Legalization of Marijuana

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Rolling up as i post this .

I grew up in Jamaica , spent 17 years of my life there , did all my schooling there and i saw the effects of smoking trees both positive and negative. In Jamaica it is illegal but it isnt really illegal if you know what im saying , it isnt heavily enforced.

I think people have to remember moderation in anything they do in life , there always has to be some balance . Marijuana is definetely the safest and oldest drug in the world and it hasnt killed anyone yet. BUT there are rare cases where people go crazy or lose mental stability from smoking , It has a different effect on people , some good some bad.

I think it should be legalized , if alcohol is legal I dont see why marijuana shouldnt be legal.

Alcohol definetely causes tons of deaths and it still is legal , at the end of the day people the world is controlled by money and it is more profitable for the powers that be to keep marijuana illegal and it will probably remain this way for a long long time.

Smoke responsibly my friends.
I don't smoke it and I don't really agree with it, but I think it should be legalised because I don't really understand why it's illegal. I'd much rather encounter a group of stoned people than a group of drunk people while walking through town at night, after all. I honestly don't think there will be a sudden increase in people smoking it if it were legalised, governments would tax it just like they do everything else so it would benefit them...

I think one of the reasons it is still illegal is that it can cause psychosis and just one puff could trigger it (it happened to a friend of mine, actually, but that wasn't from one puff, she just smoked it every now and then), whereas with smoking and drinking you tend to have to be quite a heavy user to suffer long term health effects.

Still, legalising something makes it a bit boring, too, so after an initial 'curiosity spike' and probably generally increased use, people who are just attracted to 'crazy', dangerous (referring to procurement rather than use) or illegal things will just be all 'meh' and do cocaine instead.
I don't smoke it and I don't really agree with it, but I think it should be legalised because I don't really understand why it's illegal. I'd much rather encounter a group of stoned people than a group of drunk people while walking through town at night, after all. I honestly don't think there will be a sudden increase in people smoking it if it were legalised, governments would tax it just like they do everything else so it would benefit them...

I think one of the reasons it is still illegal is that it can cause psychosis and just one puff could trigger it (it happened to a friend of mine, actually, but that wasn't from one puff, she just smoked it every now and then), whereas with smoking and drinking you tend to have to be quite a heavy user to suffer long term health effects.

Still, legalising something makes it a bit boring, too, so after an initial 'curiosity spike' and probably generally increased use, people who are just attracted to 'crazy', dangerous (referring to procurement rather than use) or illegal things will just be all 'meh' and do cocaine instead.

Legalizing it will deal the cartels a serious blow though. No one down in Mexico can compete with Philip Morris if they make Marlboro "Greens".
Legalizing it will deal the cartels a serious blow though. No one down in Mexico can compete with Philip Morris if they make Marlboro "Greens".

I cannot stress enough the amount of truth that this important sentance states.
And what about the taxes being raised? the US will get rid of it's debt in a year. :lol:
It won't get legalised as ppl would just grow it themselves and the gov wouldn't get any tax,
We can't make fags=high tax
We can't make alcohol=high tax
We can grow weed=illegal

See my point
It won't get legalised as ppl would just grow it themselves and the gov wouldn't get any tax,
We can't make fags=high tax
We can't make alcohol=high tax
We can grow weed=illegal

See my point

It's sort of legal here, and the shops selling it are all doing pretty good, and they pay taxes.
It's sort of legal here, and the shops selling it are all doing pretty good, and they pay taxes.

Yeah the Indian Reservations sell it here in NY, they sell the equivalent to cigarettes if not more.
Legalise it. Regulate it. Legitimise it. Tax it.

Takes away the nastyness of cheap quality grass and most of the seedy nature surrounding marijuana.

Don't glorify it, let people make their own minds up. But I am astonished at how some people want to try it just because it's illegal, or would increase their usage substantially if it was made illegal. That's what is holding it back.
Are you guys forgetting all the other uses of hemp? We have powerful lobbyists not only in the pharmaceutical industry but also in materials. Legalizing it would put a dent in both, it's the type of federal regulating I complain about ad nauseum.

It would be a cash cow capable of competing with almost all synthetics such as nylon, and just about anyone could cultivate it. Whether it's lagitimate in the medical field is up for debate I suppose but the concern of the feds is not in combating a dangerous drugs effects on the society, it's protecting special interests.
Legalise it.

Regulate it.

Legitimise it.


Takes away the nastyness of cheap quality grass and most of the seedy nature surrounding marijuana.
The market will take care of this when it organizes legitimate business models.

