Legend of The Streets: Initial D GT6 Touge| *Under New Management*

  • Thread starter Blurr905
A round table discussion about recent events and whispers with the community and the current league owner. (Something about allowing custom transmissions?)

hmm, I believe I caught a bit of that conversation in a lobby yesterday. I recall something about allowing version cars to have them, albeit called off at reasonable speed. Similar to what an aftermarket transmission would be.

Personally, I'm not against the idea, but play-testing would be advisable.

I'm all for a round table.
If at all possible please include me in this round table discussion. As snake should already know I too was in the lobby when these suggestions were made but nothing has been set in stone. From my understanding blur said he'll think about it. So dont no one start making assumptions like the last time all this type of stuff happened. I would gladly help out the lots community as much as I can.
I am back from my holiday later today and will be back online tonight. Therefor I am in need of a 5 day catchup on all thing touge related and gossip....
This will most likely be my last post in here due to the amount of anger i have against alot of people in this so called "Touge Scene" of GT6 right now...
OP this OP that. you cheating this or you got F/C that, I'm sick of it all. If you think regulating the parts of your cars and bumping the tyres down to comfort tyres is gonna change how you lot are acting, You may as well give up on any hope with this GT6 life style.
As for me... I'm out, Done.... I shall only drive touge for the very little pleasure i have in it left and thats about it.
Don't bother calling me out to race or anything like that. because of how childish everyone has gotten recently i cant be bothered to even try to help save what's left.....
@Slender_Man It really is sad that it has come to this, it just takes a few to ruin it for the rest. It would be nice if we could go back to the days before all this gt6 drama, it's about having fun, it is just a game, not formula 1. Gran turismo is about the driving experience and that is what it needs to go back to none of this "oh you drive this car just because it's the fastest and you're a cheater that can't drive" and that makes me sick. Also, the regs don't always have to be changed just to fit someone better, if anything we should realize the system isn't working and just start from scratch all over again to try and find a better approach at l.o.t.s. because even though I don't race in the series I've still been around since season 2 and want it to stay around without the drama.
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It pains me to see what things have come to, really does.

I have but one thing to state. This isn't the end, but more like a point of no return.

What happened to us?

I'm fed up with the negativity and pessimism. What ticks me off the most is when you all shoot down the idea of changing regulations. With the same excuse... "you can't regulate this, you can't trust people with that, someone will always find a way around the regs."

GROW THE F UP!! Have ye no honor? Have ye no dignity?

We never had to even ask about custom gearbox before. Nor did we even have to ask about ballast and engine detuning. We trusted each other. We believed our comrades were honorable enough to abide by the rules.

What changed? What happened" I've said before and I'll say again... We have no one to blame but OURSELVES.


All that being said. I proposed a plan to reinvent the league for the good of the community. It's a handicap system which will eliminate the need to ban any road cars.

No matter how much you deny the fact that there are OP and UP cars, remember that it's a VIDEO GAME!!!

The point of the broke different classes isn't for balance but for a variety of competition. Stone like fast cars, some like slower cars. It has nothing to do with Beginner or Expert level of cars.

Yet you all work so hard to find the best version of a car for a class instead of running what you want because all you seem to care about is winning.


From now on, I'll only be hosting lobbies on comfort soft tires. With the intent and purpose of testing the handicap system I've devised.

If you can't compromise or sacrifice performance for the sake of balance, then I can't count on you.

And before ANYONE says we don't need more regulation, then let me know when your AE86 wins a race in a full field of RX-7's.

Wherever you have two equally matched drivers with equal course knowledge, more often than not, the faster car WILL WIN.

What I'm proposing is to balance the cars in their respective classes so that the car is no longer the issue. Because, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it supposed to be about the DRIVER and the ROAD?

Unless you can PROVE to me that a 500PP S30 Fairlady within current LOTS regulations can defeat a 500PP Kouki FD3S at the Nürburgring, best 2 of 3. Both driven by similarly skilled drivers.
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If you are willing to give the handicap system a chance, feel free to join my lobbies anytime. But only if you're going to help test the settings and regulations.

If you're looking for Time Attacks or a carefree cruise, look elsewhere.

You ungrateful S.O.B.'s only talk about what's wrong with the league, yet I see you do absolutely NOTHING about ANYTHING but yap yap yap.
I have an idea to regs u came up with snake. Lol try stage 1 or no weight reduction. N put a hp limit on the classes n not pp. lol so like 200 to 250max limit for a class. 251to like 300 hp for b class. Then from 301 to like 400hp or for the c class. lol I think I got the classes in reverse but that's my suggestion n using the same regs u r testing but for the 300 hp or more to use sh tires. It's just a suggestion that's all.
Lol I know. But just saying though but the top hp class would be more for people who want run cars with power n stuff. Like most 4wd will be in that class. The two lower classes would more to people who like low powered cars n like the 86, Silvia's, s2000, mr2, miata n others that fit more balanced in those classes basically like downhill battles n uphill battles. N if trans is allowed place top speed cap that is reasonable. Like a 135 to 155 cap Max n the uphill at like. 160 mph to like 180 cap. So it's not tuning for high speed but tuning for balance all around from the suspension to weight to the power n drivetrain/transmission stuff. Just my suggestion as all.
My suggestion is for every1 to try n test out for them selves n bring more ideas to the table n try to help each other to bring fun n competition but not all about winning but to just have a good race
We are still missing the 550/"open?" class SH, SM, or SS? I'm not exactly sure on the hp range or what to set it at. King I assume are you suggesting a weight reg a with the only stage 1 reduction? Otherwise the lightest car wins.

