC, and the other drive settings are all "helpers" in that, they help you become a more stable driver while your gaining experience and getting more skilled yourself.
2. Camber, as it is here, is a helper also. I see it as just another driving aid. The more aids you have on, the slower the car becomes. Although camber isn't as blatent as the other ones, I do believe its in the same category."
Yes, and no.
Everything is a drivers aid. Dampers, are drivers aids. So are brakes and LSD.
They are settings that the game allows you to increase or decrease intensity to, . . . Help you become a more stable driver.
Some aids decrease the maximum power/torque that a car has, as a side effect of whatever benefits that setting has.
Not everything with a bad side effect, ends up with slower lap times however.
Camber isn't as loud as TC, thats obvious. But that's just 1 example.
If I was on a straight track, no elevation, the setting my ride height as low as possible will make me faster. So in effect, having a +15/+10 ride height that would normally help turn in on regular tracks, here is just another setting that is "making me slower".
Want more examples?
ABS. ABS is a driver aid that some people hate. I like it. Not on every tune, but most. Does ABS effect the power of a car? Maybe. Does that mean it makes you slower?
As a matter of fact, go online, go to the top ten record holders in every seasonal event. Click them. Look at thier settings and what they had on. Isn't it funny how 8 out of every 10 had ABS=1 on? But yet, they hold the fastest records? Heh.
I'm not here to argue those examples. Take them or leave them.
The point is, your right, camber is a helper to those who like to use it. Your right, to a lot of drive styles, it does help them become more stable drivers (or however nyone wants to put that)
But your also wrong. Just like the ride height example, no setting, camber included, is always going to react "faster" or "slower" every time.
Any setting that adds wind resistance, or removes any grip at all, is going to slow down a car. However, if that same car made up that time and then some on the corners and while on nonstraight roads, then that same setting works in reverse to get 'faster' lap times.
Under no circumstances does anything always work the same, for you or against you.