I am astonished at how some people want to try it just because it's illegal
Astonished at human nature? Toddlers must astonish you, doing everything they're told not to. Are you astonished when a teenage boy defies his mom because he thinks she's too strict? Victimless crimes should be no crimes at all.

or would increase their usage substantially if it was made illegal. That's what is holding it back.
So instead of rallying around a cause and being disobedient for a legitimate reason, you advocate submitting to authority's nonsensical rules?
So instead of rallying around a cause and being disobedient for a legitimate reason, you advocate submitting to authority's nonsensical rules?

The amount of time I have spent having to effectively call those in positions of authority morons is astonishing.

eg. "I'm sorry teacher, if you want that group of kids to get down off the roof, leave them alone and then they'll get bored as soon as they realise they're not annoying you any more!"
Whether you agree with purchase tax or not, the way our governments are run I fear the only way they'll legalise the grass is if they can get their grubby mits on even more of our money.

The market will take care of this when it organizes legitimate business models.

You'd hope so.

Astonished at human nature? Toddlers must astonish you, doing everything they're told not to.

Toddlers and adults aren't the same, although given the behaviour of some adults the two are often confused. Blame poor education? That would be too easy (!)

It's the fact that some people do illegal things like "smok blunts wiv ya m8s" just because it's illegal, not because it's a consciencious choice to do something which will benefit you. If you want to, that's fine. But doing something purely for the rush of defying authority is a bit childish to me. It's just my opinion anyway, and what's my opinion in the grand scheme of things? Just something to read. Nothing substantial.

Are you astonished when a teenage boy defies his mom because he thinks she's too strict? Victimless crimes should be no crimes at all.

Meh, strictness is subjective. But victimless crime? I'm pro-choice euthhanasia, but I'm not sure where I stand on piracy.

So instead of rallying around a cause and being disobedient for a legitimate reason, you advocate submitting to authority's nonsensical rules?

Not really. There's no such thing as "rules which are meant to be broken". There are only necessary rules, and rules which are unnecessary and should change. If 'disobediance' is what gets them changed, then so be it.

I'm not a legal beagle by any stretch of the imagination so forgive me if my thoughts don't stack up.. Modern languages, potted history and association football are more my game. Do I think marijuana should be legalised? Yes. It's no worse than alcohol. Do I think it will lead to people doing it for the sake of doing it? Probably. It just strikes me as being a bit too reckless. But you're a moron if you jump straight in and do something without proper consideration anyway.

Thing is though, what's my opinion anyway? It's not an issue close to my heart so I won't go out on marches to get the law changed because I won't be too bothered either way.
Victimless crime is no crime at all, what is "pro-choice euthhanasia"? You mean assisted suicide I guess. Piracy does have a victim, it's theft.

If you wan't to smoke pot till you drop, good for you. If you wan't to smoke pot and shoot your neighbor, not good for you but the pot has nothing to do with the crime.
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Thing is though, what's my opinion anyway? It's not an issue close to my heart so I won't go out on marches to get the law changed because I won't be too bothered either way.
You and Joey can get some popcorn and watch it on TV together. Luckily there are people who actually care about your future and will try to make sure it's a good one.
You and Joey can get some popcorn and watch it on TV together. Luckily there are people who actually care about your future and will try to make sure it's a good one.

Some things I am passionate about, others I'm not.

What can I say? I won't be fussed about marijuana legislation. On the other hand, I feel strongly about Welsh language legislation and am beginning to take that issue more seriously.
I've never heard a good reason as to why it's illegal in the first place. By all accounts, it's far less harmful than either cigarettes or alcohol. Just put the same sort of laws in place as you do for those two, such as driving under the influence or smoking in a public place.
We can't make fags

I just want to point out that this is very wrong. I live in Kentucky, most of my family has farmed tobacco, as well as pretty much everyone I grew up with, my dad retired from Phillip Morris, and I have witnessed homemade cigarettes and cigars being made and smoked.

If you mean that we can't add the chemicals and process rolling papers and filters ourselves, then yes. But it you mean growing tobacco, harvesting, drying, and putting in a smokable form, anyone can do it, even in a container. Good cigars are just rolled tobacco leaves. I knew guys who would chew fresh picked leaves while working in the field.

Ultimately, we don't grow our own tobacco for the same reason we don't grow our own vegetables in most places: we are lazy. I used to grow corn in my garden but three years of raccoons eating nearly my entire crop made me stop when I can buy as many as six ears for a dollar. I only grow what I can grow in containers behind a fence on my deck/patio now.

I guarantee you that ten years after legalizing marijuana it will be rare to see people growing it at home because it is a pain in the ass compared to grabbing some when you get gas on your way home.

Just out of interest, why "no" to it being taxed? And for a second, put aside all those paranoid thoughts you seem to hold of having all your liberties erased every time anything in the world changes.

