Killzone 2

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Killzone 2 is a possible Halo killer.

Hiya! :D :embarrassed: :lol: Meow! (='.'=)

I believe in that possibility because the trailer for Killzone 2 is just incredible. I have never ever seen a war-type of game that looks like that. Still, Halo 3 shouldn't be underestimated. Since they saw how Killzone 2 created a big crowd at the PS3 section, they might try harder to counter it. We will have to wait and see! :embarrassed:

yup u know i was thinking that killzone video at e3 was out of this world but then again it was not runing on the ps3 HW. but yes yes the told us that is what the game will look like i'm not saying it can't be dun what i'm saying is that i dont "belive it" 5 years down the road yes it can and will be dun,but next year i will be playing a game that looks like that boy would i love to .... but only when i see it runing only then can i or any one of us ..... say ( dude it's runing on ps3 for real ) and to top it off the xbox 360 got more power then the ps3 i'm no xbox fan ps all the way :sly:
Killzone Interview

They seem to ask some nice questions but fail to answer the big question.

The official UK website recently posted an interview with Guerilla Killzone PS3 designer, Jan-Bart Van Beek. It goes like...

How do you feel about the reaction to the trailer that was shown yesterday?

Jan-Bart: It's been an amazing reception, the rush you get from seeing your own stuff on the big screen like that, and then the reaction to it, it's a big rush, I'm really happy about it.

How long ago did work start on the sequence?

Jan-Bart: We started working on it in late November, and only finished it three days before the show, at the very, very last moment!

It seemed like Killzone, only more so! Is that what we can expect from the finished game?

Jan-Bart: We want to avoid having just Killzone with more beautiful graphics. We want to add a lot more to it than that. So we're adding a lot more character interaction, with the ways they respond to you and how you can react to them. There's a lot more interactions between characters like you see in the trailer, people dragging each other off out of combat and helping each other, giving each other their weapons - a lot more real human interaction, basically.

[Ben Duncan, the game's Producer] It's like with the Alfred Molina demo, the quality of facial animation we can get with the characters means you'll really feel that emotional sense of being part of a unit and fighting together. Characters working together, comrades pulling each other back from the field of battle; that kind of thing is really going to move the genre forward.

There's a great moment where you see an ISA ally take out a Helghan with his rifle butt to save your bacon... is that representative of the kind of sophisticated behaviour we'll start seeing in artificial intelligence when PS3 arrives?

Jan-Bart: Yes, totally, it's just the start. Characters will be very aware, very alert to how they might be able to help you. That moment [with the rifle butt] is a good example of how it can add a little visual 'wow' to it all.

Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.

Have you found PS3 easy to work with?

Jan-Bart: Yes, we're really impressed with it. The Cell is amazingly powerful, and the graphics CPU [the RSX, co-developed with Nvidia] in there... it's actually hard to mimic it on our development PCs, we have to see it on the PS3 hardware itself. It's really nice to be working with such powerful hardware.

As yet, high definition TV isn't that widespread, especially in Europe - are you concerned that some players won't get to see your game in as much detail as is intended?

Jan-Bart: No, I think in two, three years' time, HDTV will be a lot more accepted, in Europe too. We'll start out with 720p and then [onto 1080p] as there's now this product [PS3] that people will want to buy a new TV for.

Thanks, and congratulations on the work.

Jan-Bart: Thanks! [Beams proudly]

Gosh, I can't get enough of that trailer... So damn clean..

If I can ask my bro again to find the thread and picture on IGN, They also went on about it being fake or not, but one guy found a frame in the movie where the guys were spawning... Soooo. REAL-TIME.
Bah it was GT4 for me, now it's PS3
How long ago did work start on the sequence?

Jan-Bart: We started working on it in late November, and only finished it three days before the show, at the very, very last moment!

ok, they have been working on a 2 min CGI movie for about 7 months :rolleyes:

Is the Killzone sequence a fair example of what people can expect from realtime gameplay on PlayStation 3?

Jan-Bart: Yeah, it's basically a representation of the look and feel of the game we're trying to make.

Notice the question is about gameplay being like that what we saw in the movie and notice the answer is about the gameplay, not the graphics

code, can you comprehend?

Have you found PS3 easy to work with?

Jan-Bart: Yes, we're really impressed with it. The Cell is amazingly powerful, and the graphics CPU [the RSX, co-developed with Nvidia] in there... it's actually hard to mimic it on our development PCs, we have to see it on the PS3 hardware itself. It's really nice to be working with such powerful hardware.

So they go and make a CGI movie when they are getting the hang of the ps3?
He did say LOOK and feel, notice the word "look", implying how it looks, looks = graphics.

I didn't say it was CG, but chances are it's simply a tech demo based on how they want the game to look and feel. Meh I don't know, but I doubt it's in game. So ner, I never called it CGI (though motorstorm is :().

Listen, when I see some dude playing it properly, I'll believe it, until then, I STRONGLY doubt that's game play footage.
No. when he said look, he meant the look of battle, the amount of allies on screen, the amount of enemies, the amount of choas, etc. The question was about real time gameplay, not graphics. And please acknowledge the other quotes, like GR working on kz2 since late Nov.

Code, I'm gonna edit this post with some vids that show errors in killzone2 and motorstorm isn't CGI, I'll show you what I mean.
No. when he said look, he meant the look of battle, the amount of allies on screen, the amount of enemies, the amount of choas, etc.

How do you know? How do I know, I don't but from the way he said it looked like he meant both things.

The question was about real time gameplay, not graphics.

