Originally posted by neon_duke
Mind you, prostitution should be legal - also taxed and controlled - in most of the 50 states.
Originally posted by DGB454
As much as I hate to admit it you guys have gotten me thinking alot about what you have been saying. I stand by a lot of what I have been saying in that if you want to make a change then go out and do it. I also stand by what I believe and that is that God is truth and Christ is Salvation. But maybe it's not our place as Christians to try and keep everyone in line. I think about how Christ was to Mary Magdiline(sp) who was a prostitute. He never told her that she was wrong and that she had to change her ways. He simply held out his hand(so to speak) and said "come"
Follow me. She did. She became one of his most loyal followers.
It was because of his great love for everyone that he was able to do this and it was because of that love that Mary saw in him that she became a follower.
I also think about who it was that Jesus condemned while he was on earth and it was the Pharasees(sp) and the priest who tried to control the people by putting so many laws on them that salvation became a burden.
One example of this is when Jesus and his deciples were walking through a field of wheat and were very hungry, It was the Sabbath day and some of the Deciples reached down to pick some grain and eat it. The Pharasees saw this and condemned them because they said they were doing labor on the Sabbath.
Jesus basically put them down by telling them different instances of when holy men did labor on the Sabath and were not condemned and he followed with this " I desire mercy and not sacrfice, " "The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath."
I think what he was saying is they condemned people for not following the laws yet the laws belong to Christ and not to man so it's up to him to judge and not up to us.
The best we can do is to be examples or a mirror of Christ and show people the way by our example. He also said to go out and spread the word. I know a lot of people think we are telling them how to live when we try and tell them about Christ but we are doing what he commanded us to do. Some of us may not be terribly tactful about it and it may not always come out the way it should but for the most part I think our hearts are in the right place. We are trying to show people that there is something that is offered free with no strings that can give them life everlasting. The rest is up to Christ. (plant the seed and he makes it grow)
I have always believed that action speaks louder than words and the way to lead is by example.
Anyway I have gone on way too long. Sorry about that.
I will try and leave the rest of this discussion to everyone else if I can. I've said that before and always end up jumping back in.
Laws that apply to everybody like laws protecting property, laws against murder and rape and laws that protect children only happen to coincide with Christian morality. This coincidence doesn't give Christians the right to impose the rest of their faith-specific morals on everybody. Non-christian societies have the same laws.Originally posted by Pako
Who chooses which Morality Legislation is in good faith or not? Let me further elaborate: Who determines which laws that pertain to moral issues to be in conflict of separation of church and state? Is that not the issue here? So we can pick and choose which specific morality legislation fits your needs and toss the rest aside? That's fine I suppose, but makes you wonder why it was there in there in the first place doesn't it?
Originally posted by DGB454
The only comment I have on that is the part about their kids. They are their kids and they should raise them as they feel is best for the kids.
Originally posted by milefile
I agree with you. But I wonder how these kids will feel in school when they get made fun of on Halloween when they say "my parents won't let me" and miss out on all the fun of Santa and have to tell other kids "my mom says there's no such thing as Santa". It seems to do nothing but isolate them. Every kid I've ever known or heard of who was raised like that ended up rejecting it when they grew up. I just don't see the point in it. But you're right. They're their kids. I just hope they never ask my opinion of it. And I also hope their kids and my kids don't have to have some traumatic six-year-old debate over the existence of Santa someday.
Originally posted by DGB454
One more thing to add on the kids thing. Those parents are choosing not to lie to their kids as far as Christmas goes. Keep in mind that Christmas is a holiday about Christ and not a fat man giving presents.
Originally posted by DGB454
One more thing to add on the kids thing. Those parents are choosing not to lie to their kids as far as Christmas goes. Keep in mind that Christmas is a holiday about Christ and not a fat man giving presents. I don't think that teaching your kids not to lie will have a negative effect on them. The Halloween thing I don't think is a big deal. My son is 11 and he never showed too much interest in going trick or treating. He likes to scare people that come to the door though.![]()
To follow up on your friends leaving a book at your house. I don't agree with the method they used. They should have just offered it to you. I have a friend who is a trucker and a Sunday school teacher. Occasionaly he is forced to drive a load cross country and do some of the driving on Sunday. On those Sundays when he has to drive he get's on his CB and let's everyone know that is in range of his CB that he will be having a Church service at a certian rest area at a certain time and that all are welcome. He usually has a pretty decent turnout. The guys where he works got wind of what he did. Playboys started showing up in his cab every now and then. He just threw them away and drove off. Finally a friend of his from work approached him and asked him how he liked the reading material he was giving him. My friend told him he was wasting his money and time. The guy who was doing this said that he had no idea what he was missing by being Christian. My friend said to him that you have no idea what you are missing by not.
Anyway, either approach was wrong whether it is from a Christian or a non Christian.
Hopefully we all realise that it was originally a holiday about observing the shortest day of the year as such, and was transformed into a Christian-only holiday.
Originally posted by M5Power
Hopefully we all realise that it was originally a holiday about observing the shortest day of the year as such, and was transformed into a Christian-only holiday. [/B]
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
Do you think this will be a problem down the road if we have kids? What will the kid think when we explain the idea of Christianity to it, and why we dont celebrate the birth of jesus,.. yet, we have an x-mas tree and gift giving and the whole 9 yards? Is't it contradictory and will result in a confused child?
Originally posted by M5Power
Nah - my parents celebrated Christmas with me and my two brothers for as long as we lived in their house without corrupting me and turning me Christian.
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
But your parent's celebrating because they believe is different than them celebrating without belief?
That is kind of weird - celebrate the Christian way yet not believe Christianly? Maybe I just don't get it 'cos I'm agnostic. Ask Gil.How am I gonna explain to my kid that we (it's mother and I) dont believe,... even though we go through the 'celebration ritual'?
My GF doesnt believe, yet she wants to have the ritualistic celebrations,.... that confuses the crap outta me,.. what will it do to the brain of a child?
Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
My GF doesnt believe, yet she wants to have the ritualistic celebrations,.... that confuses the crap outta me,.. what will it do to the brain of a child?
Do you mean like going to church and stuff? Or Christmas trees and candy canes? There seems to be a big difference.Originally posted by Red Eye Racer
But your parent's celebrating because they believe is different than them celebrating without belief?
How am I gonna explain to my kid that we (it's mother and I) dont believe,... even though we go through the 'celebration ritual'?
My GF doesnt believe, yet she wants to have the ritualistic celebrations,.... that confuses the crap outta me,.. what will it do to the brain of a child?
Originally posted by milefile
Do you mean like going to church and stuff? Or Christmas trees and candy canes? There seems to be a big difference.
Originally posted by milefile
Not as much as you might think.
The kid won't know the difference. When he/she gets older and starts questioning things, he'll have figured out why you did what you did. And there's also the option of emphasizing the Winter Solstice instead. Give the kid a lesson in pre-medieval Germanic history.