Taxing legalised weed would be good for the economy. Nobody is being forced to smoke weed, it's not something we need to sustain life, iit's not something necessary for the advancement of society, so tax it and help to reduce the country's massive debt.

Cigarettes, weed, alcohol - don't give a damn if they're taxed.

Food - very much give a damn if it's taxed.

The market will take care of this when it organizes legitimate business models.

I'm guessing you mean lightly regulate it as I'm sure you would at least like to know what the hell is in it.
I just want to point out that this is very wrong. I live in Kentucky, most of my family has farmed tobacco, as well as pretty much everyone I grew up with, my dad retired from Phillip Morris, and I have witnessed homemade cigarettes and cigars being made and smoked.

If you mean that we can't add the chemicals and process rolling papers and filters ourselves, then yes. But it you mean growing tobacco, harvesting, drying, and putting in a smokable form, anyone can do it, even in a container. Good cigars are just rolled tobacco leaves. I knew guys who would chew fresh picked leaves while working in the field.

Ultimately, we don't grow our own tobacco for the same reason we don't grow our own vegetables in most places: we are lazy. I used to grow corn in my garden but three years of raccoons eating nearly my entire crop made me stop when I can buy as many as six ears for a dollar. I only grow what I can grow in containers behind a fence on my deck/patio now.

I guarantee you that ten years after legalizing marijuana it will be rare to see people growing it at home because it is a pain in the ass compared to grabbing some when you get gas on your way home.

I for one can't imagine life without "KY Homegrown":dopey:.
It's sort of legal here, and the shops selling it are all doing pretty good, and they pay taxes.

I am not well in the dutch jurisdiction, but I believe that even in the NL, possession of pot is illegal and is a penal offense, there is just no criminal persecussion. So in practice it's ok, in theory not.

That is buzzkillington

Are you guys forgetting all the other uses of hemp? We have powerful lobbyists not only in the pharmaceutical industry but also in materials. Legalizing it would put a dent in both, it's the type of federal regulating I complain about ad nauseum..

1920 something. Paper industry making it out as the bad thing that the mexican workers smoke and then rape your wifes, blah blah. Smoke weed, Hitler on the passanger seat. After WWII this politics took also over Europe with the americanisation
Let alone seeing those ads should open the eye of the people how propaganda'ed this whole topic was and is.
I saw a report with a german high polical, and they asked why pot wasn't legalised when Alcohol and tabac are, both which are more nocive. Simple answer : we already have two of those bad substances, no need to add a third.
So no logical, scientific, medical, financial, religious, reason, just plain lazyness and dumbness

Victimless crime is no crime at all, what is "pro-choice euthhanasia"? You mean assisted suicide I guess. Piracy does have a victim, it's theft.

Not true, it's a copy. I "pirate" your car, you wake up and it's still in your driveway, I just happen to have the exact same one now too. But that is a whole other topic

I guarantee you that ten years after legalizing marijuana it will be rare to see people growing it at home because it is a pain in the ass compared to grabbing some when you get gas on your way home.

This very much. It's a pain to grow proper pot, let alone healthy pot. And not everyone has a Dr.Green Thumb
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I'm pretty sure it's okay in the Netherlands only in the licenced coffee shops but not okay elsewhere.

It is illegal to smoke cigarettes in coffee shops though. Only the grass is permitted.
I'm pretty sure it's okay in the Netherlands only in the licenced coffee shops but not okay elsewhere.

It is illegal to smoke cigarettes in coffee shops though. Only the grass is permitted.

5 grams per person is allowed to carry with you, and I believe the shop only can have 500 grams in stock, but they park their cars always very close by.

And it is/was illegal to smoke anything in a coffeeshop. Most shops have now said, screw you, anti smoking law.

Because us Dutch don't smoke our stuff pure, but with the tobacco rolled into it.
Unless you smoke the pipe.
Dohsch crazy Datsch folksch wit all deir schmoking schtuff. Nehver mindt, let'sch eat schomm browniesch inschteadt.

[/Either a stereotypical Dutch accent or Sean Connery]
Just out of interest, why "no" to it being taxed?
Because taxes take money out of my pocket.

Taxing legalised weed would be good for the economy.
How is taking money out of the market and putting it into an inefficient, wasteful institution which operates on the premise of force and not profit good for the economy? Do you expect the government to spend that extra money on "creating jobs" and providing various services to the people? That's what the Soviets did. Worked alright I guess.

so tax it and help to reduce the country's massive debt.
Ah, I see, your solution to reducing government debt is higher taxes. That's like me saying I'll pay off my credit cards by robbing corner stores. First step: Stop spending more than what you pay in. That's the core of the solution.