Legislated morality

  • Thread starter milefile
Santa Claus and Jesus are two different ways of celebrating in the middle of winter. I'll pick the santa claus thing for my kids and they'll get to enjoy the magical experience like I did when I was a kid. Some of my fondest memories of childhood are of being amazed at Santa's abilities to leave behind copious amounts of presents (as I would find out at 3am christmas morning in a dark house).

The mysetery of santa is part of what makes the world feel good when you're young.

I'm with milefile on the lying to your kids thing. It's not a big deal. I never held it against my parents when I realized what was going on. And I tell people that I'm fine when I'm not and that nothing's new when some major schtuff is happening.
Originally posted by DGB454

You could maybe make up a character like maybe a penguin that craps out flashlights and delivers them along and toys to all the good boys and girls. The flashlight would be because the it's dark longer that day. You could set shoes by the coat rack or something and the Winter Penguin could fill them with batteries that all his little mice workers made the workshop in the Sahara desert. The skys the limit.
Ahhh good times....

:lol: I am impressed!
One of my childhood friends was Jewish, and "Judy Macabee" used to leave him presents under the "Hanukka bush".

I'm liking the Winter Penguin idea. I'm not sure I like the idea of leaving him a plate of herring on the mantlepiece, though...
I'd like to add in that my family celebrates Christmas with a tree and presents and such, but it hasn't affected me in any way. Go for it... it's all fun. (Expensive fun, but fun ;))
I love those stop motion animation Christmas specials. Remember this one? The anti-pinko commie (Sombertown=USSR?) untertones crack me up. Santa is a god'dam AMERICAN!

Originally posted by DGB454
It's a parents choice. Not telling them about Santa wont mess them up.

To be honest telling them there is a Santa and a rabbit that delivers eggs on Easter is a lie no matter how it's sugar coated.
Will it hurt them? I'm guessing not.

Even after I found out there wasn't a Santa when I was 5 I still loved Christmas. My best memories of Christmas were when I was between the ages of around 10 to 15.

So if you want to tell your kids that you are celebrating the shortest day of the year then I see no problem with it.
You could maybe make up a character like maybe a penguin that craps out flashlights and delivers them along and toys to all the good boys and girls. The flashlight would be because the it's dark longer that day. You could set shoes by the coat rack or something and the Winter Penguin could fill them with batteries that all his little mice workers made the workshop in the Sahara desert. The skys the limit.
Ahhh good times....


I like everyones extra idea's, they really help clear things up for if my life takes a turn for the :banghead: and I end up inpregnating the GF. :eek: :lol: