Legalization of Marijuana

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Are you people off your heads?!?!?!
Why would you want to legalise it?

Even my dad agrees (he has been a serving member of the police force for 26 years now) that cannabis is less dangerous than some legal drugs, for example alcohol
You could maybe try reading the first 21 pages of this thread to see why.

Even my dad agrees (he has been a serving member of the police force for 26 years now) that cannabis is less dangerous than some legal drugs, for example alcohol

So we should legalise Knives now? They are less dangerous, theoretically, than guns. I won't continue to troll, i'll just finish by saying that I sincerely hope that they do not legalise it.
So we should legalise Knives now? They are less dangerous, theoretically, than guns. I won't continue to troll, i'll just finish by saying that I sincerely hope that they do not legalise it.

......last time I checked buying knives was pretty legal
So we should legalise Knives now? They are less dangerous, theoretically, than guns. I won't continue to troll, i'll just finish by saying that I sincerely hope that they do not legalise it.

Knives are legal. So are guns... what is your point?

No, really, what is your point? Or rather, the reason for you point of "i hope they don't legalize it.

...I meant carrying them around with you.

This is also legal.
Knives are legal. So are guns... what is your point?
I meant carrying them around with you.

No, really, what is your point? Or rather, the reason for you point of "i hope they don't legalize it.

It's a drug. People get addicted to it. people who take drugs are generally dangerous. (whether it be on the road, or anywhere else).
Would you let your children get in a car being driven by someone who had taken marijuana? Or near them in general?

It Kills.
I meant carrying them around with you.

It's a drug. People get addicted to it. people who take drugs are generally dangerous. (whether it be on the road, or anywhere else).
Would you let your children get in a car being driven by someone who had taken marijuana? Or near them in general?

It Kills.

Alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs. It kills thousands every year here in the UK alone. As I said my dad has seen the consequences of drink driving, 6 teenagers dead in one accident.
Countless people getting liver disease, binge drinking....the list goes on and on
I drink alcohol most weekends, its a drug. Doesn't make me dangerous.

Also knifes can be used to directly cause someone harm, most of the time with the intent to murder. You can't stab someone with cannabis
Alcohol is one of the most addictive drugs. It kills thousands every year here in the UK alone. As I said my dad has seen the consequences of drink driving, 6 teenagers dead in one accident.
Countless people getting liver disease, binge drinking....the list goes on and on
I drink alcohol most weekends, its a drug. Doesn't make me dangerous.

Pagey, i'm not going on any further. I disagree with the Legalisation of Marijuana. The End.

*No Further Posting*

It's a drug. People get addicted to it. people who take drugs are generally dangerous. (whether it be on the road, or anywhere else).
Would you let your children get in a car being driven by someone who had taken marijuana? Or near them in general?

It Kills.

It isn't as addictive as many legal substances, such as painkillers or tobacco.

I have tons of friends that smoke and are completely responsible adults that run businesses and have families. Most people that use Marijuana are less dangerous than heavy drinkers. And less angry. Please read some of the thread before you post.

It doesn't kill. Booze kills, and in so many ways.

Pagey, i'm not going on any further. I disagree with the Legalisation of Marijuana. The End.

*No Further Posting*

That is very mature of you. Come in, express an opinion built of misinformation, and then when you get questioned about it, effectively cover your ears. How childish.
It isn't as addictive as many legal substances, such as painkillers or tobacco.

I have tons of friends that smoke and are completely responsible adults that run businesses and have families. Most people that use Marijuana are less dangerous than heavy drinkers. And less angry. Please read some of the thread before you post.

It doesn't kill. Booze kills, and in so many ways.

That is very mature of you. Come in, express an opinion built of misinformation, and then when you get questioned about it, effectively cover your ears. How childish.

Give me ONE positive effect of taking Marijuana, and I will admit that I am wrong. ONE positive effect in the long-run.
Give me ONE positive effect of taking Marijuana, and I will admit that I am wrong. ONE positive effect in the long-run.

Return of appetite in Chemo patients. It can work wonders for stress and anxiety as well.

Or an interesting side effect of legalizing Marijuana is a reduction in drunk driving related fatalities. The reason being recreational marijuana happens at home, and so fewer incidents of driving back from the bar. And people are more aware of how not sober they are when they are on stoned versus drunk.

But really, why does it need a positive beyond anything, as what positive do alcohol or tobacco bring? None. Alcohol is more damaging physically and mentally, and is much more addictive physically. Everyone knows about tobacco.

So why must it provide a positive? It does, but why must it?

Please, read the thread, there is quite a bit of good discussion about what pot actually does versus what people seem to think it does.
Return of appetite in Chemo patients. It can work wonders for stress and anxiety as well.

Or an interesting side effect of legalizing Marijuana is a reduction in drunk driving related fatalities. The reason being recreational marijuana happens at home, and so fewer incidents of driving back from the bar. And people are more aware of how not sober they are when they are on stoned versus drunk.

But really, why does it need a positive beyond anything, as what positive do alcohol or tobacco bring? None. Alcohol is more damaging physically and mentally, and is much more addictive physically. Everyone knows about tobacco.

So why must it provide a positive? It does, but why must it?

Please, read the thread, there is quite a bit of good discussion about what pot actually does versus what people seem to think it does.

That's all I asked you for; so fair enough.
I'm obviously not an expert on the subject, I just went on my first thoughts.
That's all I asked you for; so fair enough.
I'm obviously not an expert on the subject, I just went on my first thoughts.

Well at least you have the decency to put your hands up :)
It isn't as addictive as many legal substances, such as painkillers or tobacco.

I have tons of friends that smoke and are completely responsible adults that run businesses and have families. Most people that use Marijuana are less dangerous than heavy drinkers. And less angry. Please read some of the thread before you post.

It doesn't kill. Booze kills, and in so many ways.

So true. Marijuana is not all that bad in the end. Its easy to quit and the only bad side effect is that it makes me lazy if I were to smoke daily, like when I was a teen. Nowadays, I only use it on special occassions... going out, birthdays.... Or long stints of gaming... Gaming and smoking pot go together like peas in a pod. Your head is empty and your focus on the screen and whats happening is heightened in my experience.. :P
So true. Marijuana is not all that bad in the end. Its easy to quit and the only bad side effect is that it makes me lazy if I were to smoke daily, like when I was a teen. Nowadays, I only use it on special occassions... going out, birthdays.... Or long stints of gaming... Gaming and smoking pot go together like peas in a pod. Your head is empty and your focus on the screen and whats happening is heightened in my experience.. :P

It can have quite bad consequences for a limited number of people. As far as i know it can cause schizophrenia in some people.
But i do agree the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.
People know its illegal, and hear the horror stories, therefore they automatically think its the stuff of satan. And are completely blind to the benefits its can bring, as they dont look further than their own beliefs.
Cannabis has tons of positive effects:
let alone those of the drug apart : hemp is one of the best raw materials ever. Recycled paper would gain a lot from hemp. You can make clothes with it. It serves in the plumbering sector. You can combine it with other materials to make really awesome products, it is and could be a alternatice to hard plastic in many occasions, on some occasions it could replace fiberglass or plexiglass. Then there are the medical advantages, which effects still aren't fully studied (in a way that it could be used for even more purposes), the list goes on and on....

And do you know why and when and by who cannabis was forbidden?
Inform yourself and you will discover that it was a rich guy who wanted to protect his business (paper industy) in the beginning of the 20th century.
After WWII, it also got forbidden in Europe after the influence of the US.

Cool story : Look up where the world assassins come from ( it's from weed man!)

It can have quite bad consequences for a limited number of people. As far as i know it can cause schizophrenia in some people.
But i do agree the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.
People know its illegal, and hear the horror stories, therefore they automatically think its the stuff of satan. And are completely blind to the benefits its can bring, as they dont look further than their own beliefs.

