Mach, that was little uncalled for, wouldn't you say? Did I mention anything at all about your wallpaper because of it being a bigger size than my own? =3. I just think you was being a little childish. You as well Integra -.-'.
A. I don't have eye problems. I've just always used this resolution. Also, this is a family computer which is used by my grandparents including myself. They cannot see the icons hardly if the resolution is bigger than what I have it set at. Sorry for being considerate.
B. I'm computer illiterate? Sorry for not graduating ITT Tech like yourself. Pfft..honestly.
C. Yes, as a matter of fact, I am using an old monitor/video card. I've had the same one for six years now. I don't see why it's something to bash about really. *shrugs*
And last but not least..
D. Excuse me for not having a "1337" monitor such as yourself. I'm fine with what I have now thank you.
Sorry for just replying back to those posts, but I just felt they were a bit offensive, when I haven't done anything to deserve such words being said to me. Anyways..I will be posting my wallpaper later tonight sometime. Sooo..stay tuned ^_^!