League of Mature Rookie Racers -CST

  • Thread starter akira2501
To clarify further, it will be 1 lap of each class equaling 4 laps total? Or 4 laps of each class equaling 16 laps total?

Ah, no, we will be doing 3, 4 or 5 laps (I need to time it) on Nürburgring PER class.
I figure a normal night of racing is about an hour and a half, I intend to time this so we can get through all 4 classes in approximately the same amount of time. This will be the final race of the Class A-D.

The Thursday AFTER that will start in on the new classes. Those results will be used to refine the classes further and MAY be used for pole position or something along those lines.
OFFICIAL New Classes:
This list will be moved to the home page after RACE Day #4 on Monday the 7th.
The first race for these classes will be Thursday the 10th. The race on the 10th will NOT be ranked with points, the first ranked match will be the 13th.

CLASS 3: Extreme Tuner Championship
(NO RACE CARS Permitted)
Max HP: 800HP
Min Weight: 1070kg
Tires: Racing-Soft

CLASS 2 : LPR (low-power Race Car)
(any Race-Modified car can compete as well as some GT5 race cars and tuner cars)
Max HP: 308
Min Weight: 950kg
Tires: Racing-Hard

CLASS 1: UltraLite
MAX HP: 186
MIN Weight: 672kg
Tires: Sports Soft

In addition to these 3 Classes, every Monday there will be a 4th ONE MAKE Race, starting with the Caterham Seven Fireblade. Team members will be notified 6 days in advance of one-make races and I will check the forum for car suggestions.

Some one make races may be slightly broader and include several very similar cars.

Races - we will be having longer races but only one track per race day. # of laps will be selected to ensure that the overall time commitment per race is the same or shorter than our current schedule.
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As for the scoring system. Once we move to Class 1-3 cars, I will be tracking total wins in each class as well. I think the overall win leader should get a prize as well. I can't track the current races becasue I don't know who won all the previous races. If you have the replays saved Akira, I can backload it. I have the last races on the 31st but not the previous set on the 27th.

Edit... Nevermind Akira, I found the older results.
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I am "all in" with Akira's new class system coming up and the fresh new spin on the next series. I am really enjoying the dynamics of this league. Unfortunately I will be working during tonight's races 👎, but I figure that will give Zutalores a chance to catch up! HAHAHA! I kid, I kid! Anyway, I will be able to make the final set of races on "The Ring" which is going to be pretty cool. Oh yeah, I also like the team idea and constructors championship idea. So many good ideas, so little time!
Due to technical issues we will re-schedule the Rome Race for Monday the 7th @8.
The first set of races in Deep Forest will count.
I will abbreviate the length of the Nürburgring race to accommodated schedules, but expect the championship of Class A-D to run a bit longer than usual.

Please be sure to re-set your network / cable modem router before then. Many got out of sync due to intermittent outages during the snow storms across the Midwest.

Also I did not receive the seasonal update races, only the “online dealership” update which leads me to believe the the PSN network may also have technical difficulties.
Yeah it was due to the PSN. When i could actually ping the network it would return with 3-4k ms. I was playing from 4:00 - 8:00 buying and tuning cars and had no problems at all. The very second I started trying to get ahold of Akira for a friend request all things PSN took a big dump.

Well at least I got in once for like 20 seconds. Kind of sad though. The season is rounding down and I haven't gotten to use any of the cars I tuned for this series.

oh well say-la-vie. Hopefully some of these classes will make a return at a later point.

Sorry for being a pain sending tons of messages to you guys but I was never sure if they went through.
Indeed it was frustrating. Just about threw my headset across the room. A couple of things. I want to gauge interest in running rally this Saturday evening. Secondly I want to direct people to the social group to suggest prize cars for the completion of series 1. See you online
At this stage, I am out for Saturday night AND the last series of races on Monday (I will be out of town for a few days for work). I leave Monday morning so will be spending some quality time with the gf this weekend. If plans fall through, then I'll try and make it.
Yes I believe it does, however its important to note that if a car becomes dominate it will be cut from the lineup. We try to ensure that these don't become one-make races.
(Re: Zonda R '09) Understood. I found this class hard to shop for, but the Zonda is the best fit I've found. You may consider lowering the HP max, then, to something in the 600's, or increasing the weight.
Yes I believe it does, however its important to note that if a car becomes dominate it will be cut from the lineup. We try to ensure that these don't become one-make races.

Just increase the weight by 10kg? The Zonda is 1070kg on the dot and with 750hp plus racing softs, its quick!
Just wanted to point out HP limits for online in the new classes are a little different. I show 187 315 and 808 are the closest inclusive limits. And of course weights are even numbers
Just wanted to point out HP limits for online in the new classes are a little different. I show 187 315 and 808 are the closest inclusive limits. And of course weights are even numbers
That may be true, but I assume we can just impose the limit upon ourselves by only entering vehicles that are not greater than the agreed-upon limit. I guess it depends on how much everyone trusts one another. :)
Tuning Question for ya:

So I've got a tune (GT-R) which likes to go strait and has difficulty turning; the front wheels seem almost stuck. What settings in suspension or LSD will give me more front control?

Similar question, which is probably the opposite of the above question; a Ferrari is too loose in the back, I'm trying to keep the a$$-end of the car behind me! I assume the setting that this car needs will be the opposite of the one above, but I'm not sure what to tune. I cant find a on line tune for either of these that I like.

TakahashiRyoske – The way this will work is simple. After the first race of the series (and perhaps the second) we will tweak the rules a bit in order to include or exclude cars. The idea is in the end to provide variety while preventing a single make/model from being dominant. If the Zonda wins, hands down, every time, it will be banned from the competition and the rules will change a bit to accommodate that.

As I test over the next few days there are bound to be minor changes to the classes which will be posted on the first page of this thread.

For the record; the Zonda tested great but I will probably end up using a Nissan GT-R or Audi R8.
The way this will work is simple. After the first race of the series (and perhaps the second) we will tweak the rules a bit in order to include or exclude cars. The idea is in the end to provide variety while preventing a single make/model from being dominant. If the Zonda wins, hands down, every time, it will be banned from the competition and the rules will change a bit to accommodate that.

As I test over the next few days there are bound to be minor changes to the classes which will be posted on the first page of this thread.
Sounds good to me. I think that's a fine approach. My hope is that fun can be had by all, with nice, close competition in each race. :)
Tuning Question for ya:

So I've got a tune (GT-R) which likes to go strait and has difficulty turning; the front wheels seem almost stuck. What settings in suspension or LSD will give me more front control?

Similar question, which is probably the opposite of the above question; a Ferrari is too loose in the back, I'm trying to keep the a$$-end of the car behind me! I assume the setting that this car needs will be the opposite of the one above, but I'm not sure what to tune. I cant find a on line tune for either of these that I like.

I have some very good tunes for my GTR I use in class A along with the California in class B that I could share with you. Won the class A race last night with it and won the class B race when the results were wrong before we reran, lol. I also have an Italia for class A that I think handles much better than it does normally but still not as good as the GTR.
I have some very good tunes for my GTR I use in class A along with the California in class B that I could share with you. Won the class A race last night with it and won the class B race when the results were wrong before we reran, lol. I also have an Italia for class A that I think handles much better than it does normally but still not as good as the GTR.

Thanks, but I'm actually trying to make my own tunes here and learn a bit about what effect a setting has on the cars handeling, trying to understand the relation a bit better.
The basic stuff: put more power to the back wheels (will handle more like a rear drive) add camber to improve turning. Toe can also help. Make sure the suspension isnt too stiff but on the other hand the car doesnt rock. Add downforce. Im clueless when it comes to LSD its always try and error.
This is the simplest LSD tuning guide I've seen:

Yeah I love this thread. Taught me a ton with the LSD.
For my driving stlye I have LSD currently set... With all of my cars to:

Init Tor: 10
Acc: 30
Brake: 17

With my AWD cars I also use 30/70 front/rear Torque diff.

I am now starting to see how each car differs and am fine tuning my cars individually as I start to notice flaws.

This is nice for figuring out your fine tuning.