Oh the question was, but the answer didn't seem to be.

And please acknowledge the other quotes, like GR working on kz2 since late Nov.

The fact they have been working on it since then makes no difference.

Cobra, please man, do realise that games companies show BS, looks at the old xbox demos you talked about on another thread. This crap is made to make the machines look uber, but usually mean nothing. And errors can exist in CG, so that means nothing really.

Motorstorm simply doesn't move or look like a game, it's uber scripted, and too perfect looking. I'm sure the ps3 is powerfull, but we arn't gonna see visuals like that until a while after it's launch at least.[/IMG]][/IMG]]
these are indeed errors not found in CGI, atleast I haven't seen any errors like that in CGI and I didn't know CGI had jaggies

That really doesnt look like CGI when you really look at it. Look at how, hmm, I can't explain it but it just doesnt look like CGI.
You saw the sony conference right Code? You remember the NVIDIA spokes man, Hong mentioning the RSX will be able to synthesize movie quality graphics? Well if that's true then images like this

Next Gen is coming, I'm not expecting pgr3 to be the water mark for next gen racers.
TBH when it's not moving, it suddenly doesn't look that amazing, thought I still think some bits probably were not real time, such as the helicopter swoop. It looks to me like it was a mixture of CGI and Real time graphics.

That top picture doesn't look like CGI because it doesn't look good enough to be CGI, the texures are hardly amazing etc. Still, when it moves it looks freaking awesome.
I dont know about that code, CGI and real time? I believe it wasnt real time but I do believe it was rendered on the ps3's hardware. That pic looks amazing nonetheless but everything looks better in motion of course
On Killzone 2. I don't think it's in game footage becauseI didn't see any energy bars, ammo counters, team member stats or maps so I think it's fmv.
Or they haven't finished the HUD yet.

Or maybe you just play without a HUD?.......(no HUD mode :confused: )...I could see how maybe you would not want to see it always.....

That really doesnt look like CGI when you really look at it. Look at how, hmm, I can't explain it but it just doesnt look like CGI.

Yeah I get what your saying, its kindly slighty polygonated in certain areas (fuzzy)...and round shapes do have a hint of little strait edges.....I agree that it is not rendered.....It maybe an acted out scene.......but I think it is running off a GPU.
TBH when it's not moving, it suddenly doesn't look that amazing, thought I still think some bits probably were not real time, such as the helicopter swoop. It looks to me like it was a mixture of CGI and Real time graphics.

That top picture doesn't look like CGI because it doesn't look good enough to be CGI, the texures are hardly amazing etc. Still, when it moves it looks freaking awesome.

lol, you and your textures...haha.
That game was prerenderd the PS3 dosent have enough graphical punch to put out somthing like that it used about a gig to 2 gigs to run that and sony have 2 ultra's at 256mb each wich isnt as power full as a single 512mb vc i should know because thats what i have in my comp sli mode dosent improve you graphics ability it splits it up so they can both work at full spec without over working
so you work for sony and you are working on kz for ps3? Or maybe you have a magic ball that tells the future. You dont know what the ps3 can do so dont act like you do.
Listen, when I see some dude playing it properly, I'll believe it, until then, I STRONGLY doubt that's game play footage.

Code, what difference does it make if it's real-time or game play? Fact is, physics are still needed to render anything in real time. For instance, there is no "set animation" for someone falling, you need to calculate the "weight" of the model, and hte speed at which it will fall, etc. While they probably weren't very complex physics, they still were there. I do believe, however, that the actions of the characters on screen were in fact scripted, and it is not game play, but this does not change the fact that it was indeed created with PS3 hardware (development kits). I do not doubt, however, it was done in real time.

That game was prerenderd the PS3 dosent have enough graphical punch to put out somthing like that it used about a gig to 2 gigs to run that and sony have 2 ultra's at 256mb each wich isnt as power full as a single 512mb vc i should know because thats what i have in my comp sli mode dosent improve you graphics ability it splits it up so they can both work at full spec without over working

You, sir, are wrong. :) Do some research.
Code, what difference does it make if it's real-time or game play? Fact is, physics are still needed to render anything in real time. For instance, there is no "set animation" for someone falling, you need to calculate the "weight" of the model, and hte speed at which it will fall, etc. While they probably weren't very complex physics, they still were there. I do believe, however, that the actions of the characters on screen were in fact scripted, and it is not game play, but this does not change the fact that it was indeed created with PS3 hardware (development kits). I do not doubt, however, it was done in real time.

You, sir, are wrong. :) Do some research.

Whatever you say buddie i have my facts you have yours

P.S. i dont realy car it was still a crapy game with scripted AI i know though its a HALO killer ha ha ha say whatever you want about halo the fact is it sold more than this game ever will.
Whatever you say buddie i have my facts you have yours

P.S. i dont realy car it was still a crapy game with scripted AI i know though its a HALO killer ha ha ha say whatever you want about halo the fact is it sold more than this game ever will.

I've never said anything about halo, I've never said anything about which system is better or what game sold more, those are your statements.

I have FACTS, you have your opinoins. You haven't stated any factual information in all of the threads you've posted in, just assumptions, I don't like to come down on people overbearingly, however, you haven't said anything to lead me to believe you have the knowledge to back your claims. They are all opinion based.

I for one, believe both consoles will be great, you, however, seem to believe that ONE will be superior. They all have strong points, you have to look at the whole spectrum.

Also, you do come off as an absurd fanboy, simply for the fact that you brought halo into this, wen I had made no comment about it.

Do more research, that is all I can tell you, because I'm not going to teach you.