I'd suggest hp limit, minimum weight and a pp, because I just checked and an rx-7 at 300hp with stage 1 reduction is at roughly 480 pp where as a gtr with the same specs is at 460, 20 pp is a fairly big gap.
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I haven't posted in a fews days and since then things have gone south... rather quickly. The role of "instigator" is my duty, lol. Anyway, my advice to keep things running smoothly, "Just go with the flow."
At least we're all throwing ideas around, that's good. Meant that the are those of us who care enough to try something new.

I'll be hosting another lobby today. Mics will be enabled to facilitate communicating.


Personally, I don't want to impose a weight or power limit because I wouldn't want to hamper the car selection.

I'll be bringing out a wide variety of cars in various classes for testing. I would appreciate if those who plan on joining my test lobby to do the same.

Most of the testing will be high threshold vs. low threshold cars. With drivers switching cars. With and without handicap to see which cars are having a hard time keeping up a reasonable gap on a tight course.

The point of the testing won't be completely neuter the OP cars, but to find a balance so the driver becomes the main focus and less-so the car.


I found yesterday that the NSX-R feels greatly balanced at 485PP against 500PP cars.

Running Battle Stage at Monaco, my NSX could only close the gap in the corners against a Spirit R in capable hands. When both are at 500, the NSX would get away in the straights and corners all too easily.
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Hmmm. 550pp class can wait lol the other three classes r the main part of lots specifically 450 n. 500 since everyone runs in between those regs or below them. N my weight idea no one in there right mine will run a gtr at 460 pp against a fd. Any car less weight than the gtr will smoke it . So that's not what I'm trying to do. My idea is to regulate smart n competitive car choices. Basically a gtr would run better at roughly 480pp or higher do to the power it needs to accommodate it's high weight issue . But a s2 k n a fd at the same power who wins ? Or a gtr n a 350 or 370z who wins ? Cuz people who like 4wd uses a lot of power to get the acceleration it needs. Then the Elise n the cars that were banned because of the so called over powerness need to be reworked as well if we change regs.
N I learned from running with Exo even though he is hated by many his regs to me proved it's not about hp or pp. it's the balance n skill to keep up with a high powered car. So let's try making things more reasonable n not all about this drama crap on regs. If u got a suggestion one at a time let's test them out. N see what we ALL can come up with
It's not just about power. More often than not, the overpowered cars are very much lighter than the average contender (which is usually averaging 1100kg).

And since you can rarely put all your power down on the touge, those ultra light cars rarely need to slow down.

In the case of an FD vs. S2K, since both are high threshold FR cars, that's when it comes down to driver skill and course knowledge. Same with GT-R vs. Fairlady. What the GT-R lacks in cornering, would make up in ascension given enough starting between corners. The Z isn't as agile as an RX-7 but has better entry speed than the 4WD, di again it comes down to driver skill and course knowledge.

The issue comes to light when you have an S2000 vs. Silvia S13. What I envision is vehicle balance to not discourage the Silvia driver from taking on the Honda.

Even a novice in an S2K could lose to an expert in a Silvia. But wen the drivers are on the same skill level, that's when the problem becomes apparent.

Then all you begin to see are the same dozen cars on the touge...


I've been watching NFL Football today, I'll be hosting a lobby later tonight. Hope to see y'all there!

P.S.: The lobby will be small 6-8 slots. May even have a tournament.
Yeah that's true snake n that's what we need to regulate lol regulate so that it shows skill n technique to strategize the battle at hand. If someone is faster than u u want to say (driver psn name) is fast. Not that fd is fast or nsx is fast . It's more so the driver n the car being one than it is just car being fast .
Has anyone tried running Touge in Snow Conditions? I mean not every car can run well in snow. Per say that you run a NSX-R in snow and you have a Toyota MR2, the NSX would most likely not win because of the high-end aerodynamics, the MR2 on the other hand has a good suspension to withstand the bumps.

I know All Wheels we do very well, but I do not know where to regulate those AWDs considering most are Rally built purposely.
The fact of the matter remains that the only aspect of L.O.T.S. that needs regulating is the COMPETITION side of things.

The latest crop is drivers wanting to make a name and prove something are the reason things have gone the way they are.
I have seen the error of my ways and I want to apologize publicly to the L.O.T.S. community.

Personally, I've never cared much for the competition aspect of this league. To me it was always about the people and the driving. I always competed in different cars, competitive or not, because as a tuner, i found L.O.T.S. as the perfect test bed for my setups.

I've made mine an issue which wasn't. And I'm sorry.

That being said, I can't wait for course creator! :gtpflag: