Legalization of Marijuana

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I voted yes, I have only smoked weed three times in the space of 4-5 months and smoked cigarettes when going out drinking the weed was all done at party's. I can honestly say there were no bad effects and actually made me alot more sociable (meeting new friends etc) I really can't see why its illegal yet cigarettes and alcohol aren't banned (not that I'd want that).
Ok, sounds like a good time. Still not sure it's a good idea to get high in school or at work though.

For example, I think sharing office with a dude like this could be kinda frustrating after a while, although I'm sure he could be quite entertaining as well. I especially like when he explains why marijuana should be legalized. :lol:

<a href="">YouTube Link</a>

:lol: That dude is hilarious. Happilly i am actually a well functioning user. I have no problems doing anything when high. But i never used in school. I would before and after but not during. I must say it made school much less boring. I cant wait for the growing season again.
It is just a point to be mad, about how people seem to misunderstand things. Personally, I'd rather smoke than drink anytime, because it is cheaper and I don't feel like crap the next day.

The reality of the argument is that people should be allowed to do with their bodies what they want. It in no one harms anyone if I choose to smoke before playing video games or eating some left-overs (best way to make them taste better), or hell, even going out with friends. The worst I've seen a stoner do is just sit down and zone out. Not exactly dangerous to society. It tends to make people more passive, and easier to deal with often. When I did food service, I never had an angry stoner come in. If we didn't have a topping they wanted, they were just like "oh, well, whateva." Sober and drunk people were often more stressful to deal with.

Alcohol also tends to impact memory a lot more, at least in my experience. I have hours and hours of nights that I will never, ever remember. Pot on the other hand tends to just make things fuzzy, but you ultimately can end up recalling stuff. Again, that is just my experience.

As somebody who smoked multiple times daily for about 7-8 years, I can definitely say that marijuana negatively impacts the memory.

The weirdest thing I've noticed since I've cut back is that I can vividly recall my dreams again. Through that span of daily smoking, there was rarely a night that I remembered any dream. Smoking right before bed every night probably didn't help.

As somebody who used very heavily and habitually (about 1.5oz per week for myself before I cut back) I can say that it's definitely better for you than alcohol, and I managed to be pretty functional whilst being stoned almost constantly. But smoking that much weed definitely isn't good for you.

I still smoke every now and then, but ever since I cut down I am much more lucid and aware, and I don't have such lackadaisical view on everything now. I'd say the biggest negative effect of weed is that you lose your sense of urgency. You become satisfied with mediocrity.

I have become a much more productive person since I cut back.
I think it effects others different as for about 4 years of smoking i havent really had any abnormal loss of memory. But i was never able to remember dreams sadly.
Can you really fairly compare smoking (anything) with drinking?

Drinking is something that is natural & necessary for survival. Most people don't drink alcoholic drinks to "get drunk". Most people who drink alcohol would not choose to drink neat 100% alcohol given the choice, even though it would be the quickest way to get "high". The huge wine & (to a somewhat lesser extent) beer & spirit industries are not based primarily on getting people drunk. Personally, I really enjoy the taste of good alcoholic drinks, I enjoy the additional buzz given by the alcohol, but I never (consciously) try to get "drunk".

Smoking - whether tobacco or pot - is an inherently odd activity. Although I did both in my youth, I can't say I found either activities pleasurable in the same way as drinking wine or beer. Smoking pot was entirely about getting high. In my experience it messed with your brain more than drinking, but low to moderate use of either pot or alcohol is fine IMO. Unfortunately, some people are just predisposed to addictive behaviour, regardless of what the substance is.

I think there would be some benefits to legalization of marijuana & some negative consequences, I support it as a issue of personal freedom.
Can you really fairly compare smoking (anything) with drinking?

Drinking is something that is natural & necessary for survival. Most people don't drink alcoholic drinks to "get drunk". Most people who drink alcohol would not choose to drink neat 100% alcohol given the choice, even though it would be the quickest way to get "high". The huge wine & (to a somewhat lesser extent) beer & spirit industries are not based primarily on getting people drunk. Personally, I really enjoy the taste of good alcoholic drinks, I enjoy the additional buzz given by the alcohol, but I never (consciously) try to get "drunk".

