Killzone 2

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Just finished the single player, very ough for an FPS on normal, last level was a bi*%ch on to the multiplayer!
I just read GameSpot's review. I tend to agree with their reviews more than other websites *cough*IGN*cough* but the way it was written seemed to indicate a higher score. What I mean is, they gave it a 9.0 but if I read the review without looking at the score I would've predicted a 9.4 or something :indiff:
It seems to be happening a lot. Edge's review for instance, a magazine that I respect, gave it a seven, marking it down for a lack of innovation and a poor story, the things that really matter I suppose.....

Yesit is hardly original but what was the last original FPS?
Who is going online tonight then?

If someone wants to host a game then set a password and we can have a few gtp games tonight, i would but I don't trust my connection entirely.
Same story in PSW magazine, huge 6 page review, which was very confusing, the reviewer would start with something which is wrong in FPS then go on like a fanboy to sy how this wasn;t the case in KZ2 bu the end I thought he'd wet himself, but evetyscreenshot was so dark you could hardly see what it was and the review score was 8\10 ????? really odd! anyway enough of that.
I've just about racked up 2 hours online now and I notice few things which may intrest the obstainers. First up the pace of the game is frantic but not the actual gameplay.....thats not very well described, what I mean is theres a constant urgency throughout the game, no sitting around or waiting while the enemy tramps 4 miles to attack you, the maps (that I've seen so far) work extreemly well in creating bottle necks whilst still keeping various alternate routs available, and there not only stunning to look at but fantasticly desighned, very intricate and "busy" but there easy to remember even though some are huge! the battles themselves are easily described, it's like the world just blew up in your face! LOL theres so many particle effects and lighting effects going on that a squad attack on a position soon renders the enemy almost invisable as grenades and bullet strikes kick up dust and earth with the occasional tracer round flicking through or the glow of a helgasts eyes!
Talking of the Helgasts glowing red eyes, the ISA forces have a similar handicap of blue neon items on there uniform making neither side disadvantaged camo wise, and to be honest with the amount of detail and movement on the maps themselves without these telltales you'd be hard pressed to see your enemy.
Right this bit I like alot, I came face to face with a helgast rear guard whilst flanking in an assasination match. He went into FPS mode and used the old tactic of strafing around me in a circle whilst fireing, thus making him a harder tarket to hit.........FAIL! All that happened was his accuracy went out the window whilst I simply went down on one knee and shot him with a clean headshot LOL Halo jumpers beware, this is more sim than arcade and you will lose EVERY time!
Right a few other things of imprtance, lag....what lag? 32 player rooms long range headshots no problems, voice coms.....issues for some, it's similar to BF:BC with only those around yo hearing you.....but this system works! I'll have to explain this abit though, first up just speaking lets those near you hear you (including the enemy I think) pressing up on the Dpad allows everyone on your team to hear you. right your team can also spit into a number of squads of 4, where ever they are they will allways hear you with or without the dpad press! Unlike the BF:BC system this one seemd to work flawlessly. Right inviting people into games, you can't....well you can kind of, if you go to friends in the online section you can join them from there, so to invite them just PM them to join and they can do the rest.
Right finaly , I was quite impressed how the game forces tactical play on you, go it alone you'll just die, simple as that, want to get lots of kills and be part of the fight then use your head and stay with the group, the maps do the rest! I'm also liking how hard the game is, ranking up is going to be monumental and with the best toys and classes well up the ladder it will take some time, I'd say it will take you 3-4 hours just to get your first badge (the medic) until then you'll just have your grunt with a rifle. Your stats also play a big role in self preservation, you really don't want to rush headlong into a fight as it's slow your progress through the ranks, which again makes for more imersion and stratergie.

Ok theres ALOT of stuff I could write about here and as you can see, I'm practicly turning into a fanboy with the structure and inane bableing I'm doing just after 2 hours LOL So I'll leave it at that, With one final word on clans, I can now start a clan so if we can get a list of people interestead I can host it unless one of the mods wishes to do it.

Owen (KZ Fanboy)
Theres an awful lot in this game
Same story in PSW magazine, huge 6 page review, which was very confusing, the reviewer would start with something which is wrong in FPS then go on like a fanboy to sy how this wasn;t the case in KZ2 bu the end I thought he'd wet himself, but evetyscreenshot was so dark you could hardly see what it was and the review score was 8\10 ????? really odd! anyway enough of that.
I've just about racked up 2 hours online now and I notice few things which may intrest the obstainers. First up the pace of the game is frantic but not the actual gameplay.....thats not very well described, what I mean is theres a constant urgency throughout the game, no sitting around or waiting while the enemy tramps 4 miles to attack you, the maps (that I've seen so far) work extreemly well in creating bottle necks whilst still keeping various alternate routs available, and there not only stunning to look at but fantasticly desighned, very intricate and "busy" but there easy to remember even though some are huge! the battles themselves are easily described, it's like the world just blew up in your face! LOL theres so many particle effects and lighting effects going on that a squad attack on a position soon renders the enemy almost invisable as grenades and bullet strikes kick up dust and earth with the occasional tracer round flicking through or the glow of a helgasts eyes!
Talking of the Helgasts glowing red eyes, the ISA forces have a similar handicap of blue neon items on there uniform making neither side disadvantaged camo wise, and to be honest with the amount of detail and movement on the maps themselves without these telltales you'd be hard pressed to see your enemy.
Right this bit I like alot, I came face to face with a helgast rear guard whilst flanking in an assasination match. He went into FPS mode and used the old tactic of strafing around me in a circle whilst fireing, thus making him a harder tarket to hit.........FAIL! All that happened was his accuracy went out the window whilst I simply went down on one knee and shot him with a clean headshot LOL Halo jumpers beware, this is more sim than arcade and you will lose EVERY time!
Right a few other things of imprtance, lag....what lag? 32 player rooms long range headshots no problems, voice coms.....issues for some, it's similar to BF:BC with only those around yo hearing you.....but this system works! I'll have to explain this abit though, first up just speaking lets those near you hear you (including the enemy I think) pressing up on the Dpad allows everyone on your team to hear you. right your team can also spit into a number of squads of 4, where ever they are they will allways hear you with or without the dpad press! Unlike the BF:BC system this one seemd to work flawlessly. Right inviting people into games, you can't....well you can kind of, if you go to friends in the online section you can join them from there, so to invite them just PM them to join and they can do the rest.
Right finaly , I was quite impressed how the game forces tactical play on you, go it alone you'll just die, simple as that, want to get lots of kills and be part of the fight then use your head and stay with the group, the maps do the rest! I'm also liking how hard the game is, ranking up is going to be monumental and with the best toys and classes well up the ladder it will take some time, I'd say it will take you 3-4 hours just to get your first badge (the medic) until then you'll just have your grunt with a rifle. Your stats also play a big role in self preservation, you really don't want to rush headlong into a fight as it's slow your progress through the ranks, which again makes for more imersion and stratergie.

Ok theres ALOT of stuff I could write about here and as you can see, I'm practicly turning into a fanboy with the structure and inane bableing I'm doing just after 2 hours LOL So I'll leave it at that, With one final word on clans, I can now start a clan so if we can get a list of people interestead I can host it unless one of the mods wishes to do it.

Owen (KZ Fanboy)
Theres an awful lot in this game

And that's just after two hours...... I have to get this off my chest. This is exactly how I felt from the Beta, and they let me play it for a month or so, then took it away (boo) and then didn't let me tell anyone about it at all (double-boo).

Do you have any idea how bloody hard it was to keep to the NDA on this game.


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hehe, I can imagine, I have had to sign a few NDA's lately as I was going round a few studios. One had 17 signatures!!!

The game is great, thecriticism from some quarters confuses me slightly, mainly the people who want it to feel like CoD. I love CoD but if i want to play it I will, don't need other games to feel like it!!

By the way, is very useful, and there are unlockables you recieve there from single player but there server is taking a hammering!

Edit: Reading around the web, a lot of people don't seem to be understanding the game, talking about controller lag, I think they don't understand how much guns weigh.
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Yeah the stuff on the KZ2 official forum was rediclious on thursday night, people jumping to conclusions and all of them bad LOL so many "thats it I'm not buying the game it's ruined because of X, Y, Z." It was so funny. Hyperage I think I'll term it LOL
So anyway I've started a clan thread so we don't lose all those wanting to start a GTP clan, and Gideon I feel for you mate, it would take hot coals and thumb screws to get KZ2 off me LOL
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Well I still haven't played it yet, I've just watched the intro again. Im waiting till I get some quiet time, I've got a week off after tomorrow so I will give a try then.

Ive even installed Alba's Killzone theme for PS3 for that extra KZ feel.
It seems to be happening a lot. Edge's review for instance, a magazine that I respect, gave it a seven, marking it down for a lack of innovation and a poor story, the things that really matter I suppose.....

Yesit is hardly original but what was the last original FPS?

You should also see the Gamespot's video review.
In the meantime, KZ2 is calling you in a whispering voice "Buy me, buy me, buy me...". Face it, you're Gollum and KZ2 is the Ring. :lol:

Nooooooo!.... (my precious).... ;)

Although I think I may have to get this for a 'different' game...



