La Sarthe and Spa ,weather report and other " stuff "

Got the CRB in the WTC 900pp I love how restricted getting the CRB is in this race 99% more restricted then tokyo and I love it if only the pay matched the other grind races.👍

I used the GR010 for a easy win against those pesky gr2 cars.
Gran Turismo® 7_20240330090513.jpg
I ran the new Audi R8 at Le Mans 700. I was excited to get another N/A road car that could get to 700PP with just bolt on parts. Kept the suspension and transmission stock to maximize power. Added racing brakes and pads. No LSD.

Fuel efficiency: Can’t do 3 laps without fuel management but i was only using about 40% fuel per lap at full go so it’s not terrible.

Handling: I feel like GT7 underestimates lift oversteer on MR cars but not with this one. Otherwise felt neutral to understeer in turns. RH tires held up well. It’s a bit on the heavy side, mid race I already wanted to do another R8 in lightweight spec. Felt mostly the same on IMs in rain that got to about 65% on the meter. Braking was just ok.

Aesthetics: sound is good obviously but not quite top tier. I like the interior and view from within.
"Weather report and other stuff" observations of the WTC900 on hard. Rain seems less common than the 30 minute version, 1 in 5 for me. When it does rain one AI, usually the leader, for me it was the long tail F1, will fly through the wet on slicks while the rest of the field piles up at every opportunity :). The GT one is quite hard to beat with a GT one. The best strategy seems to be catch him early when he's stuck in traffic, he has very good pace when he clears traffic, I've seen him do a fast lap of 3:31. The CRB is very tricky to get, definitely a fun challenge. I haven't gotten it yet, because I still need to punt and pin the GT one every time I catch it.... You know, reasons.
"Weather report and other stuff" observations of the WTC900 on hard. Rain seems less common than the 30 minute version, 1 in 5 for me. When it does rain one AI, usually the leader, for me it was the long tail F1, will fly through the wet on slicks while the rest of the field piles up at every opportunity :). The GT one is quite hard to beat with a GT one. The best strategy seems to be catch him early when he's stuck in traffic, he has very good pace when he clears traffic, I've seen him do a fast lap of 3:31. The CRB is very tricky to get, definitely a fun challenge. I haven't gotten it yet, because I still need to punt and pin the GT one every time I catch it.... You know, reasons.
I run it today at hard level only because i read somewhere that's not easy to beat the other GT one with a stock one .

Was the third time of a complete race and never saw rain at the weather map, just sunshine.

The car to beat wasn't GT one but the nissan 16 and the NSX.
On easy level was the GT one .

They lap around 3.42-6 plus but have significant margin starting the race .
Won more than 15 seconds but had a terrible lap at 3.47 due to an exit .

Also did just 3 laps on a Audi R18 11 just to see how he laps at FM1.
I did 3.23 and obviously isn't the faster one there ( i guess) .
If wasn't that damn CRB ,it would be interesting to give 4-5 minutes more than the 700pp race and run all those cars at their level, even and with lower payment but ........

For the information GT one need one stop for fuel and tyres ( RM ) using FM4 for 3 laps and FM1 for two.
Perhaps is enough and FM3 for 3 laps but didn't test it and I won't try it again.

It would be interesting to know what cars are fast there and with what settings and FM use .
So if any of you willing to " push " with any of these cars it will be helpful to share his impressions and information.
The car to beat wasn't GT one but the nissan 16 and the NSX.
On easy level was the GT one
To complete this observation, on medium level it was the (other) GT least in the race I tried.

No rain, did a 5/5lap strategy on RMs...used FM3 and 4 for the first 5 laps, had fuel for even one more lap, but tyres were pretty I pitted, fueld up completely and could do the final 5 laps on FM2...finished 2nd, overtaking the NSX in the very last chicane, the other GT One was 20 seconds ahead of me...was my first PP900 race at Sarthe so there is space for improvement, but I am not sure if I will be able to beat that other GT One with a GT One, 20 secs is a lot...

Gonna try the XJR-9 soon, since I really enjoyed driving it in some of the weekly challenges lately...
The car to beat wasn't GT one but the nissan 16 and the NSX.
On easy level was the GT one .
That's interesting, I've only done hard level and it's always been the GT one, by a large margin. My first attempt finished second by 16 seconds but the winning GT one was 1:21 clear of the third place AI, and did a 3:32 fast lap! I've done it five times and only seen rain once.
Okay just did the WTC 900 again today, this time in the Mercedes CLK and I don't know what happened in the last couple days, but poor Mr Urra got nerfed into the ground! Previously the GT one would run an overall dry race time of sub 36:30, average lap 3:34 +/-. Not anymore, I just did 37:03 cruising on FM3 in the CLK and beat the GT one by 33 seconds, dry race.
It would be interesting to know what cars are fast there and with what settings and FM use .
So if any of you willing to " push " with any of these cars it will be helpful to share his impressions and information.
I normally run with ⛽️ economy in mind but willing to give it a go with all the gr.1 cars as a test, will post fuel and tyre wear and any significant notes...

P.s. I have noticed the lack of "dynamic weather"
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Seems we get different results and pace with the GT one of the race .
Of course if the GT one of the race did 3.32 as faster lap i couldn't beat him while my best was 3.35 with it.
But in my race nobody did under 3.40 as i check a bit the replay.
Perhaps if he did two stops is doable but i don't know.

Mine was stock , didn't add any of turbos and i got the lead at 8th lap when Nissan and NSX had to pit.
Don't remember my overall time but definitely in my race GT one wasn't a threat.

So another matter that needs to be observed and keep note is what lap times the AI did in every level and if any car do more than one stop.
Knowing that will allow the players to calculate what average lap times need in order to win against AI .

The good part with the GT one of the race is that didn't start Infront of the race , otherwise might be impossible to beat it with a stock one or a powered one.

This race is brand new but am sure in short time will clear up things about the AI and their pace and what needed to win this in every level.
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As i had mentioned above i have taken the opportunity to test out some of the higher end cars on the new 10 lap race (CRB be damned) and i decided to start with the true LMP1 and LMP2 cars that we have available to us. I normally run all my testing races with a fuel economy theme but i have tossed aside that idea to find the car's true potentials. In doing so i modified my testing to go all out in beginning of race at FM1 and when i had to pit for more fuel then i switched to FM6 to get a good idea of both sets of fuel data.
i began with the other Toyota LMP1 cars and in the three races i ran it did not rain (well i did get some wetness in the second) so I am guessing that rain "may" be a possibility but i have not seen any rain nor experienced it to need to change tyres.

the following is copied from my notes i am keeping in a spreadsheet...

TOYOTA TS030 Hybrid '12
5 LapsRHLIGHT / MEDIUM3'34.721WTC900
TOYOTA TS050 Hybrid '16
5 Laps /7 LapsRHLIGHT / MEDIUM3'37.714WTC900
4 Laps / 7 LapsRHMEDIUM / HEAVY3'29.065WTC900
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Good " work " @jrbabbitt , the only thing isn't clear is the laps on what FM for each car .
Unless TS030 you leave it at FM1 all the race.

modified my testing to go all out in beginning of race at FM1 and when i had to pit for more fuel then i switched to FM6 to get a good idea of both sets of fuel data.
I start the race at FM1 and when I run out of fuel I pit and completely fill up and finish race at FM6. The first laps before pitting are counted and is how I get the FM1 laps, with the FM6 laps I count how many laps I drove after pitstop and add what laps remain in the fuel monitor (green) and is how I got the total laps for FM6 setting.

As for the TS030 I did keep at FM1, and is how I came up with idea to change to FM6 after pitstop...
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So I tried out the XJR-7 in the 900PP race and as expected it could beat the GT One...

I planned a 5/5 strategy on RMs with a slightly tuned up car(kompressor and racing transmission, 894PP with RMs), but the rear tyres were almost gone after 4 laps, so I went to the pits and switched to RHs. Did two laps with FM6, then switched down one notch after every lap and did the final two laps on FM3(but back to FM6 after the Porsche curves because I was down to 0,2 on fuel and I just wanted to make sure I don't run out)
Finished first, 19,9 seconds ahead of the GT One, my best lap was a 1.36,042 on lap 7...race was bone dry for 10 laps

One Question: is there a CRB in the 900PP race?
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WTC 900 AI pit pattern, dry race. The top three AI all pit end of lap 6, one stop, the GT one always short fuels and can have the "magic" Le Man pit delta. Haven't noticed any AI of consequence pit more than once. I've now done 9 races and still only one with actual rain. Looking forward to revisiting the modern GR 1 prototypes that I have not been driven much at all, always preferred the Group C cars. The first one I tried today, the Porsche 919, forgot how good the brakes are on the modern prototypes! 5/5 strat, FM1 whole way on AT, RM tires, could probably make softs work as well but I plan on testing with RM. Really nice car, fast lap 3:23.8, total race time 35:08

P.S. Whatever 24 hour sanction PD leveled against P.Urra seems to be lifted. The two runs I've done today the GT one has come second place by a large margin with average overall race time 36:29.
Damn its not me it's the " virus" 😂
I took again the GT one today under tunning and High rpm turbo.

Urra was a blast , use FM4 3 first laps and FM1 at 4-5 and pit.
Pass Urra at the pits and was 5 sec behind me and closing the gap while i was on FM4 at 6th and 7th lap , at 8th switch to FM1 for two laps to have more tyre and switch back to 10th lap FM 4 .

My times

Urra times

The end

Watching the replay Nobody run a lap under 3.40 but as you see Urra has blistering pace clocking at 3.35 at free track which means no time to relax having the same car .

Thats why they say its difficult at hard level to beat it when Urra is awake at least .
And notice how much faster he is than the next AI! Your 3:28 in the GT one.. quick!

Its around 6-7 seconds faster than the rest AI.
As for my 3.28-29 i just choose the right time to put FM1 ,i had rubber and the car was lighter on fuels.

Tomorrow ill try Audi R18 11 .

Its prity challenging to see how far can they go that cars in the particular race in their full potential.
Ok here is more of the testing and a few changes / corrections...

TOYOTA TS030 Hybrid '12
5 Laps /7 LapsRHLIGHT / MEDIUM3'34.721MED
TOYOTA TS050 Hybrid '16
5 Laps /7 LapsRHLIGHT / MEDIUM3'37.714NORMAL
4 Laps / 7 LapsRHMEDIUM / HEAVY3'29.065MED
AUDI R18 TDI '11
3 Laps / 6 LapsRHLIGHT / MEDIUM3'36.478MED
AUDI R18 TDI '16
5 Laps / 8 LapsRHLIGHT / LIGHT3'39.108NORMAL
4 Laps / 7 LapsRHHEAVY 2X / LIGHT3'36.869MED

The Nissan was a handful as it is a FF there is a load of understeer i had to deal with and thus it went thru 2 sets of front tyres.

In my testing i added the fastest speed at FM6 just because you need to know if it can be competitive at the lean mix. Also if there is rain i will check it off in that column (lol)

Soon the Gr.C cars....
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Since Mary watch his favourite serial in the other tv , couldn't resist 🤣

Audi R18 11.
2 stops RM tyres.
FM6 for the first 4 laps and FM1 the rest .

Urra was sleeping and if i wasn't so careless with the traffic i could bust the 35 minutes barrier .


Note that lap times at pit procedure was about what the AI do usually except Urra if he's awake.
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I wonder what the rationale for not doing properly long endurance races that were kind of an integral part of GT1-GT5. Even a 1-hr race feels like a sprint in real terms, and the fact that tire wear, fuel consumption are all accelerated to a ridiculous amount makes real endurance races feel conspicuously absent. The Human Comedy missions have the ingredients, but they are still pretty short and not really repeatable. I think this 900PP race should have been at least 2 hours or 500km or something - a proper monument to win.
Was it hard rain or just minor that you didn't have to change tyres?
4 laps on inters, but haven't seen a spot of moisture since.
On a different note, tried the 919 again. 5/5.. RS and FM1. My first sub 35:00!


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