Smoking - whether tobacco or pot - is an inherently odd activity. Although I did both in my youth, I can't say I found either activities pleasurable in the same way as drinking wine or beer. Smoking pot was entirely about getting high. In my experience it messed with your brain more than drinking, but low to moderate use of either pot or alcohol is fine IMO. Unfortunately, some people are just predisposed to addictive behaviour, regardless of what the substance is.

I think there would be some benefits to legalization of marijuana & some negative consequences, I support it as a issue of personal freedom.

The reason is because of humans unique want to alter their mental state. It is what pushes us on our quest for knowledge aswell as our want to get stones/drunk.

I personally don't smoke weed. However if it was legal I would. The only reason I don't is because I'm worried that if I'm caught then any mark on my record would pretty much wipe any of my dreams of the career I want. Lots of my mates do, it has had little to no effect on them, none of them have been caught, but knowing my luck I would.
The weirdest thing I've noticed since I've cut back is that I can vividly recall my dreams again. Through that span of daily smoking, there was rarely a night that I remembered any dream. Smoking right before bed every night probably didn't help.

That is soo true. You are not alone it is pretty common thing with regular smokers.
Problem is you need to dream. Do that for a few years and you can have psycological effects.
I pretty much had the same experience.
And the first dreams you have after years of smoking are soo crazy insane and you remember everything.

Can you really fairly compare smoking (anything) with drinking?

Drinking is something that is natural & necessary for survival. Most people don't drink alcoholic drinks to "get drunk". Most people who drink alcohol would not choose to drink neat 100% alcohol given the choice, even though it would be the quickest way to get "high". The huge wine & (to a somewhat lesser extent) beer & spirit industries are not based primarily on getting people drunk. Personally, I really enjoy the taste of good alcoholic drinks, I enjoy the additional buzz given by the alcohol, but I never (consciously) try to get "drunk".

Smoking - whether tobacco or pot - is an inherently odd activity. Although I did both in my youth, I can't say I found either activities pleasurable in the same way as drinking wine or beer. Smoking pot was entirely about getting high. In my experience it messed with your brain more than drinking, but low to moderate use of either pot or alcohol is fine IMO. Unfortunately, some people are just predisposed to addictive behaviour, regardless of what the substance is.

I think there would be some benefits to legalization of marijuana & some negative consequences, I support it as a issue of personal freedom.

Drinking water is natural.
100% alcohol will kill you pretty quick.
Alcohol is a poison!! That's a fact.
Weed or THC is not a poison.
The huge wine & (to a somewhat lesser extent) beer & spirit industries are not based primarily on getting people drunk.
Yes they want to get people addicted to it. As does the tabbaco industry, they don't want it to give you the flavor of burnt flora.
I know people who had really bad expericences with weed and now drink instead, and have kind of a negative position on weed due to their bad experiences.

And saying that alcohol is drinken because of the taste is quite uncommon.
Most factors are peer pressure and getting drunk (to whatever degree)
In fact this generation has a very high tendency to drink as much as possible in the less time possible.

I have nothing against a good cold beer in summer or a wine at dinner, but I rarely drink and when it is with those reasons and is limited to half a glass wine or a bottle of beer.

Drunk free since 2007
The reason is because of humans unique want to alter their mental state. It is what pushes us on our quest for knowledge aswell as our want to get stones/drunk.

I personally don't smoke weed. However if it was legal I would. The only reason I don't is because I'm worried that if I'm caught then any mark on my record would pretty much wipe any of my dreams of the career I want. Lots of my mates do, it has had little to no effect on them, none of them have been caught, but knowing my luck I would.

Yeah. I have never done it, and never will. A lot of my friends do too. About two days ago this kids came to school baked out of his mind. He was acting way different. Yesterday a big scare happened in the school parking lot. Everyone saw firetrucks and ambulances pulling in the lot and didn't understand why. This kid was smoking spice and had a seizure. (I know it's spice but meh) then he ratted out eveyone that he has smoked weed with. One of my friends got a 10 day suspension (And he used weed everyday) and now he is going to rehab and is quitting. I am happy for him, and I thin k weed shouldn't be legalized because of things like this.
^Spice is not weed.
Spice is very dangerous. Weed is not. Don't mix the 2, it makes no sense
You can smoke a football field of weed and not die. You will have a huge munchie but that's all.
In scientific documented history, there is not one dead from weed, cannabis, pot, THC, called it what you want.
But spice is a synthetical produced drug with no testing and only goal to bypass drug legislation.