BTW: Some may be interested in this announcement:

Win your own Killzone 2 StA52 Assault Rifle Replica
Posted on Feb 25, 2009 by TJ Consunji // Associate Product Marketing Manager

Hello All,

Well, the wait is almost over as Killzone 2 is just a few short days away from hitting the PS3. We are very excited about the game & would like to thank PlayStation Nation for the support that all of you have shown. To show our gratitude, we’ve decided that for the first 14 days of March, we’ll be giving away one Helghast StA52 Assault Rifle replica per day to one of our fans. Check out these photos (NOT RENDERS!) below.



All you need to do is to play Killzone 2 from March 1st to March 14th & at the end of each day, we’ll check out the stats on and pick out the winners based on specific categories from either the single player & online multiplayer. Check out the full list & contest details for the March for Helghan contest here.

Get your hands on the demo… preorder your copy now… get the game early… build up your skills… do whatever it takes as these limited edition replicas won’t be sold in stores.

Good luck!
Edit: Reading around the web, a lot of people don't seem to be understanding the game, talking about controller lag, I think they don't understand how much guns weigh.

Funny thing is at the very beginning of the game, before you pick up a gun, there's this feeling that there's a huge deadzone on the right stick. You can move the stick in small movements and nothing happens on screen. It's not lag, but neither is it added weight. If realism was the point then the weapon should be pointed down at the floor unless in the aimed position. At least then there would be a realistic delay in aiming and firing when you lift the weapon up to fire.
The deadzone is just too severe. Now if there was an option to calibrate your controller (and why the hell not, it isn't difficult) no one would need to complain and we'd all be happy bunnies.

I'd also add that I don't like the grain on the picture. In dark areas it's very noticeable and very distracting (this is on a 46" TV mind). An option to turn it on/off like in Mass Effect for example would've been great. Alas developers rarely seem inclined to give us players options to play their games the way we would like to, given the opportunity. Killzone 2 is a good example. No custom controller option, no grain option, no calibration option. Sure not all games need it, but not all games are Killzone 2. Sometimes I think the players needs and desires are low on developers priorities, even though we are their buying customers. It's really not good enough. And that's in general, not just aimed at Killzone 2.

Anyway, rant over. I'm at the train part now. Yet to try the multi-player. Think I'll wait for it too cool down before going online.
Haha, has anyone noticed that IW are pushing COD4 hard this weekend? Its a double XP weekend again, AND you can buy the variety map pack for half price until March 2nd!!! :lol: Lets see what the people have to say about that this weekend.

I know this morning that I could still get into full games on COD4, never had a problem where it seemed that there were a lack of players.

Now the game is here, can any one answer me these questions please.

1) Can you go prone?

2) Are the headshots still fubarred (ie. One shot and the helmet comes off, two shots and nothing happens. three or four shots and something happens)?

3) Can you do custom remapping of the buttons?

4) Can you have two primary weapons?

5) Is there a hardcore mode?

If all of them questions are answered correctly, then I'll go out and buy the game, otherwise, I'm sticking with COD4!
No, you can crouch, jump, run, & sprint. A prone would really help, though.
The helmets still work that way, though sometimes you might get lucky.
No, you can only have the primary & the secondary pistol.

Putting about 2 hours or so in, this game is a real challenge, just on Trooper. The movement & the controls completely caught me off guard though that could be blamed on the Xbox 360. It took me about 30 minutes before I started to get the hang of things.

The gun movement is kind of slow, but I had to turn down the sensitivity when zoomed as the littlest of taps seemed to make the crosshair fly by the enemy. I also have to give the enemies props as many are a challenge.

Right now, I just got separated from Alpha and have to regroup through the sewers. Missions so far have been moderate, though it seems it's going to get a lot tougher when I start fighting something bigger than the Heavies.
1) Can you go prone?

2) Are the headshots still fubarred (ie. One shot and the helmet comes off, two shots and nothing happens. three or four shots and something happens)?

3) Can you do custom remapping of the buttons?

4) Can you have two primary weapons?

5) Is there a hardcore mode?
1. No.
2. Shot to the face = instant kill in multiplay. May not be the case for AI opponents wearing armored helmets (would have to check)in single player.
3. No, but alternative layout #2 is almost exactly the same a CoD4, especially if you mark 'hold to zoom'.
4. No.
5. Not sure.

If all of them questions are answered correctly, then I'll go out and buy the game, otherwise, I'm sticking with COD4!
So basically, you want this game to be CoD4 with a different setting? Then don't buy it. It's a different game.
I read there IS an actual optional installation for the game. Is there such option? How big of a file does it install? How are load times affected?

Run out this morning to buy KZ2. Not bought a FPS for a while since getting the G25, last one I bought was Soldier Of Fortune Payback, and I must say KZ2 is miles ahead in the graphics department. I am well impressed by how busy and hectic the whole environment is, really gets you panicking when the bullets are flying.

Do we have a GTP group for online or how do you guys all meet up?

Grim 👍

Run out this morning to buy KZ2. Not bought a FPS for a while since getting the G25, last one I bought was Soldier Of Fortune Payback, and I must say KZ2 is miles ahead in the graphics department. I am well impressed by how busy and hectic the whole environment is, really gets you panicking when the bullets are flying.

Do we have a GTP group for online or how do you guys all meet up?

Grim 👍

Hey if you have a look in the Playstation 3 forum there is a thread there regarding the GTP clan, if you would like an invite just ask and I will add you.
Got this yesterday, it's a good game but I'm finding it very difficult even on the easiest setting. Just took Visari Square after a lot of trouble, your team-mates are stupidly idiotic though!

EDIT: I was just running along trying to find some cover at the bit where you have to activate the antenna, when I fell on the ground dead. Nobody appeared to be shooting at me, there were no red lasers from a sniper, I just fell on the floor and that was it. I've had quite a few moments like that now, it's very very annoying. I've also noticed that my character keeps coming out of zoom mode for no apparent reason, usually at a really important time. It's so damn annoying!
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Killzone 2's must-do list from Guerrilla Games:

Guerrilla Games' producer Seb Downie created a list of things gamers "must do" while playing Killzone 2 when prompted by MTV Multiplayer. We're happy that Guerrilla Games employees emerged from the hectic launch process with their sense of humors intact, as the included list is quite amusing. Here are the 14 things you absolutely have to do if you pick up Killzone 2.

1. On the mine-train in Tharsis Refinery, find the hidden Boltgun and nail Helghast soldiers to the tunnel walls. Its rewarding in more ways than one.

2. After playing online, go to to view the Battle Replay of your game to see how you can improve your performance. Or you can use it to spy on the tactics deployed by a rival clan.

3. Rank up to Sergeant and create a Clan in-game or on to take part in massive tournaments of up to 256 clans, or challenge rival clans for ‘valor’, the online currency of the game.

4. Keep an eye out for the [GG] Clan when you are online and see if you can take out a developer or two.

5. In the slums of Salamun District wait till the Helghast rappel from the dropship before exploding the yellow barrels. It will take them out in one fiery blast and often enough their burning corpses will swing from the rafters above. Killzone 2 is all about the burning corpses.

6. Upload your single player stats to to compare them with your friends for bragging rights as well as catch up on the latest news, content and gossip on the forums.

7. In Killzone 2 multiplayer for search-and-destroy and capture-and-hold missions: select the tactician badge with the speed boost secondary ability to take one for the team. Rush the objective and pop a spawn point making it much easier for your team to gain the upper hand.

8. When playing online search-and-retrieve missions: Let your enemies do your work for you! As the saboteur, Ambush the delivery location with C4, don a disguise, and wait for your enemy propaganda carrier to come by. Once he blows up, you only need to carry the propaganda speaker a few short steps to victory!

9. In multiplayer: Look at what weapons your fallen adversaries are carrying! By picking up their weapons you can end up with some deadly combinations of abilities and weapons, such as the heavy armor of an assault trooper with the LMG of a rifleman; or a cloaked scout wielding a shotgun (Devastating at close quarters!)

10. When playing multiplayer, press the PS button and bring up the XMB. You can then listen to custom music from your PS3 to go with your killing sprees. Nothing says “Kill the ISA scum” like the super swinging sounds of Burt Bacharach.

11. In Maelstra barrens, rather than wasting valuable ammunition on the traitorous Helghast, step on them with your Exo-skeleton instead. Much more satisfying and you might even get a trophy for it.

12. In multiplayer try to place your gun turrets and sentry bots near spawn markers to offer defense for spawning re-enforcements. Also try to place sentry bots or turrets near your own ammo crates. In short, think carefully about where you place support items and try to place them next to other support items.

13. Use the shotgun close range on enemy heads to blow them apart like ripe fruit. Also makes a very satisfying squishy noise.

14. To see what the AI is capable of, why not add some bots to your multiplayer games. They will perform most of the abilities human players can and not complain if you team-kill or tea-bag them.

This game is fantastic. The only thing i would adjust is to tighten the bullet spread and the dead zone on the right stick. Even with the gun in "sight mode" (L1) the spread is a bit wierd, headshots can be very difficult unless you take an extra second or two, and even then by the time you line up the shot you probably have taken a few hits from the helghast. I'm sure the gameplay will be tweaked and the game will be made perfect. Even then it's pretty darn awe-inspiring...............

The Madness.................Begins......
Woop, beat it :D

Nice work. :)

For me, this game has been spoiled by the difficulty of the last mission. I'm playing on the default difficulty setting and it's been properly challenging so far, but this is just cheap. All the fun I had playing through thus far, has been wiped out. :( What a shame.

EDIT: Got it, finally. :D Can't wait to play it on Elite...
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