Kony 2012

While the crisis, such as children being forced into becoming soldiers, militia gangs running wild etc is a catastrophe. I believe there is no way really stop it. Africa as a continent on the most part cannot develop. The climate and the land itself is not right for development. Without development there is no enforcement of rules. Its a great idea to get this to stop, and I hope it does one day. But thinking that this can happen so easily by cutting the head of one faction will stop the problem? No. It wont. Cut the head and another one will grow. And people seem to forget that there are other catastrophes of humanity across Africa. Sierra lone has the lowest life expectancy? wonder why that is? Pirates in Somalia? The list is huge.

I am not having a go at this cause. By any means. I just think that this is a hype that will pass. I find the thesis that stopping violence and conflict by sending in troops is somewhat hypocritical.... But that is my opinion and nothing more :)

Think what you want and flame by what I say but my mind is stubbornly set :D You can think what you think and support this cause by all means but I shan't. :)
Yet you still haven't even signed the pledge, or even watched the video. It only takes a few minutes.

You clearly have no hope.
What will watching a video do though? Awareness is made yes but nothing more. I do not intend on going out and putting posters on things as you suggested. It seems like antisocial behavior to me.

And as I stated in my previous post. It is all well and good signing a pledge saying for it to stop, and es something may get done about Kony. But there are so many more problems that are going on in Africa. Focusing on just on one is a drop in the pool.
Yet you still haven't even signed the pledge, or even watched the video. It only takes a few minutes.

You clearly have no hope.

Indeed. There is no hope. And I would be a hypocrite if I would sign the pledge.
If you watch the video you can see how easy it is to help out, but you answered to me saying 'I see stuff like this all the time, I know what happens.'

I watched the video twice and took in what was said and then signed the pledge which took two minutes. If you really think it's a great idea why don't you sign the pledge?

People all over the world in most towns and cities are 'painting the night' to get the message out there and I believe that will work. If you don't want to take part that's your choice.
If you watch the video you can see how easy it is to help out, but you answered to me saying 'I see stuff like this all the time, I know what happens.'

I see this kind of stuff as long as I can remember. I gave up on Africa, about 15 years ago.
but you answered to me saying I see stuff like this all the time, I know what happens.
No I said I know this has been happening for ages. You reply saying this has been happening for 16 years? Nah this has been going on one way or another for decades.

If you really think it's a great idea why don't you sign the pledge?
Because I would be a hypocrite if I did.

If you don't want to take part that's your choice.
Then why put up such a fuss? I am not against it, nor am I for it. It is just something I think that will have no definitive conclusion.
I see this kind of stuff as long as I can remember. I gave up on Africa, about 15 years ago.

I understand where your coming from but I'm only 16 and this stuff is new to me. I'm also from a newer generation and I believe anything is possible, so I'll join in and do all I can. It's not as if it's hard to stick a few posters up and have a laugh.
I understand where your coming from but I'm only 16 and this stuff is new to me. I'm also from a newer generation and I believe anything is possible, so I'll join in and do all I can. It's not as if it's hard to stick a few posters up and have a laugh.

When you are pushing 30, and the situation hasn't changed in Africa, which won't change, you'll think the same as I do now.
I understand where your coming from but I'm only 16 and this stuff is new to me. I'm also from a newer generation and I believe anything is possible, so I'll join in and do all I can. It's not as if it's hard to stick a few posters up and have a laugh.

I'm 17 and I consider myself a realist. The United States can't save the world, its as simple as that. Bad things happen and horrible things happen and many times you can do nothing about it. The world is a ****** up place with so many complicated problems which can't be solved peacefully or easily. Most kids at my school fail to understand this. So instead, they are gullible enough to think that sharing a video and putting up posters will change something. Everyone talks about "raising awareness." Give me a break. You can't talk about raising awareness of a problem when you have a shotty understanding of it. If watching a 30 minute video is enough to persuade you to do XYZ, than you are just another one of the "sheeple" and therefore should not be allowed to vote when you come of age. Do some research online and educate yourself more on this issue. Increasing your own knowledege, IMO is much more helpful than blindly putting up signs out of pure emotion. People act so irrationally these days because they are easily manipulated. This will only continue until everyone does some real research and decides to think for themselves.

"If everyone is thinking alike, then somebody isn't thinking." - George S. Patton
^ that. A lot :lol:

People are too passive these days but that is for another topic :)
So you watched it, but didn't bother paying attention to the part where he said the plan was to spread awareness so the pressure will continue on congress to keep helping them catch Kony?

Seriously, it's fine if you don't support this, but at least don't be blind when debating it.