Let me clarify on the schizo with a little anecdote:

My parents watched a documentary about this on a german channel heavily biased by the gouverment and christian believes. There was a doctor who had a recovery center for schiozos after drug use.
Well, my parents were panicking to say at least. They bothered me and my brother with it, that we will become schizo, because the doctor said (i rewatched it so this is true, but out of memory, so not word for word) : "from my experience with my patients I can tell that weed and schizo. have a strong correlation and that there is a high risk"

So this guy treats schizos that used drugs, his conclusion : drugs make people schizo.
Wow that's a doctor with a lot of common sense /sarcasm.

I know some cases where people became retarded after drug use, they than tell (or people assume) it came from weed, because they don't want to say it comes from other drugs (or people don't know what they have taken), which is nearly always the case (lsd, speed, crack,...).

It's like the old statistic every parent comes up with : 95% of the heavy drug users started with weed.
Yes but only 5% of the weed smokers go over to stronger drugs.
Tell the whole truth darn it! Like Churchill said: don't believe a statistic you didn't falsify.

Now the truth between weed and schizo.:

Some people have a sleeping schizo illness in them, they just need a catalyst or occasion to break it free.
For some of these weed will push the schizo in to light. But it is not like weed is creating schizo. illness. It has been slummering in those people.
So if you don't have schizo. cases in your famly, you're safe.
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Some people have a sleeping schizo illness in them, they just need a catalyst or occasion to break it free.
For some of these weed will push the schizo in to light. But it is not like weed is creating schizo. illness. It has been slummering in those people.
So if you don't have schizo. cases in your famly, you're safe.

Cheers for clearing that up 👍
It can have quite bad consequences for a limited number of people. As far as i know it can cause schizophrenia in some people.
But i do agree the positives vastly outweigh the negatives.
People know its illegal, and hear the horror stories, therefore they automatically think its the stuff of satan. And are completely blind to the benefits its can bring, as they dont look further than their own beliefs.

Of course every drug has some sort of bad consequences and i'd be careful as to say that there are real positives unless you are a cancer patient for example. Its just that common knowledge and popular belief have given marijuana its bad name. I live in Holland where its tolerated and controlled to a certain extent. Id say the real positive of tolerating/legalizing is that it takes the away the "OoOohhHH, im doing something illegal and cool" feeling.... So it becomes "common" like drinking a beer or something making it less attractive to do and intern having less people smoking it. If Im not mistaken Holland has less marijuana smokers, percentage wise, compared to the US of A and you can just go to a coffeeshop here to buy it :P
Of course every drug has some sort of bad consequences and i'd be careful as to say that there are real positives unless you are a cancer patient for example. Its just that common knowledge and popular belief have given marijuana its bad name. I live in Holland where its tolerated and controlled to a certain extent. Id say the real positive of tolerating/legalizing is that it takes the away the "OoOohhHH, im doing something illegal and cool" feeling.... So it becomes "common" like drinking a beer or something making it less attractive to do and intern having less people smoking it. If Im not mistaken Holland has less marijuana smokers, percentage wise, compared to the US of A and you can just go to a coffeeshop here to buy it :P

That is what i was implying yes
S3 racer
yea hemp Is an awesome material the shoes and shirt im wearing are made out of hemp. :D And they are so so comfy
Of course every drug has some sort of bad consequences and i'd be careful as to say that there are real positives unless you are a cancer patient for example. Its just that common knowledge and popular belief have given marijuana its bad name. I live in Holland where its tolerated and controlled to a certain extent. Id say the real positive of tolerating/legalizing is that it takes the away the "OoOohhHH, im doing something illegal and cool" feeling.... So it becomes "common" like drinking a beer or something making it less attractive to do and intern having less people smoking it. If Im not mistaken Holland has less marijuana smokers, percentage wise, compared to the US of A and you can just go to a coffeeshop here to buy it :P

:lol: 👍
I think it's sad when a person does something illegal not because he particularly desires to do the particular activity, but rather that he wants to feel a "thrill" of stepping outside the boundaries of legality. People who achieve a sense of self-importance in doing such events need serious help, in my opinion.
First post in this thread. I voted 'Yes', because it's most likely no more dangerous than alcohol.

Should one get high every day? No. The same way you shouldn't get drunk every day either.
^I was at a point last year where i used everyday for about 2 months. Because a friend grew some plants so we just did it a lot. I must say it wasnt that bad. I got all my stuff done(school, and other) I also never had any stress at all. The other thing was i ingested it completely healthy each time by vaporizing. I encourage anybody to vaporize as its not unhealthy at all.
For those who dont know vaporizers boil the THC so you inhale pure THC. So you ingest it completely healthy
I wonder what the result of a poll that asked "Should we criminalise Alcohol?" would be. I'll admit that after reading through this thread I can't offer a argument as to why such drugs shouldn't be legalised -when compared to things such as alcohol... but surely if alcohol is as evil as the pro-legalisers make out, then it's a terrible benchmark to use.
I wonder what the result of a poll that asked "Should we criminalise Alcohol?" would be. I'll admit that after reading through this thread I can't offer a argument as to why such drugs shouldn't be legalised -when compared to things such as alcohol... but surely if alcohol is as evil as the pro-legalisers make out, then it's a terrible benchmark to use.

It is just a point to be mad, about how people seem to misunderstand things. Personally, I'd rather smoke than drink anytime, because it is cheaper and I don't feel like crap the next day.

The reality of the argument is that people should be allowed to do with their bodies what they want. It in no one harms anyone if I choose to smoke before playing video games or eating some left-overs (best way to make them taste better), or hell, even going out with friends. The worst I've seen a stoner do is just sit down and zone out. Not exactly dangerous to society. It tends to make people more passive, and easier to deal with often. When I did food service, I never had an angry stoner come in. If we didn't have a topping they wanted, they were just like "oh, well, whateva." Sober and drunk people were often more stressful to deal with.

Alcohol also tends to impact memory a lot more, at least in my experience. I have hours and hours of nights that I will never, ever remember. Pot on the other hand tends to just make things fuzzy, but you ultimately can end up recalling stuff. Again, that is just my experience.
I would also much rather smoke than drink. When i smoke im still able to do things but when im drunk im just an incohearent mess like most people
I don't smoke, I tried it once (Marijuana), and I didn't like it. Not so much that the high I got was bad, it was just that I can't stand the smell of smoking it (or any sort of burning herb) and I just don't like inhaling it. I don't judge anyone who smokes, most of my friends do, and they're quite frankly hilarious to be around. They always offer me some, I politely refuse, they get high and we have a good laugh and order pizza and wings. Drunk people? They throw bottles, start fights over girls, and are just generally so much more aggressive than high people.

I can relate to Azuremen, I work in a restaurant. I don't directly deal with the customers (cook in a kitchen), but I hear about the stories, the town I live in has a big stoner population, and they often come down for some fried fish or wings at the restaurant I work at. If we're out of hot sauce or something, the stoners usually come up with some weird other type of sauce or just ask for them plain. Drunk and sober people alike get mad and demand to see the manager.
^I was at a point last year where i used everyday for about 2 months. Because a friend grew some plants so we just did it a lot. I must say it wasnt that bad. I got all my stuff done(school, and other) I also never had any stress at all. The other thing was i ingested it completely healthy each time by vaporizing. I encourage anybody to vaporize as its not unhealthy at all.
For those who dont know vaporizers boil the THC so you inhale pure THC. So you ingest it completely healthy
Ok, sounds like a good time. Still not sure it's a good idea to get high in school or at work though.

For example, I think sharing office with a dude like this could be kinda frustrating after a while, although I'm sure he could be quite entertaining as well. I especially like when he explains why marijuana should be legalized. :lol:
