With all these superb wheel set ups getting posted about I thought I'd share my own GT6 setup...
View attachment 101038It's customised to extract the best performance from me on driving games, let me tell you its features;
- Original Sixaxis which is lighter than a Dualshock 3 which means it's more responsive or something like that.
- What appear to be scratches form many years of use and wear, but on closer inspection are actually dynamic weight reduction measures to allow for better power to weight ratio for my thumbs or something.
- Bespoke smooth left analogue stick, which again may appear a consequence of wear but is actually optimised for reduced air resistance and miminmised drag coefficient to aid fastest maneuvers from left to right (or visa versa).
- Loose spring on R2 trigger so throttle is always on by 3%. This helps push the most out of my vehicle of choice by continuing to accelerate even when my own confidence levels would have me back off from the limit.
- L3 button that clicks in when you corner, helps provide pressure on your opponent in front of you who thinks you have time to flash them up for being slow - doubly effective on night races where a partial blinding effect is occurred on your opponent too.
- Slight grime in the ridges of the controller because I haven't cleaned it in a while, it's manly, because clean stuff is for girls. This increases the users testosterone levels, thinning the blood and increasing the users reaction times.