This is the issue, the international community and the American gov't already and know about this and have known about this. This video isn't telling the World governments anything new. I'm glad people are getting awareness but it should be a daily habit to know what's going on in the world, not a fad.

Wikileaks shows classified documents about this issue from 2007 and earlier, and how the international community knew about it but didn't move on it. Also showing that Sudan was helping keep the LRA alive and running as well as harboring Joseph Kony. I mean why wasn't this of interest then or two years ago when the wikileaks was released and Obama passed the Act to hunt and kill Kony or imprision.

My issue with this is, yeah it's important today but what about tomorrow or next week. This isn't a quick fix it where you just worry about it for the moment, this is something that needs to be worried about for a long time. Chain lettering this video isn't going to solve the problem, but it is true that it may teach people something they didn't know before. Beyond that who knows.
Blind is hopping on the bandwagon and quickly supporting a cause you hardly know anything about based on a sob story documentary which was made with this reactionary emotive response in mind.

Like I said, I'm all for awareness but crowdsourcing to get political support for military intervention doesn't seem like the best way to tackle a complex issue such as this.


We're not here to distract or detract from people supporting the cause, but please and I and possibly others can't stress this enough. One vid isn't research on the subject. It's like if someone told me Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492 and thus I now know the exploits of Columbus. It is far more complex than this and Slim sums it up pretty well. (to me)

If you watch the video you can see how easy it is to help out, but you answered to me saying 'I see stuff like this all the time, I know what happens.'

I watched the video twice and took in what was said and then signed the pledge which took two minutes. If you really think it's a great idea why don't you sign the pledge?

People all over the world in most towns and cities are 'painting the night' to get the message out there and I believe that will work. If you don't want to take part that's your choice.

There was a post already that described why the hit ratio of this charity is something to look at before you donate. The vid doesn't tell you that, and it's no surprise that you didn't argue that poster, but these others you will. Great way to pick your battles though.
The whole thing about this lasting ages to get this to stop really is not going to happen in my opinion.I mean look at this thread already. You apply a bit of intelligence to look at the bigger picture and you can see that this is a fad. People on this thread have already realized this. Once more people begin to notice this (give it less than a week) Then this Kony will not get another mention, like Haiti that someone mentioned previously.
I agree completely, people are now getting ultra motivated about it when knowing nearly nothing about the topic, I can just see so much hypocrisy in this issue. I bet a few months from now all the hype will be gone and people will start forgetting about him, just like what happened with the earthquake in Haiti. It was devastating, people paid attention for a couple months, and then nothing. There is still a bad situation over there just like in many other places of the world but they're just not as popular.

You have a point. Just as many fads centuries ago, they'll vanish from current times & be replaced by new ones or removed all together. However the sort of fad the video explains could continue if there is enough support globally, and key word "globally". The cause will have to be around long enough & great enough to actually gain the perspective of what is happening in Africa. It may succeed, but there is a huge chance that it will just fade away almost like the Tohoku earthquake a year ago.

... so what's exactly wrong with telling the world that this guy has been ****ing up his country so bad the children would end up in a pile of **** instead of having a high-paying career?

10 minutes have passed while I'm watching and I'm immediately touched by the video. Kony deserves this kind of recognition. This is beyond human trafficking. This needs to stop.

I was touched by the video as well, admittedly. I am glad the entire world is gaining recognition of this inhumane leader. However I fear that the trend still has a chance of losing its own enthusiasm as time ticks down.

There isn't enough money in the world to help Africa out of it current state.
Corruption and such is just to widespread. Therefor it is useless to send money to charity. The raping and looting Uganda army is a fine example. They "help" one side of the population, but the other side needs to die, in their eyes.

Therefor, bottomless well.

You have a point as well. Africa is over-the-roof in poverty, which cannot recover by just little donations. There is also the corruption, which is also over-the-roof. Even if the LRA does get assimilated, there are still dozens of other rebel armies or militia out there that will replace them - even invisible from any concerned body. It is almost like the domino effect, with some guerrilla strategics sprinkled over.


That aside, the video did served some importance of informing me the cause, and the sort of thing Africa has been experiencing for years without any acknowledgement. Thank you for sharing that 👍
I see this as a double edged sword for the US government. If they do nothing, they "don't care", and if they go all out and try to assassinate him, that'll be trouble. Kony surrounds himself with 13 year olds as bodyguards. How would these people react if Delta Force went in, killed Kony and killed 20 child soldiers in the process? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
I see this as a double edged sword for the US government. If they do nothing, they "don't care", and if they go all out and try to assassinate him, that'll be trouble. Kony surrounds himself with 13 year olds as bodyguards. How would these people react if Delta Force went in, killed Kony and killed 20 child soldiers in the process? Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

I would think that everyone would want US intervention if they get into trouble...