I would rather smoke nothing than spice
Yeah. I have never done it, and never will. A lot of my friends do too. About two days ago this kids came to school baked out of his mind. He was acting way different. Yesterday a big scare happened in the school parking lot. Everyone saw firetrucks and ambulances pulling in the lot and didn't understand why. This kid was smoking spice and had a seizure. (I know it's spice but meh) then he ratted out eveyone that he has smoked weed with. One of my friends got a 10 day suspension (And he used weed everyday) and now he is going to rehab and is quitting. I am happy for him, and I thin k weed shouldn't be legalized because of things like this.

After looking it up Spice can be used as either an alternative to weed or added to weed to give it an extra kick. So to be honest I don't think the legality of weed is much of an effect on that situation.

I feel that it is someones choice if they want to get stoned. I do get that governments feel that they need to protect us from dangerous things, however weed arguably isn't overly dangerous (as in we need protecting from). I think it should be down to the person on whether they want to use it or not, and when they want to use it. I think its pretty stupid to come into school stoned, if used it should be used sensibly, in the same way that alcohol is, you don't go to work after having a couple of beers, in the same way it wouldn't be adviseable to have a splif before work.

I think it should be down to the user whether to or not, not the government babysitting us with their point of view.

Anyway that's all in my opinion.
*ibo* S3 Racer
^Spice is not weed.
Spice is very dangerous. Weed is not. Don't mix the 2, it makes no sense
You can smoke a football field of weed and not die. You will have a huge munchie but that's all.
In scientific documented history, there is not one dead from weed, cannabis, pot, THC, called it what you want.
But spice is a synthetical produced drug with no testing and only goal to bypass drug legislation.

I would rather smoke nothing than spice

Yeah I know. But they all smoke weed too :sly:
And saying that alcohol is drinken because of the taste is quite uncommon.

Why do you think adults will pay large sums of money to drink high-quality wine, as opposed to buying a cheap, alcohol-high spirit? They do it because of the taste sensations NOT because it will get them more drunk.

Most factors are peer pressure and getting drunk (to whatever degree)
In fact this generation has a very high tendency to drink as much as possible in the less time possible.

You appear to be talking about kids. I have been drinking wine & beer for about 35 years. I can assure you, I don't drink to get drunk & most other adults I know don't. Mostly, I drink with food. I am not in any way "addicted" to drinking. Clearly, some people are alcoholics however. When I smoked pot it was only to get high - I never enjoyed the actual sensation of smoking.
Yeah. I have never done it, and never will. A lot of my friends do too. About two days ago this kids came to school baked out of his mind. He was acting way different. Yesterday a big scare happened in the school parking lot. Everyone saw firetrucks and ambulances pulling in the lot and didn't understand why. This kid was smoking spice and had a seizure. (I know it's spice but meh) then he ratted out eveyone that he has smoked weed with. One of my friends got a 10 day suspension (And he used weed everyday) and now he is going to rehab and is quitting. I am happy for him, and I thin k weed shouldn't be legalized because of things like this.

That kid is lucky he doesnt live around here. I remember last year a kid snitched on like 5 people getting them arrested as they sold to him. A few days later he was jumped by like 15 kids for doing it.(severley beaten)And he didnt snitch on them. Remember, no one likes a snitch.
That kid is lucky he doesnt live around here. I remember last year a kid snitched on like 5 people getting them arrested as they sold to him. A few days later he was jumped by like 15 kids for doing it.(severley beaten)And he didnt snitch on them. Remember, no one likes a snitch.

