A few more thoughts on this, and then some racing before running off to get speaker parts and veneer.
I question myself...why don't Kaz just tell which plataform is GT6? Would it be so hard? I'm sure he has already decided...
This is part of the cold war. You might as well ask what Kaz is planning for GT6, or what the specs are going to be on the next Playstation and XBox. Ninjas are guarding these secrets. Well... in the case of MS, probably robots. Which they didn't build.
But since PD mucked up GT5 is so many ways, how is delaying GT6 to be "super GT of all" going to help? GT5 was going to be the greatest thing ever, and for all intents and purposes, without updates, it completely sucked. The worst GT game ever for it's time, imo.
So unless people still believe the hype, it's foolhardy to delay GT6 for PS4.
Only a very few people would agree with you. I know it's baffling to you guys who wonder what we see in GT5, but I guess it's some kind of affliction. I love my affliction.
Where you determine your facts is puzzling me. Who says another game on PS3 would have reduced in game detail? Why would they reduce anything? This is GT5 with even more features. Forza gets away with releasing a new game every year (me: two years) and they add even less content to the titles. The graphics remain stable or are improved upon.
This is obviously an assumption, but it's based on solid evidence.
While most of us loved Prologue, a portion of us hated the graphic issues, primarily the dodgy shadows, though some also complained about slowdown with a few cars and particle effects going, and some screen tearing on occasion. A few oddballs also griped about jaggie edges. A quick point on AA at native resolution: all it ends up doing is making edges look fuzzy, I'd rather have none at 1080p. Anyway, most of us were confident that GT5 would have those problems tweaked out. Especially as long as it took to release.
And it did take a while. They had to have been polishing up the game engine for as much as six years. And yet there is still slowdown, screen tearing, the shadows are still bad, and now the particle effects cause hideous jaggies around the outlines of objects.
This is a mature game engine, not one that's just a year or two old. It's at least four, and I'm thinking six-plus. So between a slightly better looking Prologue and GT5, the game engine has been forced to work harder at something. My culprits are 3D, weather and time of day changes. Even though they aren't used all the time - most of us never use 3D because we have standard HDTVs, they're still part of the game engine. I'd throw in slightly better physics and A.I. too, as well as the wimpy damage build we have now. But at the same time, Prologue had 16 car fields which were nothing but Premiums on Premium tracks, and GT5 races are littered with much more basic Standard cars, often running around Standard tracks. So something is a big burden on the engine, and I suspect it's my list of... suspects, because they weren't there before.
If GT6 doesn't look any better, it's going to get a pounding on that, and I don't think there's any chance Kaz would release it like that. And I can't see how PD can pull off anything substantial on PS3 without jumping through a hoop or two, or several. Obviously we want GT6 to do more, right? Better shadows, little or no screen tearing, no oogly particle issues, weather and time of day transitions on all tracks, better physics and A.I., a Livery Editor, better Course Maker, better Photo Mode... clearly we don't just want GT5 with the Standard cars and tracks yanked out and a hundred or so new cars and a few new tracks added in. But then, you have the matter of all Premium content now, and a substantial amount of increased graphic workload for the PS3 to deal with. And then there's all that other stuff.
So where is this magical jump in performance going to come from? Everything a gaming computer has to do is a balancing act, especially on the ram-gimped PS3. If you want more objects and better physics, well then graphics will suffer. You want a prettier game, then you have to trim back the poly count, physics, A.I. Something has to give. So... what?
You can look at my cheat sheet list for possibilities - and no damage would sure make the critics happy... not. But something has to give way so that GT6 can be a better overall game.
And guys, look, no matter what system GT6 ends up on, someone will be disappointed. Many of us want the thing ASAP, which means out on the system that's out now. But it looks like at least as many of us want our doors blown off, which will require a more powerful system, and we're content to wait on that. I'd love to play around with a Movie Maker and upload my awesome - or hilarious - performance on the track to YouTube. Well, on PS3, that's just not possible, not enough ram says Kazunori. That's hardly a deal breaker for most people, but what else would have to be left off? Everything? Now that would suck.
Yes, relatively. I doubt that more than a few hundred thousand or so would turn up their noses at a GT6 which just had a few new goodies. I'd buy it, I said I would, and most likely love it. But, I'm not sure I'd
like it.
For the sake of the cars which get left off, GT5 is still plenty great and I could race that. But suppose a Livery Editor gets left off yet again. Every time I mod up a car, I groan about not being able to slap some vinyls, decals, racing plaque and number, a flag and my name over the door, to create MY racecar. If Race Mod just turns a certain number of cars into true racing machines, and we only get those preset liveries like GT2 had, that would sting. Not having a way better Course Maker would smart. Having inaccurate, selective performance mods once again would be uncool. Anything would hurt. Would it hurt sales? Oh... probably very little. But it would be sad that once again, Forza would have a couple of major things over Gran Turismo, and I'd be aching for the years to pass and GT7 to hopefully, FINALLY be the GT I was hoping for.
I'd much rather that game be GT6, which would be here years sooner.
I know some of you think GT5 is one step up from Mario Kart. But how would a weaksauce slightly improved GT6 be any better? And again, to be drastically better, what would you be willing to sacrifice? For in order for something to be given, something must be given up.
And I wouldn't count out the value of the upcoming DLC. I don't recall any thread with the title, "This DLC blows." If there is one, it dropped like a rock from disinterest. For the most part, I see enthusiastic acceptance. You might as well admit that a bunch of GT fans are addicted to the thing, and keep coming back for more. Heck, a bunch of us were playing
GT4 while waiting for GT5 to ship. Some
still are, from time to time, as well as the earlier games, which I'm going to peek at myself one of these days.
You can argue that the cost of DLC is stupid, that over four years you'd end up paying $360 for all of it. Well, you do that twice as fast in Forza, and it hasn't really mattered to most people.
Just a little more perspective on the matter. As in all things GT, whatever happens, happens.