OK I'm going out on a limb here, so feel free to tell me that I'm nuts, but I think this might be really fun.
Team Racing:
1. We will collectively have to come up with 8 manufacturers that we think can compete with one another within certain hp and weight restrictions (off the top of my head.....Ferrari, Lambos, Audi, Mercedes, Ford, Nissan, Chevy, Lexus etc.)
2. The top 8 'Overall' drivers this season get to pick their team-mate for this event/series, with #8 picking their team mate first, #7 second and so on.
3. Once the teams are settled, a draw will be made by someone (probably Akira

) for which team gets which manufacturer.
4. Each team will have to choose a model of car from the manfacturer they are given. Both team members will have to use the same model/colour of their car.
5. There will then be a drivers championship and a constructors championship.
No team orders allowed ;-)
Just gauging interest via this post. If enough people think it would be a good idea then we can work out further details. :-)