Yeah. Everyone is really pissed
That kid is pathetic though. Snitching on all those people. Remember man, that kid you saw in school was probably one of the annoying smokers. I hate those kids. When most people smoke they just melloe out. Not really bad or a threat to society as your taught to believe.
That kid is pathetic though. Snitching on all those people. Remember man, that kid you saw in school was probably one of the annoying smokers. I hate those kids. When most people smoke they just melloe out. Not really bad or a threat to society as your taught to believe.

Yeah he was never nice to me anyway
Well when you said he was acting "different" i thought you meant annoying. But hey if hes being nice then just chill out. Its better then him being an 🤬
Well when you said he was acting "different" i thought you meant annoying. But hey if hes being nice then just chill out. Its better then him being an 🤬

He was a little 🤬 That was an 🤬 to everyone. I'm glad he learned his lesson.
That's all I asked you for; so fair enough.
I'm obviously not an expert on the subject, I just went on my first thoughts.
I have to wonder what those results would look like if everyone had to take part in discussion before voting. :P
If Marijuana is legalised the government have control of the supply. If the government have control of the supply they should have control of the strength. If the government have control of the strength then they can stop weed from getting out there that melts peoples brains.
If Marijuana is illegal then the government have no control of the supply, and the supply comes through unregulated dealers who will always sell the strongest weed possible to maximise the chances of people getting addicted and coming back for more. People get psychosis as a result.
There is no weed in the world strong enough to make you go nuts. Unless your mental state isn't at normal level. You'll get lazy, and hungry, may laugh a bit, and that's it. If you experience anything worse than that, you'll need to go see a shrink.
If Marijuana is legalised the government have control of the supply. If the government have control of the supply they should have control of the strength. If the government have control of the strength then they can stop weed from getting out there that melts peoples brains.
If Marijuana is illegal then the government have no control of the supply, and the supply comes through unregulated dealers who will always sell the strongest weed possible to maximise the chances of people getting addicted and coming back for more. People get psychosis as a result.

Couple of slight issues with this.

First weed can only cause psychosis in those who are already predisposed to it, you don't just 'get' psychosis from marijuana.

Second, its not physically addictive in any form at all no matter how strong it is.
Couple of slight issues with this.

First weed can only cause psychosis in those who are already predisposed to it, you don't just 'get' psychosis from marijuana.

Second, its not physically addictive in any form at all no matter how strong it is.

I feel like such a derp now. I should have said 'dependant' rather than 'addicted', and people are more likely to develop psychosis if they're taking stronger weed. Happy now?
The biggest problem with todays canabis is that most growers are using vast amounts of synthetic fertilizers to get extra large buds. These "nutrients" lack majorly in natural balance and most brands also don't contain micronutrients, so most growers plants are bathing in toxic soil which gets wicked up into the actual plant cells and then get "stored" there.

This leads to the final dried product being full of disgusting synthetic matter that couldn't naturally decompose of toxins during the drying/curing/ripening process like pure organically grown marijuana, and voila, as you light the stuff up, you're inhaling a toxic soup of of combusted chemicals. This is what can knock out more braincells than pure organic weed ever would.

This same fact also holds true to a huge chunk of todays agricultural business... pesticides and harsh fertilizer are a major concern that most people are oblivious to, but the benifit of a couple extra dollars apparently is too hard to resist. And we wonder why there is such a devistating increase in health issues over the last few decades. We are putting things into our body that genetic evolution did not ever have a chance to buffer against. In fact, I think it's amazing how much toxins the human body is able to remove/store in todays processed food industry consumption. It's just some are luckier than others I guess before it takes a toll.

To sum it up, if you're gonna toke herb, try to grow it yourself or something. If that's not an option in your country use a vaporizer as this they produce slightly less temperature than flame, where chemicals MAY not have a chance to combust but THC itself of course does. Trust me, take these notes to heart, most stuff is loaded with crap.

Also, it is entirly possible to become "dependant" on weed, I've seen it and semi-lived this reality myself. But like anything, it is entirely possible to break a addictive cycle with willpower.
Second, its not physically addictive in any form at all no matter how strong it is.

I don't know if I can think of anyone I know who is physically addicted to it, but I certainly know several who are mentally addicted to it.
I don't know if I can think of anyone I know who is physically addicted to it, but I certainly know several who are mentally addicted to it.

But that's their problem, not the drug's.